What works for premature ejaculation?


Sep 24, 2016
SSRIs seem to have good data behind to help with PE. Not advising taking then but the mechanism (unclear) would be interesting


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This study you posted referred to low prolactin levels, not high, as related to PE-

"Thyroid-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, and prolactin levels were significantly lower in men with premature ejaculation according to premature ejaculation diagnostic tool (p=0.017, 0.007 and 0.007, respectively). Luteinizing hormone level (OR, 1.293; p=0.014) was found to be an independent risk factor for premature ejaculation."

Yes, I meant to post it as a confirmation of the previous comment about prolactin but somehow my two responses got mixed into one...


Jan 30, 2014
I’ve embarrassingly really struggled with this my entire life and gave literally tried everything from hypnosis to qigong to every supplement and herb and topical solution and nothing has helped in the slightest


Dec 10, 2016
When I am at my best health wise, my erections are the hardest and my sensitivity is highest, i.e. I reach climax quickly. For me this is a sign of health.
This whole PE hysteria during the last 2 decades does not make any sense. What does premature even mean exactly? If it happens during penetration it is by definition of the biological function not premature. Who defines the healthy duration of sexual intercourse? This is completely absurd in a medical context. If you are ejaculating from the mere sight of a woman, then I might agree to call this pathological, but this is not what people are talking about when they say they suffer from PE.
If heavy alcohol intoxication "improves" your "condition", you might want to reevaluate your interpretation of your situation.

i never understand the problem with premature ejaculation.

after you ejaculate just go on and go for the second one, it takes a little longer so you have more fun. you girlfriend would love it.
Maybe they are paying for it. ;) This is the only context where it makes sense to me.


Sep 24, 2016
When I am at my best health wise, my erections are the hardest and my sensitivity is highest, i.e. I reach climax quickly. For me this is a sign of health.
This whole PE hysteria during the last 2 decades does not make any sense. What does premature even mean exactly? If it happens during penetration it is by definition of the biological function not premature. Who defines the healthy duration of sexual intercourse? This is completely absurd in a medical context. If you are ejaculating from the mere sight of a woman, then I might agree to call this pathological, but this is not what people are talking about when they say they suffer from PE.
If heavy alcohol intoxication "improves" your "condition", you might want to reevaluate your interpretation of your situation.

Maybe they are paying for it. ;) This is the only context where it makes sense to me.

Yes. In a very primal evolutionary context, wouldn’t quick semination even be advantageous.


Feb 13, 2016
These days, only grounding will do. I was back on Dr. Lawrence Wilson's page last week reading through his concept of "down" -- which is simply moving energy down and out of the body, a discharge of excess upward traveling energy, supposedly resulting in energetic harmony. I don't wholly endorse Dr. Wilson's work but there is value in the idea of "downward development" and it ties nicely into the Reichian tradition, including Lowen and Michel and some others I'm forgetting.
The concept of grounding is interesting, it's basically the opposite of anxiety.

i never understand the problem with premature ejaculation.

after you ejaculate just go on and go for the second one, it takes a little longer so you have more fun. you girlfriend would love it.
It's just not the same imo.

A strong sense of self awareness can helpful. Someone who meditates, does some form of internal based type training like Tai Chi, systema martial arts, etc typically aren't as tense. Being more present is much easier when you're not reacting to every sensation and responding by having less tension through your "system."

Plenty other ways, but the ones above are pretty consistent with what I've seen work for myself and others.
Very interesting, I feel that PE involves some sort of bodily "imbalance" and martial arts training should help with coordination, balance, etc.

PE is low prolactin and that's a good thing
I think high histamine/estrogen can be confused for low serotonin/low prolactin, but I think the difference is that histamine gives you over-sensitivity to things you shouldn't be sensitive towards, whereas low prolactin increases sensitivity beneficially by increasing awareness in general.

Oxytocin promotes sensitivity and ejaculation and certain supplements with zinc, Rhodiola, folate and B12 have been shown to help with PE.
Interesting info about the nutrients, thanks.

The really quality sex, the stuff that flies over average consumers head, the chemistry..it's all call and response. Best to focus on breathing and going by your senses, some times call for more intense sessions and some call for the dragged out lovey dovey stuff. Sex is an intimate thing, so in a relationship scenario everything is brought to the table, or should be. Going for round 2, changing focus from penetration to eye gazing, for instance is good practice. I don't like the idea of using supplements in regards to sexual performance, atleast not until the party has grasped enough of it and is plenty relaxed and cool about it.
I agree about call and response, with PE there is a lack of "depth" and there is no real ebb and flow. Kind of like bad music.

SSRIs seem to have good data behind to help with PE. Not advising taking then but the mechanism (unclear) would be interesting
My guess is by increasing allopregnanolone.

I’ve embarrassingly really struggled with this my entire life and gave literally tried everything from hypnosis to qigong to every supplement and herb and topical solution and nothing has helped in the slightest
I think truly curing it is as difficult as curing obesity or MPB but it can be done.

Frequent ejaculation is a common cause, because it causes lactic acid and free radicals build up in the pelvic area. If you do it too often these byproducts will not be cleared fast enough and will cause inflammation and muscle fatigue and dysfunction. In young men, frequent ejaculation is associated with high risk of prostatitis.
Once a week is probably a good balance. If you go longer than 2 weeks, you might get PE again from the prostatic fluid build up this time.
Probably things that help the prostate also help PE. I read that there are increased rates of PE in people with prostate issues.

When I am at my best health wise, my erections are the hardest and my sensitivity is highest, i.e. I reach climax quickly. For me this is a sign of health.
This whole PE hysteria during the last 2 decades does not make any sense. What does premature even mean exactly? If it happens during penetration it is by definition of the biological function not premature. Who defines the healthy duration of sexual intercourse? This is completely absurd in a medical context. If you are ejaculating from the mere sight of a woman, then I might agree to call this pathological, but this is not what people are talking about when they say they suffer from PE.
If heavy alcohol intoxication "improves" your "condition", you might want to reevaluate your interpretation of your situation.

Maybe they are paying for it. ;) This is the only context where it makes sense to me.

I think the combo of high sensitivity and high lasting time/endurance is needed, neither works without the other. You don't want high sensitivity yet be short-lasting (which seems "small" and without "depth" to me) and you don't want to have low sensitivity yet last long due to high serotonin/high allopregnanolone (the hormonal state of SSRIs) which is due to low awareness.
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Mar 28, 2020
Microdose lsd? 10 micro grams?

I can confirm microdosing psychedelics (mushrooms in my case) works for PE and also a huge libido increase, there are many reports online.
You get more control when you want to release.

So obviously serotonin receptors are big cause in this, interestigly psilocybin is also a mild histamine H1 antagonist


May 10, 2018
Very interesting, cheers. What dosage/strain did you use out of curiosity? Do you have any comparison to say 10usg of lysergic acid? Thanks :)


Jul 29, 2020
When I am at my best health wise, my erections are the hardest and my sensitivity is highest, i.e. I reach climax quickly. For me this is a sign of health.
This whole PE hysteria during the last 2 decades does not make any sense. What does premature even mean exactly? If it happens during penetration it is by definition of the biological function not premature. Who defines the healthy duration of sexual intercourse? This is completely absurd in a medical context. If you are ejaculating from the mere sight of a woman, then I might agree to call this pathological, but this is not what people are talking about when they say they suffer from PE.
If heavy alcohol intoxication "improves" your "condition", you might want to reevaluate your interpretation of your situation.

Maybe they are paying for it. ;) This is the only context where it makes sense to me.
Yup, when my health was lowest I could go on and on, having trouble finishing. Now, some partners may prefer that, given how many people are into having marathon sessions. The other party is getting satisfied. However, I have a strong memory of having really mediocre orgasms and feeling meh by it.
Having low prolactin significantly reduces refractory period, and makes you finish faster. But, then again, I can't really put myself 100% in others shoes as far as PE and EQ goes. Never had problems with it, even under the influence of anti psychotic, SSRI, depakote and benzodiazepine cocktail, whilst having beers like it's no tommorow. Youth has a lot to do with it, high DHEA-S is a big compensatory factor.


Mar 28, 2020
Very interesting, cheers. What dosage/strain did you use out of curiosity? Do you have any comparison to say 10usg of lysergic acid? Thanks :)

cubensis around 0.1g (100mg) , this is very low dose so you get subliminal effects. with stroger strains dosage could be jsut 30-50mg. But im very sensitive so depends on the person

LSD have stronger affinity for 5HT's and also on D1-5 so its a little different, 5-10mcgs should be similar


Jun 25, 2019
SSRIs and PDE5 inhibitors are pharmacological interventions with proven efficacy. Some GABA drugs like gabapentin also have data to back up the efficacy as on-demand tool.

Sympathetic dominance, hyperthyroidism and high prenatal androgens are associated with premature ejaculation. On the other hand premature ejaculators also tend to have lower vitamin D (TPH2?), melatonin, B12 (methylation/histamine?) and prolactin.

I think premature ejaculation is quite pro-metabolic phenomenon.


Sep 24, 2016
SSRIs and PDE5 inhibitors are pharmacological interventions with proven efficacy. Some GABA drugs like gabapentin also have data to back up the efficacy as on-demand tool.

Sympathetic dominance, hyperthyroidism and high prenatal androgens are associated with premature ejaculation. On the other hand premature ejaculators also tend to have lower vitamin D (TPH2?), melatonin, B12 (methylation/histamine?) and prolactin.

I think premature ejaculation is quite pro-metabolic phenomenon.

Yes, especially ssris seem effective. I agree that all points to PE being associated with desirable health markers.

But as with all things physiological we have to ends of a spectrum. PE likely can also be a phenomenon of poor health.

From an evolutionary standpoint there can be arguments in favour of PE but also against. It would also make sense for poor health or low class primates to inseminate quickly since they likely have few chances to copulate or even force themselves on females


Jun 5, 2019
What I am about to say isn't really proven in any way so take it with a grain of salt, but from my personal experience every stimulating and excitotoxic substance pretty much induces premature ejaculation.

low gaba
high intracellular calcium
low vitamin D
stress in general

you need to reduce excessive excitation and restore inhibitory systems.
Nov 21, 2015
I have a question for premature ejaculators. Do you get aroused quickly? Does everything take place quickly?


Jun 5, 2019
I have a question for premature ejaculators. Do you get aroused quickly? Does everything take place quickly?
I don't really experience premature ejaculation often but when I do I usually also experience quick arousal in an uncomfortable way, so I think its part of unhealthy overexcitation.
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