BAD POSTURE is the bane of the my existence today ... I can not figure out how to IMPROVE IT! Mewing/Face Pulling/Chewing/EVERYTHING!



I second the recommendation of the Egoscue Method. It is very effective and a great place to start as it is not intense or difficult. Foundation Training has helped me tremendously as well. It is a corrective exercise modality to build the posterior chain of muscles, lengthen and strengthen the spine (including the neck), and to remind your body that he hips should be our body's primary guides, or our fulcrum point. It is a great antidote to prolonged sitting and forward head posture, and it can build strength, improve nerve flow and increase lung capacity. FYI I have dealt with scoliosis, back and hip pain for over ten years, and those two modalities plus strength training has been the best combo for me. If I spend 30 minutes 4 times a week, I feel pretty great and my masseuse cannot detect any spinal curve!
Jul 17, 2021
I always had bad/poor posture growing up, which I why I found out about mewing, "looksmaxxing" and other topics. Bad posture/looks seems much worse than even being DIRT POOR. I can't simply figure out what the real issue is with posture ... Sometimes diet, hormones/supps/etc. influence it but never enough to make heads or tails of it. Like it feels wrong and sometimes even PAINFUL to "sit straight" but you also feel pain if you don't do it because then you, well, sit crooked. So it's a lose-lose situation. What puzzle is missing here? Dopamine-increasing things makes you "sit up" but still have ***t neck posture, or vice-versa ... Neck posture with bad back.

Basically I have neck pain, back pain, bad back posture/neck posture, etc. I have tried chin tucks, different chairs, etc. but can't just "get it right." It's sad and frustrating seeing everyone just having naturally superior posture with no effort, meanwhile I have to download 20 videos a day teaching me how to sit like a normal person with out pain.

I have to work on computers and such, so I can't always adjust things the right way/have the ability or means to do so. I try mewing, McKenzie chin tucks, standing back against the wall, etc. but it's just temporary ... Like with mewing you have to CONSTANTLY remind yourself to do it or else you never really do. Posture overall is the same ... Must "remind yourself" to sit or stand normally. Must remind yourself to assault your palate with your tongue ... Must remind yourself to push your head/neck back, etc.

Otherwise I naturally slouch, lag, or "melt in to my body" without conscious effort to non-stop sit right, whereas some others just seem to always have it all perfect and never think of it ... MADNESS. To see these perfect posturers vs. me struggling to "normal" is like watching millionaire preppies play while you're the poor, board licking kid.
Have you ever thought of trying one of those Inversion stretchers to help your posture?

Something like one of these:


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Mar 22, 2022
Coming from someone with bad posture, let me tell you what I've witnessed.

- Have a mirror next to your desk so you can look over and see your posture.
- video yourself. You correct your posture when you look in the mirror. Video yourself and when you're not recalling to correct your posture, you'll be able to see what you're really doing.
- bad posture is comfortable
- standing desks aren't as great as everyone thinks. They can cause blood clots(?) and vericose veins. That being said, using a standing desk for a few weeks healed my sciatica
- when using a standing desk, watch your skull. My head went so far forward while using one. You won't feel this, so check the recording.
- move. Being fixed is bad for you.
- people on the internet told me posture correctors are hurtful. I have no idea if this is true. Those are the things that hold your shoulders back

I'm a former powerlifter. When I stopped lifting, I started experiencing periodic pains. Continue going to the gym.

Why conversations about thryoid in this thread? What does thryoid have to do with posture? I'm really asking.


Oct 6, 2020
Why conversations about thryoid in this thread? What does thryoid have to do with posture? I'm really asking.

Internal health issues influence muscle tension, fascia/tensigrity and things like bloodlflow etc. alot. There are people no matter how much excercises, posture correction, physiotheraphy, accupuncture etc. they do nothing fixes their posture. In these cases emotional and internal endevours are worthwile to explore.

When muscoskeletal work doesn't help me to fix postural issues then a antimicrobial does. And vice versa. Thus improving your overall and internal health might be the solution for someone fixing something seemingly unrelated such as a postural issue.

I highly recommend what BrianF and TheSir mentioned. Hands down the best approaches i've tried thus far when it comes to body work and i've tried alot ...


Oct 4, 2019
Internal health issues influence muscle tension, fascia/tensigrity and things like bloodlflow etc. alot. There are people no matter how much excercises, posture correction, physiotheraphy, accupuncture etc. they do nothing fixes their posture. In these cases emotional and internal endevours are worthwile to explore.

When muscoskeletal work doesn't help me to fix postural issues then a antimicrobial does. And vice versa. Thus improving your overall and internal health might be the solution for someone fixing something seemingly unrelated such as a postural issue.

I highly recommend what BrianF and TheSir mentioned. Hands down the best approaches i've tried thus far when it comes to body work and i've tried alot ...




Jul 2, 2021
Listen to the Barbell Logic Podcast. Start doing their novice program. Deadlifts are the key

Neeters 27

Mar 21, 2022
I always had bad/poor posture growing up, which I why I found out about mewing, "looksmaxxing" and other topics. Bad posture/looks seems much worse than even being DIRT POOR. I can't simply figure out what the real issue is with posture ... Sometimes diet, hormones/supps/etc. influence it but never enough to make heads or tails of it. Like it feels wrong and sometimes even PAINFUL to "sit straight" but you also feel pain if you don't do it because then you, well, sit crooked. So it's a lose-lose situation. What puzzle is missing here? Dopamine-increasing things makes you "sit up" but still have ***t neck posture, or vice-versa ... Neck posture with bad back.

Basically I have neck pain, back pain, bad back posture/neck posture, etc. I have tried chin tucks, different chairs, etc. but can't just "get it right." It's sad and frustrating seeing everyone just having naturally superior posture with no effort, meanwhile I have to download 20 videos a day teaching me how to sit like a normal person with out pain.

I have to work on computers and such, so I can't always adjust things the right way/have the ability or means to do so. I try mewing, McKenzie chin tucks, standing back against the wall, etc. but it's just temporary ... Like with mewing you have to CONSTANTLY remind yourself to do it or else you never really do. Posture overall is the same ... Must "remind yourself" to sit or stand normally. Must remind yourself to assault your palate with your tongue ... Must remind yourself to push your head/neck back, etc.

Otherwise I naturally slouch, lag, or "melt in to my body" without conscious effort to non-stop sit right, whereas some others just seem to always have it all perfect and never think of it ... MADNESS. To see these perfect posturers vs. me struggling to "normal" is like watching millionaire preppies play while you're the poor, board licking kid.
I would try SWIMMING. Even if you cant or dont know how, just go to a public pool, grab a flutter board, and do lengths. that will fix your back. once you can swim a bit, then do breast stroke and kick legs. fixes upper body too. I tell you it will help tremendously! and easy on the joints. just every other day for 30 minutes or so.


Dec 26, 2013
Lately I've become interested in how the connection between the wrist and elbow can effect the shoulders, neck, and the whole body, which includes posture. I've been working to get into this position and I am already seeing my spine/neck stretch in positive ways I've never experienced before. The bent wrist with locked elbow seems to be key:


I hope to also begin working on "wrist pushups" once my wrists become more flexible:


This specific type of stretching and movement was completely absent from my years of youth sports and I am looking forward to continuing to explore this.


Apr 21, 2021
I always had bad/poor posture growing up, which I why I found out about mewing, "looksmaxxing" and other topics. Bad posture/looks seems much worse than even being DIRT POOR. I can't simply figure out what the real issue is with posture ... Sometimes diet, hormones/supps/etc. influence it but never enough to make heads or tails of it. Like it feels wrong and sometimes even PAINFUL to "sit straight" but you also feel pain if you don't do it because then you, well, sit crooked. So it's a lose-lose situation. What puzzle is missing here? Dopamine-increasing things makes you "sit up" but still have ***t neck posture, or vice-versa ... Neck posture with bad back.

Basically I have neck pain, back pain, bad back posture/neck posture, etc. I have tried chin tucks, different chairs, etc. but can't just "get it right." It's sad and frustrating seeing everyone just having naturally superior posture with no effort, meanwhile I have to download 20 videos a day teaching me how to sit like a normal person with out pain.

I have to work on computers and such, so I can't always adjust things the right way/have the ability or means to do so. I try mewing, McKenzie chin tucks, standing back against the wall, etc. but it's just temporary ... Like with mewing you have to CONSTANTLY remind yourself to do it or else you never really do. Posture overall is the same ... Must "remind yourself" to sit or stand normally. Must remind yourself to assault your palate with your tongue ... Must remind yourself to push your head/neck back, etc.

Otherwise I naturally slouch, lag, or "melt in to my body" without conscious effort to non-stop sit right, whereas some others just seem to always have it all perfect and never think of it ... MADNESS. To see these perfect posturers vs. me struggling to "normal" is like watching millionaire preppies play while you're the poor, board licking kid.
Alexander technique. 100%. Find a very experienced practitioner and take 5 sessions. This will show you what good posture actually feels like. It’s a lot different than you think!

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
@aquila2009 hi,"deadlifts are the key",so anyone that does not do deadlifts has a bad posture,as deadlifts are the key?


Jul 3, 2021
I always had bad/poor posture growing up, which I why I found out about mewing, "looksmaxxing" and other topics. Bad posture/looks seems much worse than even being DIRT POOR. I can't simply figure out what the real issue is with posture ... Sometimes diet, hormones/supps/etc. influence it but never enough to make heads or tails of it. Like it feels wrong and sometimes even PAINFUL to "sit straight" but you also feel pain if you don't do it because then you, well, sit crooked. So it's a lose-lose situation. What puzzle is missing here? Dopamine-increasing things makes you "sit up" but still have ***t neck posture, or vice-versa ... Neck posture with bad back.

Basically I have neck pain, back pain, bad back posture/neck posture, etc. I have tried chin tucks, different chairs, etc. but can't just "get it right." It's sad and frustrating seeing everyone just having naturally superior posture with no effort, meanwhile I have to download 20 videos a day teaching me how to sit like a normal person with out pain.

I have to work on computers and such, so I can't always adjust things the right way/have the ability or means to do so. I try mewing, McKenzie chin tucks, standing back against the wall, etc. but it's just temporary ... Like with mewing you have to CONSTANTLY remind yourself to do it or else you never really do. Posture overall is the same ... Must "remind yourself" to sit or stand normally. Must remind yourself to assault your palate with your tongue ... Must remind yourself to push your head/neck back, etc.

Otherwise I naturally slouch, lag, or "melt in to my body" without conscious effort to non-stop sit right, whereas some others just seem to always have it all perfect and never think of it ... MADNESS. To see these perfect posturers vs. me struggling to "normal" is like watching millionaire preppies play while you're the poor, board licking kid.
Check put functionalpatterns on instagram, they do fix a lot of peoples bodily problems ??‍♂️
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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