Cant stop gaining weight


Sep 19, 2013
I just dont get it and at a complete loss. 5'6, 200lb male and I just can't stop gaining weight. I walk 6000 + steps a day, and don't really overweight. I'm not comfortable at all over 175. My metabolism is now awful.

Took a screenshot of today's eating. Will prob end around 2k by day end because of some more milk and/or OJ.


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Jul 29, 2014
Do you get enough nutrients? That lemonade and sugar makes up a good deal (over a 3rd) of your daily calories if you're only eating 2,000.

(It's hot out and now I really want lemonade...)


Sep 19, 2013
Do you get enough nutrients? That lemonade and sugar makes up a good deal (over a 3rd) of your daily calories if you're only eating 2,000.

(It's hot out and now I really want lemonade...)
Honestly with it being 95 degree out right now, yes, it's what I'm currently mostly consuming. We make it with lemons, sugar and mineral water.


Nov 29, 2017
Do you get enough nutrients? That lemonade and sugar makes up a good deal (over a 3rd) of your daily calories if you're only eating 2,000.

(It's hot out and now I really want lemonade...)
Can’t stop drinking lemonade when I buy it. .. I’ve pretty much had 1.5 litres today alone ?


Jul 8, 2019
I just dont get it and at a complete loss. 5'6, 200lb male and I just can't stop gaining weight. I walk 6000 + steps a day, and don't really overweight. I'm not comfortable at all over 175. My metabolism is now awful.

Took a screenshot of today's eating. Will prob end around 2k by day end because of some more milk and/or OJ.

Sugar, I'm eating more than you and I'm a 5'4" woman over age 60 and I'm losing weight. Some thoughts:

No starches. That's likely helping your metabolism.

I don't see enough protein there.

I see you plan to drink more milk, but right now there's not enough calcium. Boosting calcium really boosted my metabolism, bet it would do the same for you.

How about oysters and liver for zinc and copper, vitamin A, choline, B vitamins? B vitamins are critical for boosting your metabolism. Even with a couple of oysters a day and an ounce of liver, I'd still recommend some Energin. 8 drops, 3x a day would really work wonders.

How about some gelatin or glycine-rich broth? Very pro-metabolism.

I agree with schultz, I'm concerned about your nutrients.

How about maybe 1 glass of lemonade a day and some more OJ, maybe a jumbo tablespoon of marmalade with two eggs instead of one, and how about some fruit? Some watermelon would give you magnesium. Magnesium makes your metabolism hum. You could go crazy and have grapes or cherries now and then. A slice of cantaloupe! On rare occasions: A peach!

What is the mayo going on?

Any way you can switch to skim milk until late in the day? Throw some sugar and salt in it? You actually start to look forward to it if it has sugar and salt in it. Whole milk with sugar and salt, or salty cheese and fruit or OJ at bedtime?

How's your thyroid? Resting heart rate where it should be? Resting temps?

When you gain weight, are you gaining it all in your stomach or do your arms and legs gain weight too?

Getting any sun? How are your Vitamin D levels? Very pro-metabolic!

How are you sleeping?

Do you actually enjoy any of that food other than the lemonade?

Hang in there. You can fix this. I actually have a strong intuition you're not eating enough to lose weight.


Sep 19, 2013
Today was just another day. Over the past 3 years, I've been messing with food, amounts, etc., in bunches. I normally do have more OJ. This lemonade is honestly just a 1 week thing where we started making it. I just continue to plummet and gain. I'm sore as all heck, all my joints and muscles. I sweat quite a bit daily by walking and spending lots of time in the sun. Temps are typically high 96s when I wake, and typically shoot up to high 97s, sometimes 98s by day end. I've tried thyroid as well, no luck. I do take 325 mg aspirin daily, as well as a clean naturelo b complex. I sleep decent now that I use a nose strip and tape my mouth. Before that, I would gasp all night. That never happened until I gained weight. But I'm so fatigued and tired all day. I'm in my mid 30s. No way should I feel like this. I weight 150 5 years ago and have gained 50 lbs since then. I'd prefer 175.


New Member
Jan 20, 2021
How are your environment and stress levels? I have had the same issue, worked with 2 pro metabolic nutritionists, doing all the “right things” and still gained a substantial amount of weight. We all contribute it to an immense amount of stress that I’ve been under for the past year. Just curious if you’ve factored that in. They all say once the stress is low and environment is supportive, the weight will begin to come off. The other thing is consistent weight training as muscle burns fat.


Sep 19, 2013
How are your environment and stress levels? I have had the same issue, worked with 2 pro metabolic nutritionists, doing all the “right things” and still gained a substantial amount of weight. We all contribute it to an immense amount of stress that I’ve been under for the past year. Just curious if you’ve factored that in. They all say once the stress is low and environment is supportive, the weight will begin to come off. The other thing is consistent weight training as muscle burns fat.
Honestly, my only stress is my health. I'm so wired, terrible nervous energy, overweight, etc. Family, home, job. Financial, etc., is all good. Literally my health.


Dec 17, 2018
I just dont get it and at a complete loss. 5'6, 200lb male and I just can't stop gaining weight. I walk 6000 + steps a day, and don't really overweight. I'm not comfortable at all over 175. My metabolism is now awful.

Took a screenshot of today's eating. Will prob end around 2k by day end because of some more milk and/or OJ.

You need to eat less calories than you burn thats all there is to it. Eating more animal proteins help with satiety especially nutrient dense but no matter what if you dont eat less calories you will remain overweight. You are only getting around 70-80. I would aim for a least a hundred. Eating a lower fat diet when calorie restricting still allows you more carbs in the diet which helps energy. More caffeine while your dieting helps as well and makes it easier.


Forum Supporter
Feb 10, 2016
I happen to be a 200lbs 5'6'' male that couldn't stop gaining weight too. I stopped gaining.

Short story. My temperatures and pulse were in the toilet. I started Tyromax and lost a little weight. I overdid thyroid and had to stop and weight stabilized now that I am back on a low dose. Still trying to figure out my dose by measuring temp and pulse twice a day. Let me tell you that I also don't feel comfortable over 175lbs. My long history of dieting, fitness and excessive leanness at a younger age cough up with me. I had destroyed my metabolism and am in the active process of recovery.

Hang in.


Jun 13, 2019
You need to eat less calories than you burn thats all there is to it. Eating more animal proteins help with satiety especially nutrient dense but no matter what if you dont eat less calories you will remain overweight. You are only getting around 70-80. I would aim for a least a hundred. Eating a lower fat diet when calorie restricting still allows you more carbs in the diet which helps energy. More caffeine while your dieting helps as well and makes it easier.
not true. hormones play a big role. ray talked about how it's not good advice to tell a hypo women who is gaining weight on 1000 calories to keep eating less, some even gain on 800 calories. just compounds the problem. and using caffeine as a stimulant when he's already overloaded with stress and nervous energy would just make his cortisol worse


Sep 19, 2019
I just dont get it and at a complete loss. 5'6, 200lb male and I just can't stop gaining weight. I walk 6000 + steps a day, and don't really overweight. I'm not comfortable at all over 175. My metabolism is now awful.

Took a screenshot of today's eating. Will prob end around 2k by day end because of some more milk and/or OJ.

I email Ray not too long ago about weight loss. He said vitamin D and low-fat milk (calcium) are the main thing. I don't know where you live but I would go outside for long period shirtless in the sun (6 to 8 hour a day if you can). Maybe you can try swapping the 2% milk for 1%, or even skim milk. Maybe adding some egg shell calcium on top.

I also agree with everything @Nemo said.
Sugar, I'm eating more than you and I'm a 5'4" woman over age 60 and I'm losing weight. Some thoughts:

No starches. That's likely helping your metabolism.

I don't see enough protein there.

I see you plan to drink more milk, but right now there's not enough calcium. Boosting calcium really boosted my metabolism, bet it would do the same for you.

How about oysters and liver for zinc and copper, vitamin A, choline, B vitamins? B vitamins are critical for boosting your metabolism. Even with a couple of oysters a day and an ounce of liver, I'd still recommend some Energin. 8 drops, 3x a day would really work wonders.

How about some gelatin or glycine-rich broth? Very pro-metabolism.

I agree with schultz, I'm concerned about your nutrients.

How about maybe 1 glass of lemonade a day and some more OJ, maybe a jumbo tablespoon of marmalade with two eggs instead of one, and how about some fruit? Some watermelon would give you magnesium. Magnesium makes your metabolism hum. You could go crazy and have grapes or cherries now and then. A slice of cantaloupe! On rare occasions: A peach!

What is the mayo going on?

Any way you can switch to skim milk until late in the day? Throw some sugar and salt in it? You actually start to look forward to it if it has sugar and salt in it. Whole milk with sugar and salt, or salty cheese and fruit or OJ at bedtime?

How's your thyroid? Resting heart rate where it should be? Resting temps?

When you gain weight, are you gaining it all in your stomach or do your arms and legs gain weight too?

Getting any sun? How are your Vitamin D levels? Very pro-metabolic!

How are you sleeping?

Do you actually enjoy any of that food other than the lemonade?

Hang in there. You can fix this. I actually have a strong intuition you're not eating enough to lose weight.


Jan 25, 2014
I email Ray not too long ago about weight loss. He said vitamin D and low-fat milk (calcium) are the main thing. I don't know where you live but I would go outside for long period shirtless in the sun (6 to 8 hour a day if you can). Maybe you can try swapping the 2% milk for 1%, or even skim milk. Maybe adding some egg shell calcium on top.

Calcium might be great for both excess fat, and excess water weight.

Hans breaks down the fat loss angle here- Top 4 Calcium benefits. #2 Helps with fat loss » MENELITE

Using it in higher doses as a diuretic here- Calcium- The Forgotten Diuretic?


Sep 15, 2017
I just dont get it and at a complete loss. 5'6, 200lb male and I just can't stop gaining weight. I walk 6000 + steps a day, and don't really overweight. I'm not comfortable at all over 175. My metabolism is now awful.

Took a screenshot of today's eating. Will prob end around 2k by day end because of some more milk and/or OJ.

1) Drop the dairy, replace with meat (Beef, seafood, very lean chicken, very lean turkey)
2) Increase protein intake 0.6-0.8g/lb, max 1g/lb
3) Drop the granulated sugar and replace with whole fruit, fruit juice, frozen fruit, cooked tubers
4) Add in some cooked vegetables that you tolerate
5) Change your fat to a mix of coconut oil and either tallow or macadamia nut oil possibly extra virgin olive oil.
6) Eat 3-4 square meals a day, no snacking. Each meal should contain all macros. Drink juice and eat fruit first, wait 10-15 minutes for it to digest, then eat meat and fat.
7) Lift weights atleast 3x per week.
8) Adjust calories on lifting days using the katch mcardle formula with an activity multiplier of 1.5-1.6x
9) Adjust calories on non-lifting days using katch mcardle with an activity multiplier of 1.3-1.4x
10) Use cronometer to determine if your hitting all your micro. Supplement the difference with a focus on cal/mag, fat solubles, and B-vitamins.

11) Bonus 1: sleep 8 hours per night, going to bed before 11. Get sun in the AM.


Dec 17, 2018
not true. hormones play a big role. ray talked about how it's not good advice to tell a hypo women who is gaining weight on 1000 calories to keep eating less, some even gain on 800 calories. just compounds the problem. and using caffeine as a stimulant when he's already overloaded with stress and nervous energy would just make his cortisol worse

Hormones may negatively affect water weight and cause someone to appear heavier but the body fat does go down at the right calories. There also seems to be some water weight gain when some people drop calories that may seem like they are gaining weight eating less.

Someone who has hypothyroidism should fix that which can negatively affect BMR. Just a diet change may be enough or supplementing thyroid. But the answer is still the same afterward. You have to cut calories to lose body fat. OP doesnt eat enough protein and eats a lot of empty calories. Clearly not helping his cause as micronutrients for optimal thyroid function. His thyroid function would be better if he ate more whole foods and more protein than he is now.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
Get a lot of Vitamin D (from sun if possible - half hour per day legs and arms exposed) and radically increase Ca. They work in tandem. (My principle issue was hypertension - which is linked to fat stores - these helped bring both down when nothing else seemed to work.) Ca is also good to relax the nerves. Thyroid supplementation is useless if you don't get your D and Ca where they should be. Ray recommends 2000mg Ca per day - almost impossible to get from dairy alone unless you are Ray and drink a couple quarts of milk per day. Ca Carbonate works well for me, you get your Ca and a boost of CO2.

You're not eating starch, so evidently you're already aware that its been known to be fattening for decades.
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