"Woo-woo" device thread (Scalar, Schumann, Harmonizers, Tensors, Orgonite, Sacred Geometry)


Aug 4, 2020
@J.R.K be mindful of this

Thank you for this @Peatress, I am wiser but not necessarily happy about knowing the exposure is cumulative, but the search for strategies to mitigate continues. Perhaps @haiduts friend had the best idea and withdraw from modern society completely and live in a mountain monastery is no sounding like the worst idea anymore.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
So I am going to repost this video here, considering that 5G dangers and protection from them are being discussed.
Is it possible that a 5G death grid is being established? I say that this is a possibility but indeed is it credible to it being an actual reality?
I don’t know as it is out of my wheelhouse, references have been made to these new lights being installed and tracking and the like, again is it a reality? Is it an aspect of the global depopulation thought pattern?
Would these devices offer any protection?
I would open this up for some rational discussion and hope to enhance my knowledge and understanding in the process, without the drama and fear porn that is always prevalent in these types of videos.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/SwM8VnheNq7j/

@RealNeat @Lollipop2 @AlaskaJono @Grapelander @Hugh Johnson @Ras @Funnywhensunny

Nah. Most of the conspiracy theory comes from fear. I mean there are plenty of conspiracies, some quite grand, but no.

Fear not.

The rational argument I would make is this: The damage caused by the 5G is quite minor. Less than smoking if I understand correctly. Most people don't notice daily exposure. In research it shows up, but it's not killing everything.

Like any pollution, it should be avoided, not feared.


Sep 24, 2016
I have a somavedic. I’m a huge fan. Mine is the red one, so it doesn’t throw-off a bunch of blue light, (many of them are yellow, blue, green, in color). It structures water, (you can taste that structured water “taste”) by simply placing a liquid near it for a few minutes, (I tend to just put my coffee mug near it when not sipping).

The benefits that I attribute to it are subjective, and I’m willing to admit that. However I have a strong belief that it has played a role in many things that have happened favorably for me.

When I first got it, I was doing a strict carnivore diet to heal a skin issue. The diet did not work for me, but the day after I received the somavedic I learned about Ray Peat.

Since getting it, cut bouquets of flowers have a tendency to last us about two weeks, (vs say a week). Recently my daughter picked out some roses, and my wife commented three days later that they looked better than the day we brought them home.

Another interesting thing I recently learned is that if you place a picture of something or someone close to the unit it will have an effect on the subject in the picture. This is one of the effects of scalar energy, and connected to the Native American belief around photography and it’s connection to the soul.

Since placing a picture of my wife and I on the somavedic we have experienced some very pronounced improvements in our health. It’s not that we did “nothing” but more that we seemingly serendipitously stumbled upon more and more relevant information that, as we experimented, leveled up our health exponentially.

My wife also received a promotion and pay bump at her work, and has had a number of new opportunities open up for her side hustle making the reality of her quitting her “day job” seem very likely.

I could go on like this, and I appreciate that what I’ve written can all be chalked up to simply living life and moving towards goals in life, but I’m a believer for what it’s worth.
How is it supposed to work? Why does it cost thousands of dollars?


Jan 9, 2019
So I am going to repost this video here, considering that 5G dangers and protection from them are being discussed.
Is it possible that a 5G death grid is being established? I say that this is a possibility but indeed is it credible to it being an actual reality?
I don’t know as it is out of my wheelhouse, references have been made to these new lights being installed and tracking and the like, again is it a reality? Is it an aspect of the global depopulation thought pattern?
Would these devices offer any protection?
I would open this up for some rational discussion and hope to enhance my knowledge and understanding in the process, without the drama and fear porn that is always prevalent in these types of videos.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/SwM8VnheNq7j/

@RealNeat @Lollipop2 @AlaskaJono @Grapelander @Hugh Johnson @Ras @Funnywhensunny

Keeping fear down is good but there is no doubt that increased exposure to EMF is only going to make things worse. Eventually people will figure it out like they did with asbestos etc but many will be a victim to its effects. Excitotoxicity and EMF are very similar and the things that are an antidote to them are also almost identical. Russell Baylock has a great book on the subject that one can use to understand these concepts.

Avoiding as much exposure as possible and eating and doing the right things/activities should offer a great deal of protection.
Avoiding metal in and on the body is also important.

All things that protect against ionizing radiation should also work for non ionizing and there is a lot of research on that.

Magnesium and other natural calcium "channel" blockers are super important.
Red light is also very key.
Keeping stress down.
Exposure to plenty of natural environments and lively people/animals.
Using hydrogen tablets are also great at reducing some of the oxidant effects of EMF.


Nah. Most of the conspiracy theory comes from fear. I mean there are plenty of conspiracies, some quite grand, but no.

Fear not.

The rational argument I would make is this: The damage caused by the 5G is quite minor. Less than smoking if I understand correctly. Most people don't notice daily exposure. In research it shows up, but it's not killing everything.

Like any pollution, it should be avoided, not feared.
What about those of us who have already had over exposure to radiation through the medical system? It is harmless to us?


Aug 4, 2020
Nah. Most of the conspiracy theory comes from fear. I mean there are plenty of conspiracies, some quite grand, but no.

Fear not.

The rational argument I would make is this: The damage caused by the 5G is quite minor. Less than smoking if I understand correctly. Most people don't notice daily exposure. In research it shows up, but it's not killing everything.

Like any pollution, it should be avoided, not feared.
Thank you for your opinion I appreciate it @Hugh Johnson !!


Aug 4, 2020
Keeping fear down is good but there is no doubt that increased exposure to EMF is only going to make things worse. Eventually people will figure it out like they did with asbestos etc but many will be a victim to its effects. Excitotoxicity and EMF are very similar and the things that are an antidote to them are also almost identical. Russell Baylock has a great book on the subject that one can use to understand these concepts.

Avoiding as much exposure as possible and eating and doing the right things/activities should offer a great deal of protection.
Avoiding metal in and on the body is also important.

All things that protect against ionizing radiation should also work for non ionizing and there is a lot of research on that.

Magnesium and other natural calcium "channel" blockers are super important.
Red light is also very key.
Keeping stress down.
Exposure to plenty of natural environments and lively people/animals.
Using hydrogen tablets are also great at reducing some of the oxidant effects of EMF.
The question on the claim of EMF opening the calcium channel that I had originally thought was possibly due to low levels of calcium in the diet to keep the calcium to phosphorous/ phosphate ratios in balance or higher on the calcium side in the regular die. As well as high levels of parathyroid hormone as a result of this, clearly the EMF will add to the stress load.
All relevant points thank you @RealNeat. I had wondered about the magnesium angle as well thyroid is something that needs to be addressed in it’s uptake to the cell. So the associated stress with EMF could potentially tip the scale to hypothyroidism in those on the borderline.
Would you think about hydrogen gas inhalation or hydrogen rich water mitigate EMF @RealNeat?


The first page of this thread has radiation remedies



Oct 23, 2017
Oklahoma, USA
I have always been interested in, however, not completely convinced of these sort of devices.

1. Schumann devices seem to have the most demonstrable merit with their use being common in not only the EMF/ Grounding crowd but also the audiophiles.

Personal experience: Before I broke mine I had a cheap 7.89 Hz (partial Schumann resonance) device from Amazon. I think it was 13 dollars, I used it in my delivery truck with a lot of tech around and I did feel a wave of calmness when plugged in, I would feel tension fall off so to speak. I tested its output with a Hz meter and flashing light at 7.89 Hz and it did actually transmit it, an AM radio also gives auditory verification of the frequency when placed nearby. It had a small knob that one could twist to calibrate the frequency.

2. Qlink pendents and their "active" Nimbus device. These work off of the supposed SRT (sympathetic resonance technology). I found more information looking up patents for the parent company Clarus. The pendent is supposed to amplify and calibrate your own personal field so that when it gets out of whack you have a anchor you can depend on to pull you back to baseline. The Nimbus functions more like the previously mentioned Schumann device I believe, it emits a range of frequencies but I don't think I was able to actually confirm it like I could the previous device as I think these use "Scalar" technology. This is the best explanation I could find of Scalar to date
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJKzfKwKSDM

Personal Experience: The pendant didn't really do anything I could feel. I have a very low EMF house however and there are testimonies by some people I (somewhat) trust like Scott that make me think heavy tech users benefit from it more, specially for sleep it.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQbXUouSZTU

As far as the Nimbus, I felt something similar to the Schumann device. I did open it up but couldn't make much sense of the circuitry, Ill post a picture of (it at request) if anyone is savvy with that stuff. The Nimbus is much sturdier, supposedly emits a wider frequency but more expensive than a Schumann device, however I prefer it because of its convenience. Unless you build a nice structure and secure the power cord the Schumann devices are flimsy and easily break.

3. Tensor rings are cheap and easy to make as long as you follow the proper "cubit" size according to Slim Spurling, here is MJ Pangman of "Dancing With Water" discussing it
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIYAPZ4dK-k
and a measure of its "efficacy" using a Lecher Antenna
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHWpwENbmdc

Personal experience: I probably didn't do it right to be honest, I hate soldering and so I tried alternatives and may have disrupted the energy flow of the device. I'm willing to buy a properly made devices and try again, but when I did try with the devices I made I didn't notice anything worth noting.

4. Orgonite is something I got into very early on and discovered Wilhelm Reichs work through it. The modern interpretation of orgone devices are a far cry from Wilhelms original orgone accumulators or "cloud busters" but some of the concepts are preserved. David Wilcock covers the topic pretty thoroughly in his series "Wisdom Teachings." There is a gentlemen, and acquittance of Thomas Cowan that makes orgone blankets which seems to have more merit but can also be dangerous around too many EMFs and for people with certain conditions.

Personal Experience: The resins are quite noxious when making orgonite so I stopped after a couple times. The devices gave me no measurable or tangible outcomes. The only thing I noticed is when I would freeze water over them the water had a implosion/ explosion image frozen in it almost every time as opposed to controls.

5. Aires Tech pendants are relatively expensive EMF attracting antennas that claim to transmute the energy back to our baseline cellular energy emission. They are pretty cool looking and there is some science behind it that is of ok quality. They seem to have also included sacred geometry in their design which is supposed to be harmonizing buy using things like the golden ratio to influencing the energies around them (Biogeomtery is also worth looking into by Dr. Ibrahim). Their website has most of the info there is about them and supposedly they were founded by Russian researchers trying to find a solution for EMF damage to radar personnel. They seem to use a lot of the same parameters other EMF pendants use to show us their tech is working like HRV, EEG, live blood analysis, inflammation markers etc. EMF Radiation Protection | EMR Shielding | More Than a Blocker

Personal experience: This is my latest device and experiment. I haven't felt anything from them yet, just hoping they are helping and not harming.

I haven't listed everything however a lot of other devices follow the same principles (BluShield, Samovedic, Biogeometry, Leela Tech, Harmoni, etc). The one thing I make sure of is that these devices are not radioactive. Ray has talked about the radioactive rock scam for "feeling good" in the past and certain Amazon EMF protectors were shown to be radioactive, especially if they claim to be creating negative ions out of thin air with no power supply.

Please contribute in a similar fashion with anecdotes and devices you have found. Why am I even writing about it if I am skeptical? I want something to help during those EMF exposures that I can not prevent, something to fill in the gap. I do my best with wired tech and airplane mode, faradays, dirty electricity filters and grounding technology around me but I would love a passive or active device that helps with the rest. Some claim (BluShield inventor) that assessing the physical but not the Scalar aspect of EMF is not good enough and that Scalar is the main method of harm.

Podcasts exist for many of these devices, I suggest listening.

Intereresting thread. I have worn an Aulterra Q-Link medallion for about 15 years. I also have an EMF medallion on my cell phone. I have energy tested both numerous times and they really do work. (Cannot vouch for ALL of them.) Just be sure to remove or face your Q-Link away from your body when going through a scanner or you will be branded (It was painless, but can't be good for you). I also still keep my cell phone away from my head.

I think we've barely scratched the surface of quantum medicine. I'm a trained homeopath, not taking new clients, but there are a few really good ones out there. Energy medicine is amazing and even more effective when combined with the metabolic hacking found on this forum.


May 2, 2021
How is it supposed to work? Why does it cost thousands of dollars?
Well, why it costs thousands I can only speculate, (to be fair, only one or two of them cost that much, the rest are between 60-800ish and all points in between). If I were to speculate, the cost is associated with the proprietary method with which they create their scalar wave, materials, (including but not limited to some precious metals imbedded within the devices) and their marketing, (which admittedly seems pretty slick to me).

The way they work is by emitting a multi-directional scalar wave in a radius, (length determined by model you select) around the device. Minerals and precious metals are embedded in the core of the device that when penetrated by the scalar wave generate a harmonizing field that attunes the body, your water, your plants, animals, anything within the radius, to the wave, (thus negating the harmful effects of geopathic zones, EMF, dirty electricity, etc).

They have pretty extensive testimonials on their site, and include electron microscopy of water that has been structured by the device. Unlike drinking structured water which many people believe to be a “scam” living within the field of the somavedic would theoretically structure your intracellular fluids creating the exclusion zone as proposed by Pollak and Ling. Given that the role of ATP is to structure cells and cellular fluids, (function and structure being related at every level) I find everything about the somavedic to be “Peaty” personally. Plus I have the red one, so if all else fails I have a pretty glowing red light in my kitchen at all times, (I kid, I love the thing).


Aug 4, 2020
What about those of us who have already had over exposure to radiation through the medical system? It is harmless to us?
One thing that has not been discussed is the idea of grounding, if memory serves Dr Peat talked about this being a preference, again keeping in line with his ideas of keeping things simple. I wonder if grounding mats or blankets to lay on would be beneficial for those that reside in colder areas during the winter but also walking barefoot or lying on the ground outside on more warmer days. Have you experimented with this idea @Peatress ? Perhaps it might be effective at reducing your symptoms of damage.


One thing that has not been discussed is the idea of grounding, if memory serves Dr Peat talked about this being a preference, again keeping in line with his ideas of keeping things simple. I wonder if grounding mats or blankets to lay on would be beneficial for those that reside in colder areas during the winter but also walking barefoot or lying on the ground outside on more warmer days. Have you experimented with this idea @Peatress ? Perhaps it might be effective at reducing your symptoms of damage.
In the summer grounding is quite easy during the winter not so easy. I'm so so sure about grounding mats but will look into it. Thanks


Aug 4, 2020
In the summer grounding is quite easy during the winter not so easy. I'm so so sure about grounding mats but will look into it. Thanks
They are in my research as well, in Canada the term windchill factor is a real phenomenon so walking around barefoot is not an option.
I believe @Rinse & rePeat has had some noticeable benefits from including grounding in her daily regimen.
Mar 10, 2021
They are in my research as well, in Canada the term windchill factor is a real phenomenon so walking around barefoot is not an option.
I believe @Rinse & rePeat has had some noticeable benefits from including grounding in her daily regimen.
Grounding seemed a silly notion to me until this year. It was a “don’t knock it till you try it” moment and now I am hooked. It can be cold in the winter on the concrete, and even colder on stone, but the cold is invigorating too. In the warmer months I will soak up to three hours of the earths energy in the morning, and in the winter as little as 20 minutes. It makes me happy, it gives me clearer thinking and hones my intuition. There are better outcomes for me from grounding, probably because of the youthful energy I emit, but even if the outcome isn’t positive I feel more ready and relaxed to handle a “situation”. I am not so reactionary. I bought a mat that plugged into the wall for my husband, and regretfully tossed it never trying it myself. I recently bought a good pair of grounding shoes, with the copper imbedded in the bottom, touching my skin and the ground. I am hoping they will be good fill in on days I can’t lay on the ground. Grounding has become very important in my life.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
They are in my research as well, in Canada the term windchill factor is a real phenomenon so walking around barefoot is not an option.
I believe @Rinse & rePeat has had some noticeable benefits from including grounding in her daily regimen.

I walk barefoot indoors on my concrete basement floor. There is no windchild factor but it is still cold.
Question 1: What is the definition of "ground" in the above statement? Is it referring to exposed soil or to a dry concrete floor on grade or to a dry concrete floor above grade or all the above?

Reply: The term "ground" referred to in 29 CFR 1910.304(f)(5)(v)(C)(5) is defined in 29 CFR 1910.399 as: "A conducting connection, whether intentional or accidental, between an electrical circuit or equipment and the earth, or to some conducting body that serves in place of the earth." Thus a dry concrete floor on grade or above grade would be an example of ground, if the floor is a conducting body. Concrete floors are likely to be grounded. We would note in this regard that another provision of the electrical standards, 29 CFR 1910.303(g)(1)(i), requires that concrete, brick and tile walls be considered to be grounded.

Question 2: Would you consider an ungrounded fan, on a dry concrete floor, on grade, in an industrial setting a violation of this specific standard?

Reply: The use of an ungrounded fan situated on a dry concrete floor on grade in an industrial setting will be a violation of the OSHA rule at 1910.304(f)(5)(v)(C)(5), if the fan has exposed non-current-carrying metal parts that can be contacted by employees. Concrete on grade level, because it will absorb moisture from the earth and be a good conductor in direct contact with the earth, is always considered to be at ground potential.


Aug 4, 2020
walk barefoot indoors on my concrete basement floor. There is no windchild factor but it is still cold.
I feel you brother, but those grounding shoes the @Rinse & rePeat mentioned might be just the ticket for that cold concrete floor. Certainly more reasonable priced than the Blushield devices.
Mar 10, 2021
I feel you brother, but those grounding shoes the @Rinse & rePeat mentioned might be just the ticket for that cold concrete floor. Certainly more reasonable priced than the Blushield devices.
Here is where I bought mine. They are much more attractive than any other places I have looked. Here are the pair I bought, and they are so comfortable!



  • 19BCCBC6-F4AE-42ED-998A-53526E6FA75C.jpeg
    147.8 KB · Views: 18


Here is where I bought mine. They are much more attractive than any other places I have looked. Here are the pair I bought, and they are so comfortable!

Would it not be cheaper to buy ordinary leather sole shoes or am I missing the point?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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