Slappy's Log

Slappy Hands

Oct 24, 2014

So I decided to keep a little log of my pulse/temp and general person for as long as I can be bothered. Might help a few others, will hopefully help me too!


My meals are usually a big fruity milkshake filled with homemade chicken feet gelatin for breakfast, and then repeat minus the fruit and plus a few others during the day (eggs, liver, soup etc etc)

I really like salt. And coffee...though I only make drip about twice a day (so four cups)

I supplement with Vit D and K2 in mornings.


- Cold extremities and poor circulation.
-Intermittent insomnia.
-Voracious appetite and a total inability to get fat...(not looking fat doesn't mean fat isn't a problem for me!).
-I had severe abdominal pain last year which I thought was acute appendicitis...though suspected it was drug/lifestyle induced. Quit drugs, improved diet...haven't had issues since last July.

-I avoid Gluten at all costs because I've read that it does damage to the little finger dudes living in my belly.
-I like coffee...but I notice that instant gives me a very distinct feeling in my lower right abdomen. Like...I feel it there. It only happens with instant coffee. Go figure. Besides that, no digestive issues to speak of so far.


SL:SD 28/10/2014

Wakeup pulse:70
Wake up temp 97.52

I spent the whole day in work training today, listening to someone talk about something while I sat there worried about losing my phone in the 6" of rain I ran through for 20mins during the morning. I nibbled on oranges and drank some gelatin/sugar/salty warm milk which hence will be known as Slappy Goo. Slappy Goo ran out about 6hrs into training and My attention levels flew out the nonexistent window about an hour later.

Should note that Upon beginning this diet last week, my energy levels exploded and I had chronic insomnia for 3-4 days. Insomnia is now gone and my energy levels are still high.

I had ice cream tonight to test if it would screw with my insomnia. It didn't :>

SL:SD 29/10/2014

Wakeup pulse:70
Wakeup temp: 97.3

On my way to work/training now. I have Slappy Goo and coffee. Will update when when my mission is complete.


Had many strange comments in work today when I put 3 sachets of sugar in my milk...diabetes was mentioned. I actually craved sunshine as well, and ended up lying on a high wall like a cat sprawled along a window sill...a few people said I was meditating because I looked so content haha.

I had a big dinner and 2 cups of coffee before going to training tonight...2 hrs of catch wrestling/submission's currently 10:15 pm, I've been awake since 7 am and can't stop dancing to music. I think my adrenaline is a bit haywire. Pulse doesn't seem too bad and my temp is good all over. Just had carrot salad to see if it beats up my energy levels. If not I'm going to cover it in Slappy Goo.

Tomorrow will be my first day off work in over a week and I'm hoping to set up a little red light corner to see if it can be used to control my energy levels a I said, insomnia hasn't been a problem in 5-6days but considering I'm still typing out this digression, there's a mild chance it might hit back tonight. Fingers crossed Slappy Goo proves to be up to the challenge.

Charlie said:
Look forward to your log.

Thanks Charlie!

Night night!

PS: this is currently what I look like:


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Look forward to your log.

Slappy Hands

Oct 24, 2014
SL:SD 30/10/2014

Wakeup temp:97.16
Wakeup Pulse: 66

First day off in a while. Did some easy exercise and survived mostly on fruit, dairy, slappy goo and some scrambled eggs/ice cream.

Decided to test my pulse throughout the day and noticed it pretty much stayed around 97, even when I started doing mild cardio. I felt very warm and comfortable (even enough to go out in minus degree weather without a top and think "ah, HAOW BRISK" :D) but the thermometer was not fooled. At best I seem to average around 36 C, which is low...though my extremities certainly aren't feeling it which is great.

Also took 1mg of cyproheptadine which arrived this morning because I heard it was good for sleep. I took it about an hour ago and I do feel less...manic :P...though it could be the kilo of ice cream/pint of slappy goo i just devoured. Maybe...

Oh! Also took some vitamin E today. 1600iu, iirc. I'm dealing with SIBO (my tongue looks like I've been going down on the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man) and I've heard it's a good serotonin antagonist, which may free up a bit of energy to fight off the critters in my tumskee. I don't actually mind them really. They don't cause me any serious discomfort, but I suppose they ought to go back where they came from. Little rapscallions, trying to move up from the basement...Guess I've had SIBO for a few years but I never knew what it was. Thought it was yeast for a long time haha. I'll start systematically nuking them with peppermint, garlic and other antibacterials if they don't scurry on home quickly...though I'd like to avoid all out war if I can.

Guess I'll stick with the high dosage for a week or so and see how it goes. So that adds Cypro and Vit E to the list of supps!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Slappy, Is that video really you?

Slappy Hands

Oct 24, 2014
Blossom said:
Slappy, Is that video really you?

I wish. That's Mr Rowan Atkinson, the man with the plastic face and comic timing of God. I just look like him!...Except more wiry and with a neo nazi head shave...somewhere between Black Adder and Ed Norton's American History X lol. :D

SL:SD Halloween!

Wakeup Temp:97.52
Wakeup Pulse:72

Slept like a rock. Don't remember falling asleep, dreams or anything really. Didn't even wake up when housemate left for work, which never happens. 2mg of Cypro seems almost too much - can't imagine what else could have knocked me so deep. Woke up feeling quite drowsy but I'm ok after breakfast.

Will edit later

Slappy Hands

Oct 24, 2014
SL:SD 18/11/2014

Wakeup Temp:97.16
Wakeup Pulse:75

I've been dealing with throat issues for the last 2 weeks so didn't want to reply until I got them under control. I had ulcers on my tongue and at back of throat and then a tightness in my esophagus which worried me a lot. I upped my vit A intake and the ulcers disappeared within days, the tight throat took a bit longer but it doesn't seem noticeable any more. Besides that, I'm still bursting with energy and my mood is tip top, though I did wake up a few times last night, but I think it was because I needed to pee and couldn't be bothered :D

I've decided to treat my SIBO (i'm assuming it's sibo, white tongue that I can scrape off to a nice sexy pink?) to reduce stress/cortisol between now and a trip to England next month. I'm using Oil of Oregano (80% carvacol) with carrot salad, upping my coconut oil intake considerably, SF722 formula, some serratase enzymes and possibly peppermint capsules. I'm aware some of these are estrogenic but it's for a 3week period so I'll see how it goes.

I've also been using a 250w bulb pretty regularly and have a second clamp on the way because I've noticed it really improves my mood in these dark months.

I also have some cytomel/cynoplus but I'm going to wait until next year before I consider introducing them now. I suppose the cytomel may be useful for improving my temp and nuking the SIBO but Charlie's thread on getting off thyroid made me hesitant so I'll see.

Slappy Hands

Oct 24, 2014
Very quick minor update!

SL:SD 31/12/2014

I'm unsure of my wake up temps or pulse, but I came to mention that I began a little bit of supplementation with cytomel (6mg/3hr) and as of today I noticed that my oral temperature has been averaging 98.2 which is the highest it's probably been in over a decade (I believe oral temp is a little below normal anyway?). I took my last dose 2hrs prior to making this post and it is currently averaging 36.7 celsius, 0.3 below optimal. The only thing I notice is that my extremities become a little cooler about 2hrs after taking it, so I am considering bumping the dosage up to 6mg/2hrs and if that stays steady, weening myself off it bit by bit if I feel I can maintain the temperature all by myself.

Early days though, just wanted to keep things relatively uptodate. Diet hasn't really changed at all and the only thing that's changed symptoms wise is I developed athlete's foot between my big toe on my left foot for the first time ever. I have developed quite a few strange symptoms over the last 2 months but they have all resolved themselves relatively quickly. With any luck the foot fungus will follow suit.


Jul 8, 2014
Slappy Hands said:
Early days though, just wanted to keep things relatively uptodate. Diet hasn't really changed at all and the only thing that's changed symptoms wise is I developed athlete's foot between my big toe on my left foot for the first time ever. I have developed quite a few strange symptoms over the last 2 months but they have all resolved themselves relatively quickly. With any luck the foot fungus will follow suit.

Can you get your hands on some flowers of sulphur?

I'm not sure if this will work, but if you're up for a stinky experiment, you could add some flowers of sulphur to warm water and do a footbath. Or you could make a balm by adding some FOS to coconut oil, rub it into the fungus, put some socks on to protect your bed sheets and leave the balm on overnight. Ray says flowers of sulphur is great at getting rid of fungal infections.


Mar 29, 2014
Jennifer said:
Slappy Hands said:
Early days though, just wanted to keep things relatively uptodate. Diet hasn't really changed at all and the only thing that's changed symptoms wise is I developed athlete's foot between my big toe on my left foot for the first time ever. I have developed quite a few strange symptoms over the last 2 months but they have all resolved themselves relatively quickly. With any luck the foot fungus will follow suit.

Can you get your hands on some flowers of sulphur?

I'm not sure if this will work, but if you're up for a stinky experiment, you could add some flowers of sulphur to warm water and do a footbath. Or you could make a balm by adding some FOS to coconut oil, rub it into the fungus, put some socks on to protect your bed sheets and leave the balm on overnight. Ray says flowers of sulphur is great at getting rid of fungal infections.
Yes to FoS. I've been trying FoS in coconut oil lately. Until you get some, after washing feet, rinsing the area in straight vinegar may melp. Any kind will do, but white vinegar is less stinky than cider if you leave it on. It doesn't like acid. The sooner you can stop it the better.

Slappy Hands

Oct 24, 2014
Hi guys, happy new year.

I actually have some FoS so I will attempt this!

Currently recovering from a concussion and my dominant arm is out of commission so I may be a bit lax with it for a bit, but I'll keep you's updated!

Slappy Hands

Oct 24, 2014

SL:SD - 24/05

Wake up temp: 98

Ok, so first, I had to ditch RP for a bit. I was getting seriously sick and the diet wasn't helping. Not saying RP advice made me sick, but how I implemented it certainly did (6-7 different symptoms i'd never ever had all cropped up within 3months of peating and vanished within 4-5days of ketosis).

What I've learnt in the last 5 months is that calcium-phosphorus ratio is stupidly important for keeping the body alkaline, and that milk is not a good source of calcium (have heard that casein can actually prevent calcium absorption and leave the body at a net deficit, but haven't found any conclusive studies, so any comments are appreciated)

As things stand, I went low carb and high fat and it healed all recent issues within a week. athlete's foot, gone. eczema, gone. rashes, gone. chalazions and insomnia, gone. also putting on muscle and my sleeping habits have become pretty awesome. i'm up with the sun usually, and I don't get hungry or manic if I don't eat and things feel pretty zen even in stressful situations, almost like I'm insulated from other peoples energy. I thought my energy levels might have been a bit messed, but I went raving at the weekend and lasted until 6am, so actually my levels are even more consistent. My temp has also gone up, and remains consistent throughout the day. Still not perfect (36.5-36.7 oral temp on waking, instead of ideal 37), but I still have a white tongue which is probably having some systemic inflammatory effect in my GI and keeping me sub par. Also suspect I have some allergies I wasn't aware of. Eggs could be a big one, will eat a poached egg in morning by itself to see if my nose gets stuffy.

I'm still sure that RP is pretty important though, so what I plan to do is maintain my current protein (80gish) and fat (150gish) while upping my sugar intake to about 150g (currently around 30-80), but I was curious what the effects of this will be? Sugar tends to make me crave more sugar, whereas ketosis makes me mellow yellow, kills sugar cravings dead and I also rarely get hungry (I'm a skinny eating machine, but eating a lot of saturated fat is the first time I've been able to satiate myself, ever). Primarily, I'm interested in how it will effect insulin and hunger, or fat storage (I don't store fat outside and I'm worried about storing it inside where it could cause organ damage or something)

will also be using eggshells or dolomite and vinegar to get calcium carbonate and avoiding dairy because although people say time and again that it's a great source of nutrition, the more I read on it, the more intuition tells me to just let it go. also, i have started making ghee (super access to organic grass fed butter where i live) and even though there is only a small amount of casein in butter, removing that seems to have a noticeable effect on my sinuses too. so i would also suggest that food sensitivities could be a lot more destructive than you might think, as I've never had any -serious- reaction to any food, ever, in my entire life, but a little stuffed nose after one or two things is something i've always noticed and never defined, so i'll be trying to whittle them down in order to avoid them entirely.

My only issue with sugar really, is that it's so hatefully addictive. It's worse than smoking, because RP puts so much science behind it that I'm convinced it's good for me, but even a spoonful of sugar in tea or coffee gets my brain going into cookie monster mode and I don't think that is healthy at all. The only thing that seems entirely unnatural about RP is the constantly having to eat or risk crashing into a chasm of low blood sugar. Low carb really counters this effect, hard, but I don't know how it effects the thyroid, and I don't think ketosis is the answer, either (though it certainly sorted out all my immediate problems caused by huge amounts of milk/orange juice/coffee etc)

Anyways, will try and update this more often and find out which, if any, foods are causing me to react with boogers


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
It seems like very low carb/ ketosis gives that impression to a lot of people (including my former self) for the first few months because it raises stress hormones which initially make us feel good. Cortisol especially feels miraculous at first because it's anti-inflammatory and prior health issues will seem to miraculously disappear. Don't be fooled though because eventually having elevated stress hormones will break you down. You may also start to react to every food you eat because your GI tract will atrophy if you are not getting enough food and carbs. Glad you updated slappy.


Mar 29, 2014
If eating a little sugar makes you crave sugar, and you don't want to eat cookies, then you can make sure you have more favourable sources of sugar available to satisfy that craving (eg fruit, honey). It might just mean your body recognises that it needs more of it.

150g fat
80g protein
=~1700 cals
A couple of hundred grams of sugar or more would probably do a lot for your energy balance.

The impression I have is that extended periods of low acarb and low cals (looks like you've been doing both) can downregulate thyroid hormones and mess with glucose handling.

I know there are people here who think that acquiring any fat at all is the worst thing anyone can do for their health, and should be avoided at all costs. If you are rake thin, keeping PUFAs low, and restricting PUFAs, I think there may be worse things than gaining a little (mostly saturated) fat, including depriving yourself of sufficient energy to run a healthy metabolism.

Slappy Hands

Oct 24, 2014
Hello ladies, thanks for the replies!

Didn't take my temp or pulse this morning because i slept in after a busy day yesterday, but I did notice that I had a nightmare last night that unsettled me a lot. Not prone to nightmares really (in fact I am pretty interested in lucid dreaming so my dreams are generally quite emotionally flat) and was thinking that could be a sign of late night stress (had a raw carrot before bed but it won't actually be digested so it doesn't count as sugar :D)

Had about 50g of frozen cherries and some salty OJ before my piggy wiggy breakfast, but I've decided it's not enough. Unsulphured molasses, a little sugar and coffee is my next point of order.

Regarding my weight. I am a natural ectomorph, but I do a reasonable amount of exercise (box/wrestle/climb places i'm not supposed to :D) and a few people have commented on my muscle definition recently, and I've noticed it too. I generally look pretty healthy now, instead of looking like a (more?) boyish version of yolandi visser (u still awshum tho yolandi xD). I think 80g p/ 150g fat may have been underestimated. sometimes it could be as high as 150g protein/200g fat plus 50ish+ grams carbs, but what's interesting me is upping the sugar now while maintaining a very close eye on mineral balance, because what Blossom said really speaks to my intuition, I'd say my stress hormones -are- high, despite feeling pretty monked out, and sugar really did give me the energy of a ninja when i went apeshit with it last year. It's just finding the balance - sugar to reduce stress but without compromising the body pH.

I'm searching all over the place for some info on milk and alkalinity because i do love it, and our milk is delicious, but -something- was making me ill and I can't figure out what it was. I've never had an issue with dairy (in fact I just had some goat's cheese and it was great!) but so many people chastise it that I probably stress myself out just thinking about it, and the misinformation out there is hateful.

Oh, also - I was thinking about insulin. People say eating a lot of sugar reduces insulin resistance, how does this work?

anyways! good morning to you all, wherever you are! here, have some afrikaans nonsense to get you moving !
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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