Fat And Libido


Mar 2, 2015
I mean I have used Beet powder, citrulline, pycogenol and Dostinex to get incredible erections...like a schoolboy. Also, using the peptide Melanotan II is incredible. It is used for tanning...but one of the nice side effects is raging erections. You get a STRETCH and YAWN reflex using it. I was sitting in class and all the sudden I had this desire to stretch and it felt so good. Additionally...you get boners..LOL


Dec 13, 2015
I think NO can help if CO2 level are low... so if NO help maybe your level of CO2 are low.
Anything that raised NO is inflammatory (as Haidut pointed out), I took arginine and citrulline for quite a while and I had psoriasis all over my body and both of them raise GH and you definitely don't want that as well.

There's also a lot of things that come into play when talking about erection other than NO or CO2
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Nov 21, 2015
I read a study [Reilly, et.al.] that suggested MB inhibited erectile response, but for you it's a boner bonus! How is this possible?

it's difficult to know. I'm taking a lot of things. My body is in better shape. Is it the MB or something else?


Apr 24, 2016
I am married. I don't masturbate daily. I've been on brief TRT protocols in the past. I am monogamous. I don't take any medications.

One of the reasons I've brought this topic up is because there seem to be a fair number of guys on this forum who had either low testosterone or low libido prior to adopting a Peat diet, and once they did, ZING(!), their T levels and libido went through the roof. My T level is at the very bottom of the T range of normal used by my doctor. Several years ago I faced some personal trauma and deep depression and I think that had an impact on T production. Then four years ago I developed a gluten intolerance "out of the blue" and I think this issue has caused some problems with my sex life.

As I read the posts here about a Peat diet contributing to a high libido, I'm trying to duplicate virtually everything that any one has posted. I'm trying everything I can find, but so far the results are negligible. One of my frustrations with this forum is the wide variability of causes and effects. What works for one guy doesn't work for the next one, and so forth for virtually everything discussed here. So I have to experiment with everything to see if something will work, and that takes time, which is also frustrating.

Over the last three years I have tried about 75 different herbal supplements, and I can tell you that none of them have worked. Psychogenic erections are a thing of the past. Morning wood, which is my barometer for sexual health, is highly sporadic, and mostly struggles to get to half-mast (or none at all). Sexual intimacy with my wife usually needs the help of a PDE-5 inhibitor. And as for libido itself - absolutely, completely, utterly vanished! Nothing there to measure.

So you can see how I'm very interested in applying "lessons learned" here on this forum with respect to diet changes that can turn me back into that hypersexual man I used to be. A few years ago I tried Androgel for a brief period of time, but I became concerned about testicular atrophy, so I stopped. And now having spent time here I'm convinced that TRT is probably not a good idea, especially if I can resolve low T and zero libido with diet changes.

My blood work contains no red flags with respect to estrogen, prolactin, SHBG, cortisol, or T3. I look normal on paper, but we all know what "normal" means in the medical community. What looks normal to my doctor doesn't mean it's something I should tolerate. My diagnosis is idiopathic secondary hypogonadism with abnormally "normal" LH levels.

Anyway, that's the picture! Looking for the cure Danny Roddy wrote about: "becoming a sexual animal" again!

I've been a lurker here for about 6 or 7 months. I was referred here via a link to a specific product on another forum. The topic was specific to low libido and low T level. I went ahead and tried the product even though I was somewhat skeptical (Pansterone). My T level (measured last year) was roughly 325 and after 4 months with Pansterone (just the random timing to my yearly physical) was 690. I'm 58, 6'2" 205 in reasonable shape but with significant historical stress/cortisol issues and mild hypertension (relatively new).

I've been reading and absorbing everything here and am just beginning to implement much of the recommendations/life style changes here. Personally now my morning wood is consistant and while not always a 16 yr old "diamond cutter" is a genuine full hard on. Surprisingly libido is much better but not on par. I can respond and preform reliably but my genuine desire is inconsistent. I need to abstain for 6 or 7 days to get truly horny...


Nov 24, 2015
Sex hormones are made from cholesterol which is made by the liver from fructose, not fat. Libido has more to do with your personal sex life than it does eating "fat." What kind of relationship are you in? Are you single? Do you masturbate daily? Have you taken birth control or testosterone before? Are you monogamous or do you have multiple partners? What medications/drugs do/have you taken? These are all things that control libido.

Libido is directly related to your metabolic state, just because you have always been healthy doesn't mean everyone is/has. If you never have lost your libido, you have never experienced poor health.


Mar 2, 2015
Another thing I did to help was ran the DUTCH test. Look at the metabolites I needed to push my 5 AR pathway towards 5 Beta and VOILA....erections...I used a combination of Pygeum, Palmetto and Nettle. Here is a picture of my last lab...


  • 5 AR Pathway.PNG
    5 AR Pathway.PNG
    28.3 KB · Views: 148


Dec 13, 2015
NO is not really "involved" in factilitated erections... It can be thought as a subistitute for CO2 in that case.

High level of NO can lead to erectile dysfunction. I wouldn't mess to much or at all with anything that raise NO.
Nov 21, 2015
yet, there is literature suggesting l-arginine and higher NO can help remove fibrosis in the penis...

fibrosis I think is a real problem for older men who have not been having steady sex. I asked Ray about it.

Unopposed estrogen promotes inflammation and fibrosis, pregnenolone, progesterone, and testosterone protect against fibrosis. Hypothyroidism tends to push the ratio toward estrogen.

Not quite on point with the topic, but sort of.


Oct 17, 2016
I mean I have used Beet powder, citrulline, pycogenol and Dostinex to get incredible erections...like a schoolboy. Also, using the peptide Melanotan II is incredible. It is used for tanning...but one of the nice side effects is raging erections. You get a STRETCH and YAWN reflex using it. I was sitting in class and all the sudden I had this desire to stretch and it felt so good. Additionally...you get boners..LOL

Hi Skycopoo,

Are you still using Melanotan II? Have you noticed any negative side effects?


Aug 9, 2019
In the low carb / Paleo / carnivore communities, there's a strong saying on how fats / saturated fats / animal fats are crucial in Testosterone production, and mental health. The debate is how much SFA is needed? Some say liberal SFA, the more, the better.
I got very strong erections on the Carnivore Diet. I was eating over 300g of fats / day, lots of Iron, creatine, zinc SFA, carnitine

My T level (measured last year) was roughly 325 and after 4 months with Pansterone (just the random timing to my yearly physical) was 690. I'm 58, 6'2" 205 in reasonable shape but with significant historical stress/cortisol issues and mild hypertension (relatively new).
That's amazing! You got me excited. Just got started on Panst. a few days ago.
Have you been able to maintain the high T levels after you quit Pansterone?
Aug 18, 2020
Another thing I did to help was ran the DUTCH test. Look at the metabolites I needed to push my 5 AR pathway towards 5 Beta and VOILA....erections...I used a combination of Pygeum, Palmetto and Nettle. Here is a picture of my last lab...

That is one of the stranget things in a while. But why particularly would you need to push 5AR towards 5Beta, if the picture you attached says 5Beta is weaker? And I suspect you were just experimenting as a hobby, not because of major issues?
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