
Feb 18, 2018
Yes there is a lot going on to account for poor health in the population in general but when it comes to vaccine damage the data speaks for itself

“This is the greatest cover-up I’ve ever seen in my life.” Disability claims are on the rise, and people are wondering why. “If it’s not the SARS CoV-2 mRNA gene therapy injection (vaccine), what is it?” - Edward Dowd

Edward Dowd's Website

Stop 'gaslighting' people left ill by Covid jabs, says BMJ study

UK to pay out over £11.5m in Covid–19 vaccine damages

If you're ill enough to get damaged by the vaccine, then you are even more likely to fall susceptible to any number of the diseases that are possible. The vaccine is not the problem, it's the poor state of health that most people are in.


If you're ill enough to get damaged by the vaccine, then you are even more likely to fall susceptible to any number of the diseases that are possible. The vaccine is not the problem, it's the poor state of health that most people are in.


Jan 27, 2015
If you're ill enough to get damaged by the vaccine, then you are even more likely to fall susceptible to any number of the diseases that are possible. The vaccine is not the problem, it's the poor state of health that most people are in.
So by your logic no vaccine damage payments should be awarded at all? How brave of you to post an opinion that directly contradicts the UK or any other governments stance on the mRNA vaccines.


Feb 18, 2018
So by your logic no vaccine damage payments should be awarded at all? How brave of you to post an opinion that directly contradicts the UK or any other governments stance on the mRNA vaccines.

Oh no I disagree with a government how controversial.

If anything, these governments should be giving these people top quality food and supps to actually improve its citizens health. There are so many wasted dollars on poor health.


Jan 27, 2015
Oh no I disagree with a government how controversial.

If anything, these governments should be giving these people top quality food and supps to actually improve its citizens health. There are so many wasted dollars on poor health.
Soooo by your logic vaccines are completely useless, correct? Because if we are healthy enough to withstand the vaccine we are healthy enough to withstand the virus anyway?

So what food/supps make one impervious to sickness and vaccine damage? This is a thread detailing the sharp rise in deaths of sportspeople around the globe, are you saying it's their fault as they were eating terrible diets?

Did you take the vaccine? If yes, why? You're young and healthy so why did you bother if you're so durable and if not then why not? You're young and healthy so why didn't you bother if you're so durable?


Feb 18, 2018
Soooo by your logic vaccines are completely useless, correct? Because if we are healthy enough to withstand the vaccine we are healthy enough to withstand the virus anyway?

So what food/supps make one impervious to sickness and vaccine damage? This is a thread detailing the sharp rise in deaths of sportspeople around the globe, are you saying it's their fault as they were eating terrible diets?

Did you take the vaccine? If yes, why? You're young and healthy so why did you bother if you're so durable and if not then why not? You're young and healthy so why didn't you bother if you're so durable?

I don't know enough about the immune system and the corollary effects vaccines have on us, but I'd like to believe in an ideal scenario where they protect us from the infectious disease in question. One can think back to Polio vaccination efforts and the eradication of that disease, which had afflicted millions of people, as a the beneficial effects of such a campaign. Even if a vaccine does have negative side effects, you do have to pit that against the negative effects of contracting the illness in question. Any illness, viral or bacterial in nature, we should try to avoid and not dismiss as harmless or not worth protecting against.

In general, a diet that supports high metabolic and immune function, on top of supplements such as Vitamin D/K2/B-vitamins/E/A, etc... literally all the ones Ray Peat talks about here, are going to help protect against illness.

I did take the vaccine, as I am easily influenced by my environment and the people around me. At the time I was very much in love with someone who very much wanted me to be vaccinated.

I would not classify myself as young and healthy, or as I would have never joined this forum to begin with, as ever since entering puberty I've dealt with suboptimal health. The only time I can recall myself really feeling healthy, happy, euphoric, positively stimulated consistently were doing my childhood years. This was also the time where I received the most social and familial support, so I don't think it's any coincidence here why that was the case. Ever since entering puberty and onwards the amount of external support I received fell less and less and it's impact on my well-being are obvious to me. Nevertheless I do my best.

Lastly, in regards to the "sharp increase in people dying", this is a trend that has been going on since the 70s. Cancer, Type 2 Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, all have been exponentially increasing since then. If I am to think critically, and since this trend began before the COVID vaccination effort, I am led to believe that it is something else that is causing this poor health. From a public health standpoint, things like a decline in proper nutrition, social support, regenerative exercise, financial well-being, environmental toxicity, chronic stress, poor habits/behaviors, etc... all a much stronger pieces of evidence for what's happening to our species as opposed to a single vaccine.

In many ways athletes lead lives that are very unhealthy, they shouldn't be viewed as the "healthiest" people. Of course, they have very good athletic functioning, but that has to pitted against the stress involved of pushing the body too hard and the corresponding toxic effects of excessive cortisol and adrenaline they probably feel daily carrying out their sport. They also tend to abuse excessive sympathetic stimulating drugs like caffeine, pre-workouts, and potentially anabolic steroid agents that can place excessive strain on the heart. If their diet is inadequate or improperly balanced, these things are going to take their toll. Many athletes are guilty of, "I exercise so much that I can eat anything" mentality. Combine that with if their parents, who themselves were subject to the beginning of our unhealthy modern era, then didn't give them the best stock to begin with, these effects all begin to add up and make their effects quite known now.


Feb 18, 2018
Dowd has done the calculations and excess deaths are linked to the jabs

Ed Dowd Reveals Astonishing Death Rates in the UK


Drawing causation from observational studies is the same tactic that plant based advocates will use to "prove" that animal products are unhealthy. It doesn't work then and it cannot work here. It is never sound scientific thinking to draw causation from statistical data. At best you can state correlations, and then work to discover more evidence to support a body of theory. Want to know what is also trending with these increased deaths? A decrease in socialization, a decrease in regenerative exercise, a decrease in quality nutrition, an increase in mental health issues, an increase in alcohol consumption, an increase in drug use, an increase in perceived stress, an increase in learned helplessness, all of these are linked with worse health outcomes and early morbidity. If anything, the FEAR of the vaccine causing these excess deaths is itself introducing negative mental and emotional health, in addition with toxic media coverage of our politics, economy, and future, that is creating a vicious negative cycle of negative physiological states in human beings.

Your average young person is eating McDonalds or some other fast food crap, drinking alcohol every weekend, smoking weed, vaping, on their smart phone 6+ hours a day or otherwise sedentary behind a computer or tv screen, unable to properly socialize with their fellow peers, and you want to blame the vaccine? Sometimes the answer is so obvious yet we want to blame a red herring because it fits neatly with this agenda that the pharmaceutical companies are corrupt and they intentionally poisoned humanity to make $$$.

Now, since I invoked science, I have to be responsible and also say that I as well can't rule out that it is not vaccines themselves that are causative in these early deaths because there is an association. However, there are a number of confounding variables, and one can never draw causative inference from an observational study UNLESS the power of the study is overwhelmingly strong.

I know people who got the vaccine and are healthy as can be. Want to know why? They eat well, hydrate, don't do drugs or drink, sleep well, aren't stressed, and have a quality exercise routine. We can't underscore the importance of these things and how necessary they are to the human body in order to function properly.


Jul 25, 2022
Drawing causation from observational studies is the same tactic that plant based advocates will use to "prove" that animal products are unhealthy. It doesn't work then and it cannot work here. It is never sound scientific thinking to draw causation from statistical data. At best you can state correlations, and then work to discover more evidence to support a body of theory. Want to know what is also trending with these increased deaths? A decrease in socialization, a decrease in regenerative exercise, a decrease in quality nutrition, an increase in mental health issues, an increase in alcohol consumption, an increase in drug use, an increase in perceived stress, an increase in learned helplessness, all of these are linked with worse health outcomes and early morbidity. If anything, the FEAR of the vaccine causing these excess deaths is itself introducing negative mental and emotional health, in addition with toxic media coverage of our politics, economy, and future, that is creating a vicious negative cycle of negative physiological states in human beings.

Your average young person is eating McDonalds or some other fast food crap, drinking alcohol every weekend, smoking weed, vaping, on their smart phone 6+ hours a day or otherwise sedentary behind a computer or tv screen, unable to properly socialize with their fellow peers, and you want to blame the vaccine? Sometimes the answer is so obvious yet we want to blame a red herring because it fits neatly with this agenda that the pharmaceutical companies are corrupt and they intentionally poisoned humanity to make $$$.

Now, since I invoked science, I have to be responsible and also say that I as well can't rule out that it is not vaccines themselves that are causative in these early deaths because there is an association. However, there are a number of confounding variables, and one can never draw causative inference from an observational study UNLESS the power of the study is overwhelmingly strong.

I know people who got the vaccine and are healthy as can be. Want to know why? They eat well, hydrate, don't do drugs or drink, sleep well, aren't stressed, and have a quality exercise routine. We can't underscore the importance of these things and how necessary they are to the human body in order to function properly.

I believe most people here are aware of the flaws of observational studies, and of the unhealthy habits people have had for decades now (since well before the scamdemic). But the evidence of the vax causing tremendous harm and being the main driver of the rapid jump (new permanent baseline?) of excess mortality is everywhere, only the corporate propaganda 'news' has yet to connect the dots for their remaining loyal viewers.


Drawing causation from observational studies is the same tactic that plant based advocates will use to "prove" that animal products are unhealthy. It doesn't work then and it cannot work here. It is never sound scientific thinking to draw causation from statistical data. At best you can state correlations, and then work to discover more evidence to support a body of theory. Want to know what is also trending with these increased deaths? A decrease in socialization, a decrease in regenerative exercise, a decrease in quality nutrition, an increase in mental health issues, an increase in alcohol consumption, an increase in drug use, an increase in perceived stress, an increase in learned helplessness, all of these are linked with worse health outcomes and early morbidity. If anything, the FEAR of the vaccine causing these excess deaths is itself introducing negative mental and emotional health, in addition with toxic media coverage of our politics, economy, and future, that is creating a vicious negative cycle of negative physiological states in human beings.

Your average young person is eating McDonalds or some other fast food crap, drinking alcohol every weekend, smoking weed, vaping, on their smart phone 6+ hours a day or otherwise sedentary behind a computer or tv screen, unable to properly socialize with their fellow peers, and you want to blame the vaccine? Sometimes the answer is so obvious yet we want to blame a red herring because it fits neatly with this agenda that the pharmaceutical companies are corrupt and they intentionally poisoned humanity to make $$$.

Now, since I invoked science, I have to be responsible and also say that I as well can't rule out that it is not vaccines themselves that are causative in these early deaths because there is an association. However, there are a number of confounding variables, and one can never draw causative inference from an observational study UNLESS the power of the study is overwhelmingly strong.

I know people who got the vaccine and are healthy as can be. Want to know why? They eat well, hydrate, don't do drugs or drink, sleep well, aren't stressed, and have a quality exercise routine. We can't underscore the importance of these things and how necessary they are to the human body in order to function properly.
Even if you are right that most people are generally unhealthy the deaths spiked at the same point for all countries. Look at the graphs here

If you accept that unhealthy people are more likely to suffer injury from these jabs then why is it ok for the government to keep rolling them out to the most vulnerable members of the population?

I know you won’t bother looking at these two posts but I am leaving them here in case anyone wants to see closely related excess deaths are to vaccine rollout.

Post 1

Post 2

Anyway, I do understand why you need to be right about this – it’s very difficult to come to terms with making wrong health decisions and living with the consequences.


Feb 18, 2018
Even if you are right that most people are generally unhealthy the deaths spiked at the same point for all countries. Look at the graphs here

If you accept that unhealthy people are more likely to suffer injury from these jabs then why is it ok for the government to keep rolling them out to the most vulnerable members of the population?

I know you won’t bother looking at these two posts but I am leaving them here in case anyone wants to see closely related excess deaths are to vaccine rollout.

Post 1

Post 2

Anyway, I do understand why you need to be right about this – it’s very difficult to come to terms with making wrong health decisions and living with the consequences.

Believe me dude I live every day figuring out how to guide the being that is my vessel into paths of regeneration instead of degeneration. The environmental stressors I face daily from my work and family life are more than enough to explain most of my symptoms, but sure, you stranger, who cannot possibly know the infinite ways in which I interact with my environment, must know it's the vaccine... People have literally been dying from diseases since our inception as a species, no one who was young ever got sick before the jab :rolleyes:!

COVID also ravaged the whole world at the same time. Do you believe that COVID itself doesn't cause excess deaths? Or that it doesn't cause long term health problems in people? Long COVID is becoming a more documented effect. Purely from the statistics, you can't tease out which one it is, the vaccine or COVID. In fact, you will never be able to determine that, so again, drawing a causative inference from a statistical analysis is irresponsible.
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David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon


Believe me dude I live every day figuring out how to guide the being that is my vessel into paths of regeneration instead of degeneration. The environmental stressors I face daily from my work and family life are more than enough to explain most of my symptoms, but sure, you stranger, who cannot possibly know the infinite ways in which I interact with my environment, must know it's the vaccine... People have literally been dying from diseases since our inception as a species, no one who was young never got sick before the jab :rolleyes:!

COVID also ravaged the whole world at the same time. Do you believe that COVID itself doesn't cause excess deaths? Or that it doesn't cause long term health problems in people? Long COVID is becoming a more documented effect. Purely from the statistics, you can't tease out which one it is, the vaccine or COVID. In fact, you will never be able to determine that, so again, drawing a causative inference from a statistical analysis is irresponsible.
No sir, I don't believe that convid is the cause of excess death. Yes, I do appreciate how stressful life can be and there are numerous things that can explain changes in the health of a population but when I see a steep rise in deaths at the same time a certain injection is rolled out - I need not ask what, rather, I ask how.


Feb 18, 2018
No sir, I don't believe that convid is the cause of excess death. Yes, I do appreciate how stressful life can be and there are numerous things that can explain changes in the health of a population but when I see a steep rise in deaths at the same time a certain injection is rolled out - I need not ask what, rather, I ask how.

Do you also not believe that COVID killed a substantial amount of people?


Do you also not believe that COVID killed a substantial amount of people?
No I don’t. I believe that hospital protocols killed people. Neglect from people not getting treatment for existing health issues probably contributed to some deaths. I also believe that the reformulation of the flu vaccine in 2019 was also responsible for many getting sick late 2019 to early 2020. I’ve posted about this previously.


Jan 16, 2023
No I don’t. I believe that hospital protocols killed people. Neglect from people not getting treatment for existing health issues probably contributed to some deaths. I also believe that the reformulation of the flu vaccine in 2019 was also responsible for many getting sick late 2019 to early 2020. I’ve posted about this previously.
I agree with you and personally know of a few cases of medical negligence inside hospitals. Instead of treating people with antibiotics, they intubated them.

Secondary bacterial infection in COVID-19 patients is a stronger predictor for death compared to influenza patients


Secondary bacterial infections are a potentially fatal complication of influenza infection. We aimed to define the impact of secondary bacterial infections on the clinical course and mortality in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients by comparison with influenza patients. COVID-19 (n = 642) and influenza (n = 742) patients, admitted to a large tertiary center in Israel and for whom blood or sputum culture had been taken were selected for this study. Bacterial culture results, clinical parameters, and death rates were compared. COVID-19 patients had higher rates of bacterial infections than influenza patients (12.6% vs. 8.7%). Notably, the time from admission to bacterial growth was longer in COVID-19 compared to influenza patients (4 (1–8) vs. 1 (1–3) days). Late infections (> 48 h after admission) with gram-positive bacteria were more common in COVID-19 patients (28% vs. 9.5%). Secondary infection was associated with a higher risk of death in both patient groups 2.7-fold (1.22–5.83) for COVID-19, and 3.09-fold (1.11–7.38) for Influenza). The association with death remained significant upon adjustment to age and clinical parameters in COVID-19 but not in influenza infection. Secondary bacterial infection is a notable complication associated with worse outcomes in COVID-19 than influenza patients. Careful surveillance and prompt antibiotic treatment may benefit selected patients.


Aug 1, 2023
It’s fortuitous I landed at RPF and find good conversations and open-minded ppl, willing to discuss the otherwise unmentionable in public.

I scrolled through this thread, just wanted to add my two cents:

I think the jab is poison and was intentionally made to poison.

We don’t need to know much else about its contents, imo. Interesting, and interesting to note they varied the dosages/lots…. but not necessary to know.

It’s caused and continues to cause excess morbidity and mortality.
I see it in aggregate and in my personal life. The ‘rona’ did not cause any of this. All the health issues I have personally seen crop up (there have been many, and numerous deaths), began roughly July 2021. They have not ceased. Kniw of my first young male myocarditis case as of a month… (but know three young men with arrhythmias diagnosed in 2022).
The shot was not available where I live till spring and was administered in order of descending age.

I also have begun to believe viruses don’t exist, contrary to what I was taught as a good student of life sciences.

I think germ theory is also most likely wrong.

Covid is some sort of poisoning, as well, but I’m not entirely sure of what nature and mode of delivery. When I had what I would call ‘it’ (twice) I felt it was distinct from ‘colds’ and ‘flus’ I’d previously experienced. (I surmise because it’s exposure to a different / novel environmental toxin).

That is where I have landed 3.5 years into this saga.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Lets not forget the ventilators. They were part of the community standard of treatment. We had a ventilator shortage for a while in the US and Trump used his presidential to get more manufactured on an expedited basis. The doctors who are all trained to follow the community standards to avoid liability eventually figured out the the ventilators were killing the hospitalized patients. By the time the presidentially produced ventilators were manufactured they were no longer needed and were shipped overseas to assist other countries.
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