crX log


Oct 13, 2012
Hi everyone. I am really thankful for this forum. I've basically embarked on Peat-eating on my own and I'm really not sure what I'm doing, so it's useful for me to see others' Peat experiences. I've decided to start a log to track my experience which I think will be helpful for me at least, even if I am just blathering to the wind. :)

I initially found Peat while researching some tendinitis issues that I was having. First I read what he had to say about gelatin. Then I read (with skepticism) The Great Fish Oil experiment, and what he had to say about fats and oils. I bought the gelatin right away, and after a while I slowly phased out the PUFA's that I used in cooking. However, as someone who had been taking fish oil supplements for over 10 years, it was really hard for me to get it through my head that these things might actually be doing me some harm.

So I made some changes, but a lot of what I had read I took with a grain of salt. Then I started hearing bits of research and so on, differing opinions that seemed to support many of the things that I remembered Peat saying. On some subconscious level a seed had been planted, and it became increasingly difficult to swallow the conventional health wisdom which I could now see was more the product of media and industry than any kind of real science. A lot of us have been brainwashed for many many years.


Lately I am noticing how much I react to ordinary table sugar. I'm not sure honey has the same effect, and I'm sure that fruit sugar doesn't. With even just small amounts (a teaspoon or less) I'm getting really ramped up, body heat up, heart rate up, and just feeling wired and jittery. I don't like it. Not sure if this is a metabolism boost or just an adrenaline rush, but think I'll stick mostly to fruits and a little bit of honey. Also considering adding some small amounts of starches back in, as I really miss them and don't think I feel quite right without them.

To be continued....


Aug 31, 2012
Sugar can cause sinus/inflammation problems, it could depend on the source, the processing, or its purity.


Oct 13, 2012
Hmm. I haven't noticed any sinus problems with it yet, and I am prone to allergies. Avoided sugar most of my life so what is does to me is really noticeable. It's C&H Pure Cane sugar.


crX said:
Lately I am noticing how much I react to ordinary table sugar. I'm not sure honey has the same effect, and I'm sure that fruit sugar doesn't. With even just small amounts (a teaspoon or less) I'm getting really ramped up, body heat up, heart rate up, and just feeling wired and jittery. I don't like it.

the same thing happened to me BEFORE i started peating. after 4 months of cutting out PUFAs, that nuisance was gone, and i could eat about 10 times more sugar than before. that's the thing that convinced me that PUFAs are bad.


Oct 13, 2012
That's interesting, so maybe it will subside for me. It really does feel like I've taken an amphetamine or something....

I've cut out most PUFA for six months or more, but about a month ago realized that I was still eating fatty pork sausage and salami (once I put a piece of salami in the microwave for a minute and couldn't believe the amount of fat that cooked out of it) but I've finally (reluctantly, I must say) cut that out too. I'm probably still more loaded up with the stuff than you.

Thanks for the feedback from people, it really helps.


in case you haven't heard yet, the time it takes to completely change all the fats in one's body is 4 years.


Oct 13, 2012
I bought my first beef liver today at the Farmer's Market. I've been wary about trying liver, but am going to try the pate recipe that kettlebell told me about. It's funny, I told a couple of people that I was chatting with how I heard how nutritious it is, lots of vitamin A, and everybody I talked to agreed and mentioned how much IRON it has in it -- really really good for your blood :roll: I sometimes have to keep my thoughts to myself, because often it is too hard to explain in casual conversation that you don't believe iron is so great for you, and that thank you for reminding me that I'll have to drink lots of coffee when I eat it.


Oct 13, 2012
Guess I've been feeling a little out on a limb since I started this Ray Peat eating thing. Wish I knew someone local who could relate. I've tried talking to people about some of his philosophy but find the current conventional wisdom about nutrition to be pretty entrenched. Actually, if you had contradicted certain ingrained stuff to me about a year ago, I would have dismissed you too. I find it hard to communicate the revelation that occurred to me after Peat reading and as enthusiastic that I am about it, I've had many experiences where people don't want to hear a challenge to what they think they know and so I am picking my battles, so to speak. I don't know if anyone can relate to this. I do live in a society where "pop nutrition" (not unlike "pop psychology") is the norm, so without time to explain, people just think I'm proselytizing some nonsense that I heard on Dr. Oz. Me, I'm a Peat believer, plus I have always loved being a rebel.


Cut up the semi-frozen beef liver. I have to admit, it give me the heebeejeevies. Yikes! It's bloody. Soaking in buttermilk overnight. Sorry Ray Peat Forum, need to vent. I'm sure it'll be good once processed and cooked.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
crX, my family thinks I am nuts! I started with Paleo, then went super low carb. Preaching all the greats about low carb. Now, oh boy, just forgetaboutit. :lol: They wont listen to a word I say, just roll their eyes at me. The more Peaty I become, the more out of this world I feel. So screw it, I aint saying another word. I will just go about my healing and not stress it. Even if this is all wrong, which more then likely its not. At least I tried, at least I pushed myself to find healing. So what if I had a few failures, I am always the first to admit my mistakes. But dangit! I tried! I didnt give up or give in and settle.


Oh and as for liver. Well, my mom taught me to never say anything bad about any food someone eats. Heck, I eat it. But its definitely not the brightest spot in the diet. On that note though, it does seem like its getting a little easier.


charlie, if you heal, your family will notice in your body in maybe a few yours and then will probably ask you about what you did. then you can say that you made some mistakes but at some point you found the right approach, and let them know what that is if they are interested.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
yep J, thats the plan. Let the healing speak for itself and when they ask I will be more then happy to let them know how to attain it. They just think I am really crazy with all this sugar now! :rolling


crX said:
I sometimes have to keep my thoughts to myself, because often it is too hard to explain in casual conversation that you don't believe iron is so great for you, and that thank you for reminding me that I'll have to drink lots of coffee when I eat it.

i think one strategy to spread the message is doing it in the logical order. they wouldn't understand that sugar is good if they don't understand that cholesterol is good. so one of the starting points is that one of the most important factors for being healthy is having the thyroid working well, because it can help the body have enough energy to work well and repair itself. once this is accepted, you can go to the topic of PUFAs, and how they block thyroid function, and if there is resistance you can explain in detail the evidence, including why the studies that favor the idea that PUFAs are good were misinterpreted and mention the studies showing that it's bad.


Oct 13, 2012
Charlie, thank you so much for the feedback. It's just that not everyone gets the Peat thing : for me, the whole idea that you be doing something solely for HEALTH REASONS, and even then, if someone is not going to invest the time in reading, then it's all lost on them.

I started reading Peat from a random reference on the in the internet and it planted some kind of a seed that I kept going back to. I felt like I was hearing the truth for the first time. I felt like it wasn't all BS out there! I recognized myself as a "fat and protein burner" and that maybe that wasn't such a good thing. Beyond that, I have seem IMMEDIATE results from implementing the things that he described, based on science. It made me a believer.

I've had a gin and tonic tonight. I feel silly but I feel so grateful to Ray Peat. He should win the nobel peace prize because he will probably avert more suffering in life than anyone else I can think of ever could.


crX said:
He should win the nobel peace prize because he will probably avert more suffering in life than anyone else I can think of ever could.

i don't think the nobel prize deserves to have its name associated with Ray Peat.


Oct 13, 2012
Tell me why you say this? I was only saying so because I believe that he is a healer to many people.


crX said:
Tell me why you say this? I was only saying so because I believe that he is a healer to many people.

it was tongue-in-cheek, implying that the nobel prize has been given to so many bad people, it would be unusual they would give it someone good like peat. i know what you meant.


Aug 9, 2012
Charlie said:
Oh and as for liver. Well, my mom taught me to never say anything bad about any food someone eats. Heck, I eat it. But its definitely not the brightest spot in the diet. On that note though, it does seem like its getting a little easier.
Liver is funny. I find I can only tolerate about an oz or two of liver at a time, it even tastes good. Any more and I start gagging and choking. Very strange.


kiran said:
Liver is funny. I find I can only tolerate about an oz or two of liver at a time, it even tastes good. Any more and I start gagging and choking. Very strange.

i eat it a little bit in a day, probably an ounce or two as well, and do it with a bit more frequency than once a week, basically when i feel like eating it.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
kiran said:
Charlie said:
Oh and as for liver. Well, my mom taught me to never say anything bad about any food someone eats. Heck, I eat it. But its definitely not the brightest spot in the diet. On that note though, it does seem like its getting a little easier.
Liver is funny. I find I can only tolerate about an oz or two of liver at a time, it even tastes good. Any more and I start gagging and choking. Very strange.
You are right. It does seem the first little bit is much easier to get down. By the end its a real struggle. Very interesting. Maybe our bodies can only handle a little bit at a time??


Aug 10, 2012
I'm that way with liver too. I love it but only a small amount. I make enough for 2 days. But, my problem is that they rarely have calve's liver where I live. When they do, I buy a lot and then I have to deal with it. Rise, wrap, freeze. That's the part I hate.
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