Finally Figuring This Out Anxiety, Twitching Hear Me Out Please


Aug 2, 2020
ive had anxiety and depression since a teen but for the past 2 years since i turned 30 not only did my anxiety and depression get much worse but i get facial twitches, lightheaded and confusion. i think its more than just an anxiety disorder. i now have a doctor who wants to do a brain scan on my head. if someone has any info that would be great. i cant drink alochol or to much sugar or refined carbs because if i do i get head spasms and jerk my head, my breathing gets VERY fast i start twitching my arms and hands in spasms and this is abnormal for someone my age. i was upset the last doctor just blamed it on anxiety and kicked me out the door. 1 year before these symptoms started i was sucker punched and took a bad beating my face was a mess i was at the wrong time wrong place at night. so my new doctor thinks a head scan would be wise. i also asked him to check for lyme disease because unexplained anxiety and confusion can come from that so im waiting for the results. its just really weird and i would like to hear your input on this. i was not an alocholic but i would drink atleast 2 times a week sometimes 3 times throughout my 20's. more than the average person but alot of young men drink. and now if i touch just 2 beers the head and arm spasms, facial twitching and hyperventilating will happen. i think i may have developed some kind of neurological disorder, or some kind of brain damage or cyst. i have no clue but its abnormal... and even if i dont drink alochol i still have these symptoms mildly like there just waiting to erupt from doing 1 thing wrong like drinking soda. interested in hearing anybodies input it can only help


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I would consider a B1 deficiency.


Feb 13, 2016
It could be some lingering infection in your brain. Have you ever been close to someone with leprosy/psoriasis/similar issue? I think some trigger (low vitamin D, low thyroid, combined with some traumatic stress) causes vitamin A to get destroyed in the body, and once the vitamin A is gone, you can pick up all sorts of infections easily, such as leprosy, which will linger in your brain and cause neurological damage over time.

Once the vitamin A is gone, it's hard to restore it. I think a careful combo of vitamin D/thyroid/vitamin A gradually can do it though.

In particular prostaglandins probably have to be zero to allow the vitamin A to accumulate without getting destroyed. So pregnenolone, progesterone, gelatin, aspirin, along with vitamin D/thyroid, would be very useful. But it will definitely be a gradual process.

Alcohol, and even plain water, increases FFA, which increases prostaglandin production and lactic acid, which could explain the panic symptoms. So to turn off prostaglandin production in order to allow for vitamin A to reaccumulate and take care of any infection, alcohol intake would probably have to be very close to zero for a long time.
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Mar 29, 2013
Didn't you just started another thread last week asking for the same advice? I understand you are suffering, but have you tried following the advice that was given there? I wrote you a pretty detailed amount of reasonable and also fundamental things to try. Try any of them?

- Yes, a brain scan sounds warranted given the possible damage.
- Yes, lyme testing can be worthwhile, or a total wild goose chase...especially when you eventually realize most of the testing done these days is worthless, and that if you've had lyme for this long, meaning years, then the antibiotic protocols have a strong chance at being ineffective. In any case if you do test positive and whatever antibiotic protocol from your doctor doesn't help, you should look into Buhner's Lyme protocol.

Either way, a decent alternative (or even integrative) practitioner would know the above intricacies of treating late stage lyme, on top of any myriad of possible reasons you are feeling mentally ill, hence why I repeatedly suggested you find one in the last thread. You can try and figure this all out for yourself, but given your complete lack of experience within any modality of healing whatsoever, and your fragile mental state, I don't think you're likely to conquer this one on your own anytime soon. So find some expert help.

First impression: your reaction to alcohol suggests either a molybdenum deficiency or maybe a chromium deficiency, which can be uncovered through HTMA testing, as I've already mentioned in your previous thread. And if you do have one of those deficiencies, there may be an undying cause besides your diet. (So please do not trial molybdenum without testing first; there is one case report of psychosis happening rather quickly in someone who didn't need it.)

In the thread from last week, you mentioned you mostly live off frozen pizza, soda, and takeout. I'll repeat again that you need to clean up your diet. Whether it's brain damage, lyme disease, mineral imbalance, hormone problems, leprosy, thiamine deficiency, or invisible succubus sex demons from Planet 9 causing your troubles: if you are eating like ***t you're going to continue feeling like ***t.

You can do this.


Aug 2, 2020
i understand that diet can help but my dad, uncle, most every i know has a crap diet (which im not saying is right or helping) but they can drink, eat whatever they want. they are overweight etc typical western diet and even at the age of 60 drinking pop, or 2 beer would never ever in a million years give them head spasms and siezure like symptoms especially when they were 30 years old.
as for antibiotics i have not tried any in a decade. i agree this could deffinitley be some type of infection. i dont beleive that ive been in contact with anyone with leprosy/psoriasis im not sure. last time i tried an antibiotic i think i was 22 years old and i didnt react bad to it.


Mar 29, 2013
i understand that diet can help but my dad, uncle, most every i know has a crap diet (which im not saying is right or helping) but they can drink, eat whatever they want. they are overweight etc typical western diet and even at the age of 60 drinking pop, or 2 beer would never ever in a million years give them head spasms and siezure like symptoms especially when they were 30 years old.
as for antibiotics i have not tried any in a decade. i agree this could deffinitley be some type of infection. i dont beleive that ive been in contact with anyone with leprosy/psoriasis im not sure. last time i tried an antibiotic i think i was 22 years old and i didnt react bad to it.

I gave you plenty of other advice besides fixing your diet. Advice which I specifically stated was more important than your diet, such as how to go about finding qualified alternative help. (This, because you stated you've tried western medicine, and they have come up empty.) I've also given you at least one plausible explanation for your poor reaction to alcohol.

Are your dad and uncle mentally ill? No? Because I'll tell you: your diet would make me incredibly mentally and physically ill...and pretty quickly. To put it another way: If I ate the way MY family ate, it would make me very unwell. So I'd like you to consider something: maybe, just maybe, not everyone is as fortunate as your overweight dad and uncle? And maybe, just maybe, you aren't as fortunate as them either? Maybe, just maybe, you're a little bit more like me, a little bit unfortunate.

Look, I never said diet would fix you. Sometimes diet changes can outright cure people of their complex mental and physical woes, and sometimes it's just one supportive aspect of overall wellness. But honestly, if you're not even willing to cut foul staples from your diet such as frozen pizza and Mountain Dew (or whatever), AND you're not willing to look into qualified health practitioners that might actually stand a chance at helping you, it's likely you're going to suffer a lot longer.

You can refer to my long write up to you on your other thread if you ever feel like you've hit a wall with your current methods.

Hope you smarten up. Incorrigibility on top of a crippling anxiety disorder doesn't sound like the winning ticket.


Aug 2, 2020
I gave you plenty of other advice besides fixing your diet. Advice which I specifically stated was more important than your diet, such as how to go about finding qualified alternative help. (This, because you stated you've tried western medicine, and they have come up empty.) I've also given you at least one plausible explanation for your poor reaction to alcohol.

Are your dad and uncle mentally ill? No? Because I'll tell you: your diet would make me incredibly mentally and physically ill...and pretty quickly. To put it another way: If I ate the way MY family ate, it would make me very unwell. So I'd like you to consider something: maybe, just maybe, not everyone is as fortunate as your overweight dad and uncle? And maybe, just maybe, you aren't as fortunate as them either? Maybe, just maybe, you're a little bit more like me, a little bit unfortunate.

Look, I never said diet would fix you. Sometimes diet changes can outright cure people of their complex mental and physical woes, and sometimes it's just one supportive aspect of overall wellness. But honestly, if you're not even willing to cut foul staples from your diet such as frozen pizza and Mountain Dew (or whatever), AND you're not willing to look into qualified health practitioners that might actually stand a chance at helping you, it's likely you're going to suffer a lot longer.

You can refer to my long write up to you on your other thread if you ever feel like you've hit a wall with your current methods.

Hope you smarten up. Incorrigibility on top of a crippling anxiety disorder doesn't sound like the winning ticket.

yes i have cleaned up my diet, cut out out alot of things. my diet is not all pizzas. look no one is saying YOURE WRONG. you need to calm down bud its abnormal for anyone to have seizure like symptoms after 2 beer. it doesnt matter if my uncle or my neighboor has better genetics. all and all i dont think thats the problem ok. when you can easily handle 6 beer for 10 years 2 or 3 times week in your 20s to simply pasta or refinded food making you have abnormal spasms than its likley look at more than just diet. you are getting way to offended I READ YOUR PREVIOUS WRITE UP. about seeing a naturpath let it go for now. im asking the other people here if they have suggestions and im following up with a head scan and ruling out a few options first.
Dec 18, 2018
You have to follow a good dietary regimen, you have some type of acquired neurological issue, and it will only heal via nutrition. Recommendation would be Thorne Research 2/d, the only ok Multi that i know of, and a Diet with increased amounts of Animal Protein and Fats, and 4 - 6 soft boiled eggs over the day. And be thankful for the well thought through advice of the other guy here lol, you are way too careless, probably a part of your condition. What you are describing is not normal, and the only chance to heal is via strict and clean eating, the body only can heal itself, if you are thinking you get some kind of magic pill by an mentally ill physician, you are in for a nasty surprise.
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Jul 8, 2020
I agree with the other posters that you should see a neurologist to rule out anything major. Anxiety alone can cause a huge list of very different, scary and real feelings. In the past when I was in worse shape, bread was enough to bring on anxiety and feeling generally horrible and toxic. You said in your previous thread you had a crap diet, but you seem hesitant to change it for some reason. Simply stopping wheat alone is enough for many peoples mental issues to improve. If you are eating a typical western diet like you said you are you will be getting a whole load of additives, gums, carageenan which haidut and Peat have spoken about many times, will be damaging the gut, which ultimately can result in many of the issues you have described. An inflamed/damaged gut could result in the effects you get from alcohol too. There isn't one little supplement to fix all your problems I'm afraid if you are still eating a typical western diet.


Aug 2, 2020
there is alot of good information. i have tried a handful of suppliemnts that can aid in this. im going to try some specific diets and deffinitley cutting out bad carbs. i can give you a list of certain suppliments i currently took. seems neurolically related. ive tried multi vitamins, b1 and niacin etc really aint having any luck over here. been in hell for 2 years. alot of suppliments like tuarine and L theanine help to restore gaba and protect its function and be neuroenhancing. where as something like benzos are opposite and ruin the central nervous system. anyone have a list of some good suppliments to aid in this
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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