What The Eternal Victims Have Done To Palestine For 75 Years


Mar 21, 2021

The year 2021 "saw the worst persecution of Christians in history" — with an average of 16 Christians murdered for their faith every day.

That observation comes from the World Watch List-2022 (WWL-2022), recently published by the international humanitarian organization, Open Doors. The report each year ranks the top 50 countries where Christians are most persecuted for their faith. The WWL uses data from field workers and external experts to quantify and analyze persecution worldwide.

According to the WWL-2022, covering October 1, 2020 – September 30, 2021:

Over 360 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith—a rise of 20 million from last year. The number represents one in seven Christians worldwide. This year records the highest levels of persecution since the first list was published 29 years ago.
For the same reporting period, 5,898 Christians were murdered "for their faith," a number representing a 24% increase from 2021 (when "only" 4,761 Christians were killed). Additionally, "6,175 believers [were] detained without trial, arrested, sentenced or imprisoned," and 3,829 abducted.

Perhaps even more reflective of the hate for Christianity, 5,110 churches and other Christian buildings (schools, monasteries, etc.), were attacked and profaned.

Crunching these numbers into daily averages, the above statistics mean that every dayaround the world, more than 16 Christians were murdered for their faith; 27 were either illegally arrested and imprisoned by non-Christian authorities or abducted by non-Christian actors; and 14 churches were destroyed or desecrated.

For the first time since these WWL reports were published, Afghanistan, which for years was usually ranked the #2 worst nation (after North Korea) shot up to the #1 spot, meaning"Afghanistan is now the most dangerous place in the world to be a Christian." Additionally:

  • Christian men are facing almost certain death if their faith is discovered.
  • Women and girls may escape death but may be married to young Taliban fighters who want the "spoils of war." After women and girls are raped, they are trafficked.
  • The incoming Taliban regime gained access to recordings and reports that helped to identify Christians. They were often detained, in order to identify networks of Christians, before being killed.
  • Taliban fighters are still actively tracking down Christians from existing intelligence, sometimes going door-to-door to find them.
Ten other nations, after Afghanistan, received the same designation of "extreme persecution." It means that these places, for Christians, are only marginally safer. They are: North Korea (#2), Somalia (#3), Libya (#4), Yemen (#5), Eritrea (#6), Nigeria (#7), Pakistan (#8), Iran (#9), India (#10), and Saudi Arabia (#11). In these countries, Christians face persecution ranging from being harassed, beaten, raped, imprisoned or slaughtered merely for being identified as a Christian or attending church.

Christian persecution in 9 of the 11 worst nations comes at the hands of Muslims.
Notably, the "extreme persecution" meted out to Christians in nine of these top 11 worst nations comes either from Islamic oppression or takes place in Muslim-majority nations. This situation means that 82% of the absolute worst persecution takes place in the name of Islam.


Mar 21, 2021
Merry Christmas

Jesus's birth place is under attack and is the first step in the goal of wiping out all Christians

Be grateful we can celebrate Christmas without fear of being killed for celebrating the birth of our savior and lord. But beware there are evil forces out there trying to change that.

Suffering of Christians in Bethlehem because of Arab aggression is not new​

The suffering of the Christian population of Bethlehem due to Arab aggression is not new. The Palestinian Authority has always shown contempt for Christian holy sites, violently evicting monks and nuns from the Holy Trinity Monastery in Hebron in 1997, and using Christian churches, schools, and homes as military bases during the Intifada. In April 2002, PA forces took over the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem and held 40 Christian clergy and nuns as hostages for 39 days.

The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs reports that the Palestinian Authority has been Islamizing Bethlehem since they assumed control in 1995. The city’s municipal boundaries were changed to incorporate 30,000 Muslims from three neighboring refugee camps, severely tipping the demography.
Writing in Maariv in 2001, journalist Hanan Shlein explained why Palestinian Christians do not speak out about their situation. “Out of fear for their safety, Christian spokesmen aren’t happy to be identified by name when they complain about the Muslims’ treatment of them... off the record they talk of harassment and terror tactics, mainly from the gangs of thugs who looted and plundered Christians and their property, under the protection of Palestinian security personnel.”

Palestinian Muslim harassment of Palestinian Christians is just a microcosm of a wider phenomenon. An estimated 15% of the world’s Christian population lives in fear and suffers discrimination. In fact, according to the Christian organization Open Doors, Christians are the most persecuted people on the planet, with over 360 million suffering persecution, mostly in Islamic countries. Open Doors reports that during 2022 alone, 5,621 Christians were murdered in these countries; 2,100 churches were attacked and 4,542 Christians were detained.

While the worldwide media condemns Israel daily for protecting its own borders, following the worst terror attack against a Western nation in recent history, most people in the world are unaware of the plight of Christians in Arab lands.


Aug 13, 2020
Is not even American English, do you still think the US will get a thank you note for participating in genocide?



Aug 13, 2020
This is the fate of the colonial powers .. remember the US escape from Afghanistan?

Now think Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea with new (likely) Topol-M ICBMs to reach the USA.

Given the arrogance in the Axis of Evil, someone is bound to make a miscalculation.



Aug 13, 2020
Will they vote in the elections in November?



This will replace Social Security in the US.

View: https://twitter.com/WallStreetSilv/status/1739443975566549344

A Universal Basic Income is Now Coming to Canada. The Liberals Believe There Will Be "Positive Consequences" of Offering Universal Basic Income. More government dependency by Justin Trudeau as he leads Canada towards communism.
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Aug 13, 2020
An Irish MEP has accused the EU Commission President of escalating the war in Gaza . Member of European Parliament, Clare Daly, called Ursula Von Der Leyen "Frau Genocide".

Daly added Von Der Leyen was elevated to power without a single vote from citizens. This after Von Der Leyen has repeatedly voiced support for Israel amid the war against Hamas.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFHlG4W6RgA


Aug 13, 2020
Ask The Inspector Ep. 124 - Scott Ritter

Scott: The base of the United States has greenlighted Israel. Killing as many Palestinians as possible in the remaining days of 2023, and this is literally the policy of the United States right now.

Israel knows that it cannot defeat Hamas. They've made that realization. So what Israel is doing is doubling down on the notion of collective punishment.

I mean that they they have a program. I think it's called the Habsora or [The Gospel]. It's an AI generated program that breaks all of Gaza down building by building by building. And basically it tells you where to bomb to kill the maximum number of civilians. And so Israel is literally slaughtering civilians.

The other thing they're doing is making Gaza uninhabitable, meaning that even if Israel slows things down at the beginning of next year, Gaza, the millions of Palestinians who live there won't be able to return.

They're making it literally impossible for these people to live there so that the international community will have to relocate them.

It also shows that Israel has become a nation of of war criminals, literal war criminals, and the United States is a nation that facilitates war criminals.

So all those people out there that think the United States is a good country, has potential. No, we don't. Not under the Biden administration. And believe me, Trump would be doing the same thing. I mean, this is horrible.

It's a Christmas time where, you know, we're supposed to be a Christian nation.

And what's going on with Israel? They have ministers and senior government officials right now in Israel saying it's time to turn Gaza into Auschwitz.

Israel is a fundamentally broken state.

So the bottom line is
Israel literally has forfeited its right to exist. That's my conclusion.

Israel, as it's currently manifested,
has no right to exist because it is a criminal nation.

It violates every thing the world says it wants to stand for in the post World War 2 environment.

You know, this is why we created the United Nations, United Nations Charter.

Israel is saying that we are
more important than international law.

We, Israel, are
more important than anything.

We get to kill anybody we want to in order to stay alive. It doesn't work that way, guys.

You have to
conform to community standards if you want to be part of the community.

And if you don't want to be part of the community, I think you'll be shown the door.

And I think we're basically we're looking at the
end of Israel as it's manifested.

It's 100% incompatible with humanity.

And this isn't being anti-Jewish, it's just being

Israelis are an affront to civilization, an affront to humanity, and they're an aberration and it's time to delete them.

Israel, as it currently is manifested, and I'm not talking about the Jewish people,

I'm talking about the state of Israel must be deleted. There will not be a state of Israel. There won't be a Jewish state.

forfeited their right to exist because they don't know how to play well with other children.

USA may not be around much longer either. We're apparently having some problems, you know, so let's see what happens in the 2024 election, what we call the United States after 2024.

Jeff: Scott, do you condemn Hamas?

Scott: Jeff, I not only
do not condemn Hamas, I applaud Hamas, I endorse Hamas. I am 100% behind Hamas.

I believe
Hamas's mission of destroying Israel is a justifiable mission.

Israel no longer deserves the right to exist.

And I encourage Hamas to continue putting pressure on
this evil entity called the Zionist Israeli state.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpmGHzaZFXc
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Mar 21, 2021

Why are they forgetting about us?’: Sudan watches allies turn from war to aid Ukraine and Gaza​

Sudanese military conflict has killed thousands and created what UN says is world’s largest human displacement crisis

Evidence is also emerging that the RSF and their allies have massacred members of an African ethnic group in west Darfur, potentially repeating the genocide that took place there two decades ago.

Six months after the fighting began in Sudan, Israel and Hamas went to war in the Gaza Strip. Eisa said this event caused an “overnight” drop-off in the response to his country’s conflict from donors and non-governmental organizations.

Six months after the fighting began in Sudan, Israel and Hamas went to war in the Gaza Strip. Eisa said this event caused an “overnight” drop-off in the response to his country’s conflict from donors and non-governmental organizations.


Mar 21, 2021

The gunmen mostly sought out men and teenage boys from the Masalit community, an African ethnic group, accusing them of being fighters and harbouring weapons. Members of other black, non-Arab groups were targeted, too.

During their searches, they demanded to know their victims’ ethnicity, referring to them as “abeed” (slaves) and “nawab”, a racial insult that means “Africans”.


Mar 21, 2021
As we can see these Muslims war on Jesus to honor their false prophet

CHRISTIANS are once more being persecuted by the Khartoum military junta. International mediators must not ignore the threats to faith leaders and the destruction of churches, driven by the regime’s intolerant Islamist ideology.

In 2019, it seemed that decades of persecution had finally ended for Sudan’s Christians. Field Marshal al-Bashir, indicted for genocide in Darfur by the International Criminal Court, was ousted. A transitional government vowed to abolish laws discriminating against the millions of Christians living in Sudan.

Nearly one year ago, however, an Islamist-military junta seized power (News, 29 October 2021). Once more, church property is being attacked and confiscated, and leaders are harassed and detained. Sudanese Christians are appealing for help from the international community.

Under al-Bashir, the department for Christian affairs was headed by a Muslim working closely with the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS). The Catholic Club became the headquarters for the ruling National Congress Party (the rebranded National Islamic Front); the Sudan Interior Church became the offices of the NISS; and Tijani Al-Mahi Hospital was taken from the Episcopal Church.


Mar 21, 2021
We must stop this Muslim war on Christians and all of their propaganda to get unsuspecting atheists on their side to commit blasphemy.

When dealing with Muslims you must never turn your back on them , like a predator in the wild as soon as you turn your back they will attack you and go for the neck.


Aug 13, 2020


Church deaths 'cold-blooded killing', cardinal says

"It's certainly a cold-blooded killing," the most senior Catholic figure in the UK said.

An Israeli military sniper shot and killed two women inside the Holy Family Parish in Gaza City on Saturday, according to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

The Israeli military has denied it targets civilians ... [?]

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EglOs7Nc3Xo

Pope Francis condemns Israeli 'terrorism' in Gaza

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUX3PoGI25c
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Aug 13, 2020
Israel's propaganda is for stupid people, playing to the emotional and brain-dead population.

It is no laughing matter how incapable humans are of evolving into a rational being.




This is perhaps the origins of many US morons defending genocide (Israel) no matter what:

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