Aspirin and Leaky Gut


Jan 25, 2014
However, I took a closer look at the study you posted. They only tested the influence of aspirin in vitro. I don't think that this enough to conclude that aspirin harms the immune system. Aspirin has some very general anti-stress properties which can signal an improved immune system.

Enlighten me please, what do you see or know that I don't? I don't see any relation to the effects described in the study I post? I didn't say it's harmful, said it is modulative, even said that it could be balancing in some way... but see the figure 1 please. This effect has been seen in multiple studies.

J. it's not about paralysis in action, problems may also occur when don't think over things. It is a fact that the body is extremely complex and is influenced in many many ways, leading to a semi-infinite amount of changes. Almost NO ONE, if someone at all, up to day knowns what disease is nor does Peat understand it all, even health is still a challenge.

Although Peat's approach closely describes general understanding and principles of biology and may be every helpful in general. Which I am dr. Peat very very thankful for, not possible to express this in any words. The molecular mechanism is still mostly a secret and that's what drives us. The molecules and interactions. And I can assure that not 100% of Peat's work is right or won't be adjusted in the future.. I also have the impression that we seem to modify his ideas a bit.

You're certainly telling truth Blossom, your mindset is part of your healing too, anyway we're talking about a drug now. Drugs always have positive and negative things and things we don't know yet. I do really hope you keep healing and you don't get any setback or whatever!


Jan 1, 2014
I always try to look at things from an epigenetical point of view. If we examine the effects of aspirin on single cells in vitro, we exclude the reaction of the body to this substance. This is a mistake many scientists have made in the past.
Ray Peat mentionend quite recently that acetylsalicylic acid has some effects on the way our DNA is read (it helps to remove acetyl groups from our DNA), which alters the immune system.

We really have to take a more holistic approach to our health!


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Suikerbuik said:
However, I took a closer look at the study you posted. They only tested the influence of aspirin in vitro. I don't think that this enough to conclude that aspirin harms the immune system. Aspirin has some very general anti-stress properties which can signal an improved immune system.

Enlighten me please, what do you see or know that I don't? I don't see any relation to the effects described in the study I post? I didn't say it's harmful, said it is modulative, even said that it could be balancing in some way... but see the figure 1 please. This effect has been seen in multiple studies.

J. it's not about paralysis in action, problems may also occur when don't think over things. It is a fact that the body is extremely complex and is influenced in many many ways, leading to a semi-infinite amount of changes. Almost NO ONE, if someone at all, up to day knowns what disease is nor does Peat understand it all, even health is still a challenge.

Although Peat's approach closely describes general understanding and principles of biology and may be every helpful in general. Which I am dr. Peat very very thankful for, not possible to express this in any words. The molecular mechanism is still mostly a secret and that's what drives us. The molecules and interactions. And I can assure that not 100% of Peat's work is right or won't be adjusted in the future.. I also have the impression that we seem to modify his ideas a bit.

You're certainly telling truth Blossom, your mindset is part of your healing too, anyway we're talking about a drug now. Drugs always have positive and negative things and things we don't know yet. I do really hope you keep healing and you don't get any setback or whatever!
Thank you for your kind thoughts suikerbuik! I always enjoy your posts. I didn't mean to get off track from the aspirin topic at all. I know too that all medicines have the potential for adverse reactions even when used appropriately. I do hate to see people become paralyzed with fear thinking a Peat approach might be too complicated without a science background. I think the dialogue on the forum is great to help people think in a different way and make informed decision. As always I value sharing information regardless of the forum members background.


Jan 25, 2014
:), thank you too, like to hear that.

It's not my intention to paralyze people (I know you didn't say this). But that's why I want to reduce peoples attention to supplements and drugs. All the supplements and drugs is what people paralyze in my opinion, and make think Peat is some kind of weird person as is his approach.

People should start to adjust their food first and not worry so much about things, drugs and supplements (besides some really basic ones like niacinamide). Or want perfection or things changed immediately. If situations are complicated they can turn to the forum, ask specific things regarding information they have about themselves. And read themselves into the stuff.

Sure we need to do Milklove, still epigenetics is a part, though may be very important. But is much much more difficult to say anything about in particular someone specifically. However, the effects I was talking about in other studies confirm these observations and were from vivo results.

I divide the body in 7 seperate, though not indepedent systems, that can be influenced apart and priority depends on the person in question. And a specific focus on a particular system may be needed in some cases. Although Peat is not only about food and covers most of it too, I'll still sum them up ; epi-,genetics ; microbiome ; metabolism ; immune system ; nervous system ; hormonal system ; mind. And food as an external factor that influences it all.
Nov 26, 2013
j. said:
I think the oh my god this is so complex attitude can lead to paralysis in action, and the problems can become worse while feeling perplexed doing nothing.

I do agree with this, old-school Americans accomplished a lot because of their ingenuousness, not strictly their ingenuity. This is especially ironic to me because in my language, the language of a nation riddled with fear, the two words switch their meanings (false friends).

When dealing with your quest for well-being I think some substances can be taken as good without further doubt as to what might become known about them in the future, a bit like you can clarify the characteristics of an infinite series in math before it is finished.
Mar 21, 2014
Suikerbuik said:
I am not sure to what extent sIgA is influenced, but see the relation between sIgA and gut permeability. sIgA plays a role in microbial balance. It is an extreme complex situation.

I wonder about this as well, as I am having an IgA deficiency along with serious gut problems and had been taking aspirin daily. I stopped taking aspirin and all supplements except thyroid in case any were contributing to my problem.

My doctor says IgA levels are "genetic" but I doubt it. For one, there are many studies showing that psychological stress levels predict salivary IgA levels, and case studies where low IgA levels suddenly resolve. There are genetic associations that have been identified but they are too weak to be considered direct cause and effect.
Nov 26, 2013
I had low Alpha 1 Globulins if that helps :D
Mar 21, 2014
It seems like aspirin might suppress IgA in some individuals and not others:

In three patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, serum IgA concentrations were within the normal limit at the onset of disease and before aspirin administration. After aspirin administration, their serum IgA levels gradually decreased. After discontinuation of aspirin, their serum IgA levels gradually increased. These results suggest that IgA deficiency may be due to aspirin administration in such patients. The IgA production in vitro of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from a patient taken 3 months of discontinuation of aspirin was markedly inhibited by preincubation with aspirin. Since the patients' serum IgG and IgM levels hardly changed the heavy chain class switching may be influenced by aspirin through some undefined mechanisms.


Well, the obvious just occurred to me. If you have trouble taking aspirin, and if the reason for that is increased absorption of endotoxin (we don't know if this is true, but if), then eating a daily raw carrot might be the most helpful thing you can do to take aspirin without bad effects.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Suikerbuik wrote: "I do really hope you keep healing and have no setback whatever." I had a small setback and I'm guessing since I'm human it's possible I could have more in the long life ahead of me. The great thing about the setback was that it reminded me of how far I've come and made me appreciate that I no longer have to suffer everyday. It's not about perfection just living the best life possible. I think we all help contribute to that process by sharing our Peat experience.


Jan 25, 2014
Secretory IgA is said to be unrelated to serum IgA concentrations. Nor I think IgA is that important as sIgA. And I don't believe in that genetic story of your doctor so much as well, it is not completely untrue but there's way more than genetics.

Oh and the goal I have in mind, is complete 'recovery' and not palliation. Maybe seen from a physical perspective this is impossible and you may never be as fit as in your youth, but regression of disease states like, MS, CFS, RA, and some others are seen and is possible to achieve for most people. And that's the target I have in mind not short term suppression. It seems to be that antibodies are a needed step in this process. Anyway hope some real Peaters can prove otherwise ;)

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