Why should everyone get a vaccine (covid-19) when a small percentage is the "problem"?


Jan 6, 2017
They want everyone over 18 to get vaccineted. This will take maybe half a year, maybe more. But the problem is not healthy ppl. Its sick ppl who get hospitalised. Why not give older ppl with sickness vaccines, if they want it, and let the virus go through the population? Then we can open up and forgett this madness within weeks?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
They want everyone over 18 to get vaccineted. This will take maybe half a year, maybe more. But the problem is not healthy ppl. Its sick ppl who get hospitalised. Why not give older ppl with sickness vaccines, if they want it, and let the virus go through the population? Then we can open up and forgett this madness within weeks?

It is precisely because of what you say is not happening that should be making people VERY wary of the political approach to this whole pandemic. Yet, about half of the population not only does not question the official narrative when they encounter issues like the one you mentioned, but they get rabidly angry and even violent when a person attempts to even bring up such issues for discussion. Almost nothing about this "pandemic" and the medical/pharmaceutical response to it makes no sense. Multiple doctors have spoken against this insanity, some of them Nobel laureates. Yet, all of them got silences/ignored, their views completely censored and basically the only message we hear from everywhere is the official narrative of "shut up, wear your mask, and get the vaccine". It has been a scam from the start and unfortunately in this "war" many of our closest people are the enemy, in addition to the usual pharma/medical scum trying to profit from people's misery.


Jun 7, 2016
It's because of all the mythical young asymptomatic spreader's knocking off all the granny's and granddads. Those murderers.

There is no logic to what the governments are doing, it makes no sense at all.. oh because morals.

Destroy the healthy to save the sick. Just like nature lol
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
Don't trust your Government, unfortunately too many 'sheeple' like to be told what to do, no alternative thinking.
@Drareg When two thirds of the population struggle to put food on the table and a roof over their heads alternative thinking becomes a struggle.
In a perfect world, there would be no need for any form of government. Unfortunately, we will never live in a perfect world.

Lee Simeon

Mar 3, 2017
They want everyone over 18 to get vaccineted. This will take maybe half a year, maybe more. But the problem is not healthy ppl. Its sick ppl who get hospitalised. Why not give older ppl with sickness vaccines, if they want it, and let the virus go through the population? Then we can open up and forgett this madness within weeks?
Thats why we are starting with vaccinating those in higher risks. But there are many people that qualifies as sick and can get worse consequences. In my country of 5,4 million people, 1,2-1,7 million were estimated to have the potential of serious effects.


Jun 20, 2015


Nov 18, 2019

This thread discusses it with the actual Bill linked.


Jan 25, 2014
It's because of all the mythical young asymptomatic spreader's knocking off all the granny's and granddads. Those murderers.

There is no logic to what the governments are doing, it makes no sense at all.. oh because morals.

Destroy the healthy to save the sick. Just like nature lol

Agree, there doesn't appear to be any logic on the surface. However, there may actually be a sinister logic behind the scenes.

One thing that happens in torture is that captors will give conflicting commands. This apparently helps break the victim down, and get them more reliant.

Amazing Polly went into a lot more detail-



Sep 8, 2016
What’s even more crazy is they are recommending ppl that have had COVID-19 and are now immune to get the vaccine. Their logic is moronic. If your immune system t-cells and antibodies to the sarcov2 virus fail why wouldn’t they fail with the vaccine. The vaccine only has the spiike protein and your immune t-cells attack many proteins on the sarscov2 virus in addition to the spike protein. There are 29 different proteins on the sarscov2 virus


Jun 19, 2016
Also the obvious sad thing is that the side effects occur possibly years after the vaccine has taken so it can't be traced back to vaccine. Person might get seriously sick 2 years after vaccination and it is imposible to confirm the vaccine is the cause, when in reality it might be the only reason person got sick. Then they give you SSRIs , tell you it's in your head and let you be on your way.
Jun 16, 2017
Then they give you SSRIs , tell you it's in your head and let you be on your way.
... to the grave, if the person follows the recommendations of the medical establishment
Feb 25, 2019
Yet, about half of the population not only does not question the official narrative when they encounter issues like the one you mentioned, but they get rabidly angry and even violent when a person attempts to even bring up such issues for discussion.
Also the obvious sad thing is that the side effects occur possibly years after the vaccine has taken so it can't be traced back to vaccine. Person might get seriously sick 2 years after vaccination and it is imposible to confirm the vaccine is the cause, when in reality it might be the only reason person got sick. Then they give you SSRIs , tell you it's in your head and let you be on your way.
Definitely, we can already tell now that later side effects won't be traced back to the vaccines. If there are side effects, it is just usual that pharma companies deny it and try to cover it up. But this time they have half the population to actively back them! These people are crazy to get the vaccine now and they will never admit that they've done a mistake. It's a free ride for the pharma companies.
Nov 16, 2012
Definitely, we can already tell now that later side effects won't be traced back to the vaccines. If there are side effects, it is just usual that pharma companies deny it and try to cover it up. But this time they have half the population to actively back them! These people are crazy to get the vaccine now and they will never admit that they've done a mistake. It's a free ride for the pharma companies.

You can't help it. I've spoken with coworkers who say that they will get the vaccine even if they "grow a third arm" and no matter what kind of "Bill Gates chips" are found in there. Just so that they can attend their precious concerts and public events.

That's what's going on. People have been psychologically broken down by the extensive lockdowns, to the point that they will now gladly roll up their sleeves and take whatever you want to put into them as long as you promise them that everything will go "back to normal". The ironic thing is that even the vaccine manufacturers aren't making that promise. They still don't know how well the immunization truly works, and they still mandate you to socially distance and wear a mask, so nothing is really going back to normal with or without the vaccine.


Feb 18, 2016
Don't trust your Government, unfortunately too many 'sheeple' like to be told what to do, no alternative thinking.
@Drareg When two thirds of the population struggle to put food on the table and a roof over their heads alternative thinking becomes a struggle.
In a perfect world, there would be no need for any form of government. Unfortunately, we will never live in a perfect world.
True, when it’s "peaty" ,for now we have to deal with high serotonin wokists, at some point their hangover will hit home, probably around the age of 33 or so when you realize your activist collectivist lifestyle achieved nothing for you and your stuck in a lowest caste of the system, meanwhile the top 1% of the industrial diversity complex will be sitting comfortably in homes worth over a million.
I can’t wait for the epiphany that their open boarders and migrant concern was hijacked by big business for cheap labor, they will be living in co-living spaces by then.


Aug 5, 2019

This short video speaks for itself.

will they put jewish stars on the unvaccinated and build concentration camps? At least then we will know who these people are and that they will not be able to evade history's judgement forever..the only thing that gives me courage to go on and be a little happier these days is when i think of Bill Gates face covered in cake...


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Aug 12, 2016
will they put jewish stars on the unvaccinated and build concentration camps? At least then we will know who these people are and that they will not be able to evade history's judgement forever..the only thing that gives me courage to go on and be a little happier these days is when i think of Bill Gates face covered in cake...
Ironically, some true national right-winger in Germoney created batches and stickers with a star of david, at the center you could read in hebradized letters “Ungeimpft” (not vaccinated) - hey banned the stickers immediately. So maybe now you get a hint who’s really behind this plandemic...

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