Why your face has almost nothing to do with "Genetics" and why you SHOULD be Mewing AND Chewing


Jan 4, 2021
do you have examples of the dog facial features, or well developed causasian features
also based on what are they the most universally attractive?
I think lighter skin is valued, either light brown or white, with the extremely pale albinos and very dark being disliked
colored eyes are liked by some due to the rarity
but you can find people in every race with bad facial features
Below example of 1 of the most populair male models. Very good forward growth with angulair features, wider set eyes, resembling more towards a disney dog like face than an ape like face.

Caucasians being the most universally attractive people? Based on dating app statistics it’s overwhelmingly clear.
But definitely also based on my own view on aesthetics and beauty.

Beauty is to a large degree (but not completely), objective and universal. Just like function and structure are.


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Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Below example of 1 of the most populair male models. Very good forward growth with angulair features, wider set eyes, resembling more towards a disney dog like face than an ape like face.

Caucasians being the most universally attractive people? Based on dating app statistics it’s overwhelmingly clear.
But definitely also based on my own view on aesthetics and beauty.

Beauty is to a large degree (but not completely), objective and universal. Just like function and structure are.
that dude is not attractive, hes got nothing for him besides an above average jaw. eye structure and shape doesnt look good. he looks somewhat feminine.

henry cavill, hemsworth, pietro boselli look much better. a bunch of hollywood actors look better. brad pitt has ape like features but is considered attractive

what are those dating app stats saying? the stats are irrelevant because the dating apps are largely used in places like the US, UK and more developed countries where whites are the majority. so if the stats are saying something like "white people were swiped on more" its meaningless

there are too many middle eastern, causasian, and latino models (male and female) with huge followings of the opposite sex.

its possible cultures/people who weren't eating the right foods or had toxic environments started having uglier offspring like what's happening in the US now


Feb 12, 2020
Interestingly, even within Africa, those peoples with features which you mistakenly deem western are naturally perceived to be more attractive.
It’s important to clarify by whom are they perceived as more attractive, and to make sure to exclude the influences that would be clouding their perception, otherwise this becomes circular

Them being brainwashed by their lack of exposure is not something I’d consider, because of the much more powerful possibility that they are most attracted to their own because they are the ones that have been selected to be best adapted to their specific environment. There is an actual reason for the presence of certain features: sun protection in the form of high melanin giving rise to dark skin and eyes, afro textured hair increasing air circulation this assisting body temperature regulation, specific size and shape of the nose and nostrils to maximise the inhalation of the rarefied tropical air. All of these traits would be advantageous for a west African person. There’s no reason for them to consider the traits of a Northern European more valuable or superior

Historically, the time during which one “gets used to the aesthetic difference” is the time during which they’re being subjugated and colonised. Hard to determine how objective the “assessment of beauty” really was and continues to be considering the vested interest a colonialist would have in instilling a feeling of inferiority into others based on appearance

as for Horn Africans, who originally fell into the old caucasoid classification, the narrow nose is just one characteristic of the phenotype I am referring to, but more importantly, blue eyes and blond hair are far more exclusive and coveted features which, in combination with the specific facial features give rise to the phenotype I’m referring to. you won’t see people like Jon444 post Somali’s when they refer to the superior beauty of the Caucasian race, or for that matter anyone with a skin tone darker than a certain shade. this is why I cut to the chase by say “Western European”


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
I chew xylitol gum several times a day and I have been preferentially chewing on the right side so that side is much more developed and it is noticeable. My left masseter muscle is underdeveloped. So now I will start chewing only on that side.
Strongly recommend this video to everyone in this thread:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDhjadIbgqE&ab_channel=JawHacks

This video explains a simple way to help mew and improve your posture. Thank you for bringing all this to the forum.


Sep 5, 2012
I am certain,
that Kirk Douglas chewed no more or no less then average.
Same goes for Robert Vaughn, as well as Dudley DooRight

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I chew xylitol gum several times a day and I have been preferentially chewing on the right side so that side is much more developed and it is noticeable. My left masseter muscle is underdeveloped. So now I will start chewing only on that side.

This video explains a simple way to help mew and improve your posture. Thank you for bringing all this to the forum.
you can time it, an hour on the right side, an hour on the left then repeat
thats how i did it back when I chewed 5 gum regularly, usually 2 or 3 pieces at a time. the blue peppermint or whatever flavor would last a long time, 2 hours. if you go beyond 4 hours on that it starts to disintegrate sometimes


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
you can time it, an hour on the right side, an hour on the left then repeat
thats how i did it back when I chewed 5 gum regularly, usually 2 or 3 pieces at a time. the blue peppermint or whatever flavor would last a long time, 2 hours. if you go beyond 4 hours on that it starts to disintegrate sometimes
I don’t think I would pay attention to the time. So for now I will stick to the left side and only occasionally switch to the right side. I am not young so I don’t don’t look that closely in the mirror so I was amazed to see the difference. It is not surprising that my face isn’t symmetrical.


Jan 4, 2021
that dude is not attractive, hes got nothing for him besides an above average jaw. eye structure and shape doesnt look good. he looks somewhat feminine.

henry cavill, hemsworth, pietro boselli look much better. a bunch of hollywood actors look better. brad pitt has ape like features but is considered attractive

what are those dating app stats saying? the stats are irrelevant because the dating apps are largely used in places like the US, UK and more developed countries where whites are the majority. so if the stats are saying something like "white people were swiped on more" its meaningless

there are too many middle eastern, causasian, and latino models (male and female) with huge followings of the opposite sex.

its possible cultures/people who weren't eating the right foods or had toxic environments started having uglier offspring like what's happening in the US now

I agree he's not very attractive and somewhat feminine.

I'm talking about the main international dating apps.
The statistics clearly show white people are the most populair among all races.
It shows that in general:
Asians prefer whites,
Latinas prefer whites,
Black people prefer whites,
Whites prefer whites.


if you visit an uncontacted indigenous tribe and show them a Caucasian person (even if they are with good facial development) the tribes members would consider them ugly and frightening. Once that tribe has been westernised and exposed to the anglo faces that are spewed all over media, this changes and they start to self loathe, they try to emulate the white look because it equals higher status. Making the conclusion that Caucasian people are the most universally attractive is at best due to lack of awareness of the media brainwashing that affects the standard of beauty and at worst, a sleazy way to affirm white supremacy by claiming that “attractiveness” equals health equals genetic superiority. I’ve noticed that the lookism.net crowd has been subtly introducing this western phenotype=health line of thought, but you’re not real, outspoken nor are you redpilled in doing so and just because this is an alternative open minded forum doesn’t mean it’s okay to do
Some people are not able to comprehend how much society shapes our tastes and that what appears to be normal is often conditioning.


Jun 22, 2021
If you have trouble breathing while mewing or have poor/no results while mewing or you feel stressed while mewing - PLEASE take a look at this thread I put together

It is IMPERATIVE you are able to breathe while performing the suction mew and that you are leveraging your neck muscles to generate enough FORCE - please DO NOT give up - if I did it - so can YOU
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Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I agree he's not very attractive and somewhat feminine.

I'm talking about the main international dating apps.
The statistics clearly show white people are the most populair among all races.
It shows that in general:
Asians prefer whites,
Latinas prefer whites,
Black people prefer whites,
Whites prefer whites.
but you cant really say someone or something is preferred when its commonplace. in the US whites are 65% of the population. you can look at many industries and find many companies employing mostly white people. does that mean they "prefer" whites? It's the same in the UK, and france, and many other countries. I think lighter skin is valued, but that would be either tan/light brown or white. Albinos and very dark skin are disliked. there is also the widespread problem of vegetarianism/soy consumption/veganism in some Indian/Asian cultures which can ruin people


Mar 27, 2021
but you cant really say someone or something is preferred when its commonplace. in the US whites are 65% of the population. you can look at many industries and find many companies employing mostly white people. does that mean they "prefer" whites? It's the same in the UK, and france, and many other countries. I think lighter skin is valued, but that would be either tan/light brown or white. Albinos and very dark skin are disliked. there is also the widespread problem of vegetarianism/soy consumption/veganism in some Indian/Asian cultures which can ruin people
Actually the white population went from 63.7% to 57.8% in the last 10 years


Sep 24, 2016
Hey, I was wondering if anyone here mewing is familiar with Khechari mudra from the yoga practice?

I've stumbled upon this guy on youtube 1 year ago and I'm checking him every now and then. I think he has a very down to earth approach with explaining techniques and yoga, I recommend anyone interested in yoga to have a look.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFbXib_Cswg

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TLPoeaZApA

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w7rY2j2Phs

Well, obviously performing this mudra is not the same as mewing that is explained in this thread, but it basically also involves putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth with the purpose of achieving a similar effect in the sense of posture - neck automatically straightens in this position and you force your shoulders down. The biggest difference is that you probably have to have your mouth opened a bit more than in mewing, but this also depends on the person and their structure I suppose. I can do this with closed mouth, even teeth joined, but there is a strong noticeable force pushing down the bottom part of the mouth. I just went to see my face in the mirror, it does look a bit funny, maybe it's just me.

The big additional twist in the exercise is to get the tip of your tongue bent so it touches behind the uvula. It is kind of tricky, but it took me a few days to make it, when I first started to play with it. The tongue can get also tired after a while and can start burning, so I guess you should be gentle, if you try it on your own. Don't force it too much or expect to get in the first try, if you're not twisting your tongue that much on the regular basis. But again, this must be an individual thing, depending on the size of mouth and condition of the muscles, I'm just speaking from my own experience.

When you actually achieve the spot and place your tongue there, the feeling is really weird and very satisfying, really. From the perspective of yoga, they talk of stopping the "nectar" that flows from the brain (since pituitary is just above it with a similar droplet shape - just as the uvula is a little droplet). This nectar, supposedly, would otherwise end up being lost in the gastrointestinal tract, if not caught by the tongue, but this way you get benefits sucking up on it.

Now I'm wondering what's going on here. The explanation of nectar is experientially supported by the sweet taste in the mouth. It develops after holding the tongue in there, I can attest to that. What I'm brainstorming about is - I remember that the brain is producing some form of sugar, as mentioned by Peat somewhere once, so that stuck in my mind. The other thing is that the tongue itself, since it's a kind of strong muscle, also stores glycogen.

The contemporary explanation from the yogis is that these are pituitary hormones being activated and flowing downward. Through the hormonal paradigm elevated pituitary hormones in the blood are unwanted and linked to inflammation, being that activation of the pituitary is filling in for the lack of activity or disbalance of other bodily hormonal glands.

Is the sweet taste coming just from the repositioning and rubbing of taste buds when you bend your tongue? I feel a bit relaxed and the sweet taste is really all over my mouth and throat, but I wonder if it's only effect of stretching or is it placebo or what exactly is going on here? If I remember correctly, the yogis warn that if the taste is unpleasant you shouldn't be doing it forcefully. I guess it has to do with the notion of building up reserves and energy in the head and that if it's depleted you shouldn't be forcing this, because it can end up being destructive.

I'm linking the article I've found just for reference, but I personally just followed the instructions from the videos I've posted above and tried it to see what happens. I'm interested if anyone is already familiar with this, has a sensible explanation of this or if anyone tries it, if they could report back with experience. :)

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Rowdy Ramsay

Feb 10, 2017
I'm pretty sure we are all mewing. I mean who rest his tongue on the bottom of the mouth. The difference between people who have bad facial development is their posture. All you have to do is look around, everyone with good bodyposture has good facial development. To aquire good posture all you have to do is anteverte your pelvis. Dont use back rests, they are terible for your posture unless there is a gap for your butt. Your back should be straight but your butt should be behind. When its not your back will arch. Which means your neck posture will be bad aswell and then resulting in bad tongue placement en force to lift up de maxilla and widen the palate. Also when sitting with pelvis anteverted your breathing will be way better which results into better mood en clearer thinking in seconds.

Mewing didn't do anything but this did alot

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
I'm pretty sure we are all mewing. I mean who rest his tongue on the bottom of the mouth. The difference between people who have bad facial development is their posture. All you have to do is look around, everyone with good bodyposture has good facial development. To aquire good posture all you have to do is anteverte your pelvis. Dont use back rests, they are terible for your posture unless there is a gap for your butt. Your back should be straight but your butt should be behind. When its not your back will arch. Which means your neck posture will be bad aswell and then resulting in bad tongue placement en force to lift up de maxilla and widen the palate. Also when sitting with pelvis anteverted your breathing will be way better which results into better mood en clearer thinking in seconds.

Mewing didn't do anything but this did alot
you are wrong,trying to contest something you think is wrong with a counter myth,"anteverte your pelvis"wont in it self give you optimal posture neither optimal facial developement

Rowdy Ramsay

Feb 10, 2017
and something I forgot to mention is core muscle (inner corset muscle) engagement at all time. thats probably the most important one.

Rowdy Ramsay

Feb 10, 2017
"anteverte your pelvis"wont in it self give you optimal posture neither optimal facial developement
it will.

anteverting your pelvis will straighten your back and your neck. If you ad a curve in the spine below (pelvis) the curve in the back and neck will disapear. when your neck is straight your tongue presses harder against the palate.

I think almost everyone fails to see the bigger picture.

So to the left you have an example of good posture with anteverted pelvis. The other ones are with a tucked pelvis and the right one has swayback.
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Jun 22, 2021
it will.

anteverting your pelvis will straighten your back and your neck. If you ad a curve in the spine below (pelvis) the curve in the back and neck will disapear. when your neck is straight your tongue presses harder against the palate.

I think almost everyone fails to see the bigger picture.

So to the left you have an example of good posture with anteverted pelvis. The other ones are with a tucked pelvis and the right one has swayback.
I do agree - unconsciously I have been doing this - another user theSir brought up that the mandible might be an opposing force to the coccyx - on the spine that sticking the a** outward also provides forward force to the mandible


in my penis enlargement thread user Ignoramus suggested mewing is possible for the penis - I think this is all connected - pushing the jaws forward results in better posture throughout the body - eventual forward expansion of the rib cage, outward coccyx and a bigger penis - like if part of the penis is hidden in the body and comes out with proper posture that's the way I view it - completely anecdotal but I have found this to be true in my experience


busty ig models with good jaws have similar things in common - outward coccyx - large breasts which may come with the forward/expanded rib cage which comes with the forward, expanded jaws

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