Dr Aseem Malhotra - A concise published report on covid vaccine damage and misinformation



This is good. However, we didn't need to wait for a peer reviewed paper. All the evidence of harm by mRNA injections was there right from the start. Millions of people did not need to be sacrificed. Each day I go past my local vaccine clinic there is a queue – people are still being injected.

Furthermore, I have misgivings about a cardiologist who blames sugar for type 2 diabetes. This is misinformation

@TheCalciumCad posted these elsewhere

How many people did he convince to take the jabs in 2021?

View: https://twitter.com/CovidFrog/status/1574447710396203011

View: https://twitter.com/DrAseemMalhotra/status/1574662517015576576
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Dr Aseem Malhotra is honorary council member to the Metabolic Psychiatry Clinic at Stanford University school of medicine California.

Why he scarified his father to an experimental injection is beyond me.

From the article

Professor Chand was described as a “fearless defender” of the NHS and spent decades campaigning against further privatisation of the health service. The Tameside GP was renowned for his outspoken criticism of Government policy including the recent lifting of Covid restrictions.

A keen social media user, Professor Chand’s final tweet criticised Sajid Javid for saying people should no longer “cower” from coronavirus, pointing out that 130,000 people have so far died during the pandemic. The Health Secretary swiftly apologised for the remark.

The former GP, who was based in Ashton-under-Lyme, Greater Manchester, was also a regular contributor to i writing mainly about his concerns for the future of the NHS.
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Jul 25, 2013
I can't get past the beginning of the paper...
"Vaccines save lives. The development of safe and highly effective vaccines during the latter half of the 20th century has been one of medicine’s greatest achievements,"
Besides the fact that this is a dubious statement, the current "vaccines" are nothing at all like those other vaccines. So why even mention this? Pandering to the gate keepers? Ignorance?


I can't get past the beginning of the paper...
"Vaccines save lives. The development of safe and highly effective vaccines during the latter half of the 20th century has been one of medicine’s greatest achievements,"
Besides the fact that this is a dubious statement, the current "vaccines" are nothing at all like those other vaccines. So why even mention this? Pandering to the gate keepers? Ignorance?
Never ignorance imo.


I really want to believe Dr Malhotra has genuinely had a change of mind and wants to do good. Why did he get a peer review paper when many others failed? Something is not sitting right about this. Anyway, in the 2016 interview he was asked

4. What would you single out as a career highlight?

Becoming the youngest member to be appointed to the board of trustees of UK health think tank, the King's Fund tops it. It's a very prestigious and independent organisation that advises government on health policy.

This is the King's Fund

In a recent interview with Del Bigtress Malhotra says that in 2021 he found it inconceivable that a vaccine could cause injury. Considering the huge publicity around MMR vaccines I find this difficult to believe. So, where is this heading? I will keep investigating because I believe a long game is being played here. Since Fuellmich I'm now in the fool me once camp .
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Jul 25, 2013

It seems he stole money from their organization. Is that the extent of him lying? Is he lying about the fake vaccine or fake pandemic?


It seems he stole money from their organization. Is that the extent of him lying? Is he lying about the fake vaccine or fake pandemic?
No he is not lying about vaccine or plandemic. It's the money issue and the fact he has been linked George Soros. He collected all the evidence and nothing has happened.


I agree @TheCalciumCad I would be besides myself it I thought I was responsible for coercing many people to take an experimental injection which then killed them. 'Didn't know' is not an option - He can't claim ignorance now after being a high achiever all his life

Based on his links to Stanford I suspect he is involved in the ONE HEALTH solution. Where sovereign nations will no longer be responsible for health care, rather, all health decisions will be centralised under the WHO.


Mar 28, 2019
I agree @TheCalciumCad I would be besides myself it I thought I was responsible for coercing many people to take an experimental injection which then killed them. 'Didn't know' is not an option - He can't claim ignorance now after being a high achiever all his life

Based on his links to Stanford I suspect he is involved in the ONE HEALTH solution. Where sovereign nations will no longer be responsible for health care, rather, all health decisions will be centralised under the WHO.
"The most important announcement of my life and career" he's in it for the acclaim. I don't think he's grasped how bad the vaxx is yet and like most doctors his career is read off a pamphlet anyway. A bit late to open your eyes when the damage is done.


Nov 18, 2019
@Peatness @Fred @TheCalciumCad this is an interesting blog: My personal experiences with Reiner Fuellmich. Definitely expresses all that I felt about him all along…



May 17, 2021
@Peatness ... I'm with you on something not smelling right about this. I used to give him some credit because he used to speak out against statins and all.... Now I'm wondering what's going on behind the scenes!


@Peatness ... I'm with you on something not smelling right about this. I used to give him some credit because he used to speak out against statins and all.... Now I'm wondering what's going on behind the scenes!
I think Dr Malhotra was placed in position to be an advocate for the patient prior to 2020. As such he was the perfect person to encourage people to accept the experimental injections. As I have argued elsewhere it is impossible to call yourself a doctor and not know that there was something odd about experimenting on pregnant women and vulnerable people. What is it about MRNA and RNA injections that makes one immediately think it’s safe? His position at Stanford incriminates him anyway. What worries me most is that it seems he is now positioning himself in opposition to a national health system. A position that is in conflict to that of his late father. He makes no explicit suggestions as to what could replace the failed health care system but his links to WEF (via Stanford) makes me think a centralised health system is being built.
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Feb 9, 2013
Wheres the deep remorse if he really believes if it's dangerous? I'd be suicidal in his position. I think he's being used for the reveal phase of the vaxx as the regime gets ready to blame the former actors for it all and use morons like him to promote new solutions.

View: https://twitter.com/DrAseemMalhotra/status/1574986541302104065

Correct. The plan was always to eventually reveal that the Covid vaccines are dangerous. The solution they will propose is going to be “safer” vaccines - and more testing, govt regulations, etc. That’s why all these controlled ops like this doctor (and Kennedy, Malone etc.) insist they are still “pro vaccine.” And they all hold up the virus lie. They’re going to help tear down the old system and build a new one where we are monitored to death and nobody will be able to question the new vaccines because of their new “safety” regulations.

If nobodies like us could figure out that these injections were toxic from day one, what took this supposedly highly educated expert doctor so long? He is a deceiver.


Sep 10, 2020
Really interesting to hear all your thoughts, he certainly plays the part well in seeming slightly 'anti establishment'. Could it be the other way round though? Could it be that it's easier to win over the general population/medical community by not coming across as an 'anti-vaxxer' (as the media like to term it). This has had barely any media attention which makes me lean more towards this (unlike Malone). Its pretty clear as day that the media are in on it in some way so wouldn't they give this more attention?



Of course as I have demonstrated in the Africa thread depopulation is not targeting just Europeans. It's just that we are finally willing to accept this has been going on elsewhere previously.

Dr Malhotra's father's suspicious sudden death (SSD) should be investigated, Columbo style.
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