Whats Everyones Thoughts On Covid 19 All These Months Later?


Mar 2, 2018
So whats everyones thoughts on Covid 19 all these months later?

It seems pretty obvious that it’s not as serious that has been made out and that it’s mainly the elderly or people with underlying health conditions who actual get serious effects from it or even die (and even then it’s pretty small numbers).

I do know a lot of younger people who actually got it, some not even with symptoms, some with just normal flu symptoms etc.

I really haven’t been bothered about it and just been doing the norm, no mask etc and not distancing from people but recently the thing that freaks me out about is this ‘long covid’ thing where people are ruined for months from it (I know also rare) but still.

Also, long term effects? Like does having Covid 19 potentially leave you with something long term? I dunno i mean seen as it’s got this whole craze about it (when really it doesn’t seem much more than a flu) then could it potentially cause something permanent in the body even if there’s no symptoms or there’s only mild symptoms? Like I’ve heard about the potential lung fibrosis and stuff, is there anything else that this leaves you with?

(I’m really not here to debate anyone, I’m on no real side, I’m simply on the fence, i’m just making guesses from all the ***t you read over the internet/fb etc and i’m just interested in what to do moving forward, should i be a bit more careful, distancing etc? Or based on what we see just go haywire lol?)


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I think it is real but way overblown and handled poorly. I completely quit being a respiratory therapist altogether over it because I couldn’t in good conscience continue to be part of it. I did work at my county’s hospital during the peak and everyone with a severe case was in poor health with multiple comorbidities.


My mind hasn't changed since the "beginning."
It's what has always been. Coronavirus has always been with us. Viruses have always had different strains.
No actual, novel, virulent virus has been proven here.
They made the gullible (which is a lot of people) believe in something that's not what it is being projected to be.
Nothing special happened this year other than fraud.


Feb 18, 2016
It’s an slightly more infectious flu, a large amount of excess deaths are from intubation and fraudulent categorization.

It’s been hijacked by governments, big banks, big pharma and billionaire ideologues to push through whatever delusional agenda they are at now like the fourth industrial revolution in the name of humanitarianism that just so happens to have the financial elite ruling class types at the top of the system.
Governments also need cover for neglecting the elderly in care homes and ruining lives by locking down, some are doubling down and willfully ignoring countries and states that didn’t lock down.

The banks got their quite bailout along with the big corporate groups, other corporate groups are making billions because of lockdown like amazon and of course let’s not forget big pharma at the taxpayer funded ATM like crack addicts.

It took the heat off the Jeffrey Epstein child sex trafficking ring that includes the likes of Bill Gates.

It’s also become a cult amongst joe public who isn’t gaining financially and fits every definition of toxic cult like behavior.
The defeated personas with unmet life expectations in society needed this, the authoritarian personas needed it, the information has given them meaning and identity, a new purpose, doomsday is here and all you have to do is stay home from the job you hate and get payed to be scared.

As with all cults when doomsday doesn’t come to pass the narrative must change, we have gone from hundreds of millions dying in the streets to deaths in line with previous bad flu seasons, we have now moved from no deaths to a casedemic, it’s all about cases now, flu season is nearly upon us so the cult will change back again to the covid League table of death, this daily information feed puts the cult into a dopamine induced frenzy reinforcing neural feedback loops and meaning accordingly.

The cult also believe in lockdowns, look at New Zealand and the commie authoritarian jacinda aherne they say, eradicated covid19 was the hype, New Zealand opened up and covid returned along with the cult dissonance.

There is mass schizophrenia present within the cult at this point.



Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
I had the usual symptoms and tested positive for it back in late May. I was under the weather with it for right at two weeks it seems. At the time I was taking some methylene blue and cyproheptadine so I'm thinking that may have been helpful in the severity being not that bad. During the 2nd week I was taking some aspirin throughout the day to relieve the body aches I was having.

I'm 48 years old and got through it pretty well but just today heard of the death of a 49 yr. old pastor who came down with it a couple of weeks ago. He had some underlying health issues though. So I know that corona virus is very real and very deadly to those who's immune system might be compromised. :shock:


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
Video link to one of the best prophecy updates posted weekly to Youtube with a small tribute to the pastor that just died a corona virus related death:



Jul 29, 2014
I think pretty much the same thing I thought at the beginning. The lockdown was obviously stupid. Sweden seems to have handled thing nicely. Now they have a low case count while in the other European countries it is rising again.

The virus is nothing if you are a young and healthy person, but I guess there are a lot of unhealthy people these days. Still, a lot of young people are asymptomatic. Must be a super deadly disease when somewhere around 50% of people don't even get symptoms.

Now they are pushing the flu vaccine hard in Ontario. They didn't mention it can increase other respiratory illnesses, including coronavirus, significantly. But they keep repeating it "get your flu shot". How about some good advice like "make sure you are getting enough vitamin D"? But I guess that's too simple...


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
If I hadn't listened to Ray's early interviews on covid I'm sure I would have been as scared as the general population is. Ray is a shield and he called the extent of the virus early on.


Jul 29, 2014
If I hadn't listened to Ray's early interviews on covid I'm sure I would have been as scared as the general population is. Ray is a shield and he called the extent of the virus early on.

You might be right. I suppose I shouldn't be so hard on people maybe...


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
It’s an slightly more infectious flu, a large amount of excess deaths are from intubation and fraudulent categorization.

It’s been hijacked by governments, big banks, big pharma and billionaire ideologues to push through whatever delusional agenda they are at now like the fourth industrial revolution in the name of humanitarianism that just so happens to have the financial elite ruling class types at the top of the system.
Governments also need cover for neglecting the elderly in care homes and ruining lives by locking down, some are doubling down and willfully ignoring countries and states that didn’t lock down.

The banks got their quite bailout along with the big corporate groups, other corporate groups are making billions because of lockdown like amazon and of course let’s not forget big pharma at the taxpayer funded ATM like crack addicts.

It took the heat off the Jeffrey Epstein child sex trafficking ring that includes the likes of Bill Gates.

It’s also become a cult amongst joe public who isn’t gaining financially and fits every definition of toxic cult like behavior.
The defeated personas with unmet life expectations in society needed this, the authoritarian personas needed it, the information has given them meaning and identity, a new purpose, doomsday is here and all you have to do is stay home from the job you hate and get payed to be scared.

As with all cults when doomsday doesn’t come to pass the narrative must change, we have gone from hundreds of millions dying in the streets to deaths in line with previous bad flu seasons, we have now moved from no deaths to a casedemic, it’s all about cases now, flu season is nearly upon us so the cult will change back again to the covid League table of death, this daily information feed puts the cult into a dopamine induced frenzy reinforcing neural feedback loops and meaning accordingly.

The cult also believe in lockdowns, look at New Zealand and the commie authoritarian jacinda aherne they say, eradicated covid19 was the hype, New Zealand opened up and covid returned along with the cult dissonance.

There is mass schizophrenia present within the cult at this point.



Feb 13, 2016
I think that there is definitely something going around, which can have serious AIDS-like effects on poor health, high estrogen people (like diabetics and heart patients), but that it is being taken advantage of and made to seem bigger than it really is in order to restructure society.

Also Walgreens is actually *paying* people to get a flu shot. I saw an ad recently "Get a flu shot and get $5 off your purchase".
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
I think that there is definitely something going around, which can have serious AIDS-like effects on poor health, high estrogen people (like diabetics and heart patients), but that it is being taken advantage of and made to seem bigger than it really is in order to restructure society.

Also Walgreens is actually *paying* people to get a flu shot. I saw an ad recently "Get a flu shot and get $5 off your purchase".

@Drareg So, here in the UK I expect Boots (retailer) will be lining up to pay to get your flu shot, think I'll pass on that!

Wonder what's going to happen September 30th regarding Coronavirus Act 2020 UK, will back benchers start the push back?????

By the way the pubs closing at 10;00 pm here in the UK, however there has been anger after it was reported that Parliament’s bars will be exempt from the 10pm coronavirus curfew.
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I think that there is definitely something going around, which can have serious AIDS-like effects on poor health, high estrogen people (like diabetics and heart patients), but that it is being taken advantage of and made to seem bigger than it really is in order to restructure society.

Also Walgreens is actually *paying* people to get a flu shot. I saw an ad recently "Get a flu shot and get $5 off your purchase".

AIDS isn't even transmitable.

"AIDS" started appearing in the late 70s among NYC and SF junkies who sniffed poppers all day long and injected drugs.

Guess what's the consequences of sniffing popper as much as they did? Kaposi sarcoma and an extremely weakened immune system.

We then found similar low immune systems in subsaharians African countries, and labeled it "AIDS", although the only thing they had in common was a very poor immune health due to all the nutrient deficiencies.

"AIDS" is a scientific and social satanistic construction to pull people away from each other, as "sex isn't safe".

Just like now with Covid, which is episode 2 of pulling us apart: don't approach other humans, they will transmit you a disease.

This is a physical distantiation agenda, not a real disease.


Feb 18, 2016
@Drareg So, here in the UK I expect Boots (retailer) will be lining up to pay to get your flu shot, think I'll pass on that!

Wonder what's going to happen September 30th regarding Coronavirus Act 2020 UK, will back benchers start the push back?????

By the way the pubs closing at 10;00 pm here in the UK, however there has been anger after it was reported that Parliament’s bars will be exempt from the 10pm coronavirus curfew.

Parliament bars are exempt! No way, this is hilarious.

Pay people to get a flu shot, at this point it’s our tax money paying for the vaccines either way.
They are completely detached from reality, they think the majority of society are primitive animals to be managed, most of society can’t be bothered to engage with politics because they are more interested in pop culture and sports, this doesn’t mean they don’t understand the behavior of corrupt authoritarians, more people are turning an eye to politics and the financial system after the last few months, on top of this we have a bizarre level of migration going on that the public have no say on whatsoever, maybe the ruling class want people to snap and cause chaos that they will exploit, they are chipping away at a culture that is possibly the most addictive dopamine stimulating culture in history.

One thing the ruling class forget is the level of narcissism present in society mainly driven by pop culture, this has created immense desire for wealth and status, the ruling class think this desire will be given up in the name of saving the planet from climate change or covid19, they think people at their core can be made to care for inclusivity of the 3rd world countries, people don’t, they virtue signal about the third world and the next day post Instagram shots of their latest 3rd world sweatshop made try on haul.
They think they will be happy in co-living digital gulag like apartments when in reality they want a 10 bedroom mansion for a family of 4.
The ruling class think the narcissists will sacrifice these meanings while they still rule with extortionate wealth.

Back benchers will have to push back, too many high profile legal professionals are speaking out along with medical "experts".


Jan 25, 2014
My thoughts have stayed similar to what they were in the beginning.

This was obviously a massive propaganda operation, far bigger in scope and duration than the other "media pandemics" of the recent past (like SARS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Zika, West Nile, and so on). I think these "media pandemics" are always used to cover something up, and it's clear the purpose here was to destroy the World's Economy, and have some sort of Reset. Who all benefits, whether it was done by "dark hats," white hats," or both, that remains to be seen.

As far as any "new virus," I don't believe anyone ever properly discovered a new Corona Virus. I base this on the fact that no one has been able to point to Electron Micrographs of said discovery, originally made in China. No one, not one single country or "Health Agency" has bothered to replicate this work for themselves. This goes to show how useless organizations like the CDC, WHO, FDA and such truly are. Also, no country or health agency has bothered to satisfy Koch's Postulates. So, I really don't think there is any credibility to the claim that a new virus was discovered.

Nor is there any indication that said "new virus" spread to..... anywhere, really. Diagnosis were made by CT Scan, eyeballing it, PCR or Antibody test. The first two obvisously can't detect any sort of germ. Neither does an antibody test. The PCR is the only one that tests something that **might** be a virus, but even this test is only testing for a DNA fragment, that could be anything, really. The inventor of said test, manufacturers, and even health orgs like the CDC and FDA state very clearly this test can't be used to diagnose a disease (or specific virus). And yet........ that's exactly what's been going on.

In some ways, it doesn't really matter, as we live with potentially trillions upon trillions of germs (viruses, bacteria, fungi, mold, or what have you) every day. Why anyone would cower in fear of the story of a germ was always a bit of a head scratcher to me, and the willingness of people to believe prophecy spun out by the media and "health officials" really puzzled me. The media and health officials aren't as credible at telling the future as Miss Cleo is, and their predictions have proven to be beyond stupidly wrong. Remember the claim that would be 65 Million Dead in 18 months? Or Neil Ferguson's claim that 2 Million American's would die by April? Well, they couldn't even get to 1 million dead worldwide in 10 months, using every single piece of fraud and criminality possible to jack up the numbers. Tuberculous remains a bigger respiratory killer this year, making the darling virus "Covid 19" a second of deaths even in that narrow category (even using a much more liberal coding system for deaths in the COVID case).

As far as any "long term effects..." well, I don't know what the long term effects of an unproven virus would be. That's anyone's guess. And so called "Long Haul COVID..." the people supposedly suffering from this test negative for COVID most of the time anyway. NOT a new virus!

But the "long term effects" of the propaganda operation along with the multiple EXPERIMENTS run by government and the media could very well include hundreds of thousands of destroyed businesses, long term depression, huge increases in suicides, famines, starvation, unrest, and who knows what else.
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Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
My thoughts have stayed similar to what they were in the beginning.

This was obviously a massive propaganda operation, far bigger in scope and duration than the other "media pandemics" of the recent past (like SARS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Zika, West Nile, and so on). I think these "media pandemics" are always used to cover something up, and it's clear the purpose here was to destroy the World's Economy, and have some sort of Reset. Who all benefits, whether it was done by "dark hats," white hats," or both, that remains to be seen.

As far as any "new virus," I don't believe anyone ever properly discovered a new Corona Virus. I base this on the fact that no one has been able to point to Electron Micrographs of said discovery, originally made in China. No one, not one single country or "Health Agency" has bothered to replicate this work for themselves. This goes to show how useless organizations like the CDC, WHO, FDA and such truly are. Also, no country or health agency has bothered to satisfy Koch's Postulates. So, I really don't think there is any credibility to the claim that a new virus was discovered.

Nor is there any indication that said "new virus" spread to..... anywhere, really. Diagnosis were made by CT Scan, eyeballing it, PCR or Antibody test. The first two obvisously can't detect any sort of germ. Neither does an antibody test. The PCR is the only one that tests something that **might** be a virus, but even this test is only testing for a DNA fragment, that could be anything, really. The inventor of said test, manufacturers, and even health orgs like the CDC and FDA state very clearly this test can't be used to diagnose a disease (or specific virus). And yet........ that's exactly what's been going on.

In some ways, it doesn't really matter, as we live with potentially trillions upon trillions of germs (viruses, bacteria, fungi, mold, or what have you) every day. Why anyone would cower in fear of the story of a germ was always a bit of a head scratcher to me, and the willingness of people to believe prophecy spun out by the media and "health officials" really puzzled me. The media and health officials aren't as credible at telling the future as Miss Cleo is, and their predictions have proven to be beyond stupidly wrong. Remember the claim that would be 65 Million Dead in 18 months? Or Neil Ferguson's claim that 2 Million American's would die by April? Well, they couldn't even get to 1 million dead worldwide in 10 months, using every single piece of fraud and criminality possible to jack up the numbers. Tuberculous remains a bigger respiratory killer this year, making the darling virus "Covid 19" a second of deaths even in that narrow category (even using a much more liberal coding system for deaths in the COVID case).

As far as any "long term effects..." well, I don't know what the long term effects of an unproven virus would be. That's anyone's guess. And so called "Long Haul COVID..." the people supposedly suffering from this test negative for COVID most of the time anyway. NOT a new virus!

But the "long term effects" of the propaganda operation along with the multiple EXPERIMENTS run by government and the media could very well include hundreds of thousands of destroyed businesses, long term depression, huge increases in suicides, famines, starvation, unrest, and who knows what else.
@Drareg @tankasnowgod @Geronimo Great comments guys, keep it up!! :):


May 11, 2020
Watch Biden get elected and institute a national mask mandate on day one. Then they'll quietly drop the cycle threshold to 33 with no media coverage. Biden saves the world. Masker anti-science freaks are "proven right" and emboldened, bragging endlessly. I dropkick people in the face for being so gullible. One foot to the lips. Other foot to the lips.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It is quite obvious that a significant proportion of the population is basically lobotomized and entirely dependent on govts/authorities for everything, especially giving meaning to their lives (as @Drareg has been pointing out for years at this point). It is also obvious that almost nobody in a position of political (or medical) power is even remotely sane (too much SSRI usage at the top), let alone intelligent enough to enact positive change in the world. It is a toxic mix of corruption+microcephalism at the top and many people at the bottom are happily gobbling up the poison despite their quality of live deteriorating and people dying left and right of...pretty much anything, except the virus.
The Social Fabric In Western Countries May Be Unraveling
The Health Cost Of Lockdowns- Death Tolls From Increased Suicide, Blood Shortages, And Other Effects

It would be interesting to hear what @debored13 has to say. He was of the opinion a few months ago that this is a real pandemic a-la Spanish Flu 1918, and that full lockdowns are absolutely necessary. I wonder what he thinks now...
CNN: Covid-19 Death Rate Is Under 1% For Everyone But People Over 70
COVID 19 Lockdown And Testing Had No Effect On Death Rate
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Jul 31, 2015
Parliament bars are exempt! No way, this is hilarious.

Pay people to get a flu shot, at this point it’s our tax money paying for the vaccines either way.
They are completely detached from reality, they think the majority of society are primitive animals to be managed, most of society can’t be bothered to engage with politics because they are more interested in pop culture and sports, this doesn’t mean they don’t understand the behavior of corrupt authoritarians, more people are turning an eye to politics and the financial system after the last few months, on top of this we have a bizarre level of migration going on that the public have no say on whatsoever, maybe the ruling class want people to snap and cause chaos that they will exploit, they are chipping away at a culture that is possibly the most addictive dopamine stimulating culture in history.

One thing the ruling class forget is the level of narcissism present in society mainly driven by pop culture, this has created immense desire for wealth and status, the ruling class think this desire will be given up in the name of saving the planet from climate change or covid19, they think people at their core can be made to care for inclusivity of the 3rd world countries, people don’t, they virtue signal about the third world and the next day post Instagram shots of their latest 3rd world sweatshop made try on haul.
They think they will be happy in co-living digital gulag like apartments when in reality they want a 10 bedroom mansion for a family of 4.
The ruling class think the narcissists will sacrifice these meanings while they still rule with extortionate wealth.

Back benchers will have to push back, too many high profile legal professionals are speaking out along with medical "experts".
Its a very dangerous, for us, slow boil which ameliorates for the elite any concerns you raise. Couple this with the left in full on cultural revolution/Anti-racist {totalitarian} mode and the right nicely pacified by Trump via his youish handlers in a LGBT, Black/minority, female, high cognitively dissonant orgasm of identity politics and you could be forgiven thinking we were in the mists of the Kalergi Plan playing out.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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