Acne - Sebum Reduction


Jul 23, 2015
This seems to be the last step that has increased my skin healing beyond anything I have ever seen. I have completed two weeks of a PUFA purge/cleanse; zero fat, high calories with 120-130grams protein, will probably stick with at least one to two months. This goes along with RP comments on PUFA blocking vitamin A at the cellular level. Well PUFA blocks just about everything, so getting it out of the body is really good.
Good for you Orion- I also saw awesome results in terms of skin quality when I initially raised my caffeine intake, targeting my liver.
What's your diet/lifestyle looking like?


Oct 23, 2015
@ilovethesea @tyler

I'm thinking that for me even doing low PUFA for 5 yrs years hasn't helped since I am older and would assume that I am PUFA saturated to the core. I am concerned that if this means PUFA throughout liver, marrow, brain, lungs... cancer is a big worry! And makes sense why all the supplements that should help, backfire(PUFA blocking all the goodness).

During the first week, my skin went berserk, got acne in places where I never got acne before. But now every morning I wake up and look in the mirror and skin improvements are astounding. Sleep quality is improving each night, glycogen stores are improving, bowels improving. I plan to go at least 2 months before I switch back to adding in moderate coconut oil. Also plan to add in B3, increasing caffeine as improvements continue.

I have reduced Vitamin A to 30K orally for now. Also still doing walking and weight lifting, but keeping the lifting focused on hypertrophy without failure during this VLF diet

Attached image of daily calories, I don't find this bland, or have crazy cravings, keep me full.

Supps: Vit A, K2, glycine, taurine, tocovit, mitolipin, zinc, liver

EDIT: Photo is large, so open to full screen and click to zoom


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Feb 9, 2013
@ilovethesea @tyler

I'm thinking that for me even doing low PUFA for 5 yrs years hasn't helped since I am older and would assume that I am PUFA saturated to the core. I am concerned that if this means PUFA throughout liver, marrow, brain, lungs... cancer is a big worry! And makes sense why all the supplements that should help, backfire(PUFA blocking all the goodness).

During the first week, my skin went berserk, got acne in places where I never got acne before. But now every morning I wake up and look in the mirror and skin improvements are astounding. Sleep quality is improving each night, glycogen stores are improving, bowels improving. I plan to go at least 2 months before I switch back to adding in moderate coconut oil. Also plan to add in B3, increasing caffeine as improvements continue.

I have reduced Vitamin A to 30K orally for now. Also still doing walking and weight lifting, but keeping the lifting focused on hypertrophy without failure during this VLF diet

Attached image of daily calories, I don't find this bland, or have crazy cravings, keep me full.

Supps: Vit A, K2, glycine, taurine, tocovit, mitolipin, zinc, liver

EDIT: Photo is large, so open to full screen and click to zoom

Thanks! Wow that is a lot of gelatin. Are you concerned about this at all? Gelatin Can Exarcerbate A Protein Insufficiency

Do you eat the beef liver raw? I guess you don't eat any cooked shellfish or meat, to avoid using oils?

Can you explain why you would need to avoid coconut oil on the cleanse, even though it's not PUFA?


Apr 9, 2015
What was your typical day's diet on this PUFA cleanse?

That is something I haven't experimented with yet. (Although I don't have any acne issues at the moment - vitamin A drops still working well and I am doing a low dose penicillin which makes skin perfect, no pores at all.)

Anyway, I wonder if clearing PUFAs would reduce how much vitamin A I need? Have you reduced dose at all?

I think I must still have PUFA stores (cellulite) even though I've been eating low PUFA for almost 4 years now.
Vitamin A and liver have done nothing for my acne and I'm pretty sure it's an overgrowth in my gut. What dose of penecillin are you using and did you get it prescribed or was it from one of the online pharmacys?


Feb 9, 2013
Vitamin A and liver have done nothing for my acne and I'm pretty sure it's an overgrowth in my gut. What dose of penecillin are you using and did you get it prescribed or was it from one of the online pharmacys?

I got it from Anti aging systems. They come in little packets of powder so I'm measuring out 1/32 of a tsp. For the 1st 2 months I took that 3x a day. Now I'm just doing once a day until I run out.


Oct 23, 2015
Thanks! Wow that is a lot of gelatin. Are you concerned about this at all? Gelatin Can Exarcerbate A Protein Insufficiency

Do you eat the beef liver raw? I guess you don't eat any cooked shellfish or meat, to avoid using oils?

Can you explain why you would need to avoid coconut oil on the cleanse, even though it's not PUFA?

Looks like from those studies, gelatin on a malnourished diet causes issues, I am taking 3TBsp to get 6g glycine/day, but since I am not eating much muscle meat, its thought to maybe cut back. Thanks for the link.

Calf liver is frozen, then I cook lightly in coconut oil, then cut into 1oz portions and freeze, I have a piece about 2 or 3 times per week now. I eat one can of St. Jean smoked oyster each week, they are packed oil free.

RP talks about how coconut is protective and helps raise metabolism, so a few times a week I take 1tsp(5g), with my oral vitamin A and tocovit/mitolipin. RP mentions many times, the a fat free diet is ok, when eating enough sugar and nutrients your body can produce its own supply of pure SFA.

Listened to a RP interview where he talks about how PUFA very efficiently blocks Transthyretin, which transport vitamin A and thyroid hormone. In the skin this can block skin cells ability to produce progesterone locally and oppose estrogen (this is how vitamin A opposes estrogen). I can see now how vitamin A does not work for some people, since the PUFA in your blood is blocking it and T4. PUFA in the liver blocks T4 converting to T3, down-regulating thyroid and energy to repair.

Skin still improving each day, along with confidence, its like breaking out of a PUFA induced shell!


Oct 23, 2015
Hey Orion, Any new insights on acne and sebum?

Hey churchmouth, cleared up all my acne and dandruff following gbolduev's ideas, utilizing short and very long fasts, and hair mineral analysis to know what foods to eat and avoid. Sebum production is now reduced and still working on further reducing it.


Mar 23, 2017
Interesting, I need to know more as it is encouraging it has worked. I actually had a hair analysis done too, which suggested low copper (most things were low actually, except zinc being highest). Would be interested to show it once I find the copy.

Did you have glycogen issues too? My only real concern with fasting is I carry very little fat and overall stores seem low (massive muscle depletion after a single set of exercise). I also get cold easy. I suppose I would try a small fast and see how I tolerate it.

Anyway I meant to comment on this thread that my skin oilyness is greater than ever now a year into 'Peating', even though I am feeling pretty great.


Oct 23, 2015
Interesting, I need to know more as it is encouraging it has worked. I actually had a hair analysis done too, which suggested low copper (most things were low actually, except zinc being highest). Would be interested to show it once I find the copy.

Did you have glycogen issues too? My only real concern with fasting is I carry very little fat and overall stores seem low (massive muscle depletion after a single set of exercise). I also get cold easy. I suppose I would try a small fast and see how I tolerate it.

Anyway I meant to comment on this thread that my skin oilyness is greater than ever now a year into 'Peating', even though I am feeling pretty great.

Low copper and calcium on hairtest usually mean your metabolism is running fast, and the Peat ideals will work good with this. But high copper and calcium, could mean metabolism is slow, and Peat approach won't work here(me included). Fasting works for slow metabolism, helps to chelate calcium and copper etc. If you are low copper, skinny, carrying low body percentage, no belly, and burn through lots food, fasting is not recommended.

Fasting appears to have helped my liver function, sleeping much better after, but there is still room for improvement. Oral temps are never below 98 at waking or during the day. Eating for slow metabolism, 50% protein, 30% complex carbs and 20% saturated fat is keeping me active, building muscle and warm hands feet during the day.

I have done 3, 7 and 14 day water fasts and a longer 54 day Bruess fast, it has had an absolutely positive effect on my skin issues and body composition, but I attribute this to the proper refeed after fasting depletes and breaks down the body. And utilizing hairtest to supplement the actual minerals that I am in need of.


Oct 15, 2016
Low copper and calcium on hairtest usually mean your metabolism is running fast, and the Peat ideals will work good with this. But high copper and calcium, could mean metabolism is slow, and Peat approach won't work here(me included). Fasting works for slow metabolism, helps to chelate calcium and copper etc. If you are low copper, skinny, carrying low body percentage, no belly, and burn through lots food, fasting is not recommended.

Fasting appears to have helped my liver function, sleeping much better after, but there is still room for improvement. Oral temps are never below 98 at waking or during the day. Eating for slow metabolism, 50% protein, 30% complex carbs and 20% saturated fat is keeping me active, building muscle and warm hands feet during the day.

I have done 3, 7 and 14 day water fasts and a longer 54 day Bruess fast, it has had an absolutely positive effect on my skin issues and body composition, but I attribute this to the proper refeed after fasting depletes and breaks down the body. And utilizing hairtest to supplement the actual minerals that I am in need of.
Like I said in pms perhaps growth hormone (and T) response could be involved in the ease of building muscles post-fast. I'm curious how much calories and proteins do you eat? What is the idea behind so much proteins and "so little" carbs (based on physical activity I guess)?


Oct 23, 2015
Like I said in pms perhaps growth hormone (and T) response could be involved in the ease of building muscles post-fast. I'm curious how much calories and proteins do you eat? What is the idea behind so much proteins and "so little" carbs (based on physical activity I guess)?

Ya more carbs on active gym days, less on lazy weekends. My BMR falls somewhere around 2500 cals, so I aim for that more or less, as long as I am able to increase strength. 290g protein, 175g carbs, and 50g sat fat. For me, more protein then carbs with lots of KCl, MgCl and NaCl keep my hands/feet warmer and I sleep better.


Oct 15, 2016
Ya more carbs on active gym days, less on lazy weekends. My BMR falls somewhere around 2500 cals, so I aim for that more or less, as long as I am able to increase strength. 290g protein, 175g carbs, and 50g sat fat. For me, more protein then carbs with lots of KCl, MgCl and NaCl keep my hands/feet warmer and I sleep better.
Ok thanks!


Oct 23, 2015
@Orion Can you please keep us updated on your success/ failures?

Hey @churchmouth

Been having massive success following gbolduev's ideas, completely free of acne now(body and face), no more dandruff, skin is the healthiest its been my entire life since preteens. Finally have real sebum reduction as well.

What I have done, all seem to push health in a positive direction:
Many short water fasts(3 to 14 days), one long 54 day Breuss fast
Hairtest(I'm slow oxidizer type) showing which minerals I need and which to avoid, I take Se:200mcg, Li:5mg, Zn:12mg, Mn:5mg, Bo:3mg, Mo:125ug until next test this month, I eat very low calcium and copper
Follow slow oxidizer diet: 50% protein(egg whites, whey, lean meats), 30% complex carbs(avoid white carbs), 20% butter Extra aminos: taurine, glycine, tyrosine and histidine
Drink molecular hydrogen water (machine for this)
Take HCl and bile acids with all meals, along with electrolytes (MgCl, KCl, NaCl)
Completed 9 liver flushes, I do these every 2 weeks.

Sleeping way better, digestion is rock solid, body composition is awesome(lean, vascular gains), libido is up. Basically life saving, feels soo much better, and everything continues in a positive direction.

My hair shedding has finally starting slowing in the past few weeks, I have been doing scalp massages in morning and evening(about 3-5 mins).

@Motif I don't take any fat soluble vitamins, except 100IU of vitamin E couple times a week.


Oct 23, 2015
Why you stopped with vit A?

Fat solubles are not digested when stomach acid and bile acids are low, but once you get HCl/bile working or supp them, you will get vitamin A from food, no supplementing needed.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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