WHO would win in a fight: a HIGH DHT Male or a HIGH T Male?


May 10, 2016
Am I really talking to myself right now? If you were really me, then you would know the name of the girl I had a crush on in the 1st grade... so tell me, what was her name?
Super healthy being awake at 2am. Sounds like excess adrenaline and cortisol aka low DHT


Jun 22, 2021
If you don't like dark humor, that's fair. Some men are just overly sensitive.

Only you would try to paint someone who frequents a health forum and learns about health by reading scientific literature as a bad person.

You actively encourage people to be overweight which has been shown to be terrible for health and puts you at increased risk for many diseases, and yet are stupid enough to suggest I am the fraud here?

Good job flaming me. I must have really struck a nerve. You are a grown **** man that got so triggered by me calling out his BS. Its like I can almost see you boiling with anger while you typed this like a toddler who has zero emotional self-control which I have to say, gives me such a peverse amount of joy. Considering that the end of our initial "conversation" (me trying to reason with a babbling monkey aka you) was friday and then 2 days later you post this shows I clearly got under your skin and that you are emotionally unstable.

You really think you can encourage people to be fat on a health forum of all places and get away with it? If you got a problem with me, get in line because you aren't the first.

Its funny that you did this right after that other manchild who thought he understood even a fraction of my life and me as a person also attacked me. Which shows how easily influenced you are to spread hate and vitriol. The only thing you accomplished by writing this trash post was thoroughly embarrassing yourself.
Hey man,

You didn't strike a nerve honestly, you're just out of line, and when you step out of line, I got to put you back in your place right?

You're not under my skin dude, once again, I'm just putting you in your place and Scurve was too, you were out of line and in the wilderness its normal for animals to check lower-status animals and put them in their place, you know that right?

I didn't actually use any ad-hominems on you, I just gave accurate readings about you and you know I'm right

Honestly, you aren't calling out anyone,

I'm not joking when I say I have more muscle than you and I'm not joking when I say DHT is more than 3 times higher than yours

I walk 2 miles a day, every day, and I work-out 4-5 days a week, I am not joking when I say I'm more active than you

I'm not fat, but I'm also not a twig,

I don't encourage anyone to be overweight, but I do encourage people to have a healthy amount of fat

Once again, you had no rebuttal when you're faced with the fact all wild animals hold on to 20-25% body fat, you just made things up when faced with the fact and got proven wrong

But Hey man, I'm trying to be a better person, and I'm not trying to get into arguments with people, so you have a nice day man, you can hit my DM's if you want to talk

Legit not trying to argue with anyone, but lets be honest:

- you came in here insulting me first
- this isn't the first time you followed me around the forum provoking me
- you had it coming based on your behavior towards me and other people

There was no feelings in that post I made about you, you can tell by how calmy I made the post that I had no emotional feelings about you, you sound more emotional than me if anything, but you needed to get checked with the way you're talking to people

You have a nice day man, I'm not trying to argue with anyone, have a nice day man
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Dec 17, 2018
Hey man,

You didn't strike a nerve honestly, you're just out of line, and when you step out of line, I got to put you back in your place right?

You're not under my skin dude, once again, I'm just putting you in your place and Scurve was too, you were out of line and in the wilderness its normal for animals to check lower-status animals and put them in their place, you know that right?

I didn't actually use any ad-hominems on you, I just gave accurate readings about you and you know I'm right

Honestly, you aren't calling out anyone,

I'm not joking when I say I have more muscle than you and I'm not joking when I say DHT is more than 3 times higher than yours

I walk 2 miles a day, every day, and I work-out 4-5 days a week, I am not joking when I say I'm more active than you

I'm not fat, but I'm also not a twig,

I don't encourage anyone to be overweight, but I do encourage people to have a healthy amount of fat

Once again, you had no rebuttal when you're faced with the fact all wild animals hold on to 20-25% body fat, you just made things up when faced with the fact and got proven wrong

But Hey man, I'm trying to be a better person, and I'm not trying to get into arguments with people, so you have a nice day man, you can hit my DM's if you want to talk

Legit not trying to argue with anyone, but lets be honest:

- you came in here insulting me first
- this isn't the first time you followed me around the forum provoking me
- you had it coming based on your behavior towards me and other people

There was no feelings in that post I made about you, you can tell by how calmy I made the post that I had no emotional feelings about you, you sound more emotional than me if anything, but you needed to get checked with the way you're talking to people

You have a nice day man, I'm not trying to argue with anyone, have a nice day man
You realize calling someone tubby who constantly encourages people to be fat by saying they should "take the fatpill" should be taken as a compliment or at least not be taken as an insult by that person right? Why is it you encourage and praise fat people for being fat but if you are called it you take it as an insult?

No such fact exists about all wild animals. I already said that it is actually the wild animals that will naturally be leaner than their captive counterparts. Did you not learn even this one thing from all that I tried to inform you?

You made a lengthy flame post against me and now you want to be a better person and then you have the nerve to say have a nice day? Doesn't work like that. But that's adorable that you are now trying to deescalate only after flaming me and calling me a garbage human being.

Oh no emotion in that last post you say? Looks like you need help interpreting the things you yourself wrote:

I don't hate too many people - probably on this forum I only hate about 3-5 people with a BURNING PASSION, but @redsun is one of them. He's a garbage human being and I don't want this kid around me honestly, his presence really bothers me no joke
Hate is an emotion you dimwit. Your whole flame post was made through the hate you have for me. Hate, probably also anger and irritation since they tend to manifest together, led to that disgusting post you made against me. Suggesting that post was not emotionally driven is just a bold-faced lie.

It is easy for anyone to get under your skin because you are insecure which is evident by you constantly try to make yourself appear superior to everyone else as a way to overcompensate for your poor self-image. This is a well known behavior in psychology shown in many of your posts and you don't even realize that it is showing plain as day to everyone how insecure you are.
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Sep 9, 2019

Reform and go back to God.


Jun 22, 2021
You realize calling someone tubby who constantly encourages people to be fat by saying they should "take the fatpill" should be taken as a compliment or at least not be taken as an insult by that person right? Why is it you encourage and praise fat people for being fat but if you are called it you take it as an insult?

No such fact exists about all wild animals. I already said that it is actually the wild animals that will naturally be leaner than their captive counterparts. Did you not learn even this one thing from all that I tried to inform you?

You made a lengthy flame post against me and now you want to be a better person and then you have the nerve to say have a nice day? Doesn't work like that. But that's adorable that you are now trying to deescalate only after flaming me and calling me a garbage human being.

Oh no emotion in that last post you say? Looks like you need help interpreting the things you yourself wrote:

Hate is an emotion you dimwit. Your whole flame post was made through the hate you have for me. Hate, probably also anger and irritation since they tend to manifest together, led to that disgusting post you made against me. Suggesting that post was not emotionally driven is just a bold-faced lie.

It is easy for anyone to get under your skin because you are insecure which is evident by you constantly try to make yourself appear superior to everyone else as a way to overcompensate for your poor self-image. This is a well known behavior in psychology shown in many of your posts and you don't even realize that it is showing plain as day to everyone how insecure you are.
No trust me, I'm DE-ESCALATING because:

1 - I'm not trying to get in trouble - I like being on this forum and I'm not going to let you get me banned

2 - You're not important to me, I don't think about you like that and neither does anyone else

There's nothing adorable here man,

I'm BIGGER than you (A LOT bigger than you) and older than you, I'm Literally your dad, man and you're just throwing a temper tantrum trying to get me in trouble

I didn't even flame you my child, I actually made a very calm (low-serotonin) post about things that are true about you (since you won't leave me alone) so you can hop off. I don't like fighting with people but if you won't hop off me, then you need to get checked, thats what I did for you.

No my child, my post wasn't emotional at all, its true that I don't like you but you see how calmy I made that post and this one too? You see how not calm you are? You're projecting all the seething you feel onto me

You're the one cursing and throwing ad-hominems at me (you're foaming at the mouth) and you came into this thread first insulting me (unprovoked) when I've never came at you before this

So yea man, you did deserve that post I made about you and I will happily TAKE THIS CONVERSATION via DM's or discord if you want me to say bad things to you (if you want me to really hurt your feelings, I can do that for you), but I will not do it publicly because

1: I don't want to get in trouble or banned

2: You're not important to me man

I'm not scared of you dude, no one is actually - if you want me to insult you then message me or you can continue crying on this thread and foaming at the mouth

Also, I'm not insecure at all man, I literally don't care about much, but you sound like you're projecting your own insecurities onto me

Have a nice day kid, I'm your DAD - don't ever forget that


Jun 22, 2021

Reform and go back to God.
Dude, I don't have any health problems man, I literally try to spend 12 hours a day in Nature without any electronic device, you're pulling up this really old post I don't even remember making because once again, a lot of you don't know what no stress looks like.

I really don't need health advice man, considering I'm doing a lot better than most of the forum


May 10, 2016
No trust me, I'm DE-ESCALATING because:

1 - I'm not trying to get in trouble - I like being on this forum and I'm not going to let you get me banned

2 - You're not important to me, I don't think about you like that and neither does anyone else

There's nothing adorable here man,

I'm BIGGER than you (A LOT bigger than you) and older than you, I'm Literally your dad, man and you're just throwing a temper tantrum trying to get me in trouble

I didn't even flame you my child, I actually made a very calm (low-serotonin) post about things that are true about you (since you won't leave me alone) so you can hop off. I don't like fighting with people but if you won't hop off me, then you need to get checked, thats what I did for you.

No my child, my post wasn't emotional at all, its true that I don't like you but you see how calmy I made that post and this one too? You see how not calm you are? You're projecting all the seething you feel onto me

You're the one cursing and throwing ad-hominems at me (you're foaming at the mouth) and you came into this thread first insulting me (unprovoked) when I've never came at you before this

So yea man, you did deserve that post I made about you and I will happily TAKE THIS CONVERSATION via DM's or discord if you want me to say bad things to you (if you want me to really hurt your feelings, I can do that for you), but I will not do it publicly because

1: I don't want to get in trouble or banned

2: You're not important to me man

I'm not scared of you dude, no one is actually - if you want me to insult you then message me or you can continue crying on this thread and foaming at the mouth

Also, I'm not insecure at all man, I literally don't care about much, but you sound like you're projecting your own insecurities onto me

Have a nice day kid, I'm your DAD - don't ever forget that
IQ = 75


Sep 9, 2019
Dude, I don't have any health problems man, I literally try to spend 12 hours a day in Nature without any electronic device, you're pulling up this really old post I don't even remember making because once again, a lot of you don't know what no stress looks like.

I really don't need health advice man, considering I'm doing a lot better than most of the forum
There's no implication there that you have "health problems". Just a suggestion.

"I think essentially all humans should get to decide for themselves which brain state they prefer to be in, and also have access to balanced information about endogenous neurotransmitters in foods and drugs." - Travis Schwochert, 2018


Sep 9, 2019
I actually don't need much sleep my good sir because my sleep setup is very low stress


Dec 17, 2018
No trust me, I'm DE-ESCALATING because:

1 - I'm not trying to get in trouble - I like being on this forum and I'm not going to let you get me banned

2 - You're not important to me, I don't think about you like that and neither does anyone else

There's nothing adorable here man,

I'm BIGGER than you (A LOT bigger than you) and older than you, I'm Literally your dad, man and you're just throwing a temper tantrum trying to get me in trouble

I didn't even flame you my child, I actually made a very calm (low-serotonin) post about things that are true about you (since you won't leave me alone) so you can hop off. I don't like fighting with people but if you won't hop off me, then you need to get checked, thats what I did for you.

No my child, my post wasn't emotional at all, its true that I don't like you but you see how calmy I made that post and this one too? You see how not calm you are? You're projecting all the seething you feel onto me

You're the one cursing and throwing ad-hominems at me (you're foaming at the mouth) and you came into this thread first insulting me (unprovoked) when I've never came at you before this

So yea man, you did deserve that post I made about you and I will happily TAKE THIS CONVERSATION via DM's or discord if you want me to say bad things to you (if you want me to really hurt your feelings, I can do that for you), but I will not do it publicly because

1: I don't want to get in trouble or banned

2: You're not important to me man

I'm not scared of you dude, no one is actually - if you want me to insult you then message me or you can continue crying on this thread and foaming at the mouth

Also, I'm not insecure at all man, I literally don't care about much, but you sound like you're projecting your own insecurities onto me

Have a nice day kid, I'm your DAD - don't ever forget that
Yes of course keep spouting the same nonsense that your post was not driven by "hate" and "burning passion" (literally your exact words). I am sure everyone will believe it as long as you keep repeating it. I do believe though when you say you are bigger then me tubby, no doubt about it.

I did not continue the initial conversation because I was amused enough with your stupidity and I left it at that. Then 2 days later, unprovoked, you post your flame post of me. This is textbook definition of mental instability and if you think what I said to you before was sufficient provocation to attack me as a person you are clearly unhinged.

You look bad here and you will continue to look worse the more you type because the only thing your peanut brain is capable of doing is showcasing your inferiority complex to the whole forum by yet again, saying you are superior to me like you do to others to overcompensate for your poor self-image. You are incredibly insecure and everytime you reply you provide more evidence that you are.

Why are you so transparent James? Your rebuttal is simply you repeating that you are better than me in various ways, and that you are not emotionally unstable. Yet all evidence points to the contrary. And you seem to have some weird homosexual kink having to do with dads. Listen, if you are a homosexual james its alright but I am not nor am I into your weird dad fetish. Honestly it is kind of disturbing and brings into question your sanity. Please seek a therapist so they can help you deal with this weird obsession with dads you are having. Childhood trauma maybe?

I have no idea where you got the idea that I am trying to scare you. How can you be scared of words that are not threats of violence? Are you always this fearful?

Why would you want to continue this conversation in private? I prefer having an audience to witness you continuously embarrassing yourself.
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Jun 22, 2021
Yes of course keep spouting the same nonsense that your post was not driven by "hate" and "burning passion" (literally your exact words). I am sure everyone will believe it as long as you keep repeating it. I do believe though when you say you are bigger then me tubby, no doubt about it.

I did not continue the initial conversation because I was amused enough with your stupidity and I left it at that. Then 2 days later, unprovoked, you post your flame post of me. This is textbook definition of mental instability and if you think what I said to you before was sufficient provocation to attack me as a person you are clearly unhinged.

You look bad here and you will continue to look worse the more you type because the only thing your peanut brain is capable of doing is showcasing your inferiority complex to the whole forum by yet again, saying you are superior to me like you do to others to overcompensate for your poor self-image. You are incredibly insecure and everytime you reply you provide more evidence that you are.

Why are you so transparent James? Your rebuttal is simply you repeating that you are better than me in various ways, and that you are not emotionally unstable. Yet all evidence points to the contrary. And you seem to have some weird homosexual kink having to do with dads. Listen, if you are a homosexual james its alright but I am not nor am I into your weird dad fetish. Honestly it is kind of disturbing and brings into question your sanity. Please seek a therapist so they can help you deal with this weird obsession with dads you are having. Childhood trauma maybe?

I have no idea where you got the idea that I am trying to scare you. How can you be scared of words that are not threats of violence? Are you always this fearful?

Why would you want to continue this conversation in private? I prefer having an audience to witness you continuously embarrassing yourself.
Why are you still talking kid ? Damn kid you talk more than the average girl

I'm not embarrassing myself my child, you just won't hop off me for some unknown reason,

Yes my child, I could hate someone and not think about them much, I know you want me to feel a type of way about you, but I don't care about you my child

I don't got time for haters kid and thats what you are my child,

Yea I did reply 2 days later, do you really want to know why? Cause I was like this redsun kid has been talking too much recently, someone has to put the kid in his place

Yea man, "mental instability" whatever kid, at the end of the day people love my "mental instability" in person and on the internet, they literally become obsessed with me and my "mental instability" that they won't leave me alone and/or hop off (you). It's better than being an invisible, quiet dude that no one knows really exists (you)

I don't have an inferiority complex kid, I check people that need to be checked. If you say something to me, I will say something back (in person and on the internet), If someone tries something funny on me, I'll do something even funnier back (in person and on the internet). Thats not called insecure, thats called putting people in their place.

You just won't hop off kid, theres no inferiority complex, I meet dudes like you in person all the time - you get so insecure around a dude like me that you want to start problems meanwhile I barely know you exist.

You ENTERED THIS THREAD and insulted me first (unprovoked), I barely ever talked to you or even acknowledged your existence, but you really just want my attention.

Man you keep on projecting kid. I NEVER MENTIONED anything about sex and you keep thinking about homosexuals man, Is there something you want to tell us man? You seem to have sex and homosexuals on your mind an awful lot, is there something you wanted to reveal to the forum?

I'm YOUR DAD kid, I'm LITERALLY YOUR FATHER. I LITERALLY know your Mom in person, and I remember when you were 6 years old I went to the corner store to buy milk and never came back cause I just could tell you were going to become annoying and you did.

So anyway, like I said, I'm telling you to take this conversation private so I can speak my mind to you without repercussions.

You realize if I respond to you with the same energy that you're speaking to me with - I will get banned. I will not let you taunt me into getting banned - so take this conversation private, in messages or discord so it can be FAIR and I can speak my mind to you without repercussions.

If you don't take it private, then you're not a real man and you're a coward because you're acting funny around me because you know that If I say something back, I am facing a ban. I do not want to get banned.

I can make you cry if I wanted too.

It's actually my specialty, I'm pretty good at making another person cry, especially if they're a fake tough guy like yourself thats not about that life. You're a keyboard warrior man, in person you would be so quiet it would be hilarious.

Take it private or hop off me, my child. Its embarassing that another man wants my attention this bad man, I don't care about you kid and I don't think about you kid.

But if you want me to make you cry, I can do that. Take it private or you're not about that life. Period.


Jun 22, 2021
Once again, I don't need health advice, I don't need health recommendations and I don't need people diagnosing me with health conditions that I don't have based on a old post on the internet I don't even remember writing


Sep 9, 2019
Once again, I don't need health advice, I don't need health recommendations and I don't need people diagnosing me with health conditions that I don't have based on a old post on the internet I don't even remember writing
What you're responding to was based on a post from this page of this thread about your sleep. And again, there's no implication that you have a "health condition". Just a suggestion.

Read the quote from Travis (RIP).


Dec 17, 2018
Why are you still talking kid ? Damn kid you talk more than the average girl

I'm not embarrassing myself my child, you just won't hop off me for some unknown reason,

Yes my child, I could hate someone and not think about them much, I know you want me to feel a type of way about you, but I don't care about you my child

I don't got time for haters kid and thats what you are my child,

Yea I did reply 2 days later, do you really want to know why? Cause I was like this redsun kid has been talking too much recently, someone has to put the kid in his place

Yea man, "mental instability" whatever kid, at the end of the day people love my "mental instability" in person and on the internet, they literally become obsessed with me and my "mental instability" that they won't leave me alone and/or hop off (you). It's better than being an invisible, quiet dude that no one knows really exists (you)

I don't have an inferiority complex kid, I check people that need to be checked. If you say something to me, I will say something back (in person and on the internet), If someone tries something funny on me, I'll do something even funnier back (in person and on the internet). Thats not called insecure, thats called putting people in their place.

You just won't hop off kid, theres no inferiority complex, I meet dudes like you in person all the time - you get so insecure around a dude like me that you want to start problems meanwhile I barely know you exist.

You ENTERED THIS THREAD and insulted me first (unprovoked), I barely ever talked to you or even acknowledged your existence, but you really just want my attention.

Man you keep on projecting kid. I NEVER MENTIONED anything about sex and you keep thinking about homosexuals man, Is there something you want to tell us man? You seem to have sex and homosexuals on your mind an awful lot, is there something you wanted to reveal to the forum?

I'm YOUR DAD kid, I'm LITERALLY YOUR FATHER. I LITERALLY know your Mom in person, and I remember when you were 6 years old I went to the corner store to buy milk and never came back cause I just could tell you were going to become annoying and you did.

So anyway, like I said, I'm telling you to take this conversation private so I can speak my mind to you without repercussions.

You realize if I respond to you with the same energy that you're speaking to me with - I will get banned. I will not let you taunt me into getting banned - so take this conversation private, in messages or discord so it can be FAIR and I can speak my mind to you without repercussions.

If you don't take it private, then you're not a real man and you're a coward because you're acting funny around me because you know that If I say something back, I am facing a ban. I do not want to get banned.

I can make you cry if I wanted too.

It's actually my specialty, I'm pretty good at making another person cry, especially if they're a fake tough guy like yourself thats not about that life. You're a keyboard warrior man, in person you would be so quiet it would be hilarious.

Take it private or hop off me, my child. Its embarassing that another man wants my attention this bad man, I don't care about you kid and I don't think about you kid.

But if you want me to make you cry, I can do that. Take it private or you're not about that life. Period.
Yeh so almost the entirety of this post is you babbling on about your daddy fetish again. I mean really of all the braindead and weird insults I expected to get from you, I really did not expect that you are this obsessive about it and not even trying to hide it. You are like a broken record, looks like that dementia is indeed setting in early for you. Did you cry when I jokingly told that moron earlier to castrate himself? Since you thought that very mildly dark joke was messed up, you really are quite an innocent little lad. How can you expect to make anyone cry except yourself?

Like I said, I prefer your responses to be public for everyone to read. It would be selfish of me to be the only one laughing at your infinite stupidity. I think everyone should have the right to witness it.

But I gotta say at this point I am quite satisfied with the amount of entertainment and payback I got out of you humiliating yourself over and over again in these exchanges. At this point its quite dull and I just feel like I am bullying a little kid who has no ability to defend himself but can only repeat nonsense that is supposed to be insulting but is just bizarre and gives everyone second-hand embarrassment when they read it.

So by all means, have the last word because I am allowing it now. Have at it and do your very best this time James. I know even in that empty head of yours you still got a few brain cells in there firing off just enough to say one thing that is mildly clever at least once. Make me proud. Just know I and others will read it and have a good laugh at you yet again trying to elevate yourself and appear superior when in fact all you will end up doing is unintentionally demeaning yourself publically.


Jun 22, 2021
Yeh so almost the entirety of this post is you babbling on about your daddy fetish again. I mean really of all the braindead and weird insults I expected to get from you, I really did not expect that you are this obsessive about it and not even trying to hide it. You are like a broken record, looks like that dementia is indeed setting in early for you. Did you cry when I jokingly told that moron earlier to castrate himself? Since you thought that very mildly dark joke was messed up, you really are quite an innocent little lad. How can you expect to make anyone cry except yourself?

Like I said, I prefer your responses to be public for everyone to read. It would be selfish of me to be the only one laughing at your infinite stupidity. I think everyone should have the right to witness it.

But I gotta say at this point I am quite satisfied with the amount of entertainment and payback I got out of you humiliating yourself over and over again in these exchanges. At this point its quite dull and I just feel like I am bullying a little kid who has no ability to defend himself but can only repeat nonsense that is supposed to be insulting but is just bizarre and gives everyone second-hand embarrassment when they read it.

So by all means, have the last word because I am allowing it now. Have at it and do your very best this time James. I know even in that empty head of yours you still got a few brain cells in there firing off just enough to say one thing that is mildly clever at least once. Make me proud. Just know I and others will read it and have a good laugh at you yet again trying to elevate yourself and appear superior when in fact all you will end up doing is unintentionally demeaning yourself publically.
*Yawn* You're so boring man

Thats the best you got man?

You're nobody man, no one knows who you are or cares about who you are and when you walk down the street, people don't even know you're there

I am innocent man, that's what having a healthy metabolism is about - being a genuine human being (which comes across as innocent), its the opposite of being a piece of trash human being (you), its funny that you read so much books and studies on metabolic stuff yet your metabolism is horrendously bad and you're not a good person to be around.

You're projecting again kid, you say I'm a broken record yet the only thing you're fixated on is my IQ or whatever, you literally say nothing else.

You're like those nerds I went to high school with who have no success in ANY aspect of their life except for reading and studying, you're not charismatic or good with people and you can't talk to girls either.

But the way you cope with it is like "Oh, but at least I'm smart", yea it doesn't matter man, no man (or woman) will ever respect you, any girlfriend or wife you have in the future will have 0 respect for you and use you as her bank account (rightfully so) and behind your back? She'll reserve genuine love and affection for a genuine dude who is the complete opposite of you

Na I didn't cry - I was just wondering why someone would tell another dude to cut his balls off as a joke when he's asking for help. you actually aren't strong enough to make me cry man, you're on Level 1, you're just a hater kid, you're fixated on me, I'm not fixated on you

I do cry sometimes, over people that are important to me in my life and real-life situations, but you aren't important... at all, not to me or to anyone so I don't care to think about you like that.

Yea you prefer my responses to be public because you know I would ABSOLUTELY DESTROY YOU and ABSOLUTELY pummel your existence into the dust mite you are if we were to talk privately, Luckily for you my desire to not get banned is a lot stronger than literally any insult you can cook up (your insults aren't that great man).

You didn't get any payback man - you're just a hater that won't hop off me that I needed to check - you really think you're somebody to me and I really don't care about you and I really don't think about you... at all

Yea you're not bullying me kid, keep dreaming. You're a kid half my size, thats throwing me his best shots in the ring but it's not fazing me at all and if I used probably 10% of my brain power to cook up a real insult for you, you would be flattened like a pancake. I literally don't care about you because you're like an ant or a fly that keeps buzzing near my ear, I don't care enough to dedicate enough energy to destroy you publicly and risk getting banned, but if you want to speak to me privately, I would make you cry, and I would make you feel probably some of the worst emotional pain you've ever went through.

Make you proud? I'm YOUR DAD man, I fathered you and you've brought me nothing but disappointment and I'm glad I exited your life to buy milk when you were 6 years old.

I'm above you kid, in every way possible and that's the sad truth. The fact of the matter is, in Nature and in the real world there is definitely such thing as superior genetic/epi-genetic quality and you don't have it so you cope with it by reading books/studies all day.


I was at the hospital when the nurses delivered you and I decided what vaccines you got as a baby.

I still love your Mother and I hope she's doing well.

You are my child and you have brought disgrace upon yourself.

Take the conversation private or you're not a real man,

I'm YOUR DAD, Don't ever forget that


Oct 20, 2021
United States
I don't have an inferiority complex kid, I check people that need to be checked. If you say something to me, I will say something back (in person and on the internet), If someone tries something funny on me, I'll do something even funnier back (in person and on the internet). Thats not called insecure, thats called putting people in their place.


Mar 21, 2021
What matters more testosterone or dht for size and strength
Found this guy who does funny videos who pretends to be a janitor , bad trainer or a gym newbie at a gym and talks kind of like borat and lifts these extreme amount of weights that the swol gym rats cant or can barely lift.

View: https://youtu.be/kEQHu-mCun8

View: https://youtu.be/XOqK2wgsJGA

View: https://youtu.be/KwZGE6wSqEM

I thought it might be fake weights but this is video of him lifting with Larry wheeler

View: https://youtu.be/Kd9CorRKoZ0

At the age of 14, he got access to the internet and began watching videos of American bodybuilders and bloggers.

According to Vladimir, he dreamed of becoming a blogger so that he can motivate people and become famous.

However, he did not have access to a gym in his village, so he created his own.

He called it “Golds Gym Krishtopovka” and he used old parts from Soviet-era tractors, wood, and bricks to build the necessary equipment.

At 15 years old, Vladmir’s diet consists of 7 meals per day—one meal every 2 hours—consisting of cottage cheese and eggs.

He also brought containers of oatmeal to school where he got laughed at by his classmates and teachers.

In the morning and afternoon, he would do a lot of farm work like feeding cows and managing a garden while he worked out in the evening.

He is 5’11 170 pounds no idea if he is natty
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