What The Eternal Victims Have Done To Palestine For 75 Years


Jun 2, 2017
Here are what victims of Hamas terrorists have gone through, and are going through:

‘But what these barbarians did to these people is beyond words.

‘There is evidence of mass rape of so brutal that they broke their victims’ pelvis – women, grandmothers, children.

‘People whose heads have been cut off. Women standing in their night dresses woken up and shot. Faces blasted off. Heads smashed and their brains spilling out.

‘A baby was cut out of a pregnant woman and beheaded and then the mother was beheaded."

‘Women and children burned to charcoal. Bodies murdered with their hands tied behind their backs."



Aug 13, 2020
Scott Ritter said this could have happened: Israeli forces panicked and shot civilians.

Other accounts point at Israeli forces using tanks to shoot buildings with Hamas fighters and hostages inside killing them.

Israeli forces avoid harm to themselves at all costs (at the expense of civilians).

Survivor Speaks: Israeli forces shot their own civilians

Oct 16, 2023

In a radio interview on “This Morning Show” hosted by Aryeh Golan, Yasmin Porat, an Israeli survivor from the recent attack on Kibbutz Be’eri near the Gaza boundary, says Israeli forces killed their own civilians while combating Palestinian fighters.

Porat states that multiple hostages were killed by crossfire during the intense battles. She also mentioned being treated “humanely by the Palestinian fighters during her captivity.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTQcjyhPOIk
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Aug 13, 2020
@Whichway? & @Mossy

You don't justify genocide. Remember the Kuwaiti baby incubators hoax? There was a public relations firm behind that one.

Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, controlled-demolition of three WTC buildings to attack Afghanistan/Iraq, Libya's Gaddafi, etc.

The US/UK/Israel are always the victims to justify their genocide.

Later on you find out the lies, but only after all the killing, and only by those that care to find out!

How the media lied about beheaded babies to ‘justifyIsraeli war crimes


Virtually every British newspaper reported this week that Hamas fighters beheaded 40 babies during the assault last weekend. Most of them used it as a front page.

It was used as clear evidence of the heinous savagery of Hamas, supposed justification for the pummelling of Gaza and the murder of Palestinians.

But days later there is no evidence to support the claim and journalists and politicians are running away from it.

The White House was forced to withdraw comments made by president Joe Biden on Wednesday. He claimed to have seen “confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children” in Israel.
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Aug 13, 2020
The Red Heifer Project: Israeli Gov Part of Plan to Build Third Temple at Al-Aqsa

Since 1967, non-Muslims have been allowed to visit Al-Aqsa but not pray at the holy site. Yet that status quo is rapidly eroding in recent years as Israeli Jewish settler groups work alongside the government to take control of the compound.

Under Jewish law, the ashes of a red heifer (young female cow) must be scattered across Haram al-Sharif before Jews can ascend it and rebuild the Third Temple. While the hunt for a red heifer has long been considered a fringe initiative touted by Temple Mount activists, new research reveals the Israeli government is now involved in this endeavor.

Despite the Israeli government’s vow to keep with the status quo at Al-Aqsa, settlers involved in the red heifer project underscore the aim is Jewish ascension on Haram al-Sharif in order to reconstruct the Third Temple — implying the destruction of the Dome of the Rock.

While Jewish settlers are increasingly storming Haram al-Sharif, many rabbis today forbid this as ancient Jewish law dictates the red heifer’s ashes are required to purify the area before Jews can ascend. Because of this, most religious Jews don’t even enter the compound, and those who do may only walk on certain parts. With the red heifer ritual, the number of Jews storming Al-Aqsa may then multiply.

“It could lead to maybe hundreds of thousands of Haredis [ultra-Orthodox Jews] or Sephardis [Spanish Jews] who might actually break into the mosque and cause a real religious war,” Dr. Abdallah Marouf, an Islamic history professor at Istanbul 29 Mayis University and ex-media official at Al-Aqsa Mosque, told MintPress News.


Aug 13, 2020
Israel-Hamas war: Protest in Tel Aviv calls for prime minister Netanyahu to resign

Gaza's health ministry said at least 2,670 Palestinians had been killed since 7 October, while 1,400 people have been killed in Hamas's attacks, according to the prime minister's office.

On Saturday, thousands of demonstrators in Tel Aviv demanded Netanyahu's resignation on the 15th day of the war, which started on 7 October.

Nearly 4,500 Palestinians have been killed and 15,400 wounded since 7 October, while the Israeli death count stands at 1,400 people

View: https://twitter.com/MiddleEastEye/status/1715983893415768265


Aug 13, 2020
This is a video of October 7th that I watched the same day, took a while to track it down.

Palestinian fighters call for the protection of an Israeli mother and children

October 7, 2023

Footage taken by Gazan journalist Muthana al-Najar shows members of al-Qassam Brigades calling for the protection of an Israeli woman and her children.

Palestinian fighters captured the settlement in a surprise attack on Israel early Saturday morning.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrRe97wGFHA
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Oct 2, 2018
Palestinians have had 75 years in which to be constructive or destructive in what happened to them with the establishment of the State of Israel.

They have always chosen to be destructive in their response.

They are at least 50% to blame in their own destruction.

No other Arab countries will take them in because they know what their culture is like. That says something when none of your own blood brothers want anything to do with you.


Aug 10, 2014
Palestinians have had 75 years in which to be constructive or destructive in what happened to them with the establishment of the State of Israel.

They have always chosen to be destructive in their response.

If you honestly believe that then you should go pick up a book or two on the conflict.


Aug 13, 2020
You have to ignore these ridiculous and lazy posts, what can you expect?

People know better (playing dumb), they know that their country's economic status depends on the exploitation and theft of other people's lands and resources, is as simple as that.

We have WWIII because the victims of the colonial powers are resisting and no amount of terrorism or false-flag operations from the Axis of Evil (US/UK/Israel) will change that.

Terrorism Is The Foundation of the Invented State of "Israel"

"On July 22, 1946, the Irgun Zvai Le’umi (National Military Organization) a Jewish terrorist organization opposed to Britain’s continued rule of Palestine, bombed Jerusalem’s King David Hotel. The incident has always been controversial given the fact that the facility was not an ordinary hotel, but also the nerve center of British rule over that country——housing its military headquarters, intelligence stations, and government secretariat."

"In July 2006, the Menachem Begin Heritage Center organized a conference to mark the 60th anniversary of the bombing. The conference was attended by past and future Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former members of Irgun."

[ The Hypocrisy: It is not terrorism if we do it! ]

“It’s very important to make the distinction between terror groups and freedom fighters, and between terror action and legitimate military action,” the current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu argued in a speech to the gathering.

"And so, the Zionist terrorists framing of Arabs for such crimes had begun in earnest and has now become established as a Zionist trademark and common modus operandus – a fact which the Zionist-controlled and run, media and most governments never report or discuss, even to this day."
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Aug 13, 2020
Can you spot the Zionists behind PNAC? You have to wonder on whose hands is the future of the American people of the United States of America (America is bigger than just the US, start getting used to it).

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was a neo-conservative think tank (1997 to 2006) that had strong ties to the American Enterprise Institute. PNAC's web site said it was "established in the spring of 1997" as "a non-profit, educational organization whose goal is to promote American global leadership hegemony."



Aug 13, 2020
Recommend you read this excerpt below, there's no excuse for ignorance given the circumstances.

Israel-Palestine War: US Faces Catastrophe in Middle East!

October 12, 2023 - Alastair Crooke

One is they intend to build the third temple on Temple Mount.

Now, in doing this, they have a broad commitment to do this from the government as a whole.

But let me just be clear, to be absolutely clear.

In order to build the third temple on the Temple Mount, Haram al-Sharif, that means demolishing al-Aqsa, the third holiest site in Islam and a very important icon to all Muslims, Sunni and Shia.

It means demolishing it in order for the temple to be rebuilt.

But this is what the government is committed to doing in due course.

The second commitment is to create Israel on the land of [biblical] Israel.

It's not that at the moment.

But that would mean, again, to be very clear, that would basically mean removing the Palestinians from the West Bank, from most of the West Bank, either by, if you like, legal persuasion or by the settlers actually just taking action themselves and removing them.

And what this says really, I mean, for the Palestinians is that if al-Aqsa becomes Judea-ized and if Israel is established as the state on the land of Israel and adopts Jewish law, halakha, then what is there of Palestine?

What is there for the Palestinian state source, Palestinian people to exist? So it's really an existential issue for Palestinians.

And so we've seen during this process a period where every so often there is a provocation.

And some of your listeners may recall that some two years ago, similarly, the settlers invaded the Temple Mount and al-Aqsa Mosque and took it over.

And the reaction was very harsh from Hamas, who fired many missiles into Tel Aviv and into the surrounding areas.

And there was the beginning of something that was unparalleled.

Because it was al-Aqsa, also what we call the Palestinians of Israel, the Palestinians who are in Israel and Israeli citizens, as well as the West Bank, all of them rose up together.

And it was for the first time we've seen a concerted, if you like, action.

And it was not for Palestine.

It was not for Hamas.

It was about saving al-Aqsa.

And this is, if you like, it's an icon that resonates across the Middle East and is resonating now with demonstrations and meetings and huge mass mobilizations in support of al-Aqsa.

And then what happened was what triggered it, because this has been a process that has been going on and it was expected there will be more provocations.

And then last Thursday, don't forget the action took place on Saturday, on Thursday a large number of settlers invaded, again invaded Temple Mount and al-Aqsa Mosque with the connivance and with the support of the security forces.

They went on and took it.

And that, I think, was probably the sort of, if not the motive, because it's been a recurring series of provocations.

But this was the pretext to launch what Hamas has been preparing and which had planned.

And then we had the invasion of al-Aqsa Mosque.

And that, I think, was the signal to say, OK, it's game on.


And the Temple Mount is off limits for non-Muslims to enter the actual, if you like, al-Aqsa, the mosque itself, and to pray that.

Only Muslims can do that.

But at the moment, the security forces are allowing radical settlers.

And Ben Gevia, who's the minister for security, has been very adamant in saying, this is ours. The Temple Mount is ours.

And a few weeks ago, the entire cabinet of Netanyahu, the incomplete cabinet, went and held their cabinet meeting in the tunnels immediately below al-Aqsa Mosque, in the tunnels underneath the mosque itself, and said, this is ours, it's our property, we control it.

And so this was seen as a huge threat to Muslims everywhere, but particularly a cause around which Hamas is rallying people in the West Bank and in, if you like, the Israeli Palestinians, as well as the rest of the world.

And as I say, there are enormous protests taking place, not only just because of that, but because of the bombing that's taking place in Gaza at the moment.

And earlier this year, former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yalon said that the radicals within the Israeli government wanted a big war in the Middle East.

Since we've been talking about the two different factions in Israeli society, who are exactly these radicals, and why do they want a big war?

Well, the radicals are a coalition.

And they involve, first of all, if you like, the radical settler and the national religious groups together in a broad coalition.

And as I say, the settler groups are committed to taking and building and, if you like, populating the West Bank with another one million settlers, which would leave little room for the Palestinians.

And already there's been clearance.

The settlers, with threats and violence, have removed Palestinians from a large swathes of area, from Ramallah through to Jericho, and expelled them from their land.

So what all this is, amounts to Israeli, from the perspective of the Palestinians, what Ben Gevir and what is called the Temple Mount movement are planning, is something that resembles the Nakba Day.

That was a great day of shame for Palestinians when they were cleansed from their homes and their villages and put into trains and sent off to Syria and other places to go into refugee camps.

So for them, it was a very powerful, very emotive prospect.

Now in order to do it, they need to do two things. And they said this even 10 years ago, the right people. And it goes back even further.

The right said, I remember the man who's now the justice minister was saying, look, we were going to do this step by step.

But the first thing is we have to get rid of the Supreme Court, which would otherwise impede us.

And then we have to move in order to re-establish Israel on the land of Israel and to turn it into a full Jewish state.

But to do that, rather like we've seen in other areas, they need the emergency.

You know, not COVID, but they need something like this that they can change the laws and that they can move ahead.

So he's right.

They need an emergency of some sort in order to actually implement this plan and to turn it into reality.

And what Hamas is doing is forestalling this operation.

That's what it's like.

It's about forestalling this happening.
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Aug 13, 2020
The "baby-beheading" barbarian terrorists are not their usual selves:

[ Transcript ]

There was somebody with us who was injured, and there was a paramedic with him.

They brought him in a better condition.

But after four or five days, there was no improvement.

Each person had a guard watching him or her.

They took care of all the needs.

And if there are women here who know what permanent hygiene is, they make sure that we get everything we needed.


The self-defending heroes in action:

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Aug 13, 2020
Did Israel Choose to Kill Hamas and the Hostages Indiscriminately?

October 23, 2023 - Jonathan Cook

So much space continues to be dedicated to the Hamas attack more than two weeks on. But this article from Mondoweiss is a rare attempt to try to piece together the events of October 7 without relying simply on Israel’s official, increasingly strained narrative.

The author explains the response of the Israeli army to Hamas’ incursion into Israel and capture of Israeli communities near Gaza in terms of Israel’s infamous Hannibal directive. That military directive compels the Israeli army to kill Israelis rather than let them be taken hostage. It usually applies to military personnel, but has been used against Israeli civilians too.

The author cites plenty of evidence indicating that the Hannibal directive was likely to have been applied as policy towards Israeli civilians captured by Hamas and held hostage in their own homes inside Israel.

In other words, the army appears to have preferred to kill both Israeli civilians and the Hamas militants holding them rather than try to negotiate a release.

That would explain the images of Israeli communities near Gaza that are in ruins, with sections of the walls of homes blasted down and the remains of buildings charred by fire. The article cites evidence that this appears not necessarily to have happened in the heat of battle after the army’s arrival but following a prolonged stand-off with Hamas.

Were a significant number of the 1,400 Israelis who died during the Hamas attack killed as a result of intentional efforts to stop them being taken by Hamas into Gaza?

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Oct 21, 2013
They are at least 50% to blame in their own destruction.

No other Arab countries will take them in because they know what their culture is like. That says something when none of your own blood brothers want anything to do with you.
This. I have yet to see evidence that Israel prevents the Palestinians from leaving the Gaza Strip and moving to some other Arab/Muslim country. They can't move, because the other countries won't let them in. It's not just Israel keeping them there.


Aug 13, 2020
Typical blame the victim.

You didn't care to read/research the info that was posted, you dismiss the genocide and theft going on for decades by shamlessly blaming the victim, and argue a very myopic and invalid point because you don't care to look for the truth (play dumb).

They don't need to move because Palestine belongs to the Palestinians.

People can see through you and others like you.

This. I have yet to see evidence that Israel prevents the Palestinians from leaving the Gaza Strip and moving to some other Arab/Muslim country. They can't move, because the other countries won't let them in. It's not just Israel keeping them there.

Three wise monkeys. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

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Dec 1, 2021
This. I have yet to see evidence that Israel prevents the Palestinians from leaving the Gaza Strip and moving to some other Arab/Muslim country. They can't move, because the other countries won't let them in. It's not just Israel keeping them there.
Shrieks out in pain as it strikes you.

Nobody dares talk about this lest they get banned for antisemitism or something. Any other political subject would've gotten hundreds of replies by now. Also all the JIDF agents and (()) freelancers derailing threads. So organic. At times like these I miss JamesGatz, but then again if I complain now I will get banned as well. All creative content from this site is gone, it is all diagnostic circlejerking right now.


Aug 13, 2020
We noticed.

So many religions and religious people, but who's actually defending the innocent?!

Religion was replaced by hypocrisy, maybe it has always been like that, it's human nature and human nature trumps.

Any other political subject would've gotten hundreds of replies by now.

Israel Given Green Light To Kill In Gaza Strip (Video 18+)



UN agency for Palestinian refugees says 6 more staff members killed in Gaza conflict

"Another six UNRWA staff have been confirmed killed [by Israeli shelling], bringing total to 35 staff killed since 7 October," the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees said in a statement on X.

"We mourn their loss and stand with colleagues doing all they can to assist those in need," UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres commented on the killing of UNRWA staff.

The UN agency added that "40 UNRWA installations across Gaza have now been damaged" in the conflict.

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