'AGA' - alopecia - experience sharing - looking for advice


Feb 23, 2020
Didn't you notice any hair density improvement after 30 minutes twice a day of detumescence therapy for 1 year??


Jan 28, 2021
No improvement at all with detumescence therapy though i was consistent with it for months.
I subscribed to Danny Roddy patreon and had a video call with him 2 months ago. I have been taking thyroid supplements since December 2021. Unfortunately supplementing thyroid has not stopped my hair loss. My average temperature is a bit higher than before but nothing significant regarding hair loss.
Danny said to me that I need to fix my gut issues. Digestion is not perfect. I have some diarrhea from time to time.
Danny is really knowledgeable and helpful but mpb seems to be almost impossible to fix.
My regimen over the past 9 months:
Aspirin 500mg daily
Vit k 5mg daily
Vit d 5,000ui daily
27,5mcg T3 daily
60mcg T4 daily
A lot of calcium through dairy


Nov 26, 2020
Imho this stack is not good. I would stop vit D supplementation and focus on sunlight as much as you can. For gut issue I would say eliminate all wheat and gluten and for carbs only eat milk, fruits and white rice well cooked and boiled white potatos for at least 1-2 months. 500mg aspirin and 5mg vit K are too much imho. You need a small amount of niacinemide, it will greatly help your gut and try adding kiwi or pinaple when eating meat for better digestion. Also papaya is good. Also if you have liver issues and problems retaining glycogen I was say to supplement with a little bit of taurine 200-500mg daily. Honestly, the supplements that you take if not accompanied with a lot of calories and nutrient dense food will only make your problems worse.


Jan 28, 2021
Hi Johny thanks for your feedback. You think I should also stop thyroid supplements? I still think they are good for me though there has been no real improvement with my hair so fair. I will try to reduce wheat. Well noted. I will cut vit d, k suplements and aspirin.


Nov 26, 2020
Vit K is good but 5mg is too much, 1mg is enough imo. I dont have a bad opinion for thyroid supplements I just think that if you are young you dont need them. If you will continue thyroid though, then you will definetely need to increase your caloric intake and your micronutrient intake (more nutrient dense foods). And for sure need liver 1 time per week, extra vit A is absolutely essential while on thyroid sups. As for the gluten, if you have any gut issue it needs to be completely removed. You need to remind your body again how to nurish on real foods, eggs, red meat, fruit, oyster, organs, honey, milk. For example with eggs, honey, milk, cheese and some fruit you can have complete meals, without blood sugar issues and getting full. If initially this is too sugar to handle supplement 50-100mg niacinemide. Like this in my experience, issues like fatigue, brain fog, blood sugar issues, motivation, low libido completely vanish. And if these vanish then your hair will also thrive. Hairloss just means that your body is sick and needs to heal.


Feb 23, 2020
No improvement at all with detumescence therapy though i was consistent with it for months.
I subscribed to Danny Roddy patreon and had a video call with him 2 months ago. I have been taking thyroid supplements since December 2021. Unfortunately supplementing thyroid has not stopped my hair loss. My average temperature is a bit higher than before but nothing significant regarding hair loss.
Danny said to me that I need to fix my gut issues. Digestion is not perfect. I have some diarrhea from time to time.
Danny is really knowledgeable and helpful but mpb seems to be almost impossible to fix.
My regimen over the past 9 months:
Aspirin 500mg daily
Vit k 5mg daily
Vit d 5,000ui daily
27,5mcg T3 daily
60mcg T4 daily
A lot of calcium through dairy
Hasn't you hair improved with these sups for 9 months??


Jun 2, 2017
As I just posted on another thread, it's really mind boggling how hair regrowth is one of the most difficult health issues to remedy. It would seem it will be solved one day. (If the world doesn't implode first.)
Nov 5, 2019
If you want real results, my routine is:

1mg daily finasteride
Minoxidil applied once a day
2mm Derma-rolling every 10 days
Alpecin Sport Caffeine shampoo daily

Safe or not, smart or not, it works for me.


Jun 2, 2017
If you want real results, my routine is:

1mg daily finasteride
Minoxidil applied once a day
2mm Derma-rolling every 10 days
Alpecin Sport Caffeine shampoo daily

Safe or not, smart or not, it works for me.
In my desperation stage, about 7 years ago, I tried a dose of Minoxidil. I can't take it. And if I understand correctly, finasteride would be even more problematic. So, until a more natural approach comes about, I'll have to endure my follicular fate.
Nov 5, 2019
In my desperation stage, about 7 years ago, I tried a dose of Minoxidil. I can't take it. And if I understand correctly, finasteride would be even more problematic. So, until a more natural approach comes about, I'll have to endure my follicular fate.
What was so bad about minoxidil that made you stop? Did you experience side effects?


Jan 28, 2021
If you want real results, my routine is:

1mg daily finasteride
Minoxidil applied once a day
2mm Derma-rolling every 10 days
Alpecin Sport Caffeine shampoo daily

Safe or not, smart or not, it works for me.
I know
Good for you if you are satisfied with the results.
I was on finasteride for 8 years. It kept me hair for sure.
But I wanted to get rid of this hormonal treatment. There are too many sides which are not good in the long term.
That is why I am looking for something else.
I have tried almost everything.
Thyroid supps
Avoiding PUFAs
Increasing calcium intake over phosphate.
Reducing stress
Baking soda
Magnesium citrate
Vit d
Vit k2
There is nothing else in my stack unfortunately..
And I have been consistent with my regimen for months.


Mar 18, 2017
I'll say once more: as far as topical treatment goes, Scandinavian Biolabs products seem pretty good, and safer than minoxidil. For me, the real tricky part is dimishing the shed, growth I manage to stimulate with their shampoo and serum.

I'm not taking thyroid or anything systemical. I've had my share of energy depletion with Spironolactone and have no interest in similar interventions. I would actually advise against them. Improving digestion and avoiding stress are hugely important, albeit hard to sustain.
Nov 5, 2019
I know
Good for you if you are satisfied with the results.
I was on finasteride for 8 years. It kept me hair for sure.
But I wanted to get rid of this hormonal treatment. There are too many sides which are not good in the long term.
That is why I am looking for something else.
I have tried almost everything.
Thyroid supps
Avoiding PUFAs
Increasing calcium intake over phosphate.
Reducing stress
Baking soda
Magnesium citrate
Vit d
Vit k2
There is nothing else in my stack unfortunately..
And I have been consistent with my regimen for months.
Did you actually experience any of these hormonal side effects over the 8 years?


Jun 2, 2017
What was so bad about minoxidil that made you stop? Did you experience side effects?
Yes. It was quite some time ago, but some heart and blood pressure issues; as well at the patented minoxidil under eye effect (dry and aged looking).


Mar 28, 2019
As I just posted on another thread, it's really mind boggling how hair regrowth is one of the most difficult health issues to remedy. It would seem it will be solved one day. (If the world doesn't implode first.)

Do you mouth breathe? Hows your posture? oral posture? outside of general stress keeping cortisol / adrenaline elevated and or malnutrition (usually low protein, zinc and iron) which are both fixable its almost always related to poor craniofacial development. This means poor oral posture habits from early in life later manifesting as bad posture (curved spine, forward head, stiff neck and shoulders etc) compounded by modern lifestyle habits. This causes tension in shoulders, head, neck and eventually scalp creating the hardened fibrotic / calcified tissue that limits blood flow, sped up by the DHT for its involvement in bone remodelling (hence women don't exp anywhere near the same level of hair loss as men). Minoxidil likely works short term by increasing blood flow and finasteride by increasing nitric oxide and limiting DHTs involvement in bone remodelling which means your hair loss would more mirror that of a womans (very little). Hair massages are at leats breaking up the fibrotic tissue but it needs to go alongside a good posture practice and implement proper oral posture (mewing) and chewing to reduce the chronic tension, inflammation and restore blood flow over time. Something like 95% of people have sub optimal craniofacial development hence baldness is so common, so don't feel bad if you don't look like Brad Pitt he wouldn't lose hair if he was a vegan running a marathon every weekend. Correcting posture, proper mewing and chewing, scalp massages and 100% nasal breathing outside of improving quality of life, proper nutrition and maximising sunlight exposure should go a long way..... Tho most people who practice mewing will tell you after 25 it takes years to see results as bones take longer to remodel but its clear bones especially in the skull like the maxilla are very malleable.



Jun 2, 2017
Do you mouth breathe? Hows your posture? oral posture? outside of general stress keeping cortisol / adrenaline elevated and or malnutrition (usually low protein, zinc and iron) which are both fixable its almost always related to poor craniofacial development. This means poor oral posture habits from early in life later manifesting as bad posture (curved spine, forward head, stiff neck and shoulders etc) compounded by modern lifestyle habits. This causes tension in shoulders, head, neck and eventually scalp creating the hardened fibrotic / calcified tissue that limits blood flow, sped up by the DHT for its involvement in bone remodelling (hence women don't exp anywhere near the same level of hair loss as men). Minoxidil likely works short term by increasing blood flow and finasteride by increasing nitric oxide and limiting DHTs involvement in bone remodelling which means your hair loss would more mirror that of a womans (very little). Hair massages are at leats breaking up the fibrotic tissue but it needs to go alongside a good posture practice and implement proper oral posture (mewing) and chewing to reduce the chronic tension, inflammation and restore blood flow over time. Something like 95% of people have sub optimal craniofacial development hence baldness is so common, so don't feel bad if you don't look like Brad Pitt he wouldn't lose hair if he was a vegan running a marathon every weekend. Correcting posture, proper mewing and chewing, scalp massages and 100% nasal breathing outside of improving quality of life, proper nutrition and maximising sunlight exposure should go a long way..... Tho most people who practice mewing will tell you after 25 it takes years to see results as bones take longer to remodel but its clear bones especially in the skull like the maxilla are very malleable.

I do not mouth breath, but I am a poster child for all those other things you mention. As a small runt of a kid, and spastic, I no doubt was the recipient of my dad's genes—at least with regard to being high strung and thin. I was born a preemie which I'm sure is a contributor to all those negatives you mention: high-strung and underdeveloped—prone to stress and probably a cortisol and adrenaline imbalance; scoliosis (much more common in women than men)—the cause of poor posture, poor bite alignment, forward head.

I thankfully had a large growth spurt late in my teenage years, so I physically no longer appeared underdeveloped, but the internal chemical make-up was still there, which I carried into a stressful career path; It consisted of mental stress, while sedentary. Due to my chemical make-up, I'd say stressful for me but probably not for many. So, no doubt, it was the stress that ultimately caused my hair loss and health issues. I'm not completely bald, but am on my way to having significant hair loss. The longer I live the more I come to terms with it. It would definitely be nice to have more hair, but I'll live with whatever comes.

I do think scalp stimulation is good, but I'm sold on derma-needling over the massage. As time allows I'll start that again.

I do believe mewing is helpful and is part of achieving good posture.. I've started it again, just last week, and I'm convinced it has already started to reform my bite. Just tonight, for the first time ever, when I bit down the rear molars connected as if they were aligned slightly different—as strange or unbelievable as that sounds.

"...so don't feel bad if you don't look like Brad Pitt he wouldn't lose hair if he was a vegan running a marathon every weekend." Funny—you indeed speak the truth here. I have a friend with a hairline so dense and intact, that if he could give me as much hair as I needed to completely fill my hairline back in and he would still look normal for his age, just slightly less dense.

I believe for the posture aspect associated with balding, you provide good information. Thank you.


Mar 28, 2019
I do believe mewing is helpful and is part of achieving good posture.. I've started it again, just last week, and I'm convinced it has already started to reform my bite. Just tonight, for the first time ever, when I bit down the rear molars connected as if they were aligned slightly different—as strange or unbelievable as that sounds.
Mewing is powerful but be careful if your posture isn't already too tight to begin with, only focusing on mewing with bad posture can overwork the jaw muscles. Working on both together really pull the body and skull into alignment.

This account is worth reading aswell



Jan 28, 2021
Did you actually experience any of these hormonal side effects over the 8 years?
I was not too bad. But I think finasteride had a bad impact on my mood and my libido. I feel better now though my hairloss has increased and I dont want to take finasteride again. I am looking for a multi factorial approach. Unfortunately I am not seeing results despite my regimen.


Apr 15, 2015
As I just posted on another thread, it's really mind boggling how hair regrowth is one of the most difficult health issues to remedy. It would seem it will be solved one day. (If the world doesn't implode first.)
I don't think it is health issues realated in anyway.
I saw sick people with very thick hair. There are people with horrendous posture and excellent hair and otherwise.
People with best hair I have seen were on a very crappy diet of PUFA , starches, beer, office jobs, smoking and otherwise there are lots of bald guys who are pretty healthy (apart from hair).
Look at pictures of old Maasai tribe people... they are bald like any other people .

Hair massage... I believe it helps to lose hair. It is known that massage helps to reduce fat. Subcutaneous fat is crucial for good hair , we need more of it in scalp .
I didn't notice any positive effect from dermarolling either. I haven't seen any new single hair from it ... such a waste of time and money.

"no pain, no gain" doesn't work with hair :) .
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