Has Anyone Experienced This? Could It Be Related To Cortisol?


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Got the results of my RBC Mg test. I'm on the low end of the spectrum, at 4.8mg/dL. The last test I had was a serum (4 years ago) and that was 1.7mg/dL. Doc, at that time, put me on 400mg mag oxide script, that did nothing but loosen bowels, and further the problem. The low RBC comes after having supplemented with Mg on and off. From what I've read, a low serum usually equates to an extremely low cellular concentration, due to the body doing everything it can to keep the blood levels constant.

Last summer I would have twitching throughout my entire body after going out for a short walk. I now realise that I've been severely depleted of magnesium for some time. RP replied to several of my emails, one being about the heart symptoms, and said it sounded like a mineral imbalance. I've been applying ancient minerals magnesium oil (nightly) and ordered picometer ionic magnesium. So far the palpitations have begun to subside and it seems the hot flashes have too. I feel much calmer and the fatigue is lifting.

Oddly enough my blood pressure would swing from normal to high-normal. I have also added in the greens (broth only), per your suggestion.
Thanks for the update. I'm glad you got to correspond with Peat and things are starting to improve.


Nov 12, 2016
Apparently I got a little too excited over what felt to be a little relief. While I do notice some positive benefits, and believe I've been Mg deficient for many years, these symptoms appear to be getting worse (and it's driving me crazy). I did add pregnenalone for two days, which seemed to boost my mood during the day, but anytime I attempt to nap, or at night, I am faithfully awoken by this shaking sensation, hot flash, sweating. I really hoped mg was my solution. Maybe it is and it needs more time, but I'm struggling to keep sane and function.

Has anyone put together a gofundme and success with it? I have really been dreading putting one up, but I think that's my only move at this point.


Jan 25, 2016
The shaking sounds like low cortisol and Magnesium will make it worse as it lowers cortisol. Rather have a bath with Epsom salt, baking soda and sea salt I use a cup of each. I have not tried Go Fund Me at all.

Best wishes


Sep 13, 2012
I would stop with the magnesium. I was convinced my anxiety attacks were magnesium deficiency and tried for yrs to make it work. But it only made things worse. I have not taken any magnesium besides several times maybe 50 mg in a supplement. And have gotten loads better. Mag can also drop your potassium. And yeah no milk for you if you get tetany. I used to have that too. Twitches all over. But that can also be from hyperventilating. Also waking up like that from sleep is high stress hormones. Are you eating enough food? I don't even mean Peat approved but actual food?


Jul 8, 2016
I would stop with the magnesium. I was convinced my anxiety attacks were magnesium deficiency and tried for yrs to make it work. But it only made things worse. I have not taken any magnesium besides several times maybe 50 mg in a supplement. And have gotten loads better. Mag can also drop your potassium. And yeah no milk for you if you get tetany. I used to have that too. Twitches all over. But that can also be from hyperventilating. Also waking up like that from sleep is high stress hormones. Are you eating enough food? I don't even mean Peat approved but actual food?

Magnesium made me feel horrendously worse (although I had a lot going on at the time) I was convinced I had a magnesium deficiency due to many people on the internet saying that everyone had one. I began taking espom salt baths daily followed magnesium oil sprays sometimes twice a day. I had a magnesium blood test done the morning I started taking magnesium heavily as I wanted to know my "deficiency levels."

It took about 3 weeks to get the result back, in which time I was "pounding" magnesium. My RBC magnesium levels and serum magnesium levels were both in range. By this point I was feeling horrific.

I had the jolting awake and sweating too after only an hours sleep etc, but as I say there was a lot going on at the time, but magnesium certainly didn't help me.
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Nov 12, 2016
The shaking sounds like low cortisol and Magnesium will make it worse as it lowers cortisol. Rather have a bath with Epsom salt, baking soda and sea salt I use a cup of each. I have not tried Go Fund Me at all.

Best wishes

Many of the symptoms feel like (from what I've read) high cortisol. I'll never know until I get it tested.

I will give the bath a try. It's been a bit since my last Epsom salt bath. Thank you for the input.


Jul 8, 2016
Many of the symptoms feel like (from what I've read) high cortisol. I'll never know until I get it tested.

I will give the bath a try. It's been a bit since my last Epsom salt bath. Thank you for the input.

When I was in (what seems like) a similar situation to you, Peat recommended doing just the sodium aspects of the bath and not the magnesium part until I raised my vitamin D levels. Do you know your vitamin D levels? Also recommended I lowered meat intake and raise calcium.


Jul 8, 2016
Many of the symptoms feel like (from what I've read) high cortisol. I'll never know until I get it tested.

I will give the bath a try. It's been a bit since my last Epsom salt bath. Thank you for the input.

"I think replacing most of the meat with about an extra liter of milk would help the vitamin D take effect more quickly. For the present, I think having sodium chloride or baking soda in your bath might be more helpful than the magnesium, though they could be combined. I suspect that increased aldosterone could account for the anxiety/panic, and extra magnesium, potassium, or phosphate could make it worse; sodium, calcium, and vitamin D would tend to lower it."

Hope this helps.


Nov 12, 2016
I would stop with the magnesium. I was convinced my anxiety attacks were magnesium deficiency and tried for yrs to make it work. But it only made things worse. I have not taken any magnesium besides several times maybe 50 mg in a supplement. And have gotten loads better. Mag can also drop your potassium. And yeah no milk for you if you get tetany. I used to have that too. Twitches all over. But that can also be from hyperventilating. Also waking up like that from sleep is high stress hormones. Are you eating enough food? I don't even mean Peat approved but actual food?

What helped most to get you to a point of figuring things out and healing? These attacks appear every morning about the same time, and appear to be stress hormone related. It's getting to the point where it's more of body wide tremors, not specific to heart. If I kick my legs a couple times fast they begin to tremor, if I move my arm a couple times fast it will do the same. Is it possible for T3 to build up in the tissue? I've been dosing a couple grains per day for the past year, with no significant increase in temps or heart rate (with several breaks in between when I ran out). It feels like it's a buildup of something excitatory in my tissues, be it calcium, sodium, t3, or a stress hormone. Or quite possibly body wide nerve damage, as when this happens I almost all strength in the affected muscles. I also get the twitches all over, which the Mag has seemed to relieve. I eat between 2,500 to 3,000 calories a day, not always peat approved, but I may be short on daily protein since dropping milk completely. Just added a few scoops of Custom Collagen each day to see if that helps. It seems to be progressing.

I should mention that I have tried bag breathing recently, and it didn't appear to have any effect. 1-2 minutes each morning, until I felt a bit short of breath. Also work a very physically demanding job, which it seems has been the main reason this has progressed (aside from the high milk consumption which I used to keep me going during work).
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Nov 12, 2016
When I was in (what seems like) a similar situation to you, Peat recommended doing just the sodium aspects of the bath and not the magnesium part until I raised my vitamin D levels. Do you know your vitamin D levels? Also recommended I lowered meat intake and raise calcium.

My Vitamin D levels are 33.12 and calcium is 10.8. I was drinking a half gallon of milk daily and it makes me entire body feel like a cell phone vibrating.


Jul 8, 2016
My Vitamin D levels are 33.12 and calcium is 10.8. I was drinking a half gallon of milk daily and it makes me entire body feel like a cell phone vibrating.

Vitamin D levels could be higher but they're not the lowest I've seen. That is 33 Ng/ml right? Still would be good to raise them to the usual 50 Ng ml

I am not sure then, I didn't have any symptoms like that. I found magnesium made me significantly worse though and took several weeks to feel better after stopping magnesium. If it makes you feel better though it's your choice, you know how you're feeling.


Sep 13, 2012
What helped most to get you to a point of figuring things out and healing? These attacks appear every morning about the same time, and appear to be stress hormone related. It's getting to the point where it's more of body wide tremors, not specific to heart. If I kick my legs a couple times fast they begin to tremor, if I move my arm a couple times fast it will do the same. Is it possible for T3 to build up in the tissue? I've been dosing a couple grains per day for the past year, with no significant increase in temps or heart rate (with several breaks in between when I ran out). It feels like it's a buildup of something excitatory in my tissues, be it calcium, sodium, t3, or a stress hormone. Or quite possibly body wide nerve damage, as when this happens I almost all strength in the affected muscles. I also get the twitches all over, which the Mag has seemed to relieve. I eat between 2,500 to 3,000 calories a day, not always peat approved, but I may be short on daily protein since dropping milk completely. Just added a few scoops of Custom Collagen each day to see if that helps. It seems to be progressing.

I should mention that I have tried bag breathing recently, and it didn't appear to have any effect. 1-2 minutes each morning, until I felt a bit short of breath. Also work a very physically demanding job, which it seems has been the main reason this has progressed (aside from the high milk consumption which I used to keep me going during work).
Have you ever heard of TRE? They believe in tremoring to release stress. So the tremors are fine let your body shake if it needs to. It is how animals release stress say if they got chased, they will shake after and then be fine. But the question is why is it coming on now. For me, it was yrs of chronic unrelenting stress. I had panic attacks and would shake after. For me I had to just do a lot of self care. Not obsessing over my diet was huge as I have a big nutrition obsession. I think it made things worse. So relaxing about everything in life is a good approach. I just updated my log if you'd like to see my recocery.


Nov 12, 2016
Vitamin D levels could be higher but they're not the lowest I've seen. That is 33 Ng/ml right?

I am not sure then, I didn't have any symptoms like that. I found magnesium made me significantly worse though and took several weeks to feel better after stopping magnesium. If it makes you feel better though it's your choice, you know how you're feeling.

Yessum. 33.12 ng/ml.

You're not the first person to say that magnesium made them feel worse. I was just hoping that after what I read in "The Magnesium Miracle", that it could be the answer to all my problems. I even picked up pico-ionic magnesium, due to the other forms causing loose stools, only exacerbating any deficiency I may have.


Nov 12, 2016
"I think replacing most of the meat with about an extra liter of milk would help the vitamin D take effect more quickly. For the present, I think having sodium chloride or baking soda in your bath might be more helpful than the magnesium, though they could be combined. I suspect that increased aldosterone could account for the anxiety/panic, and extra magnesium, potassium, or phosphate could make it worse; sodium, calcium, and vitamin D would tend to lower it."

Hope this helps.

You mention aldosterone. I want to get that checked, along with stress hormones.

I used to be involved in all sorts of sports, and heavy lifting. I was taking in tons of meat products and abusing my body. Did several different steroids. Around 4 years ago I was pressing a 400lb bench and luckily had a strong spotter, because my vision got fuzzy, heart started fluttering, I turned pale white (so I'm told), and then blacked out. Doc put me on benzodiazepines (for adrenaline which he said probably caused this episode along with sleep issues), propranolol, and eventually an SSRI. At one point I didn't sleep for 2 weeks straight. I also tested low serum magnesium and I was put on magnesium oxide which just put me in the bathroom. I mention all this because the benzos actually eliminated the palpitations, I slept like a log for 7hrs a night... Until it led to slurred speech and other sides.


Jul 8, 2016
You mention aldosterone. I want to get that checked, along with stress hormones.

I used to be involved in all sorts of sports, and heavy lifting. I was taking in tons of meat products and abusing my body. Did several different steroids. Around 4 years ago I was pressing a 400lb bench and luckily had a strong spotter, because my vision got fuzzy, heart started fluttering, I turned pale white (so I'm told), and then blacked out. Doc put me on benzodiazepines (for adrenaline which he said probably caused this episode along with sleep issues), propranolol, and eventually an SSRI. At one point I didn't sleep for 2 weeks straight. I also tested low serum magnesium and I was put on magnesium oxide which just put me in the bathroom. I mention all this because the benzos actually eliminated the palpitations, I slept like a log for 7hrs a night... Until it led to slurred speech and other sides.

Doctor put you on benzos directly because of incident where you blacked out during a bench press, or something else?


Nov 12, 2016
Have you ever heard of TRE? They believe in tremoring to release stress. So the tremors are fine let your body shake if it needs to. It is how animals release stress say if they got chased, they will shake after and then be fine. But the question is why is it coming on now. For me, it was yrs of chronic unrelenting stress. I had panic attacks and would shake after. For me I had to just do a lot of self care. Not obsessing over my diet was huge as I have a big nutrition obsession. I think it made things worse. So relaxing about everything in life is a good approach. I just updated my log if you'd like to see my recocery.

I have not heard of it, that's interesting though. I would assume it's the unrelenting stress I subjected my body to since my early teens. Starving to make weights, steroids and hormones, etc. Physical stress of staying up for sometimes 72 hours straight with a couple 10 min naps, while moving deep snow last year. Only consuming a gallon of milk, tons of coffee and some juice as my meals, etc.

I absolutely would. I'm going to take a look at it shortly.


Nov 12, 2016
Doctor put you on benzos directly because of incident where you blacked out during a bench press, or something else?

Because I was complaining of being jolted awake at 2am every night with palpitations, and the final decision was made after that incident.


Nov 12, 2016
Doctor put you on benzos directly because of incident where you blacked out during a bench press, or something else?

Looking back, I find it quite amusing. I was told that I could take the klonopin as often as necessary, as often as every 4 hours, for sleep an any sensations of adrenaline surge. I was told that high adrenaline was genetic, something I was born with, and that I would have to take a medication to control it. I was also told that it was a very safe drug, with no side effects or withdrawal issues, and I could discontinue it at any time. Yeah... I found out the hard way that wasn't the case. My head felt like it was in a vice, I was shaking uncontrollably, sweating profusely, etc. So I went online to research this "safe" substance.
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