

Aug 24, 2013
Oh Leo, Leo. First off let me say take a deep breath. The hormones that cause weight gain and degenerative illness are not only caused by food. Watch this TED talk the come back to this:

Now that you've had some perspective on perspective, you are going through a process and it's ok to make mistakes. It doesn't sound like you gained 100 pounds or ended up in the hospital, so I'm guessing the results aren't severe in perspective. Is your weight gain all fat? It's normal for body temps to fluctuate throughout the day, but some people get down to 93 F. THAT is problem, low 97 is NOT. Plus you said you sleep better and I'd pay a million dollars for that one result alone. That being said, you are probably experiencing anxiety and other problems, which can be cause by cortisol excess resulting from too much protein to sugar ratio, as someone else pointed out. Since you are doing something new you are figuring it out, so make changes and listen to your body, be kind to yourself and just reevaluate when things aren't going right and make adjustments as necessary. It's great that you're taking care of yourself, and reading more DR peat will give more knowledge.


Sep 12, 2013
Well I took the deep breath about 10 days ago...but thank you just as well. I think I may come off more anxious than I really am since that is what a lot of people here seem to pick up on. I don't feel anxious....just frustrated when things don't work out, is all. I'm not suffering over any of this if that's what you mean. I know I can always go back to what I was doing before, if I ever feel I've gotten myself into a health hole.

I have no way of knowing whether my weight gain is all fat. The scale is up and my abdomen is bigger, that's all I know.

Sleep WAS better...lately it's been slacking a bit, and I'm having the same milk/gelatin/sugar drink before bed.

I did lower the protein a bit.

Thanks for your input.


Aug 24, 2013
You are right to be questioning your results, but what I think is going on could benefit from more reading. I know Dr Peats articles are long and technical, but they are also specific, and attempts to live according to his research need to encompass all the issues one deals with and not single issues.

There are some articles where dr peat talks about older people being less efficient at burning sugar, but just as efficient at burning fat as younger people. This means that you store more fat when eating sugar than younger people, and would explain your weight gain, and it's hard to lose weight because much of your metabolism is impaired by PUFAs. I have this same problem and I am only 33, so old doesn't really mean old!. The trick is restoring your sugar metabolism to that of a younger person, and you cannot do that by milk and sugar alone.

There are too many posts and I didn't see if you explained these questions, so let me ask... Have you been to any doctors,?and if so are they open to thyroid supplement? Have you taken natural thyroid medication? I agree that you shouldn't have to wait long to see results. Some other works of dr peat talk about how fast cells regenerate than main stream medical knowledge admits, and if you don't notice some change right away, even if it's just a slight alleviating of symptoms, it's probably not working.

Thyroid medication (natural) is extremely important in restoring a younger kind of metabolism and can also be affected by a lack of zinc and copper in your diet, among a few other important things. If you can't get a doctor to prescribe you natural thyroid, there is supplemental thyroid gland available that is not concentrated. It's akin to taking orange juice for the vitamin c, instead of concentrated vitamin c. You'll notice a slight improvement instead of a severe improvement, but sometime that can be easier to integrate.

One of the reasons you gain weight from sugar is also the result of a previous slow carb strategy that depleted your body of elements. Post low carb leaves one more susceptible to the effects of cortisol and adrenaline, even in the presence of sugar. If you stick with a healthy regimen it will get fixed, but your temp raising could be a combo of a stress reaction and carbohydrate, so In that case you don't need to take so much sugar, but rather be consistent with keeping your blood sugar elevated. Maybe sip on sweetened lemonade all day gently, or take a swig of oj every hour. That will be more effective than a heaping glass of sugared milk hours apart and keep cortisol from rebounding.

Peat also recommends oysters for thyroid supporting elements. If you can't or don't like oysters, it's better to take a supplement that includes zinc and copper (NO IRON) along with thyroid gland supplement or natural thyroid medication, and you can use activated charcoal and regular antihistamine to control endotoxin allergic response (which also counters excessive estrogen) Along with carbonated water, niacinamide, aspirin, and coffee (not with low blood sugar) can help with symptoms and probably effective weight loss.


Sep 12, 2013
I'm hurrying out but will respond quickly:

I don't rely on just milk/sugar...that is only at bedtime. REst of day I am eating well according to Peat outlines. I do not have allergy issues.

I have been on thyroid for over 10 yrs now.

I live in tropics and get lots of seafood. My mineral consumption is very balanced.

I am not severely overweight.....I lost weight yrs ago and kept it off. Peating added 10 lbs. and I am not willing to go over that mark.


Aug 6, 2013
Hi Leo,
I'm also experiencing weight gain on this way of life, but I did notice you mentioned taking Atarax? I was also prescribed Atarax for other reasons (nocturnal itching (scalp, etc). I noticed tremendous weight gain within three weeks of taking it (diet and activity level remained the same). I googled Atarax weight gain and there are others who have gained a lot of weight from it and are unable to lose it even after stopping (which is the boat I'm in). Just thought I'd share my experience - sometimes it's the stuff we're not even thinking about that is derailing us.

I gained 8 lbs from approx 21 days on Atarax 25mg. I have not lost them after stopping the Atarax. I had been peating for months and remained at a steady weight (over my ideal but not gaining). The Atarax made me blow up like a balloon, and my diet activity and sups were all the same. I don't know how to lose these 8 lbs now, but will be adding moderate exercise to give it a go because just waiting has not worked (been off Atarax over 3 months, continued peating, weight hasn't budged).

Good luck to you and keep us posted!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I feel the same frustration. I was trying to have a positive attitude about my 15 pound weight gain but now my husband won't come near me! That's his problem I know but it still stinks. Honestly I'm afraid I'm going to end up divorced over this. I know I'm healing and at a healthy weight but our culture is obsessed with thinness and my husband got used a 100 pound wife. Good luck. I'm going to be offline for awhile so hopefully things work out for both of us. I'm going to keep Peating for now because I believe in it.


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
If I could get a do over for my preachy reply to Leo about counting calories, what I would say is that I know women in our age group and I know how important it is to keep that good feeling about themselves. So keeping an eye on weight is certainly right, but maybe try using your peripheral vision to do it.

My zen 2 cents for the day.



Nov 22, 2013
j. said:
leo said:
If I ditch refined sugar how do I sweeten the coffee?

Favoring starches over sugar is a good way to promote obesity according to Peat.

That's true if you are mixing starches with huge amounts of fat. There are countless long lived polulations who live on high starch, low fat and are disease free, lean and far healthier than a lot of us here.

Peat dumps on starch because it isn't as metaboliclly enhancing as fructose. To say that it causes obesity though is garbage, IMO. I challenge anyone to go on a rice only diet, then watch as you completely lean out and lose your tyre. You see the same effects with skinny fruitarians. Get rid of the fat, and it literally does shred the junk around your midriff.

Lower fat right down, and you lower PUFA. Isn't that what Peat does?


Jun 16, 2014
Yeah, low carb is great for weight loss. It's also a wonderful way to permanently damage your digestive system and gut flora.

I need to have more information about low carb. I see it's so much helpful to lose weight.
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