Weight Loss Club


May 24, 2013
Peata said:
WTG, Bluebell!

I was doing fine until I puffed up 4# of water weight. Just waiting for things to settle down.

Do you think it's become easier to keep calories at or below 2000?

Thank you both!! It's quite nice having the encouragement.

I am losing really slowly but i think that's good. One pound of fat is a lot, that's like around 2 of the 250g blocks of butter they sell in the UK. I hope I really have burned all that off in the last week.

Yes, I'd say it's easier now. It's putting it into cronometer that makes it easy. I think before I was overeating without realising it. Now I know when to stop. I find I like ice cream and milk/sugar in the evening, so I make sure I save enough calories in the day so I can do that.

Though today had fanastic & large lunch out, so we'll see if perhaps I go over 2000 today! ;)


Jun 12, 2013
Yes, slow loss is good.

I've been going up and down the same 2 - 3 # for ages now. I feel like I've lost most of the bloat, however, so I'm glad for that.

I'm tall so I carry extra weight well, but I'll be glad to start going down on the scale. It's just that I'm at the upper end of my comfort range.

I measured my waist - 30 inches.

How are you doing now, BB?

Anyone else want to check in?


Aug 18, 2013
This is pretty anecdotal but...

I actually did try the "tortilla chip and coconut oil diet" for a couple days, really just because I was digging them. I had them for two meals, plus coffee and a little ice cream.

I lost five pounds this week :). From 183 to 177, no change in any other supplement; calories were about the same but the chips seemed to suppress my appetite some.

Just sayin. :)


Jun 12, 2013
That's great, MF. They are really hitting the spot for you.


Sep 15, 2013
"Between 1912 and 1927 there were several studies that reported that animals could live on a fat-free diet, and that in fact they lived longer, and without the normal mortality from cancer."

"In the early 1930s George Burr had discovered that animals on a fat free diet had an extremely high rate of metabolism, but he didn't investigate the important ramifications of that observation, such as their increased need for vitamins and minerals, in accordance with their rate of metabolism. The PUFA slowed metabolism, and that effect was good for agriculture."

"Although well known researchers had previously published evidence that animals on a fat free diet were healthy--even healthier than on a normal diet--Burr and his wife published their contradictory claim without bothering to discuss the conflicting evidence. "

"Burr didn't understand that it was his rats' high sugar diet, freed of the anti-oxidative unsaturated fatty acids, that caused their extremely high metabolic rate..." (bold mine)

"There is general agreement that animals on a fat free diet have a very high metabolic rate, but the people who believe the "rate of living" theory will be inclined to see the increased rate of metabolism as something harmful in itself."

I also gained weight when I went peatarian, after a massive refeeding ala matt stone to get my metabolic rate a little higher. I put on 30 lbs in 2 months and granted, even though it is distributed fairly evenly and I look "stocky" rather than "fat" I have using the above mentioned protocol with great success. I try to get as completely fat free as I can without getting too anal about it and every day I wake up looking a little leaner. By day 2 of almost no fat I am running HOT. And I drink way more water which surprisingly doesn't slow down my metabolism much. It's the highest I've ever been able to get my MR. Just a tip for those of you struggling, it's worth looking into.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
gabys225, :welcome

This is very interesting. I just wonder if low fat diet is also a way to maintain good health? Don't you need a certain amount of fat to live well?


Nov 1, 2012
Thanks, gabys225, and welcome!

Are you consuming coconut oil?

What are you doing for dairy? How about any starches?

I gained 25-30 ponds. I am not sure, because I didn't really pay attention to my weight before the gain. I know I gained muscle, which was noticeable at first, but since I kept gaining, the muscle is hidden. Haha.

I haven't lost any weight, but I haven't been trying to cut back anywhere, either. I will get back on it tomorrow. I have to finish the hd ice cream tonight. :D


Feb 20, 2013
Charlie said:
I just wonder if low fat diet is also a way to maintain good health? Don't you need a certain amount of fat to live well?
Ideally you do not need any fat to live well. Body makes all the necessary fats from excess carbohydrate.
May be a tiny amount is needed to carry fat soluble vitamins. Fat made from sugar will be 100 percent
saturated whereas the healthiest fat will have at least 2 percent PUFA.
For weight loss RP always recommended replacing fat with carbohydrate.
Thyroid hormone production increases with increasing carbohydrate consumption
and carbohydrate increases metabolism in other ways too.
Fat does not have these advantages.

If one has a lot of PUFA storage ( most of us do now, may be in 4 years we will be declared
PUFA free) then eating some saturated fat with each meal, especially coconut oil,
will increase metabolism by blocking PUFA from entering cells and lowering metabolism.
RP has said , for weight loss one can use 1 tsp of coconut oil with each meal instead of 1 tbs.

Saturated fat is essential with starch consumption. Fat helps with blocking starch
molecule from entering blood stream. Saturated fat has this anti bacterial property and this
helps with lowering endotoxin.


Sep 15, 2013
Mittir pretty much said it all. What I consume is a shake from Thorne Research called Mediclear SGS that has 2 grams of fat per serving (coming from MCT oil so it doesn't worry me) with either OJ or non fat milk, mixed in with about 4-6 tbs of sugar and a tbs of salt. I have it whenever i'm hungry and don't count calories, although I know if I have 4 of these throughout the day I get 80-90 grams of protein in, so I strive for at least 4.

While the diehard peat fans may not agree with the rice/pea protein blend I think the fundamental point of raising the metabolic rate should be the focal point not only for health but for weight loss.

I start to crave solids and when I do there is usually quite a bit of fat involved, which makes me feel a slight dip but not too much. I also feel that the shake has an excellent nutritive profile that contributes to my MR.

Maybe a few of us could figure out a plan that works for us, tailored to the individual, and start a log pertaining primarily to weight loss? I would love to try this without cheating for at least a full 30 days and see what happens!

While I do consider health to be of paramount importance if I can look good AND feel good i'd be stoked, and so far this is working for me! :)


Nov 1, 2012
"While the diehard peat fans may not agree with the rice/pea protein blend I think the fundamental point of raising the metabolic rate should be the focal point not only for health but for weight loss."

I would disagree with the pea protein as a staple of one's diet because of the following quote.

"The estrogenic properties of legumes were studied when sheep farmers found that their sheep miscarried when they ate clover. (I think it's interesting how this terribly toxic effect has been neglected in recent decades.) All legumes have this property, and all parts of the plant seem to contain some of the active chemicals. In beans, several substances have been found to contribute to the effect. The estrogenic effects of the seed oils and the isoflavones have been studied the most, but the well-known antithyroid actions (again, involving the oils, the isoflavones, and other molecules found in legumes) have an indirect estrogen-promoting action, since hypothyroidism leads to hyperestrogenism. (Estrogens are known to be thyroid suppressors, so the problem tends to be self-accelerating.)
The various specific actions of the many estrogenic substances in beans and other legumes haven't been throughly studied, but there is evidence that they are also--like estrogen itself--both mutagenic and carcinogenic." (bold mine)

http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/na ... gens.shtml


Jun 12, 2013
Mittir said:
Charlie said:
I just wonder if low fat diet is also a way to maintain good health? Don't you need a certain amount of fat to live well?
Ideally you do not need any fat to live well. Body makes all the necessary fats from excess carbohydrate.
May be a tiny amount is needed to carry fat soluble vitamins. Fat made from sugar will be 100 percent
saturated whereas the healthiest fat will have at least 2 percent PUFA.
For weight loss RP always recommended replacing fat with carbohydrate.
Thyroid hormone production increases with increasing carbohydrate consumption
and carbohydrate increases metabolism in other ways too.
Fat does not have these advantages.

If one has a lot of PUFA storage ( most of us do now, may be in 4 years we will be declared
PUFA free) then eating some saturated fat with each meal, especially coconut oil,
will increase metabolism by blocking PUFA from entering cells and lowering metabolism.
RP has said , for weight loss one can use 1 tsp of coconut oil with each meal instead of 1 tbs.

Saturated fat is essential with starch consumption. Fat helps with blocking starch
molecule from entering blood stream. Saturated fat has this anti bacterial property and this
helps with lowering endotoxin.

Doesn't no fat/very low fat hurt the gallbladder?


Nov 1, 2012
Peata said:
Mittir said:
Charlie said:
I just wonder if low fat diet is also a way to maintain good health? Don't you need a certain amount of fat to live well?
Ideally you do not need any fat to live well. Body makes all the necessary fats from excess carbohydrate.
May be a tiny amount is needed to carry fat soluble vitamins. Fat made from sugar will be 100 percent
saturated whereas the healthiest fat will have at least 2 percent PUFA.
For weight loss RP always recommended replacing fat with carbohydrate.
Thyroid hormone production increases with increasing carbohydrate consumption
and carbohydrate increases metabolism in other ways too.
Fat does not have these advantages.

If one has a lot of PUFA storage ( most of us do now, may be in 4 years we will be declared
PUFA free) then eating some saturated fat with each meal, especially coconut oil,
will increase metabolism by blocking PUFA from entering cells and lowering metabolism.
RP has said , for weight loss one can use 1 tsp of coconut oil with each meal instead of 1 tbs.

Saturated fat is essential with starch consumption. Fat helps with blocking starch
molecule from entering blood stream. Saturated fat has this anti bacterial property and this
helps with lowering endotoxin.

Doesn't no fat/very low fat hurt the gallbladder?



Sep 15, 2013
Haagendazendiane, thank you for bringing that to my attention. The shake was my initial choice because it was fortified with such a broad range of vitamins/minerals. That made it easy for me to go very close to completely fat free, but there is always room for revision. I recall reading that phytoestrogens are 1/100th the strength of our own estrogens (I think that came from eugene shippen who used to recommend soy protein for men with estrogen dominance) but alas, I would prefer something a little more on the peat side.

Back to the drawing board :)


Nov 1, 2012
Here is one quote on protein powders-


"Powdered foods that contain tryptophan are extremely susceptible to harmful oxidation, and the best things are removed, for example calcium, lactose, and casein, with its anti-stress properties."

Then there is this on hummus-

Although Peat basically scorns legumes, he said hummus in small amounts isn't nutritionally harmful, though chickpeas and tahini are both allergenic for some people.

I don't know whether the supplement would be harmful or not. I just try to follow as much of his advice that I can. Since I know legumes can be toxic, I avoid them. Although, I do love beans and used to consume them frequently. :(


Sep 6, 2013
It is October so this marks , 2 years I have been super strict on my Ray Peat research health diet. I wrote last night that I had gained 15lbs following the program I am on, YET- I did not add that I look like a BODY BUILDER NOW. LOl. I became Muscle lady USA. I am teased by my sons and father. I am evenly bigger too. I have no fat on my buttock even, It is crazy because I stopped working out, and I sit to work all day. I am going to start walking a bit. I am MORE Muscles than my sons who have been on Ray Peat studies for over 2 years. No one knows why? DO YOU?

I have not put one bite of ice cream into my mouth for 2 years either. I do add Goat Milk to my diet and it has more fat. I drink Milk and honey a lot, but most skim raw milk.


Feb 7, 2013
mayart said:
It is October so this marks , 2 years I have been super strict on my Ray Peat research health diet. I wrote last night that I had gained 15lbs following the program I am on, YET- I did not add that I look like a BODY BUILDER NOW. LOl. I became Muscle lady USA. I am teased by my sons and father. I am evenly bigger too. I have no fat on my buttock even, It is crazy because I stopped working out, and I sit to work all day. I am going to start walking a bit. I am MORE Muscles than my sons who have been on Ray Peat studies for over 2 years. No one knows why? DO YOU?

I have not put one bite of ice cream into my mouth for 2 years either. I do add Goat Milk to my diet and it has more fat. I drink Milk and honey a lot, but most skim raw milk.
This is just awesome! I think I read your post yesterday where you said you feel great now and have thick healthy hair. Good for you.

Can you please share with us what your diet looks like and a little of what you've learned to avoid or be sure to include along the way?

It is always great to hear success stories such as yours.


Sep 6, 2013
Hi - I work super hard so I am not sure where I am at when it comes to success, there is so much more to experience on this program, I feel I have a long road ahead.
PROTEIN each day is the focus - to get the 80 grams into my body--I started out drinking a quart of goat's milk that was fresh and there were no vitamins added each day for 1 year. It was so costly- I spent 300 dollars a month on just goats milk or more so I had to switch to Raw SKIM Milk, and add the goat into the skim here and there. ( My body can not drink any other milk yet). Then I ate cheese that was Sheep cheese with animal rennet added only, and goat cheese. I have tried to steer clear from enzymes an dI will continue this quest in greater detail from this day forward, to not eat the cheese with enzymes.
I drink the gelatin in a blend of parsley that is cooked and strained. I eat the cheese on the tortillas that are corn with no gums in them.
I eat white potatoes and red small ones, with butter or coconut oil, refined or organic.
I eat yams,
I make the milk with plain cocoa powder because it has a high magnesium factor, I am weird about sugar but am loosening up about it a hair.
I have eaten really amazing tubs of honey for my sugar source like a bear. ( My daughter actually has dreams I am eating honey from a tree like a bear sometimes) LOL.
I make this honey milk alone or with the chocolate I buy that is not from a grocery store but form a Sprouts market= or Trader Joes. i can not eat Hershey anything it gives me a allergic reaction.
I drink fresh squeezed strained OJ or NOT from concentrate OJ, with baking soda in it a lot everyday. Or plain or Pineapple juice or tangerine Juice.
I eat, some onions well cooked and garlic sometimes and a tiny bit of white rice here and there or rice pudding I MAKE.

I eat an EGG or 2 each day with OJ.
Coffee I have with honey and milk.
i do buy half and half though and use it sometimes.

I drink mineral water and baking soda sometimes, but do not drink soda in a can just because.

I take an aspirin a day quite often .

I can make scallop potatoes but have not yet.
I can fry up a zucchini or green beans. sometimes to add to something.

I can make fruit juice jello, I do drink apricot nectar sometimes and Cranberry juice 100% by ocean spray now, too. I strain juices,

I do eat chocolate chips now sometimes from Trader Joes with plain sugar and chocolate that is it in it.
I eat the Pig rinds sometimes with cottage cheese that has no gums.

soon I shall eat liver.
I EAT THE CARROT and I use vinegar that is raw with honey and coconut oil,
I eat FRESH grated beets and add the same thing as I did on the carrot-sometimes.
I eat canned beets, and canned chili sauce with NO OIL or any additives for mexican food.
I can make mexican rice and
I eat peas,
I can eat a potato taco with feta cheese too.

I eat ripe fruit if I can get it and
I AVOID Berries with seeds like strawberries, and all of those tiny seeded berries to avoid estrogen being made in my body.
I avoid banana and apples and pears
I avoid all breads and pastas

( a few times i had rice pasta)
I avoid all oils and all other foods, I eat nothing else. because I am still learning what I can eat on Ray peat's program.

I am looking to eat more apricots and blueberries, and make things with the corn masa harina tortillas stuff maybe.

I NEVER crave any foods, ever so this is what makes it easy. i never crave bread or anything ever.

I still have to eat more foods.
Sometimes I drink 1/2 gallon of milk a day. The Milk - has changed my life and my chest does not like it yet fully , I do have issues to work through, by raising my metabolic rate and keeping it stable, It can drop still , I can suffer estrogen .
I have to do the light - I use a heat lamp and sun bathing each day.
I have to keep good resting hours and not work to hard.

I have to take MORE Kosher salt too.
I EAT every 2 to 3 hours each day too , do or die.
I will start light exercise beyond housework like walking. :P


Feb 7, 2013
mayart said:
Hi - I work super hard so I am not sure where I am at when it comes to success, there is so much more to experience on this program, I feel I have a long road ahead.
PROTEIN each day is the focus - to get the 80 grams into my body--I started out drinking a quart of goat's milk that was fresh and there were no vitamins added each day for 1 year. It was so costly- I spent 300 dollars a month on just goats milk or more so I had to switch to Raw SKIM Milk, and add the goat into the skim here and there. ( My body can not drink any other milk yet). Then I ate cheese that was Sheep cheese with animal rennet added only, and goat cheese. I have tried to steer clear from enzymes an dI will continue this quest in greater detail from this day forward, to not eat the cheese with enzymes.
I drink the gelatin in a blend of parsley that is cooked and strained. I eat the cheese on the tortillas that are corn with no gums in them.
I eat white potatoes and red small ones, with butter or coconut oil, refined or organic.
I eat yams,
I make the milk with plain cocoa powder because it has a high magnesium factor, I am weird about sugar but am loosening up about it a hair.
I have eaten really amazing tubs of honey for my sugar source like a bear. ( My daughter actually has dreams I am eating honey from a tree like a bear sometimes) LOL.
I make this honey milk alone or with the chocolate I buy that is not from a grocery store but form a Sprouts market= or Trader Joes. i can not eat Hershey anything it gives me a allergic reaction.
I drink fresh squeezed strained OJ or NOT from concentrate OJ, with baking soda in it a lot everyday. Or plain or Pineapple juice or tangerine Juice.
I eat, some onions well cooked and garlic sometimes and a tiny bit of white rice here and there or rice pudding I MAKE.

I eat an EGG or 2 each day with OJ.
Coffee I have with honey and milk.
i do buy half and half though and use it sometimes.

I drink mineral water and baking soda sometimes, but do not drink soda in a can just because.

I take an aspirin a day quite often .

I can make scallop potatoes but have not yet.
I can fry up a zucchini or green beans. sometimes to add to something.

I can make fruit juice jello, I do drink apricot nectar sometimes and Cranberry juice 100% by ocean spray now, too. I strain juices,

I do eat chocolate chips now sometimes from Trader Joes with plain sugar and chocolate that is it in it.
I eat the Pig rinds sometimes with cottage cheese that has no gums.

soon I shall eat liver.
I EAT THE CARROT and I use vinegar that is raw with honey and coconut oil,
I eat FRESH grated beets and add the same thing as I did on the carrot-sometimes.
I eat canned beets, and canned chili sauce with NO OIL or any additives for mexican food.
I can make mexican rice and
I eat peas,
I can eat a potato taco with feta cheese too.

I eat ripe fruit if I can get it and
I AVOID Berries with seeds like strawberries, and all of those tiny seeded berries to avoid estrogen being made in my body.
I avoid banana and apples and pears
I avoid all breads and pastas

( a few times i had rice pasta)
I avoid all oils and all other foods, I eat nothing else. because I am still learning what I can eat on Ray peat's program.

I am looking to eat more apricots and blueberries, and make things with the corn masa harina tortillas stuff maybe.

I NEVER crave any foods, ever so this is what makes it easy. i never crave bread or anything ever.

I still have to eat more foods.
Sometimes I drink 1/2 gallon of milk a day. The Milk - has changed my life and my chest does not like it yet fully , I do have issues to work through, by raising my metabolic rate and keeping it stable, It can drop still , I can suffer estrogen .
I have to do the light - I use a heat lamp and sun bathing each day.
I have to keep good resting hours and not work to hard.

I have to take MORE Kosher salt too.
I EAT every 2 to 3 hours each day too , do or die.
I will start light exercise beyond housework like walking. :P
A great post. Thank you for sharing!

Love the image of you eating honey like a bear! ;)


Sep 6, 2013
Thank you . I have something else to share but it is past my bedtime. LOL
It is very great for women to know what has happened to me, in this area, and it is super surprising and great. I had an issue and this program made me 100% normal when I THOUGHT I needed surgery or something. It must have been-- hormonal this issue? I will find a suitable link to post this on tomorrow. It is a miracle really. Plus I am in pregnancy and childbirth groups and breastfeeding groups to help women, and I recently found out a cause that could been the cause of my issue - This is not an issue to graphic for a man to read and feel uncomfortable, it is very GREAT.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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