Broken Molar, jaw Infection antibiotics advised?


Jan 30, 2020
Hi guys,

i broke an edge of a lower jaw molar last week. As it was not hurting immediately, i guessed ok find a a roentgen free dentist in my area and get it fixed soon. I plugged the hole with some bees wax to seal it off. But on friday, i got some food stuck in it and it broke it even more on the inside. Later in the evening my right mandible started to explode in pain, so i started some Camphosal i had at hand to disenfect the area and also keep the upper intestine clean, as i found Ray was right again, tooth and sinus Problems are mostly stemming from the gut.
Now on Monday i got some fever too but the exploding pain is resolving quite a bit.
I went to my GP to check for a throat infection, as my upper throat is also pretty soar and he prescribed some cephalexin, which i argued against, as i tolerate amoxicillin without clavulanic acid very fine.

I have some 7 pieces of Amoxiclav (with clavulanic acid, not optimal of a liver standpoint) at home, and my question is, does anyone know which one is less toxic to the liver?

I guess, as Amoxicillin alone worked in the past just fine, i could half the 875mg/125mg Amoxiclav or quarter them, so i get some strep killing (i guess its kind of oral strep bacteria, hence the mandible pain, not so much the tooth itself) dose, and limit any possible damage of the Clavulanic acid (of course i dont get the abx resistance breaking benefits of it, but maybe the broadest spectrum is not needed at all).
I know of a friend, who has more experience with Cephalosporin Antibiotics, they are pretty harsh vs penicillins.

I dont want to ruin my work on building the liver back up to decent functioning.
Thanks for your thoughts about the issue


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Hi guys,

i broke an edge of a lower jaw molar last week. As it was not hurting immediately, i guessed ok find a a roentgen free dentist in my area and get it fixed soon. I plugged the hole with some bees wax to seal it off. But on friday, i got some food stuck in it and it broke it even more on the inside. Later in the evening my right mandible started to explode in pain, so i started some Camphosal i had at hand to disenfect the area and also keep the upper intestine clean, as i found Ray was right again, tooth and sinus Problems are mostly stemming from the gut.
Now on Monday i got some fever too but the exploding pain is resolving quite a bit.
I went to my GP to check for a throat infection, as my upper throat is also pretty soar and he prescribed some cephalexin, which i argued against, as i tolerate amoxicillin without clavulanic acid very fine.

I have some 7 pieces of Amoxiclav (with clavulanic acid, not optimal of a liver standpoint) at home, and my question is, does anyone know which one is less toxic to the liver?

I guess, as Amoxicillin alone worked in the past just fine, i could half the 875mg/125mg Amoxiclav or quarter them, so i get some strep killing (i guess its kind of oral strep bacteria, hence the mandible pain, not so much the tooth itself) dose, and limit any possible damage of the Clavulanic acid (of course i dont get the abx resistance breaking benefits of it, but maybe the broadest spectrum is not needed at all).
I know of a friend, who has more experience with Cephalosporin Antibiotics, they are pretty harsh vs penicillins.

I dont want to ruin my work on building the liver back up to decent functioning.
Thanks for your thoughts about the issue
I had a root canal infection and tried treating it with chlorine dioxide, it didn't get into the roots of the tooth so I ended up getting a root canal treatment. There are several posts here on successful treatments of infected teeth using chlorine dioxide:

I order it from, use the kit with hydrochloric acid. I take equal amount of drops (three or four) from each bottle, let it react for 30 sec. and then add water. I add a small amount of baking soda to remove any remaining acid.


Apr 26, 2018
I had a root canal infection and tried treating it with chlorine dioxide, it didn't get into the roots of the tooth so I ended up getting a root canal treatment. There are several posts here on successful treatments of infected teeth using chlorine dioxide:

I order it from, use the kit with hydrochloric acid. I take equal amount of drops (three or four) from each bottle, let it react for 30 sec. and then add water. I add a small amount of baking soda to remove any remaining acid.
I hope you got that jaw infection cleaned out.... or, even though it is frowned upon here by a lot of members, that you had an x-ray taken. I had a younger friend who put off having a loose molar pulled and when she finally did they found a lot of infection and even cancer. She was treated by dentists and oral surgeons at Stanford University and they ended up trying various kinds of chemo on her jaw,...even removed part of it and replaced it with other bone. After a couple of years it went into remission but then a year later came back. She has passed on now. Don't delay.


Dec 15, 2022
I know of a friend, who has more experience with Cephalosporin Antibiotics, they are pretty harsh vs penicillins.
Quick encouragement to stay away from ciprofloxacin or Fluoroquinolones as well.


Apr 26, 2018
I hope you got that jaw infection cleaned out.... or, even though it is frowned upon here by a lot of members, that you had an x-ray taken. I had a younger friend who put off having a loose molar pulled and when she finally did they found a lot of infection and even cancer. She was treated by dentists and oral surgeons at Stanford University and they ended up trying various kinds of chemo on her jaw,...even removed part of it and replaced it with other bone. After a couple of years it went into remission but then a year later came back. She has passed on now. Don't delay.
You also might want to start brushing with Hydroxypatite toothpaste to regrow enamel and mineralize your tooth.


Jan 30, 2020
Hi guys,
thanks for the advises. For the MMS, i am located in Austria i don't know where to source it in the near future....? I use Camphosal and sodium bicarbonate, Listerine for mouth disinfection.
I endet up taking some Penicillin vk split in 200mg dosages and munching them to spread the penicillin good in the mouth.
Also upped my pretty low 4mg K2mk4 to 2x 10drops of Kuinone, which let to exploding pain at first, but with enough aspirin and the penicillin, the swelling and pain comes down finally. I scheduled a appointment with a oral surgeon (not dentist) to check this out next week, and i guess a single picture x-ray wont be the worst thing on the planet in this case. just loading up on niacinamide, aspirin, inosine and maybe 5mg dhea before the x-ray.
Damn thing seems to be kind of a gum infection, as not the broken part of the tooth hurts like hell, no, its on the OTHER side and feels more like open bone or something, also the extreme mandible pain was from a kind of fissure between the mandible and gum tissue.
Never experienced this one before, B2 or b-complex seems to heal up the fissure quite quickly but something (endotoxin?) lets it burst open again after sleeping.
Does anyone know, which one is less dangerous, Keflex (cephalexin, 500mg) or Amoxicillin with Clavulanic acid (875/125)?
I only got 5 Ospen, Penicillin VK 1.5m IU left (which i break apart, to ~200mg per dose), and soon run out.
Thanks in advance, need to keep this ***t under control until next week....


Jan 30, 2020
Quick encouragement to stay away from ciprofloxacin or Fluoroquinolones as well.
Hell ya, that ***t ****88 me up in the first place, a couple years ago... still fighting some fallout of the "chemo" attack... so i am pretty triggered by antibiotic toxicity
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