Can Someone Decipher Tyw?


Aug 17, 2016
@Westside PUFAs
Strawman from westside and call to forum rules via your interpretation.
Using ad hominem the way you do is a form of ad hominem,this is a real phenomenon,the uses of argument have limits. The illusory authority of point for point response from you starts with the claim,I claimed tyw's claims were plagiarised,no westside this happened in your personal projection on to my post,don't forget we're it says ,"nothing wrong with that",or instead of the word,"plagiarise", I said ,"taken from people's blogs", hyperbolic.
With the above in mind let's not start a tat for ***s......

To everybody else,the thread was started with a question to decipher tyw, my 2 cents was offered,no personal attacks are present,individual behaviour/interpretation of research can and should be criticised,words on a screen,subtle attempts to silence me in this case lol! I'm a victim!
I have not called for the silencing of anyone or banning,playing the victim card several of you are,no need. The stronger your views the stronger the responses and questions should be,feedback is good.

The .org forum is the wild west of ,"Peating", the Hades if you will, here the forum marshalling is maintained so those in a gentle state of health can explore Peats views,at this point they probably have enough of dozens of websites and gurus,perhaps it was just trying thiamine and panick attacks stopping,or some shift in meaning from one of Peats critiques of society,we must keep them in mind when offering strong opinions on matters that do not have enough clear research to claim assertively a is b etc. or when trolling the forum because you are stuck in some temporary pathological state or a phase of getting stuck on the mania bus.
My point is some of you use the mask of courtesy to abuse the rules here to attempt to confuse,the rules protect you here however over in hades(.org) the lions await......... if you be of said nature or said way inclined.......its just one big mania bus over there!
In saying that those in a gentle state of health may get nauseous/lowered energy from the arguing in these threads,I apologise if I've somehow caused this at times,it's a perspective issue though as the dialogue can be positive if done correctly,only good for unraveling the past,weak for the realising the future potentials but good for adjusting personal,"meanings",and cleaning up the past.

We should not take ourselves too serious fans,we know little and our perspectives skewed,we all grow and change,we change to stay an unchanging unit of indivisibility,(maybe,I'm not sure but still thinking about it).

After the torrent of abuse I received in this thread a video from me is also necessary,this is how all of you made me feel so excuse the emotion.

Great song/performance!


Nov 19, 2015
Cairns, Australia
Thanks to all for commentary :thumbsup:

I was never arguing for your censorship, or that you were untruthful, or anything like that. I was basically trying to figure you out, as much as I can anyways. On further reflection after your video, I think what rubs me the wrong way is that you see fat or carb intake on a spectrum and encourage people to find their place where they fit. You encourage a lot of finding your place on a spectrum through experimentation, and those spectrums can be places where people here have sworn something off, like PUFA. I can understand the perspective, and it makes a lot of sense really...It might make me a little crazy, but I want to know the best part of that spectrum and how to get there. I think for some people on here, any hint of relativism is seen as opposing Peat...which might be incorrect, but there it is. Dan asked you something along those lines in the other thread, and it saddens me a bit that IF was the answer, which worked poorly for me.

Well, if "relativism" means "context dependent side effects", then yes, of course everything is relative. The best mechanic to use depends on the context at hand. The mechanics may be absolute, but the context dictates the suitability of an absolute mechanic.

This is reflected in the Dan Wich comment, this was the post -- Do Carbohydrates Turn Into Fat? No

He asked about "metabolic flexibility" / being able to use both fat and carbs, and specifically in the context of diet breaks / high calorie meals.

I mentioned the circadian rhythm factor specifically as it pertains to carbohydrate clearance, and then addressed the context of "junk food intake".

In this case, being hypocaloric during the period before and after said intake will increase the likelihood that all of that intake is metabolised, and not stored. Simple mechanic => get rid of anything that interferes with normal processing as quickly as possible.

'Hypocaloric' is the key word defining the mechanic; however one goes about achieving that is up to them. I mentioned the way that I personally go about doing it, which is through intermittent fasting, but any strategy to achieve this an energetic deficit around consumption will work. Many other ways to do this .... pick the strategy that you like best.

Anyways, thank you for your video. It was great, and took balls. About the end of your video, where you try not to talk about yourself. From what you said it seemed like you associated talking about yourself with egoism, or naming the forum after you, or something like that. I think that association is wrong. In fact, this is a silly old guru trick, that I think you should drop. Basically these old gurus would use this plea to egoism to not reveal things about themselves that would make them look bad: "my childhood? My school experience? My journey? No no, we are here to find peace and meditate. My background was very normal, very boring, and I do not like to talk about myself." Or something like that

The only reason that point was raised in the video is because of the nature of this thread (which apparently is focused on me); I have never made that association anywhere else on this forum.

I choose not to reveal too much personal information on this forum. The intent is personal privacy.



May 24, 2016
I am pretty impressed that you responded with a video. Props, that was pretty cool.

So from what you said, basically you are into sharing information, and it's a form of personal entertainment for you. You put that entertainment into a very formal, logical write up that comes from your work. Sounds good to me; I am not sure anyone could argue against that on a forum.

I was never arguing for your censorship, or that you were untruthful, or anything like that. I was basically trying to figure you out, as much as I can anyways. On further reflection after your video, I think what rubs me the wrong way is that you see fat or carb intake on a spectrum and encourage people to find their place where they fit. You encourage a lot of finding your place on a spectrum through experimentation, and those spectrums can be places where people here have sworn something off, like PUFA. I can understand the perspective, and it makes a lot of sense really...It might make me a little crazy, but I want to know the best part of that spectrum and how to get there. I think for some people on here, any hint of relativism is seen as opposing Peat...which might be incorrect, but there it is. Dan asked you something along those lines in the other thread, and it saddens me a bit that IF was the answer, which worked poorly for me.

Anyways, thank you for your video. It was great, and took balls. About the end of your video, where you try not to talk about yourself. From what you said it seemed like you associated talking about yourself with egoism, or naming the forum after you, or something like that. I think that association is wrong. In fact, this is a silly old guru trick, that I think you should drop. Basically these old gurus would use this plea to egoism to not reveal things about themselves that would make them look bad: "my childhood? My school experience? My journey? No no, we are here to find peace and meditate. My background was very normal, very boring, and I do not like to talk about myself." Or something like that

Everyone is human. I think a lot of people would love to hear your personal story, and it would actually take away from any hero worship or egoism. If you are honest about your mistakes, it is very hard for people to worship you, because the people who worship, do not have a good relationship with mistakes.

@Westside PUFAs There are many very subtle forms of manipulation that make one thing look like its opposite. Like him or hate him, @Drareg is bomb at pointing these out. Now his delivery sometimes...The thing is, sometimes people do things like false modesty, where they seem like they are being modest while simultaneously holding back the things that would actually show people why they are modest. I.E. Threads like logs, showing lots of mistakes, or your thread about calling yourself a liberal...Calling people out on false modesty and subtle forms of manipulation is the very definition of rude, but it is not bad because it drives towards truth. Wouldn't you say that drareg's post and my own helped bring about more truth in this thread? This thread is awesome now with tyw's video, in my opinion.

Edit: @lisaferraro I just read your post. You said he seems "genuinely concerned about health matters and helping others." He just told you he is here because of personal entertainment, that he writes "just for fun. No real reason other than that it gives me the opportunity to structure random knowledge into text."

Nothing wrong with that, but why put the savior cloak on him? He said he is another source of information, and "you won't see me recommending people take any particular action." Great ,another source of information! Lisa, I care about you, in as much as you can care about someone met online that you have never met, and if you were in trouble, I would make recommendations ("suggestion" to follow the regulation) to you that I would hope would help you. Do you see that distinction?

Some people just aren't comfortable with sharing their personal life and prefer to keep it down low. It's normal, no explanation needed. We don't need any of these accusation of egoism, silly guru trick or whatever. That's reading too much into it.

And there's nothing wrong with experimenting fat or carb intake and find what works with each individual. I wonder why it rubs you the wrong way? Everybody experiments here from Day 1, even before tyw was around. What food to eat, what supplements to take, how much dosage etc. It's okay, there's nothing wrong to see here.

I respect people who are into spiritualism, meditation and all that, but please do not force it upon others who aren't down to it. If tyw doesn't want to divulge his personal life, that's his choice. It's none of our business.

I adore Dr. Peat and his research findings, but I respect his private life because it has nothing to do with his studies. What he does in his spare time is none of my business.

About the recommendation issue, I agree with tyw that it's better to seeking professional help. There's a huge risk from following recommendation of forum members because they have not seen you in person, not knowing your daily lifestyle, your blood work, food choices, habits etc. If you have a personal doctor or expert, they'll usually ask those questions then monitor you weekly or monthly to see how you progress. You don't get that level of care in any forum in the internet.


Apr 30, 2015
Some people just aren't comfortable with sharing their personal life and prefer to keep it down low. It's normal, no explanation needed. We don't need any of these accusation of egoism, silly guru trick or whatever. That's reading too much into it.

And there's nothing wrong with experimenting fat or carb intake and find what works with each individual. I wonder why it rubs you the wrong way? Everybody experiments here from Day 1, even before tyw was around. What food to eat, what supplements to take, how much dosage etc. It's okay, there's nothing wrong to see here.

I respect people who are into spiritualism, meditation and all that, but please do not force it upon others who aren't down to it. If tyw doesn't want to divulge his personal life, that's his choice. It's none of our business.

I adore Dr. Peat and his research findings, but I respect his private life because it has nothing to do with his studies. What he does in his spare time is none of my business.

About the recommendation issue, I agree with tyw that it's better to seeking professional help. There's a huge risk from following recommendation of forum members because they have not seen you in person, not knowing your daily lifestyle, your blood work, food choices, habits etc. If you have a personal doctor or expert, they'll usually ask those questions then monitor you weekly or monthly to see how you progress. You don't get that level of care in any forum in the internet.

I take people at their word. In his video he said he tries not to talk about himself because it is the Ray Peat forum, and not the Tan forum. Implying that to speak about himself would be egotistical in some way... NOT a personal preference. So does that mean if I share details about myself, I want the forum to be named after me? Am I being egotistical by having a log and using my personal experiences in my interactions? Now after I pointed this out, he switched to a PERSONAL preference and said he does not share for privacy reasons. Then you came along and jumped on the bandwagon, and criticized me as if I was disrespecting this poor persons private space. Doesn't it feel good to have that cloak of righteousness?

Listen, I seem like an ***hole here for some seemingly small distinction, I know, and I'll drop it, but this is how someone who wants to be subtle will spread values, an agenda, and manipulate. They will say things like "Well, I don't want to be first in line and rude." As other people rush to tell them it would not be rude, I wonder if the person first in line is okay being called rude? Do they even know that a value was just put forth, that people at the front of the line are rude, and that they stand accused? If they said, "I feel rude when I am the first in line." Well now there is no problem because there is no statement about reality that comes into conflict with other people's choices. Tyw did not say "when I share about myself, I feel like I am trying to take over the forum, so I avoid it." He said "I don't share about myself because that would be egotistical/trying to take over the forum." Screw that; as long as it is within forum rules, I will share whatever relevant information about myself I see fit.

If you want to see this in action, watch an Obama speech. He makes subtle claims about reality, racism, groups of people, and seems so nice while doing it.

Also, I am not sure where you get me forcing others to be spiritual. And professional help and advice from peers/forum members are not mutually exclusive choices that mean you cannot take advantage of the other.


Nov 22, 2015
I take people at their word. In his video he said he tries not to talk about himself because it is the Ray Peat forum, and not the Tan forum. Implying that to speak about himself would be egotistical in some way... NOT a personal preference. So does that mean if I share details about myself, I want the forum to be named after me? Am I being egotistical by having a log and using my personal experiences in my interactions? Now after I pointed this out, he switched to a PERSONAL preference and said he does not share for privacy reasons. Then you came along and jumped on the bandwagon, and criticized me as if I was disrespecting this poor persons private space. Doesn't it feel good to have that cloak of righteousness?

Listen, I seem like an ***hole here for some seemingly small distinction, I know, and I'll drop it, but this is how someone who wants to be subtle will spread values, an agenda, and manipulate. They will say things like "Well, I don't want to be first in line and rude." As other people rush to tell them it would not be rude, I wonder if the person first in line is okay being called rude? Do they even know that a value was just put forth, that people at the front of the line are rude, and that they stand accused? If they said, "I feel rude when I am the first in line." Well now there is no problem because there is no statement about reality that comes into conflict with other people's choices. Tyw did not say "when I share about myself, I feel like I am trying to take over the forum, so I avoid it." He said "I don't share about myself because that would be egotistical/trying to take over the forum." Screw that; as long as it is within forum rules, I will share whatever relevant information about myself I see fit.

If you want to see this in action, watch an Obama speech. He makes subtle claims about reality, racism, groups of people, and seems so nice while doing it.

Also, I am not sure where you get me forcing others to be spiritual. And professional help and advice from peers/forum members are not mutually exclusive choices that mean you cannot take advantage of the other.
Wow. Relax. If everyone was subjected to the amount of analytical scrutiny you are giving Tyw, noone would post for fear of saying the wrong thing and being attacked. Good on him for posting a video like he did, currently one of the only forum members I actually know what he looks and sounds like (not that that matters, but just noting the value you are placing on personal details). I value your posts also and have read a lot of them, however here you are coming across overly sensitive, defensive, paranoid and extremely judgemental for no apparent reason. The guy said something deep into a video monologue that you have scrutinised and analysed as to the meaning behind, i'm sure you can forgive him if he didn't word it exactly to your liking. Comparing him to a US president in his rhetoric is extreme and says a lot about your agenda and the light you are intending to portray Tyw in. Saying that "this is how someone who wants to be subtle will spread values, an agenda, and manipulate" is manipulative in itself and you are clearly trying to create distrust in him, for what reason I am unsure. Dude just wants to have a say in the forum on subjects he is knowledgeable on and obviously enjoys the banter and exchange of knowledge and ideas. I find his writings very interesting and well thought out and I'm sure everyone appreciates him and his input as a forum member (even yourself). What is the conspiracy theory exactly? What are you suggesting his agenda is in all this? I'm at a loss as to the issue here..
This thread started out as a potentially very interesting break down of Tyw's ideas, thoughts and theories in context and as applied to Dr Peat's work. It has been derailed for some reason, if you have a solid theory about his agenda or what it is you think Tyw is trying to do here please state it, otherwise it would be great to get back to the topic at hand and the OP.


Jul 29, 2014
Minerals are vitamins. The 5 macro minerals and various trace minerals are vitamins. "Vitamin" is just a term for something we need to ingest and absorb.

I was just teasing you, I knew what you meant by vitamin. Though I think originally it referred to something with an "amine" part to it at least, like thiamine. But they didn't really stick to that and added a bunch of weird things to the vitamin list, like vitamin F lol.

Anyway, sorry for that.


May 24, 2016
I take people at their word. In his video he said he tries not to talk about himself because it is the Ray Peat forum, and not the Tan forum. Implying that to speak about himself would be egotistical in some way... NOT a personal preference. So does that mean if I share details about myself, I want the forum to be named after me? Am I being egotistical by having a log and using my personal experiences in my interactions? Now after I pointed this out, he switched to a PERSONAL preference and said he does not share for privacy reasons. Then you came along and jumped on the bandwagon, and criticized me as if I was disrespecting this poor persons private space. Doesn't it feel good to have that cloak of righteousness?

Listen, I seem like an ***hole here for some seemingly small distinction, I know, and I'll drop it, but this is how someone who wants to be subtle will spread values, an agenda, and manipulate. They will say things like "Well, I don't want to be first in line and rude." As other people rush to tell them it would not be rude, I wonder if the person first in line is okay being called rude? Do they even know that a value was just put forth, that people at the front of the line are rude, and that they stand accused? If they said, "I feel rude when I am the first in line." Well now there is no problem because there is no statement about reality that comes into conflict with other people's choices. Tyw did not say "when I share about myself, I feel like I am trying to take over the forum, so I avoid it." He said "I don't share about myself because that would be egotistical/trying to take over the forum." Screw that; as long as it is within forum rules, I will share whatever relevant information about myself I see fit.

If you want to see this in action, watch an Obama speech. He makes subtle claims about reality, racism, groups of people, and seems so nice while doing it.

Also, I am not sure where you get me forcing others to be spiritual. And professional help and advice from peers/forum members are not mutually exclusive choices that mean you cannot take advantage of the other.

Noone cares about tyw's agenda and how he wants to make himself by staying private blah blah blah blah blah. That's just drama coming out of thin air. Troublemaking out of nothing. Nobody gives a *fzizzle* and certainly nobody gives a flying *fzizzle* about bringing politics into the mix. Politics has no place in this thread.

Bottom line, I enjoy his posts. His posts are very well thought out, well-researched and put together into a sensible ideas based on context. I put his ideas into use in real world application and they help me tremendously.

When someone came in to criticize him out of trivial irrelevant nothingness, I jumped in defense. It's a basic human instinct. It's as basic as that. No reading between the lines required.

This has not been productive at all. Bye. I'm done.


Apr 30, 2015
Wow. Relax. If everyone was subjected to the amount of analytical scrutiny you are giving Tyw, noone would post for fear of saying the wrong thing and being attacked. Good on him for posting a video like he did, currently one of the only forum members I actually know what he looks and sounds like (not that that matters, but just noting the value you are placing on personal details). I value your posts also and have read a lot of them, however here you are coming across overly sensitive, defensive, paranoid and extremely judgemental for no apparent reason. The guy said something deep into a video monologue that you have scrutinised and analysed as to the meaning behind, i'm sure you can forgive him if he didn't word it exactly to your liking. Comparing him to a US president in his rhetoric is extreme and says a lot about your agenda and the light you are intending to portray Tyw in. Saying that "this is how someone who wants to be subtle will spread values, an agenda, and manipulate" is manipulative in itself and you are clearly trying to create distrust in him, for what reason I am unsure. Dude just wants to have a say in the forum on subjects he is knowledgeable on and obviously enjoys the banter and exchange of knowledge and ideas. I find his writings very interesting and well thought out and I'm sure everyone appreciates him and his input as a forum member (even yourself). What is the conspiracy theory exactly? What are you suggesting his agenda is in all this? I'm at a loss as to the issue here..
This thread started out as a potentially very interesting break down of Tyw's ideas, thoughts and theories in context and as applied to Dr Peat's work. It has been derailed for some reason, if you have a solid theory about his agenda or what it is you think Tyw is trying to do here please state it, otherwise it would be great to get back to the topic at hand and the OP.

I agree, which is why I said I would drop it. If you have any scrutiny or criticisms of what I have said, I invite you to bring them up, like you did here. Criticism and discussion is life. The only thing you said which I have issue with is that my statement about manipulation is manipulation in an effort to create distrust. I would say I actively distrust him. I am not trying to create it. I also do not think I am paranoid, but usually paranoid people don't think they are not sure what to say there.

The thread is about tyw, and deciphering his posts. I gave my ideas and conclusions about it. By no means does this prevent other people from jumping in. If you have read a bunch of his posts, I would be curious what ELI5s you have taken away from it.


Sep 27, 2015
When someone came in to criticize him out of trivial irrelevant nothingness, I jumped in defense. It's a basic human instinct. It's as basic as that. No reading between the lines required.
Stop playing dumb; you are an alt-account of tyw's. Fess up.

:rage :punch:

I am not sure who tyw is on the outside, so I do not want to say he is one of these people. Maybe this is just his schtick online. I really do not know.

I realized that tyw is a human when I read that he listens to the Joe Rogan Podcast. That's some solidly middlebrow entertainment. I doubt yew has a stick up his **** IRL, I bet he's a cool dude. His emphasis on circadian rhythm and sunlight make me imagine him strolling about the southern hemisphere catching rays, earbuds in, listening to Joe Rogan and Duncan Trussell extol the virtues of 5-MeO-DMT. :cigar:


Nov 19, 2015
Cairns, Australia
His emphasis on circadian rhythm and sunlight make me imagine him strolling about the southern hemisphere catching rays, earbuds in, listening to Joe Rogan and Duncan Trussell extol the virtues of 5-MeO-DMT. :cigar:

Well, it has been my experience that good health (and implementation much of the Peat-derived principles) is much easier to attain when daylight is always above 11hrs, and the sun always rises to at least 75deg at noontime.

5-MeO-DMT was a pretty life-changing experience ;)



Jan 5, 2016
Thanks for the shout out man. After my last post in this thread, I went back to TYW to give him another shot. A lot of people seem to really like his stuff, and I am not exactly sure why, so I wanted to find out. I also want to find out why I feel a bit off when I read his posts, like something is not there. I read most of his stuff in the thread "Do Carbohydrates Turn into Fat? No." Here is his first post there:

Since this thread is dedicated to ELI5 tyw, here is what I am noticing.

•He speaks like a doctor. I talked to an endocrinologist last night at a benefit for diabetes. I asked him what his favorite thyroid med was. He said "Well synthroid will solve 90% of all the cases you get, with the further 10%..." Tyw talks this same way, he gives caveats and explains outside scenarios from a detached place. Basically, he has no skin in the game. He is perfectly healthy, and speaking from the point of view of a person in charge of many people's health. If you look at the post above, right off the bat he gives three caveats about ketogenic diets, heavy exercisers, and refeeding. Almost like he is giving a class.

•He goes on to discuss people who are fat, young lean men, and draws our attention to seemingly important facts: "note again the interplay of..." and "Here we have..." and "this variance is observed to be..." Also, if somehow you forgot to take notes the first time around, he reminds you "I will say again, net accumulation of fat in various tissues is going to depend on overall energetic consumption vs expenditure." Thank you for reminding me again!

•Like the quote above, he makes things very wordy and complex. He doesn't say, if you are fatter, you will get more DNL. He says "The more insulin resistant, the more DNL. Since body composition affects insulin resistance, for a particular person, the fatter they are, the more DNL is likely." This elongating of explanations is not too bad, but it makes his posts these slow moving barges that round out every point ad nausea to finally get to the conclusion that is "The less healthy you are, the more DNL happens." I think this makes his explanations seem very thorough, which gives confidence to the people reading them.

All in all, I do not think his posts are bad, but you need to know what you are getting into. You are listening to a professor elicit arguments in long form. They are far removed from the peasant workers with their hands in the mud.

When someone speaks about health very knowledgeably, and seemingly is in perfect health, alarm bells go off in my head. One of the things I like about @haidut is that he made the journey along with his posts. It was learning for him. And he gets pissed off, and argues pissed off! It is great! There is no openness in tyw. He knows all the facts, and knows all the places where the facts can't be known. He does not have unknown unknowns, if that makes sense.

You also must appeal to him. I do not know why he is here, because he seemingly only posts when he is summoned or something. That is really weird, does he have things he yerns for? That he fights for? So for myself, my hackles raise because I am reading someone who is seemingly not human, who has no weakness. I know people like that...they aren't like evil or anything...they just have something missing that worries me.

Perhaps it was my time spent in the spiritual community, where some people seemed so detached, you had to wonder what point they had for being alive. Until I realized that they exactly did NOT have a point in being alive. Their seeming healthy detachment was just nihilism in disguise. Being so detached leaves no mystery, no new knowledge that can improve your life.

I am not sure who tyw is on the outside, so I do not want to say he is one of these people. Maybe this is just his schtick online. I really do not know. I could be totally wrong. I wrote this in an attempt to understand others reactions, as well as my own. I think for others, he gives the god like teacher vibe who has conquered suffering. If you can just know as much as him, you will cure what ails you. For me, he gives the detached vibe that makes me wonder why he even cares about poker if he is never going to bet.
LOL what did I just read? I think you're bringing some of your personal stuff into this man, who cares what TYW talks like? He's not telling you to give him money or believe anything he says. He's not even telling you to read what he writes.


Jan 5, 2016
@Westside PUFAs
Strawman from westside and call to forum rules via your interpretation.
Using ad hominem the way you do is a form of ad hominem,this is a real phenomenon,the uses of argument have limits. The illusory authority of point for point response from you starts with the claim,I claimed tyw's claims were plagiarised,no westside this happened in your personal projection on to my post,don't forget we're it says ,"nothing wrong with that",or instead of the word,"plagiarise", I said ,"taken from people's blogs", hyperbolic.
With the above in mind let's not start a tat for ***s......

To everybody else,the thread was started with a question to decipher tyw, my 2 cents was offered,no personal attacks are present,individual behaviour/interpretation of research can and should be criticised,words on a screen,subtle attempts to silence me in this case lol! I'm a victim!
I have not called for the silencing of anyone or banning,playing the victim card several of you are,no need. The stronger your views the stronger the responses and questions should be,feedback is good.

The .org forum is the wild west of ,"Peating", the Hades if you will, here the forum marshalling is maintained so those in a gentle state of health can explore Peats views,at this point they probably have enough of dozens of websites and gurus,perhaps it was just trying thiamine and panick attacks stopping,or some shift in meaning from one of Peats critiques of society,we must keep them in mind when offering strong opinions on matters that do not have enough clear research to claim assertively a is b etc. or when trolling the forum because you are stuck in some temporary pathological state or a phase of getting stuck on the mania bus.
My point is some of you use the mask of courtesy to abuse the rules here to attempt to confuse,the rules protect you here however over in hades(.org) the lions await......... if you be of said nature or said way inclined.......its just one big mania bus over there!
In saying that those in a gentle state of health may get nauseous/lowered energy from the arguing in these threads,I apologise if I've somehow caused this at times,it's a perspective issue though as the dialogue can be positive if done correctly,only good for unraveling the past,weak for the realising the future potentials but good for adjusting personal,"meanings",and cleaning up the past.

We should not take ourselves too serious fans,we know little and our perspectives skewed,we all grow and change,we change to stay an unchanging unit of indivisibility,(maybe,I'm not sure but still thinking about it).

After the torrent of abuse I received in this thread a video from me is also necessary,this is how all of you made me feel so excuse the emotion.

The world needs different people to go around, but I think its pretty clear someone like you has specialized in being argumentative and someone like TYW has specialized in researching health info - a much more sought after trait on a health forum. Maybe you'd enjoy it more at "The Flame War Forum"?


Feb 18, 2016
The world needs different people to go around, but I think its pretty clear someone like you has specialized in being argumentative and someone like TYW has specialized in researching health info - a much more sought after trait on a health forum. Maybe you'd enjoy it more at "The Flame War Forum"?

Best place for you is the up and coming tyw forum where you won't get to argue anything,you can worship there and we will worship our myths here.
Opinions and all.


Aug 5, 2015
San Francisco
Well, it has been my experience that good health (and implementation much of the Peat-derived principles) is much easier to attain when daylight is always above 11hrs, and the sun always rises to at least 75deg at noontime.

5-MeO-DMT was a pretty life-changing experience ;)


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've seen you mention insulin sensitivity being higher during daylight hours. Taking this into account has been seemingly beneficial for me in the last few months.

Would it fit your logic to restrict insulinogenic foods (eat higher fat) on days without sunlight even though my substrate of choice is typically sucrose? It's Spring in San Francisco, but we have intermittent days of rain and no sunlight like today. Thank goodness for RedLightMan.


Nov 19, 2015
Cairns, Australia
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've seen you mention insulin sensitivity being higher during daylight hours. Taking this into account has been seemingly beneficial for me in the last few months.

Would it fit your logic to restrict insulinogenic foods (eat higher fat) on days without sunlight even though my substrate of choice is typically sucrose? It's Spring in San Francisco, but we have intermittent days of rain and no sunlight like today. Thank goodness for RedLightMan.

I will ultimate leave this up to experiment, and say that this can maybe be the case. See the last section for further commentary regarding this.

If we want to speak about logical conclusions based on existing published evidence, the answer is that daily variations probably do not matter that much. It is the day-night / wake-sleep circadian variation that is most significant, and not whether or not the sky is overcast or not.

Daylight, even if it is cloudy, is likely much brighter than night time (eg: wikipedia sez night time will definitely be <1 lux, and sunrise probably at least 40 lux -- Daylight - Wikipedia). The relative difference in day vs night will be detected by the body, along with other environmental factors (eg: magnetic) and endogenous factors.

There is certainly seasonal variance in insulin sensitivity, whether we look at a more normal context -- Seasonal variation in plasma glucose and hormone levels in adult men and women. - PubMed - NCBI , or the extreme context of Antarctic researchers -- Diurnal and seasonal variation in oral glucose tolerance: Studies in the antarctic (attached as file 'campbell1975.pdf')

In all cases, it is clear that after periods of longer day length, there is a greater ability to clear glucose from serum, indicative that tissues were able to use glucose more effectively. However, this is a slow adaptation of the entire system to a change in day length, and the main differential is still going to be the day / night difference in glucose utilisation (and energy utilisation in general).

Note again, that I focus in insulin signalling as a secondary concern, and look toward the primary metric whenever possible. That primary metric is being able to effectively use or store the nutrients that are input to the body. Glucose clearance is going to be the best metric in terms of carbohydrate use. Total Insulin response and measures of insulin sensitivity are useful, but again, are secondary to the ability to uptake and use glucose.​

In the circadian sense, the best example are night-shift workers, who always have impaired glucose clearance through their waking period, regardless of trying to control for all other factors. One can go look up the many many papers on this subject.

SIDENOTE: sometimes, we find that night shift workers have normal glucose tolerance during their first meal (which would be late afternoon to evening), but then show impairments in meals after that. This mirrors the experience of the Antarctic researchers described in the campbell1975 paper.​

This "day/night" divide even exists in over-wintering Antarctic researchers working the night shift (ie: complete darkness outside, artificial light only). The same night-time disruption in glucose tolerance is seen (along with elevations in NEFA / FFA and TAG) -- Postprandial hormone and metabolic responses amongst shift workers in Antarctica. - PubMed - NCBI


With all that said, lots of other factors come into play. eg: I will find myself eating less on rainy monsoon days, just because I am less active (but not really changing the composition). Some people can be prone to feel some malaise during rainy days, and find that eating sugary foodstuffs prompts them to overeat. I have no explanations for such phenomenon, but clearly they exist, and clearly have large impact on the individual.

Also note that many of the above experiments all rely on averages of one-off readings during various seasons, whereas we know that glucose clearance (and thus insulin sensitivity) can vary day to day, which may or may not be captured in those studies.

Note that the studies on circadian disruption / night shift work are still in effect though, and it is still clear that glucose tolerance is better during daylight hours

This is assuming nothing stupid happened ..... eg: you drank alcohol and ate a lot the night before, don't expect glucose tolerance to be good the next morning; Total energetic balance of nutrient intake vs nutrient use or storage is still the primary factor.

If one experiments and finds that they are better off eating fattier foods on days when the sun fails to shine, then by all means do so.



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Aug 5, 2015
San Francisco
Very interesting @tyw

I have found several of these points to be true for myself. Thank you for the detailed response! :hattip
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