Worsening of histamine issues on thyroid. Did I figure out why?


Jun 6, 2023
United States
"In fact, T3 supplementation is one among the cause of systemic itch (Reamy et al., 2011) and pruritus is one among the clinical symptoms of hyperthyroidism (Ward and Bernhard, 2005). Similarly, T3 metabolites induce itch (Laurino et al., 2015a,b) activating, histamine-dependent, pERK in the dorsal root ganglia. This pathway is considered selective for mast cell-derived histamine-induced itch sensation (Dong and Dong, 2018; Huang et al., 2018). Even if the definitive proof is lacking, T3 metabolites, by activating mast cells, might be the mediators of T3-induced itch. Furthermore, confirming that itch and pain sensation have some common neuronal pathways, T1AM and TA1 also induce histamine-dependent hyperalgesia to thermal stimuli (Manni et al., 2013), a condition typically activating mast cells (Zhang et al., 2012)."
Cortisol is not lowered by T3, but thyroid and T3 may generally promote histamine so someone that has highish histamine levels already may get worse taking thyroid.

I ran my diet through cronometer. By the way, if anyone is trying to fix their health, running your diet through a vitamin and minerals tracker like cronometer is a must.

Basically it shows my copper intake is low and my zinc is quite high. I eat a lot of red meat, it's the only type of meat I've been consuming for a couple months now. It is high in zinc, not very high in copper.

I noticed my skin was itchier, I was getting more rashes, my nose was always clogged at night and I noticed a sudden increase in sneezing. I just let it slide thinking my health is worsening and I'm just becoming more sensitive to everything. I then read about copper and zinc and how it connects with histamine.

My current copper intake according to the cronometer is 0.7 mg while my zinc is at a whopping 30 mg. I think a more optimal copper to zinc ratio is like 1:8-1:15 With the current diet, my copper to zinc ratio is like 1:42. Very imbalanced in favor of zinc, which could for sure be causing these histamine like reactions I've been having. I took some copper last night and my itching drastically decreased, I was taking 2 mg of cypro and it wasn't doing anything noticeable however the copper seems to have really helped. I'll try to fix this ratio by taking more copper. I think I need to start eating liver (I barely ate liver because I was fearing vit A toxicity because my levels were previously high, but now my vit a levels are in the middle of the range, so liver maybe once a week doesn't seem like a bad idea now).

Anyone know if the copper to zinc ratio I had in my body could've been causing these histamine like symptoms? I think thyroid made it worse, I don't remember sneezing and having a stuffed nose prior to thyroid supplementation! I feel like I'm on to something here. Would like some input.


Feb 3, 2020
Interesting. I find thyroid works similar to an antihistamine or anticholinergic.


Apr 17, 2017
Thyroid hormone increases the synthesis of bile acids by the CYP7A1 enzyme and itching is one of the symptoms of bile excretion disorder.


Sep 10, 2020
I am experiencing exactly this at the moment. I wasnt having histamine symptoms initially but after 2/3 weeks I'm now getting a runny nose, itchy skin and slightly warm burning sensation. I wonder if this is just something you plough through?


Sep 23, 2015
I ran my diet through cronometer. By the way, if anyone is trying to fix their health, running your diet through a vitamin and minerals tracker like cronometer is a must.

Basically it shows my copper intake is low and my zinc is quite high. I eat a lot of red meat, it's the only type of meat I've been consuming for a couple months now. It is high in zinc, not very high in copper.

I noticed my skin was itchier, I was getting more rashes, my nose was always clogged at night and I noticed a sudden increase in sneezing. I just let it slide thinking my health is worsening and I'm just becoming more sensitive to everything. I then read about copper and zinc and how it connects with histamine.

My current copper intake according to the cronometer is 0.7 mg while my zinc is at a whopping 30 mg. I think a more optimal copper to zinc ratio is like 1:8-1:15 With the current diet, my copper to zinc ratio is like 1:42. Very imbalanced in favor of zinc, which could for sure be causing these histamine like reactions I've been having. I took some copper last night and my itching drastically decreased, I was taking 2 mg of cypro and it wasn't doing anything noticeable however the copper seems to have really helped. I'll try to fix this ratio by taking more copper. I think I need to start eating liver (I barely ate liver because I was fearing vit A toxicity because my levels were previously high, but now my vit a levels are in the middle of the range, so liver maybe once a week doesn't seem like a bad idea now).

Anyone know if the copper to zinc ratio I had in my body could've been causing these histamine like symptoms? I think thyroid made it worse, I don't remember sneezing and having a stuffed nose prior to thyroid supplementation! I feel like I'm on to something here. Would like some input.
Muscle meat amino acid profile is strongly pro inflammatory. I would stay away from any kinds of muscle meat for some time and see if that corrects your issues. I replaced it with crustaceans and after a while many issues I had disappeared. Iron is another thing you have to watch out for.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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