Gastritis pain


Oct 4, 2018
Ok I did something stupid. I have just started to trial zinc carnosine but since I have SIBO and low stomach acid, thought I’d take a spoonful of diluted apple cider vinegar to digest my dinner. Now my stomach is gurgling and in burning pain. Was thinking of using marshmallow tea but since it’s a mucilage, heard it can ferment and cause SIBO to worsen. Makes sense since MCT oil caused a flare up of my SIBO. Is there anything else I can do to calm the irritated lining? Baking soda? Should I continue on with zinc carnosine and hang tight? Im a slow healer, so if I don’t use anything, then I anticipate this will take a while to heal from the irritant. Zinc carnosine cannot cause an irritated stomach lining, can it??


Jul 8, 2014
I have no experience with zinc carnosine so I can't comment on it, but do you tolerate gelatin? If so, a gelatinous broth might help soothe your intestines. I found it helpful when I had chronic gastritis and SIBO.


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Aug 4, 2017
I am like Jennifer and don't know anything about zinc carnosine.

How big a spoonful of vinegar did you take? 1/2 to 1 teaspoonful in at least 4 ounces of water is all I can tolerate.

If the burning is from the vinegar it will subside. Just eat bland easy to digest food.


May 13, 2015
Ok I did something stupid. I have just started to trial zinc carnosine but since I have SIBO and low stomach acid, thought I’d take a spoonful of diluted apple cider vinegar to digest my dinner. Now my stomach is gurgling and in burning pain. Was thinking of using marshmallow tea but since it’s a mucilage, heard it can ferment and cause SIBO to worsen. Makes sense since MCT oil caused a flare up of my SIBO. Is there anything else I can do to calm the irritated lining? Baking soda? Should I continue on with zinc carnosine and hang tight? Im a slow healer, so if I don’t use anything, then I anticipate this will take a while to heal from the irritant. Zinc carnosine cannot cause an irritated stomach lining, can it??
Several things you mention (SIBO, low stomach acid, irritated intestinal lining) make me think you might find this video of interest and helpful. It's long so you might want to watch it with breaks if needed.


00:00 Intro
04:14 Who is Elliot Overton and why thiamine?
09:21 What are the main symptoms of B1 deficiency?
18:15 Connection between B1 and vagal tone
21:15 Using B1 to turn off fight-or-flight

24:00 How to diagnose thiamine deficiency?
29:21 Would high dose B1 be a good, safe way to see what happens?
32:49 Best time of the day to supplement B1
36:14 Can coffee enemas induce thiamine deficiency?
40:37 Megadosing B1 for chronic illness
56:37 B1 in the context of mold illness and Lyme disease
1:04:26 Thiamine and thiol sensitivity
1:11:33 The paradoxical reaction to B1: why it happens
1:15:54 Is blood pressure a parameter for potassium control?
1:24:50 B1 megadose offseting B2 and other B vitamins
1:37:11 B1 and gut infections (+ the microbiome)
1:46:59 The role of B1 in healing the gut
1:56:00 The role of B1 in SIBO
2:02:19 B1 in chronic fatigue
2:04:28 Elliot's personal biohacks and his book


Sep 18, 2020
Ok I did something stupid. I have just started to trial zinc carnosine but since I have SIBO and low stomach acid, thought I’d take a spoonful of diluted apple cider vinegar to digest my dinner. Now my stomach is gurgling and in burning pain. Was thinking of using marshmallow tea but since it’s a mucilage, heard it can ferment and cause SIBO to worsen. Makes sense since MCT oil caused a flare up of my SIBO. Is there anything else I can do to calm the irritated lining? Baking soda? Should I continue on with zinc carnosine and hang tight? Im a slow healer, so if I don’t use anything, then I anticipate this will take a while to heal from the irritant. Zinc carnosine cannot cause an irritated stomach lining, can it??
Suffered from chornic gastritis for nearly 4 years, developed during stressful times at university + overexercising. Now is the first time I'm feeling fine for a few month. It is a really tough condition to get rid off and frustrating since nothing seemed to help and I was never able to figure out which foods or what exactly triggered it. Appetite was nearly 0 and I had to force feed myself to prevent loosing weight, which in turn made me feel more uncomfortable and every year I had a flare up for 2-3 weeks with really bad pain. PPI are not the way to go (at max I would take them for a week, because the epithelium replaces itself every 3 days - so if it isnt heald in a week the cause has not been resolved), in my case they dindn't helped that much either and gave me reflux. Also zinc carnosine didn't help me but didn't make it worse. If you have "only" a irritated lining, maybe eat little to nothing for a few days allowing it to heal. Are you taking zc for gastritis or for other reasons?


Oct 4, 2018
Thanks guys!! I’m not sure how to multi-quote on here so please excuse my mashed up reply. I have a severe case of SIBO/Candida. I have tried Gelatin and it also exacerbated my SIBO. I wish I was able to take it as I heard of great results. But anything that sits in my small intestine starts to ferment.

I took only one teaspoon with plenty of water. It was miraculous to see my midriff area start to shrink. Probably from bacteria dying but then the stomach pain started. My whole body is inflamed, including GI area. Funny thing is, I didn’t know my stomach was inflamed till I trialed this apple cider. Burning pain is still in the background as of this minute. I will definitely check out the video. I can bet I’m extremely deficient in B1 as with all other vitamins, since my gut is destroyed.

Dom-how long did you take Zinc Carnosine for? Heard it needs to be taken for at least 2 months to see results.


Sep 18, 2020
Thanks guys!! I’m not sure how to multi-quote on here so please excuse my mashed up reply. I have a severe case of SIBO/Candida. I have tried Gelatin and it also exacerbated my SIBO. I wish I was able to take it as I heard of great results. But anything that sits in my small intestine starts to ferment.

I took only one teaspoon with plenty of water. It was miraculous to see my midriff area start to shrink. Probably from bacteria dying but then the stomach pain started. My whole body is inflamed, including GI area. Funny thing is, I didn’t know my stomach was inflamed till I trialed this apple cider. Burning pain is still in the background as of this minute. I will definitely check out the video. I can bet I’m extremely deficient in B1 as with all other vitamins, since my gut is destroyed.

Dom-how long did you take Zinc Carnosine for? Heard it needs to be taken for at least 2 months to see results.
I think I took it for one or two month. Can't exactly remember. I've never heard that it needs 2 month too see benefits, probably I shoud have sticked longer with it. But it was difficult to find a decent supplement/brand. However my point of view is still, that if the underlying cause of gastritis is fixed it should heal very quickly. When I was still attending medical school a prof. presented us a case in which even a huge ulcera completely heald in a matter of 1 to 2 weeks.


Jul 8, 2014
I have a severe case of SIBO/Candida. I have tried Gelatin and it also exacerbated my SIBO. I wish I was able to take it as I heard of great results. But anything that sits in my small intestine starts to ferment.
Sorry, June. I just realized that I should have been more specific. I'm not sure if you meant powdered gelatin but by gelatin, I meant gelatin made from gelatinous broth, not from powdered gelatin. Like you, I had a severe case of SIBO (for 7+ years) and powdered gelatin exacerbated it.
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