Why I Wish People Here Would Seriously Consider a Tool Chest to Measure Vitals - One Day It will Pay off



Mar 29, 2016
That’s probably because Carey A. Reams had what some chemists considered a controversial way of looking at chemistry. I personally no longer follow acid base balance theories and only mentioned our conversation about it because I recalled that we had discussed devices such as these:

Amazon product ASIN B072VH3WNLView: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072VH3WNL/ref=as_sl_pc_tf_til?tag=rapefo-20&linkCode=w00&linkId=&creativeASIN=B072VH3WNL

I ordered that unit. I forgot it was you that gave me the idea. It must have been with me for a year and a half and I finally stored it for later use.

Thanks for reminding me, as the plan then was to incorporate it into my toolchest, but I was afraid I was going to be overwhelmed by all the testing.


Mar 29, 2016
Very glad you got through, yerrag!

Regarding devices, I`d love to have them all at hand.
Would like to compare notes with you Bunny, especially as we share some common symptoms.


Mar 29, 2016
How much does it drop? A few point drop due to decelerating respiration is normal since the nervous system overall becomes depressed during certain phases of sleep (same reason why temperature drops).

What actually happened to you in OP? You said that you had OD'd on cinnamon oil, can you elaborate on this?
I was supposed to take the oil diluted in carrier oil like VCO encapsulated. Instead, I placed 3 drops straight into a sugar cube. Did it for at least 2 weeks and I had no idea what was building up, and when something odd was felt, it was the last thing for me to pinpoint.

Must.be because the tastiness of the sugar cube belies the vile potency of what's inside.

Followingbare two spO2 sleep charts, one is a relatively nice one, while the others is the typical nasty.


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Nov 10, 2018
CORE looks nice. I can see how much more useful it is for cyclists and athletes on endurance competition, as that info gives them an edge. But as a regular homeboy, can I see much more value to it over an ear thermometer? An ear thermometer gives me a quick reading whenever I needed it. Granted, there is some variation in the reading but it has more to do with the thermometer being positioned consistently at the right spot in the ear. Even so, the variation is for me a reasonable tradeoff for being able to take quick readings. If I wanted for consistent and accurate readings, I resort to using the digital thermometers placed under my tongue, but I find it inconvenient to have to wait from 5•10 minutes to get a good read.

As for lactic acid, I am more interested in serum lactic acid because, unlike effect lactic acid, I can relate its presence to the acid base condition of blood, and I can use respiratory rate to get a good approximation of my serum acid base balance.

Anything below 14 is basic or alkaline, and above is acidic. And farther below makes it more basic and farther above makes it more acidic.

I use an Android app called Respi-Rate to measure my breath rate and I love it. A short learning curve is all you need.

When I was sick and I felt my metabolism was.not quite good, I felt a headache and I measured 22. I figured that the high acidity drives up the breath rate in an attempt to breath out acidity by removing carbonic acid from blood and expelling it from the lungs as CO2.

But if the high acidity is caused by lactic acid, there isn't really much increasing the breath rate could do, as lactic acid, unlike carbonic acid, can't be breathed out.

The lungs is a rapid way to remove acidity in the blood where carbonic acid/CO2 is concerned, but when lactic acid acid is concerned, the slow way is the way to go, which is thru urine thru the kidneys.

But there is a way out to speed up the correction. I take thiamine as it will enable lactic acid to convert to glucose, thus lessening the lactic acid load on the serum much faster than waiting for the kidneys to excrete the lactic acid.

The liver converts the lactic acid to glucose.

I know it is working when my breathe rate declines and when my headache is relieved.

And I help my body out further by helping it recover back to it producing CO2 endogenously via mitochondrial oxidation. By breathing carbogen, or drinking carbonated water, or taking baking soda. All to compensate for its temporary failure to produce CO2 by giving external sources of CO2 to it.

This is good info, this answered my question from another thread thank you
Is this the same as breathing rate? My Fitbit records that.

Mine averages 13-14. Does an increase indicate more co2? Or less?


Jul 8, 2014
Thanks for reminding me, as the plan then was to incorporate it into my toolchest, but I was afraid I was going to be overwhelmed by all the testing.

Oh, my pleasure, yerrag. :)


Mar 29, 2016
Come on guys! NONE of these devices are safe because of EMF

No Testing is EVER needed if you are a TRUE alpha male
Which device?

Blood pressure monitor? The personal EKG? The O²ring or an oximeter? The only wearable here is the O²ring, and if you've been reading, you would know that you can use it without Bluetooth turned on, and BT is only turned on to upload to the smartphone once a day.

You probably get more emf from the house current than using these. Go back to your log cabin.


Jun 22, 2021
Which device?

Blood pressure monitor? The personal EKG? The O²ring or an oximeter? The only wearable here is the O²ring, and if you've been reading, you would know that you can use it without Bluetooth turned on, and BT is only turned on to upload to the smartphone once a day.

You probably get more emf from the house current than using these. Go back to your log cabin.
Why do you so much testing MAN? Are you a teacher or what?

ALL ELECTRONICS Emit EMF, bluetooth, Wi-fi, battery powered, plugged in, ITS ALL EMF MAN, NONE OF IT IS SAFE


Mar 29, 2016
Why do you so much testing MAN? Are you a teacher or what?

ALL ELECTRONICS Emit EMF, bluetooth, Wi-fi, battery powered, plugged in, ITS ALL EMF MAN, NONE OF IT IS SAFE
I can't answer that for you. Because I've answered it as part of why I made this thread.


Mar 29, 2016
You got a LITTLE FIGHT in you man... I like that 👌
Thanks, but here's an spO² graph of mine ofnlast night's sleep. Tells me with all the spO² drops and how low the values have plumbed, my O2 score is a big zero.

Other than that, it's all hunky dory for me.

Is that helpful, or is that useless? Now you tell me.


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Jun 22, 2021
Thanks, but here's an spO² graph of mine ofnlast night's sleep. Tells me with all the spO² drops and how low the values have plumbed, my O2 score is a big zero.

Other than that, it's all hunky dory for me.

Is that helpful, or is that useless? Now you tell me.
I think we need to GET MORE GREEN with that graph man, theres too much RED on it


Mar 29, 2016
I think we need to GET MORE GREEN with that graph man, theres too much RED on it
You got that right.

If you had one, you could show me your green chart and tell me the story behind it.


Mar 29, 2016
I want to talk a little more about the personal ECG now. But I'll make it short and simple and I'm not creating a new thread for it.

Aside from using it as a low-cost tool to help you determine if you are hypothyroid, without the need to spend a lot on the endocrine panel and have it wrongly interpreted by doctors, you can also -

- use it to see the effect on your metabolism you take bp-lowering medication. I have seen a direct relationship when my bp goes down when I am sick as my bp always goes down, and at the same time my ECG QTc goes higher. Since I have never taken bp medication, I can venture to say that it likely is to maker your QTc go higher, thus making you go in the direction of hypothyroid and lower metabolism. But you can only find out if you have a personal ECG.

-be aware of when you improved your metabolism at the moment it happens and be able to make a causal link to what you did. In fact, yesterday I say my QTc improve to 425 msec. I have been using the unit for about two years and all I get, under regular conditions, is 440 msec. When I asked Ray Peat is 440 msec is the cutoff for hypothyroid (lower than makes you not hypothyroid), he told me it is a bit lower. So with that, I am aware that my thyroid condition can still be improved even though my temperatures are fine.

So, seeing that my QTc went from 440 to 425 means something big, even though it is slight.

This led to look further into what I had done. And so now, I'm working on the theory that my use of an essential oil (wrongly for that matter) led to this. I don't want to name the oil, as there are people here who don't read the whole story and just jump at any chance to improve their metabolism, only to face adverse consequences. So I will keep this general to minimize the harm (I experienced this harm and am recovering from it and that's why I'm being careful).

At my worst during this harmful episode, I had difficulty with my oxygen intake into my lungs. It was so bad that when I dipped in my fishpond, I was soon short of breath just standing in 5 ft deep water. I had to wrap myself in thick blanket as I realized my temperature had dropped to 35.5C as I realized my spO2 levels had dropped to 80. From this, I experienced the reality of being out of air (usually we talk of gas, but this is literally being out of air) and since oxygen is needed for metabolism and to increase body temperature, my temperature dropped as I was feeling the shortness of breath.

Upon further investigation, I found that this essential oil is causing the mucus in my respiratory airways as well as my lungs (including the alveolar sacs) to be inflamed, And because of the inflammation, gas exchange is greatly impeded. Knowing this, I had to just let this thing run its course as I stopped using the essential oil. I also took vitamin E and vitamin C as well as a supplement that provides aminoglycans, which is needed in regenerating the mucosal linings and the capillaries that make up the mechanism for gas exchange in the lungs.

Over the next few days, my breathing would improve and I became relieved.

But yesterday a pleasant surprise came in the form of seeing my QTc improve to 425. Today it was replicated, so this is not just a chance occurrence. Considering that I had practically given up on moving the needle after monitoring this damned marker for 2 years. So now I begin to think what I had not entertained before. What if our lungs are actually kinda spent and had to be recharged? What if the gas exchange mechanism is not as effective in gas exchange, and that there is now a limit on how much oxygen we can take, over the years. After all, we use this organ 24 x 7 x 30 x 12 x age already. Is there any gunk accumulated we aren't aware of? Maybe internal boogers, hardened and blocking the free exchange of oxygen and CO2 as one comes in and one goes out?

Our oximeters tell us our oxygen saturation at 99/100 is the limit, but it does not tell us that when we are under a heavy metabolic load, like in running very fast, or carrying heavy weights, how much oxygen our lungs can allow to go in without restriction, does it? We just know there are people who can carry heavier loads and people who can't, on similar conditions. One we call a great athlete, and the other, an ordinary person.

Sure, there are people with emphysema that are known to have difficulty breathing, and people with asthma and my experience of running out of air now tells me that if I can recover, why can't they? I inadvertently caused a temporary blockage in my air intake, and felt like them. But then, I began to ask myself, why did the aftermath of this bad experience result in my metabolism improving, as seen in the downtick in my QTc showing me getting more hyperthyroid?

Perhaps the essential oil was acting as a degumming agent. It was removing the gummy remnants by acting both as a mucolytic and an expectorant, and that this action was making my lungs increase its capacity to take in oxygen. And this was why my metabolism looks to have increased based on the QTc marker going down.

The thing is, I wouldn't have made this connection if I didn't have a personal ECG with me. At $100 apiece, it is a no-brainer to get one.

Now that wasn't short and simple, was it? But I hope you enjoyed it and appreciated my musings.


Jun 29, 2021
CORE looks nice. I can see how much more useful it is for cyclists and athletes on endurance competition, as that info gives them an edge. But as a regular homeboy, can I see much more value to it over an ear thermometer? An ear thermometer gives me a quick reading whenever I needed it. Granted, there is some variation in the reading but it has more to do with the thermometer being positioned consistently at the right spot in the ear. Even so, the variation is for me a reasonable tradeoff for being able to take quick readings. If I wanted for consistent and accurate readings, I resort to using the digital thermometers placed under my tongue, but I find it inconvenient to have to wait from 5•10 minutes to get a good read.

As for lactic acid, I am more interested in serum lactic acid because, unlike effect lactic acid, I can relate its presence to the acid base condition of blood, and I can use respiratory rate to get a good approximation of my serum acid base balance.

Anything below 14 is basic or alkaline, and above is acidic. And farther below makes it more basic and farther above makes it more acidic.

I use an Android app called Respi-Rate to measure my breath rate and I love it. A short learning curve is all you need.

When I was sick and I felt my metabolism was.not quite good, I felt a headache and I measured 22. I figured that the high acidity drives up the breath rate in an attempt to breath out acidity by removing carbonic acid from blood and expelling it from the lungs as CO2.

But if the high acidity is caused by lactic acid, there isn't really much increasing the breath rate could do, as lactic acid, unlike carbonic acid, can't be breathed out.

The lungs is a rapid way to remove acidity in the blood where carbonic acid/CO2 is concerned, but when lactic acid acid is concerned, the slow way is the way to go, which is thru urine thru the kidneys.

But there is a way out to speed up the correction. I take thiamine as it will enable lactic acid to convert to glucose, thus lessening the lactic acid load on the serum much faster than waiting for the kidneys to excrete the lactic acid.

The liver converts the lactic acid to glucose.

I know it is working when my breathe rate declines and when my headache is relieved.

And I help my body out further by helping it recover back to it producing CO2 endogenously via mitochondrial oxidation. By breathing carbogen, or drinking carbonated water, or taking baking soda. All to compensate for its temporary failure to produce CO2 by giving external sources of CO2 to it.
CORE is supposed to be pretty close to rectal measurement, and you get a 24/7 graph which is very handy if you want to analyze temp drops/rises, etc. I usually forget to measure otherwise, and the reliability of other methods are a bit worse, also ca. 0.5C lower than CORE on average when I checked. The first two days I used it, I averaged 37C so might be that I don't need to worry much about temps, even though I still have low energy symptoms and cold hands/feet. Gonna test TSH, T3, etc. soon. Will def. be using CORE frequently in the future, especially when making lifestyle changes, gadgets like this is worth the money for me if it can give me any extra health benefits. Will lend it out to friends and familiy that are struggling also.

I have low knowledge on the lactic acid issue, but have had some reasons to believe I might have some issues with it since I used to be a heavy mouth breather, drank kefir every day my whole life, +++ thinking it might be some of the feeling I get when anxious/low brain energy. Measuring it would be nice if it gave me some insight, and trying some things to lower it and see if it gives any changes. The guys behind the Strongfit podcast, mainly a guy named Julien Pinaeu, have a protocol where they measure lactate and train in a way to lower it so you get a better baseline in similar situations. Their methods are pretty intense though so I might have to find some other solutions if they exist.

Will check out the Respi-rate, thanks.

Currently I'm doing Elliot Overtons Thiamine megadose protocol, so hopefully it will help me in some way.

What carbonated water do you drink, something you make at home? I read somewhere that you need to consume "naturally carbonated" liquids, and many things on the market are not, so I've been unsure about what I'm supposed to drink then, if its even a valid problem carbonating it yourself. Maybe Pellegrino counts?

Thanks again for good detailed answers.


Sep 6, 2020
I agree with the general premise of this post, but I also agree with James' concern on EMFs. I tried a Polar heart rate monitor for a few hours, to track continuous HRV, and my sternum seriously felt bad afterwards. I took care to keep it as loose as possible, but for some reason that area around the sensor felt off. It felt like removing a weight once I took it off.

I kinda think there might be some sort of zero sum tradeoff happening, like if you measure the system in any way, you necessarily change it. So if you're healthy and measure yourself, you're introducing a complication.


Mar 29, 2016
Currently I'm doing Elliot Overtons Thiamine megadose protocol, so hopefully it will help me in some way.
Thiamine is involved in many processes. One use of it is to convert lactic acid to glucose. When I had a headache together with a high breath rate, I suspected hifh lacticacis in blood, and so thought some thiamine would help. I took 1000mg, and it worked. I only did it once, since it was an acute condition.


Mar 29, 2016
What carbonated water do you drink, something you make at home? I read somewhere that you need to consume "naturally carbonated" liquids, and many things on the market are not, so I've been unsure about what I'm supposed to drink then, if its even a valid problem carbonating it yourself. Maybe Pellegrino counts?
I don't know why naturally carbonated drinks would be superior. It' the same generic carbon dioxide.


Mar 29, 2016
As for lactic acid, I am more interested in serum lactic acid because, unlike effect lactic acid, I can relate its presence to the acid base condition of blood, and I can use respiratory rate to get a good approximation of my serum acid base balance.

Anything below 14 is basic or alkaline, and above is acidic. And farther below makes it more basic and farther above makes it more acidic.

I use an Android app called Respi-Rate to measure my breath rate and I love it. A short learning curve is all you need.

When I was sick and I felt my metabolism was.not quite good, I felt a headache and I measured 22. I figured that the high acidity drives up the breath rate in an attempt to breath out acidity by removing carbonic acid from blood and expelling it from the lungs as CO2.

But if the high acidity is caused by lactic acid, there isn't really much increasing the breath rate could do, as lactic acid, unlike carbonic acid, can't be breathed out.

The lungs is a rapid way to remove acidity in the blood where carbonic acid/CO2 is concerned, but when lactic acid acid is concerned, the slow way is the way to go, which is thru urine thru the kidneys.
What I described above is a case of metabolic acidosis.

Lately though, I have been experiencing respiratory acidosis. My breathe rate is also at 22, but the difference is that I don't experience a headache. The reason is that the high acidity is not caused by having too much CO2 (in the form of carbonic acid), and because of having enough CO2, the brain is getting enough tissue oxygenation, and I do not experience a headache.

My lungs are currently somehow compromised in doing efficient gas exchange, such as CO2 is not getting out fast enough (and O2 not getting in fast enough) because I have taken a substance that has caused my respiratory mucus membranes go be inflamed, thus blocking good gas exchange. I have basically simulated a person with COPD (congested obstructive pulmonary disorder) such as smokers.

It's important to know where the acidosis is coming from. As being able to tell a metabolic from respiratory acidosis condition allows me to react correctly to it. When it is metabolic, which I characterize as directly causing a headache, I can use thiamine to reduce the lactic acid in the serum (as it is a good likelihood I am high in lactic acid) and I can use bag breathing to retain more CO2 (to improve tissue oxygenation).

When the nature is respiratory, thiamine cannot do anyghing to relieve the acidosis. Nor can bag breathing. There is no immediate relief, but there is no need to immediately address it just the same. As tissue oxygenation is not compromised. What can be done is longer term in nature, towards improving the gas exchange in the lungs, so that CO2 can more freely move out of the blood, and O2 can more freely move in to the blood.

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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