Faster Transit Time


Mar 20, 2013
I walk 3 to 5 miles a day and stand a lot.

I'm building up to 3 miles a day. Hopefully 5. Been a big fan of Esther Gokhale's "Glidewalking" and since using my glutes primarily for walking, it's made a huge difference. Absolutely huge. Knees more comfortable and not clicking, way more muscular activation/stimulation too.

Walking does make a huge difference, and I'm also hoping it will help with my weight. Not the least of its benefits is cortisol reduction/balancing, from what I've heard anyway. I've missed a few days recently and not walking at all does generally leave me feeling worse.

Another pro tip is bag balm for chafing. Works like a charm. Sometimes I'll walk a few miles at once and chafing is really not fun.
Nov 21, 2015
I'm building up to 3 miles a day. Hopefully 5. Been a big fan of Esther Gokhale's "Glidewalking" and since using my glutes primarily for walking, it's made a huge difference. Absolutely huge. Knees more comfortable and not clicking, way more muscular activation/stimulation too.

Walking does make a huge difference, and I'm also hoping it will help with my weight. Not the least of its benefits is cortisol reduction/balancing, from what I've heard anyway. I've missed a few days recently and not walking at all does generally leave me feeling worse.

Another pro tip is bag balm for chafing. Works like a charm. Sometimes I'll walk a few miles at once and chafing is really not fun.

it's easy if you change your lifestyle around. Let me give you an example. Say you move your bedroom to the fifth floor from the first floor. You now have to go up and down stairs all day. You will get more fit. That's the type of change called a structural change.

I work a lot on portable devices I can carry around as I walk. I have a standing desk. I go on walks when I have meetings, using headphones. I have changed my life so I'm no longer glued to a chair. I pace when I'm talking to people.

You can easily get 3 - 5 miles a day that way.


Jan 25, 2016
[ do vagus stomach nerve stimulation every night in bed before going to sleep. It works well to keep you regular.
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