What Do You Think About Climate Change?


Jul 14, 2016


Jul 14, 2016
Here is an article by Greenpeace that alleges over 100 million has been spent by Charles Koch and David Koch in paying 84 separate PR groups to deny climate-change.

I have no idea if this is true, but it's something to think about.

There is also a scholarly article on climate change denial funding by sociologist Dr. Robert J. Brulle that I haven't read yet that seems to be the source of this allegation. Another short summary can be found here.
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Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County

The Dirty Truth About Oil - Col. L. Fletcher Prouty

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/dTOEQOIYt3I3/

If the controllers were truly concerned about climate change, they would not continue promoting things that do not work toward creating a better environment. They would, instead, be teaching everyone what to do in either a much hotter planet (their scenario) or a much colder planet (observational evidence).

Instead they claim that fossil fuels must go, that the sun must be blocked, and the weather controlled. Never mind that it takes toxic chemicals sprayed from high altitudes to accomplish this. If they really believed that climate change was caused by human activity, they would stop their own activities that are destroying life – oh, I forgot. The controllers are not human! None of their proposals make any sense. For example…

Oil and gas are not fossil fuels. Therefore to say that ‘fossil fuels’ must go is pretty ludicrous. Here are some links to review. Ya’ll need to get used to doing your own research from time to time.

Oil Is NOT A Fossil Fuel – It Is Abiotic, By Jerry Mazza, Online Journal Contributing Writer, 9-29-2005
Oil Is NOT A Fossil Fuel - It Is Abiotic

Methane-derived hydrocarbons produced under upper-mantle conditions, July 2009 Nature Geoscience 2(8):566, DOI: 10.1038/ngeo591, Project: Chemistry of hydrocarbons under pressure
(PDF) Methane-derived hydrocarbons produced under upper-mantle conditions

Fossils From Animals And Plants Are Not Necessary For Crude Oil And Natural Gas, Swedish Researchers Find
Scientists Prove Abiotic Oil Is Real!

Thar Be BEASTIES Down There (or “Why Big Oil’s Big Secret is Good News for You”)
Thar Be BEASTIES Down There (or "Why Big Oil's Big Secret is Good News for You")

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 89, pp. 6045-6049, July 1992 Microbiology The deep, hot biosphere (geochemistry/planetology) THOMAS GOLD Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 Contributed by Thomas Gold, March 13, 1992

Fossils From Animals And Plants Are Not Necessary For Crude Oil And Natural Gas, Swedish Researchers Find, Date: September 12, 2009 Source: Vetenskapsrådet (The Swedish Research Council)
Fossils From Animals And Plants Are Not Necessary For Crude Oil And Natural Gas, Swedish Researchers Find

Abiogenic petroleum origin – cite note-gold1999-4
Abiogenic petroleum origin - Wikipedia

Another proposal is for everyone to get electric cars. Smart cars, controllable cars, to stop climate change. Well, here’s the thing…

Electric cars do not save on using conventional fuels.
Does everyone know where electric power comes from? Probably most people know but don’t think about it. As a reminder, here is a list of where electricity comes from today:
Natural gas
Petroleum (Oil)

Electric Cars: Experts argue whether electric cars are worse for the environment than gas guzzlers once the manufacturing process and batteries are taken into account.

Electric cars have to get electricity from somewhere to charge up their batteries, right? Do you think electric cars run from solar panels? Not so much. So the electricity comes from one of the other resources listed above.

Do you know how batteries for electric cars are made? How solar panels are made? Are they environmentally friendly? There are still lead-acid batteries around but batteries for electric cars are made of lithium-ion. So where does lithium-ion come from? Well, to begin with see Will the Race for Electric Vehicles Endanger the Earth’s Most Sensitive Ecosystem? Materials needed to make the batteries for electric cars and other clean technology is driving interest in deep-seabed mining, and scientists fear the cost to the ocean will be steep. And what happens to those batteries when they need to be replaced? While most Electric Vehicle (EV) components are much the same as those of conventional cars, the big difference is the battery. While traditional lead-acid batteries are widely recycled, the same can’t be said for the lithium-ion versions used in electric cars. I wonder how this can be considered clean technology, if we wipe out entire species on the ocean floor. And if we do wipe out entire species in the ocean how will that affect life on the land? This is NOT known, yet the TV says electric cars are the thing to do because it will help the environment. There is absolutely no logic there. It looks like propaganda to me, meaning there’s another reason for this push. If the controllers really want “fossil fuels gone”, why not propose the car that runs on water? Oh, that’s right. The inventor was accidentally killed by poison in 1998.

As for disposal when the EV batteries wear out? EV batteries are larger and heavier than those in regular cars and are made up of several hundred individual lithium-ion cells, all of which need dismantling. They contain hazardous materials, and have an inconvenient tendency to explode if disassembled incorrectly.

Solar Panels: There are hazardous chemicals used to make photovoltaic (PV) cells and panels that must be carefully handled to avoid release to the environment. Some types of PV cell technologies use heavy metals, and these types of cells and PV panels may require special handling when they reach the end of their useful life. Some solar thermal systems [such as commercial applications] use potentially hazardous fluids to transfer heat, and leaks of these materials could be harmful to the environment. The toxic chemicals in solar panels include cadmium telluride, copper indium selenide, cadmium gallium (di)selenide, copper indium gallium (di)selenide, hexafluoroethane, lead, and polyvinyl fluoride. Additionally, silicon tetrachloride, a byproduct of producing crystalline silicon, is highly toxic.

Solar panels are composed of photovoltaic (PV) cells that convert sunlight to electricity. When these panels enter landfills, valuable resources go to waste. And because solar panels contain toxic materials like lead that can leach out as they break down, landfilling also creates new environmental hazards.

Climate change is not caused by human activity.

Contrary to popular belief, humans are not the cause of the climate changing. We may be the cause of heavy pollution and poisoning the planet and ourselves, and some of that pollution may have local climate consequences, but these are not the cause of global climate change. So what is the cause then?

There’s a long history of fraud in the climate change scenario. To keep this short, I recommend this video.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon



Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
View attachment 37169
Quite a find - 'someone' has been at this for a while.
It leads to the secondary question: "If we can control weather, then why are we having drought, fire, hurricanes, etc. & blaming it on climate change".
It looks to me like they are 'interlacing' these patents together.

They initially used barium - and now use it along side the microwaves (HAARP).

...in the late 1950's and early 1960's both the United States and U.S.S.R. detonated a series of nuclear devices of various yields to generate large numbers of charged particles at various altitudes, e.g., 200 kilometers (km) or greater. This was done in order to establish and study artificial belts of trapped electrons and ions. These experiments established that at least some of the extraneous electrons and ions from the detonated devices did become trapped along field lines in the earth's magnetosphere to form artificial belts which were stable for prolonged periods of time.

It has also been proposed to release large clouds of barium in the magnetosphere so that photoionization will increase the cold plasma density, thereby producing electron precipitation through enhanced whistler-mode interactions.

In recent years, a number of experiments have actually been carried out to modify the ionosphere in some controlled manner to investigate the possibility of a beneficial result. In such experiments, certain regions of the ionosphere are heated to change the electron density and temperature within these regions. This is accomplished by transmitting from earth-based antennae high frequency electromagnetic radiation. The electron temperature of the ionosphere has been raised by hundreds of degrees in these experiments, and electrons with several electron volts of energy have been produced in numbers sufficient to enhance airglow.

Look who owns the patent:
1985 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD then assigned

The inventor Bernard J Eastlund (they did not capitalize his name) is also mentioned in the Phenomena Magazine 2012 article on HAARP titled:
"Who Controls Weather Controls The World"
On September 6, 1987, the National Public Radio show, "All Things Considered," carried an interview with Dr. Bernard Eastlund, "a physicist and an expert on oilfield development, who is a consultant for the Atlantic Richfield Oil Company (ARCO)... Dr Eastlund assigned the patent rights on his new invention to APTI, Inc., a Los Angeles subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield." according to the New York Times, August 15, 1987.

Dr. Eastlund stated that his new invention could be used to change the weather by redirecting the very high wind patterns (jet stream). These scalar waves can also be directed to specific areas and to specific depths to cause earthquakes by disrupting the tectonic plates. Dr. Eastlund's invention has been incorporated into a mammoth U.S. government project titled "The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program" (HAARP). "The scientists had achieved some promising results by beaming energy into the ionosphere to create extremely low frequency (ELF) waves that can travel long distances and to great depths."


David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Quite a find - 'someone' has been at this for a while.
It leads to the secondary question: "If we can control weather, then why are we having drought, fire, hurricanes, etc. & blaming it on climate change".
It looks to me like they are 'interlacing' these patents together.

They initially used barium - and now use it along side the microwaves (HAARP).
If some group wants to destabilize the world's economies, then secretly controlling the weather is the way to do it. There is no apparent enemy to attack and start a war.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
For people who have read a lot of the not-man-made argument, is there evidence that the Earth has cooled or heated at a rate faster or equal to the current rate in the last say 50,000 years?

ie has the positive or negative gradient of the temp curve ever been so high? From the graph I saw of history, it would seem no??

It seems from the little data I've seen to be all quite smooth temp changes until the 20th century and the gradient changes dramatically??

eg this diagram - no idea what this is based on, but it's quite common:


From this, it took about 12,000 years to go from -3/5 to -0.5 - ie a 3 degree change. Irrespective of whether it's man made, if +3 takes us from Ice Age to no ice age, then +3 again from where we are seems pretty bad?!

At its fastest rate, it seems to change about 1 degree in 1500 years - we've done that in less than 100. Is that not worrying to people?
The famous 'hockey stick graph'.
The Climategate Emails originate from the University of East Anglia’s, Climatic Research Unit, (CRU) founded by climatology pioneer Elubert Lamb. Tom Wigley, who was born and educated in Adelaide, was Director of the CRU until 1993 and was succeeded by Phil Jones, who is one of two lead players in this story.

The other lead player is Mike Mann, from Penn State University. Mike Mann leapt from relative obscurity to international fame with his “hockey stick”, a graph of global temperatures from 1000 AD to the present, which was the showpiece at the launching of the 2001 IPCC Third Assessment Report in Shanghai in January 2001. The hockey stick became a corporate logo for the IPCC , but because it rubbed out the Mediaeval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age from the historical record, it was subjected to a US congressional inquiry. Eventually it was shown that random data fed into the algorithms used by Mann to produce his hockey stick from bristle cone pine tree ring data, also yielded hockey stick results.

In this annotated edition of the Climategate emails, John Costella shows us how a very small cabal of climate scientists, based at the University of East Anglia and at Penn State University, were able to control the temperature record fed into the IPCC reports and which comprised the foundation on which the whole global warming structure was based. The only data base which they could not influence was the satellite measured temperature data which John Christy and Roy Spencer, from the University of Alabama, had established from 1979 on.

That this was a real conspiracy is beyond argument. The word “conspiracy” is used by the players themselves. In any conspiracy there is a tight inner core and then successive rings of collaborators, who accept the leadership of the central core.

The hero who emerges from these emails is Steve McIntyre, a Canadian ex-geologist and mining analyst, who with remarkable patience and courtesy kept on asking for the data and the computer programs upon which the various IPCC pronouncements were based. He has performed a great service for the world, which one day will surely be recognized.


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Aug 5, 2015
Its another 95% scam, made "true" by incomplete data that favors a certain agenda. There's a place for electric, but when i see an absolute push for turning cars into digital grid machines, Im way more than skeptical about the motives.

The only thing I like about eCars are the absence of street level fumes, But they dont even Mention that do they?! They're all too busy pushing
"Save the Planet". (More like: Control the People)

Well engineered Hybrid Systems make more sense to me, esp for heavy or inherently poor mileage vehicles.
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Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Its another 95% scam, made "true" by incomplete data that favors a certain agenda. There's a place for electric, but when i see an absolute push for turning cars into digital grid machines, Im way more than skeptical about the motives.

The only thing I like about eCars are the absence of street level fumes, But they dont even Mention that do they?! They're all too busy pushing
"Save the Planet". (More like: Control the People)

Well engineered Hybrid Systems make more sense to me, esp for heavy or inherently poor mileage vehicles.
Water Powered Car - 1974

Hydrogen-Assist Autos
Ozarks Man Uses Hydrogen to Improve Gas Mileage
“We've got stainless steel plates in here, and when you conduct electricity through them stainless steel plates, it takes them molecules -- you got two molecules of hydrogen and one oxygen and it takes and separates them into gas,” he said.
Hula says burning the gas created through this process, called electrolysis, can give your car better gas mileage.

Car Runs On Water
"I'm getting 100 miles to the ounce on water," inventor Anthony Brown said. Brown said he shut his fuel injection system down and created the system that can use any type of water with a small amount of gas. He said the car is getting just fuel vapor.
"When you separate the water from the oxygen from the hydrogen, it cooks and it cooks down to a brown," Brown said. "We're not having any waste product off of it. Everything is consumed and burned."
Local 6 showed video of Brown filling up his vehicle with water and then driving around.

A Need Fuels A Gas Saving Idea
Dave Hansen thinks he has found a way to cut the cost of gas in half. He said his new hydrogen-supplemental fuel system doubles a vehicle's mileage per gallon.
He said engines lose 30 to 40 percent of gasoline energy through exhaust, but the hydrogen supplement allows his engine to burn 100 percent of the gasoline.
Hansen added a device to the Yukon that creates hydrogen and combines it with the oxygen input to the engine, which helps the motor maximize gasoline performance. His system requires a small amount of distilled water to power the hydrogen generator and uses distilled vinegar to keep the generator's plates from corroding.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Global Warming: The Great Deception-The Triumph of Dollars and Politics Over Science

Patrick's show notes:
Idea of global warning arose in 1988 with UN Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change – the IPCC.

They’ve tried to prove global warming since then. But science shows CO2 has no impact on warming. It’s all about water vapor.

Water vapor absorption spectrum emitted by earth and absorbed by CO2 is much broader and captures photons of higher energy.

Studies show CO2 is not a factor in global warming.

Proponents of global warming have constructed a complicated hypothesis between CO2 and atmosphere and subsequent concentration of water vapor, showing increased radiation of long-form.

Proven facts in science show emissions have a de minimis impact on earth’s surface and on oceans. Can’t penetrate ocean surface to greater than 100 microns. Contradicts every thesis of global warmists.

Dr. Richard Lindzen (MIT Sloan professor of meteorology for 30 years) and Dr. William Happer (professor emeritus of physics at Princeton) refute global warming hypothesis, say more CO2 would be beneficial to earth. They oppose global warming based on fundamental scientific principles.

Pro-global warming funds come from government, NGOs. Academic suicide to oppose global warming hypothesis. NGOs – foundations (Gates), non-profit groups.

Many fooled by fraudulent hypothesis. Need scientific background to understand the fallacy of pseudo-science.

If Green New Deal and other proposals are enacted, it will lead to erosion of personal liberties. The world has to renounce the war on carbon.

Electric cars are good because they diminish pollution from engines.

It takes a religious fervor to promote global warming. Based on false premises.

UN IPCC buying into fraudulent hypothesis, as well as western politicians, media. It’s gaining momentum disproportionate to science underpinning it.

People get intimidated by opponents saying 97% of scientists support anthropogenic global warming, and debate gets truncated.

Global warming campaign is poster boy for what is wrong with the world today. Logical extension of war on carbon is significant adverse impact on economy, especially in developing countries, and on national security interest, our standard of living. People don’t understand logical implications of how war on carbon could affect the world.

We couldn’t get rid of fossil fuels in 10-20 years in the US if we wanted to. If Biden’s proposals came to be, it would blow up world-wide carbon market. Can’t replace generating capacity with wind and solar. Would mandate purchase of carbon credits by power generating companies.

Al Gore, when VP, was proponent of Kyoto 1997 Treaty. Established carbon credit rates. He formed Generation Investment Management (GIM) In 2004 to trade carbon credits. 10 billion dollar market then. In 2019 was a 210 billion dollar market. From 2005-2012, carbon emissions increased by 33%. Climate treaties have no effect on co2 emissions, but they enrich companies involved in carbon credit trading.

In oct 2021, GIM formed Just Climate. Targeted investors who want to invest in projects benefitting the environment, e.g. global warming, social inequalities, reduce carbon footprint. Is the prime mover of the global warming hypothesis.

How does carbon credit work? If the gov edicts zero net carbon emissions by a certain time, most manufacturing cannot change operations, must purchase carbon credit offsets. E.g. a owner of pine forest can offer carbon credit offsets to producers of carbon. Carbon credit offsets Is largest commodity market in the world. 2019 offset market was 210 billion dollars and rapidly escalating.

4 world databases that track temperatures. Since 1979, has been no change of troposphere, land mass, or oceans. No objective data to support global warming hypothesis.

Global warming is the biggest fraudulent hypothesis since Piltdown Man proposed in 1912 in England.

Photos show no change in water level at Statue of Liberty, no increase in hurricanes, no increases in temperatures.

NOAA in 2000 launched robots that deploy 2,000 meters deep in the ocean which measure salinity, current, temperature. Average temperature changed 0.02 degree C per decade, Any changes in ocean temperature are related to solar irradiation.

Government operations drying up, so researchers shifting to private companies. But if you depend on govt funding for climate change research, you will support the opinions of the executive branch in the federal government. Reinforces the consensus.

Meme shift from global warming to climate change. What has man done to effect climate change? If you can’t tie it to manmade activities, why fight carbon?

Short term changes of weather are hard to explain. Weather affected by a number of factors.

Are dark forces manipulating the weather?

Naturally occurring forces, i.e. oceanic cycles, sun cycles and sun spots, and geometry of earth’s orbit, explain variances in weather.

Did Al Gore have it backwards in Inconvenient Truth and did CO2 increase after earth warming occurred?

If temperature of ocean increases, CO2 will be emitted, and vice versa. 3 factors affecting earth’s climate.

Difficult to say what is causation vs. correlation in explaining CO2 and temperature changes.

Challenged to get his book published. Had to self-publish. Book is available on Amazon.

Google won’t allow any info opposing global warming to be published. Cancel culture at work.

China, Russia, and India aren’t going to destroy their economies under the false pretense of climate change.

Have we done damage with coal-fired plants? No. More CO2 is good for the environment. Photos show earth has greened up since 1980, agricultural production is at world highs.

No health impacts from raised CO2 levels. Threshold for CO2 in submarines is 10 times higher than CO2 atmospheric levels.

We need to be less willing to accept the pseudo-science that is used by governments to promote their agenda.

John Kerry says climate change is an existential threat. Will the government impose the same restrictions of liberty we saw with COVID?

Where do carbon credits come from? Any carbon sink or matter that absorbs CO2. Requires living plant matter: pine forests, farmers planting crops.


Mar 26, 2014
I keep hearing that the temperature hasn't risen in 15 years.
Possibly, there's more weather extremes though. Droughts floods etc. Caused by meridional jet stream becoming unstable, wandering magnetic poles etc. But co2 is an excellent proxy for life itself which is why they want to control it.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County

‘Net Zero’ Global Warming Alarm Based on Temperatures Measured Next to Airport Runways With Hot Jet Engines and Tarmac

About one half of all land surface temperature measurements used to show global warming and promote the command-and-control Net Zero agenda are taken near or adjacent to airport runways. This amazing fact from research by Professor Ross McKitrick casts further serious doubt on the validity of three major global temperature datasets, including the one compiled by the Met Office, which continue to show higher global temperatures compared with other reliable measurements made by satellites and meteorological balloons.

Airports are arguably uniquely unsuitable for providing an insight into global temperatures. Many of them are major industrial complexes spread over miles of heat-radiating tarmac and concrete, containing industrial buildings and subject to constant super-heated jet exhausts measuring hundreds of degrees centigrade.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Climate engineering: We’re being sprayed. page 4
For at least fifteen years covert weather/climate modification activities have been taking place with ever-increasing scale and frequency that involve spraying pollutant particles into the troposphere. The scientific community has been grossly remiss in ignoring the now near-daily, near-universal spraying of particulate-pollution matter into the troposphere, which evidence indicates is coal fly ash, a substance containing toxins injurious to virtually all biota, including us.

Yet the consequences of this weather/climate modification geoengineering activity have not been taken into account by any of the climate change models evaluated by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a fact that calls into question not only the findings of that organization, but its moral authority as well.


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Great information @Grapelander

The same people making noise about convid are now making noise about the 'heat' it's annoying.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
The famous 'hockey stick graph'.
The Climategate Emails originate from the University of East Anglia’s, Climatic Research Unit, (CRU) founded by climatology pioneer Elubert Lamb. Tom Wigley, who was born and educated in Adelaide, was Director of the CRU until 1993 and was succeeded by Phil Jones, who is one of two lead players in this story.

The other lead player is Mike Mann, from Penn State University. Mike Mann leapt from relative obscurity to international fame with his “hockey stick”, a graph of global temperatures from 1000 AD to the present, which was the showpiece at the launching of the 2001 IPCC Third Assessment Report in Shanghai in January 2001. The hockey stick became a corporate logo for the IPCC , but because it rubbed out the Mediaeval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age from the historical record, it was subjected to a US congressional inquiry.
article: Remember Climategate? Emails exposed fraud yet we all still pay <page 6>

Termites produce ten times more CO2 than humans, so why no war on termites?

The case against man-made climate change has six main pillars:
1. The driver of climate change on Earth is the Sun, through sunspot cycles and the solar wind.
2. In the man-made climate change world, we are told that world temperature changes follow the level of CO2 in the atmosphere. If CO2 goes up, temperature goes up and vice versa. But the problem with that is that there is a time lag between temperature changes and those changes being mirrored by CO2 .
3. The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC), set up by Rockefeller oil man Maurice Strong, is a political body cloaked as a scientific one.
4. Carbon dioxide is a natural gas which comprises 0.04% of the Earth’s atmosphere, and we produce 4% of that. Termites produce ten times more CO2 than humans, so why no war on termites?
5. The fifth consideration is the agenda behind the notion of man-made climate change, namely Agenda 21/Agenda 2030. This is an all-encompassing program under the banner of the United Nations, the aims of which sound laudable – to bring about sustainability. But in fact, when this is examined in detail, along with the history of how it came about, it becomes clear the agenda is to bring about total control of the world’s natural resources, including you and me.
6. In 2009, a whistleblower released emails showing how climate academia was manipulating and destroying data, along with blocking publication of articles which didn’t support their anthropogenic global warming agenda. This became known as Climategate. By delving into the details, we can see that the notion of man-made climate change, although it sounds plausible, is not actually supported by the data and observations.


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