"Woo-woo" device thread (Scalar, Schumann, Harmonizers, Tensors, Orgonite, Sacred Geometry)



Jan 9, 2019
@RealNeat great thread.

I think it's worth looking into coils and resonant circuits and how they work, since most of these devices implement one.

Copper coils are cheap and easy to DIY and experiment with. They have a long history of use in the form of jewelry (such as the South African copper bracelets, or the neck rings called idzilas which are believed to have spiritual powers, or the Dacian gold bracelets which are coils with 7-10 turns).

I would also mention Michael Persinger's work and his "God helmet".

On a Danny Roddy podcast Ray mentioned Persinger's "No More Secrets" talk:

And there is also the copper biocircuit.

View attachment 41231View attachment 41232

And this YouTube channel has some interesting experiments:

Yes I've tried the biocircuit before in a very make shift way, I don't remember my results, I'd like to build a proper one! It'll be my project for the week.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
The pendant didn't really do anything I could feel. I have a very low EMF house however and there are testimonies by some people I (somewhat) trust like Scott that make me think heavy tech users benefit from it more, specially for sleep it.
I have been wearing Q-link since April 2022.
I bought because I heard Dr. Robert Young note that he looked at blood work as part of a study.
video: EMF cell damage BBC - Dr Robert O Young
Q-Link Study: The Effects of ElectroMagnetic Frequencies (EMF) on the Blood and Biological Terrain
article: San Francisco Chronicle - The Power of Q
My experience: I feel like there is an increased boundary between me and my computer.
The windows-10 feels like windows-XP. Less intrusive.
The first night I wore it I did not sleep well - even though not tired next day. Sleep normal within 3 days.

Personal Experience: The resins are quite noxious when making orgonite so I stopped after a couple times. The devices gave me no measurable or tangible outcomes. The only thing I noticed is when I would freeze water over them the water had a implosion/ explosion image frozen in it almost every time as opposed to controls.
I played with making orgonite for a while. I tried beach sand, crystals, powdered metals, magnets.
I put a dollar bill and a crow feather in one mold - it actually caught on fire - I had to pour garden soil on it 🧯.
What I did notice was that it tended to rain whenever I made a batch.
Also seemed to bring in wet weather when I placed them out in the community / nature.
I guess there is an eventual stasis in the energy when they sit in place.
If there is a way to keep them moving then I think there may be a long-term benefit. Or attaching to flowing water.
Maybe they can plug into a grounding cord inside the house.

And like you - my thoughts are on using something organic like wax or tree resin or shellac. (Medicine bundle)
archive.com files: Orgonite


Nov 18, 2019
That's interesting, I have a qlink and I measure things religiously with a really dependable Cornet 88T+ and it gives off absolutely nothing. It doesn't seem possible that it would, it's just a copper coil in resin with a supposed silica based frequency generating substance in the middle. I don't think it's radioactive either as there are no such claims of negative ion emission on their site.

This article wrongly assumes their pendants are better because they generate negative ions from radioactive rocks compared to the Qlink. Quantum Pendant VS Q-Link - Which is Better?

Are you sure you didn't have some other device?
Very interesting. I am almost certain it was a Q-Link. They had just came out on the market. My boyfriend at the time bought it for me. We both had similar experiences. Good at first, then it dramatically dropped off and felt harmful. He was the one who rested it. I unfortunately do not know what device he used. It was so long ago, 2008 and I did not pay attention. Anyway we both threw them away…


Nov 29, 2017
Is this a scam?



Jan 9, 2019
Is this a scam?

Ive gotten this done before and it gave me some interesting results but nothing tangible. Some vague new age advice. It would be interesting to own one and experiment and see if its reproducible. The less information they give about how it works the more suspicious I get, I would trust a tuning fork practitioner more #37: Eileen McKusick


Apr 19, 2020
Ive gotten this done before and it gave me some interesting results but nothing tangible. Some vague new age advice. It would be interesting to own one and experiment and see if its reproducible. The less information they give about how it works the more suspicious I get, I would trust a tuning fork practitioner more #37: Eileen McKusick
From their website:
Body detection
12 large-scale system can detect the body, including the 1000 organs, gladns, and some cells to make predictions report, systemic accuracy 100000 collection points to ensure detection. Users can saw their own organs in the present, past, and future health of 3-5 years and vitality trends tissue cells.

I want my Gladns detected fo' sure! Not so sure about 'saw my own organs'. Kwality cantrol is most importent. Hehehe...

I have noticed that only a few of these machines actually describe what the EMF (or ?) tech is. Sure there are proprietary secrets. But... what the heck? I have looked up scalar machines only a little, and it is not easy to get info. Also I am using Brave lately as my sole browser, which is very so-so for searching out info.

Tuning forks are cool, a therapist friend of mine showed me her set of tuning forks and 'Did me' a few years ago, and they are very sweet - and they do vibrate! No illusion there. Singing and or toning oneself is probably the most powerful thing one can do in this realm, besides dipping in the water (Ocean, lake, take me to the River...), and chilling out.

Extreme Woo-woo note: I was put on a "Chakra Machine" in the mid 80's by my Naturopath, as he had just got back from London where he was fascinated by this technology, and I had just returned to the States from India/Nepal, where I contracted hep. It was a simple affair, the machine, like a powerful small speaker put on the body, and for 22 minutes just relax and let the vibes do its thing. Somehow they managed to take the Mandala of the Hindu Yoga style chakras and get that info into sound, and a standard cassette 'drove' the unit. It did work somewhat, so I can't knock it, but... getting the initiation of the mantras and doing one's own practice is probably more effective.


Sep 12, 2015
Doesn't anyone feel suspicious when they see how much these things cost, and how ordinary the creators look, and how the creators don't live significantly longer than most people?

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
If you are willing to go full woowoo, I have a friend who does 5g shields. He shielded me and felt like the world got more quiet, like in the forest. Not less sound, but something. He'll probably do them for a few euros and it's over the distance, so you just need to sit down and receive it for a few minutes. Frankly I think that is safer and more convenient than a device. You feel it immediately too.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Ive gotten this done before and it gave me some interesting results but nothing tangible. Some vague new age advice. It would be interesting to own one and experiment and see if its reproducible. The less information they give about how it works the more suspicious I get, I would trust a tuning fork practitioner more #37: Eileen McKusick
Agreed. Vague readings about the energy field without any context are useless, even if they are accurate.


Jan 9, 2019
Doesn't anyone feel suspicious when they see how much these things cost, and how ordinary the creators look, and how the creators don't live significantly longer than most people?
I think the last one may be hard to quantify since most arent dead yet but but yes the rest is always a concern.

I'm pretty average looking but I like to think there's more under the ol noggin than what people may perceive. I dress like a lumberjack study like a madman, judging books by their cover is likely not a good strategy. Plus who's to say they do other things right, cool, you have an anti emf device but eat PUFA all day long, likely won't help the damage from that.

Ray has mentioned he couldn't find much of a difference between radiation and stress, so really we are trying to find ways to better handle stress.

Sometimes I can justify the price of overhead, marketing, affiliates, websites, production etc but other times they are so expensive that either they are milking it or they are scamming.


Nov 18, 2019
If you are willing to go full woowoo, I have a friend who does 5g shields. He shielded me and felt like the world got more quiet, like in the forest. Not less sound, but something. He'll probably do them for a few euros and it's over the distance, so you just need to sit down and receive it for a few minutes. Frankly I think that is safer and more convenient than a device. You feel it immediately too.
Does it need to be repeated? Or does it hold after one time?


Jan 9, 2019
If you are willing to go full woowoo, I have a friend who does 5g shields. He shielded me and felt like the world got more quiet, like in the forest. Not less sound, but something. He'll probably do them for a few euros and it's over the distance, so you just need to sit down and receive it for a few minutes. Frankly I think that is safer and more convenient than a device. You feel it immediately too.
That really reminds me of this:

How does it work?​

The FLFE System activates a high-consciousness field anywhere much like what can be found in places of worship or in pilgrimage sites where the focus of the teachings are love. A high-consciousness field has positive energy and life benefits from it. The consciousness of a place can often be felt by a person, for instance, at an old battlefield or in a cathedral, mosque or synagogue. We can create a field ourselves with focus and a positive intention.

First, the FLFE System redirects and focuses life-force energy. Life-force energy (Also known as subtle energy, chi and prana) is the universal energy found throughout the universe. This positive energy is focused in a location within the FLFE System. This is similar to a person sitting down and moving into a focused meditative state in preparation for sending a prayer, reiki, or a positive intention.

Next, a unique identifier is introduced into the FLFE System, such as a legal address or coordinates for a property, a cellular phone number for a phone or a high-resolution photograph for an object. This is similar to a person holding in mind the person or place where they are sending a prayer, reiki treatment, or positive intention. We believe that the person with a positive intention and the FLFE System both activate a field at the person or location instantly anywhere in the world.

The FLFE System next uses FLFE Programs or instructions to specify the characteristics of the activated field, such as the Level of Consciousness of it and the positive intentions in it. The activated field becomes a high-consciousness field. This is similar to thousands of monks holding a positive intention, emotion, or prayer in mind, continuously 24/7.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
That really reminds me of this:

How does it work?​

The FLFE System activates a high-consciousness field anywhere much like what can be found in places of worship or in pilgrimage sites where the focus of the teachings are love. A high-consciousness field has positive energy and life benefits from it. The consciousness of a place can often be felt by a person, for instance, at an old battlefield or in a cathedral, mosque or synagogue. We can create a field ourselves with focus and a positive intention.

First, the FLFE System redirects and focuses life-force energy. Life-force energy (Also known as subtle energy, chi and prana) is the universal energy found throughout the universe. This positive energy is focused in a location within the FLFE System. This is similar to a person sitting down and moving into a focused meditative state in preparation for sending a prayer, reiki, or a positive intention.

Next, a unique identifier is introduced into the FLFE System, such as a legal address or coordinates for a property, a cellular phone number for a phone or a high-resolution photograph for an object. This is similar to a person holding in mind the person or place where they are sending a prayer, reiki treatment, or positive intention. We believe that the person with a positive intention and the FLFE System both activate a field at the person or location instantly anywhere in the world.

The FLFE System next uses FLFE Programs or instructions to specify the characteristics of the activated field, such as the Level of Consciousness of it and the positive intentions in it. The activated field becomes a high-consciousness field. This is similar to thousands of monks holding a positive intention, emotion, or prayer in mind, continuously 24/7.
It's just distance work. It's standard practice.


Jan 9, 2019
My friend makes beautiful Oregonites. I am finding that they are really helping me sleep better.
Many are beautiful few of those are functional. Not claiming yours isn't. It needs to be 50/50 organic and inorganic (metal/resin)


Aug 4, 2020
Many are beautiful few of those are functional. Not claiming yours isn't. It needs to be 50/50 organic and inorganic (metal/resin)
So I am going to repost this video here, considering that 5G dangers and protection from them are being discussed.
Is it possible that a 5G death grid is being established? I say that this is a possibility but indeed is it credible to it being an actual reality?
I don’t know as it is out of my wheelhouse, references have been made to these new lights being installed and tracking and the like, again is it a reality? Is it an aspect of the global depopulation thought pattern?
Would these devices offer any protection?
I would open this up for some rational discussion and hope to enhance my knowledge and understanding in the process, without the drama and fear porn that is always prevalent in these types of videos.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/SwM8VnheNq7j/

@RealNeat @Lollipop2 @AlaskaJono @Grapelander @Hugh Johnson @Ras @Funnywhensunny
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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