Vitamin D Reduces Cortisol In Humans By 40%



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Sorry to chime in, but I have definitely read studies showing a causal relationship with D activating/regulating Tryptophan Hydroxylase. Theoretically, activation would convert more substrate toward Serotonin. The links show this increase in the CNS, but inhibition outside of the BBB. However, Vitamin D also activates Tyrosine Hydroxlyase at similar doses.

Yes, see my response to Joeyd above.


Mar 8, 2015
As Yura notes, depends on your physiology.

The metabolite calcitriol is actually known to stimulate 11b-HSD1 and cortisol release, subsequently increasing VDR content. So in some cases I'd not be surprised if vitamin d actually induces higher cortisol -- especially plausible in those suffering.
Unknown to me at this point is, how and which tissues contribute to 1,25D blood levels, as endotoxin for example is known to increase 1,25D conversion and lower VDR content in immune cells. PTH does so in other cell types, and calcium in any case seem to normalize these biochemical pathways; however, in malfunctioning tissue, supplemental calcium can be tricky and lead to calcification and malfunctioning of other pathways instead.
So rather complex matter, and instead of vitamin D simply being immune enhancing, immunosuppressive, stress releasing or whatever, my advise is to use vitamin D supps only if you can monitor what's going on.

Hello thanks for this info. I have just posted this week asking why i feel unwell when i take vitamin D in my 5000 IU once per week dose. I feel unwell for 12h's approx. I was thinking it is either high or low cortisol.

This sunday i took it in the evening as i normally take it in the morning. Well i still felt rubbish and my BP was much higher than normal when i went to bed as i normally check BP while in bed most nights.

So i am pretty certain for me Vit D is elevating cortisol. I have been using it for a year now, but in the summer i try every couple of weeks to take one tablet. In the winter i have been sticking to 1 x per week. But because i feel rubbish after taking it i must assume i have enough in my system. Last blood test this spring was 100 (50-200 range). So probably in a good place to be.

Next sunday i am going to halve the tablet and see how 2500 IU works out.
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