Has Trump really vaccinated ?


Jan 1, 2013
Trump just advised Americans to take the vaccine, and added he vaccinated himself to prove his point.

Now, even if there was only one chance out of 1 million for him to fall sick or die from it (it's of course much, much, much closer), you can be damn sure they would NEVER chance it, because the news of Trump dying or getting seriously injured would be catastrophic for the vaccine industry .

Trump never vaccinated.

Even if he truly wanted, they would absolutely never let him.

He's just telling bollocks to his supporters so his Wall Street friends can fill up their pockets, and people seem to gobble it up.
Last edited:
Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
Trump just advised Americans to take the vaccine, and added he vaccinated himself to prove his point.

Now, even if there was only one chance out of 1 million for him to fall sick or die from it (it's of course much, much, much closer), you can be damn sure they would NEVER chance it, because the news of Trump dying or getting seriously injured would be catastrophic for the vaccine industry .

Trump never vaccinated.

Even if he truly wanted, they would absolutely never let him.

He's just telling bollocks to his supporters so his Wall Street friends can fill up their pockets, and people seem to gobble it up.

Agreed, he says it because he feels responsible to defend Operation Derp Speed at all costs. When he supposedly got covid he said he recovered using monoclonal antibodies. Some US experts have actually said that it is dangerous to take a vaccine after having had the real disease. That along with the fact that I have not yet heard him mention which vaccine he's had (people always say, "I've had 2 Pfizer shots" or "I've had the J&J", not "the vaccine") tells me enough.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Why would he get vaccinated? He contracted the virus and thus should have better immunity than from the 'vaccine'. Plus I read that it is dangerous for people that had the virus to get vaccinated, since the immune reaction against the 'vaccine' could be devastating.

On another thought, there was the news (true?) that a large population in Europe had already been exposed to the virus (was it 90%?). Why then vaccinate??? The same should hold for the US.

When I look at the Covid data, I see the numbers go up and then after about 2-3 months, they come down. They come down BECAUSE people were exposed to the virus and 'herd immunity' was achieved but then another mutation made its way through the population. But the curves all look almost the same, meaning they have the same width. In some cases there were probably two variants going through, which broadens the curve or show a double peak. These are very distinctive statistical signals that show us how the different variants weed through the population.

It also shows that the vaccines are not effective, they are not causing immunity, so they are not 'immunization' shots, what a great business for Big Pharma!

Supposedly, now mostly unvaccinated end up in ICUs and some are dying from the Delta variant. This is used by the media to push the vaccines. However, what if these same people that ended up in ICUs had been vaccinated, how many of them would have had severe reactions to the vaccine or died? I assume that this would have happened, since it is the spike protein that is one of the most dangerous part of the virus. If you get infected by the virus, the immune system in the mucus membrane mostly stops the virus. The spike protein rarely enters the blood stream. But the 'vaccine' goes right into the blood stream, it does not stay in the muscle tissue. That is what makes the 'vaccine' so dangerous.


Sep 12, 2018
These could be the terms of the blackmail against him: Tell people you took the shot if you want to not have Ivanka's head served on a platter....or a mini nuke going off in a significant American city...

Remember that "Warp Speed" is a Pentagon project, to which the drug companies I guess can be deemed military subcontractors...

To those familiar with the deeper nuances of 9/11, remember that one of the military drills of that day, besides hijacked planes being flown into high rises, was a nuclear war drill involving the Air Force testing nuclear armed squadrons flying over the Arctic and attacking Russia. It was Webster Tarpley in his book Synthetic Terror: Made In The USA, who made strong points regarding the "False Flag" narrative and reality, relative to the many, many drills on that day. What is often forgotten was that Air Force One, with W Bush on board was given a message "Angel is Next". Tarpley understood that "Angel" was the code name for Air Force One and that thus this threat, could only have come through channels within the military deep state, to which Tarpley's hypothesis was that this was the 'Blackmail" threat against the dullard puppet Bush, that he would follow orders or that nuclear war was to be launched relative to his elimination.

Of course there is questions about the "Angel is Next" hypothesis, but it is very conceivable if one understands the threat capability of the Cheney faction and those who are still seeking to destroy Russia as the path to world domination.

Trump represented the threat, not only against the 9/11 "endless wars" but for the chance to actually work with Russia and China along the lines of LaRouche's conception of the New Silk Road and One Belt and Road initiatives whose blueprint comes from President McKinley and the American System of Economics based upon sovereign nation states, committed to the general welfare, and thus against British Empire financial piracy that subjugates all to corporate internment camps for not extraction of wealth, not the creation of wealth, the creation of wealth which is the hallmark of "Physical Economy"

Physical Economy as LaRouche defines is all about energy density, which is akin to the Peatian perspective concerning cellular energy in synergy with other cells, creating a greater whole to which LaRouche looked at the world from the perspective of understanding human history from the point of view of recognizing such cancer of oligarchy and its malthusian tendencies and deliberate dumbing down of populations, through appropriation of science, philosophy and the arts, but to which LaRouche emphasized the reality of the example of the Renaissance against the Venetian Dark Ages, and what the methods of the Renaissance were and that genius could actually be taught through a Socratic method of hypothesis where people could relive the experiments of genius's of the past and that they would not just be learning a fact, but be brought into a new realm, that the Eureka of the discovery could itself be reexperienced by the questing student.

This thus speaks to an anti authoritarian stance that honor true authorities of the actual substance of the universe discoverable by the sovereign mind made in the image of the creator!


Jun 29, 2021
I seriously doubt that ANYONE like Xiden or Pelosi were ever vaccinated. Xiden was just given a booster shot of saline on TV.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
Update, he now says "I got the Pfizer": Trump: 'I got the Pfizer' vaccine

So he's gone full potato because, if he would have recovered from covid end 2020 like he said he did with monoclonal antibodies, he would not need a vaccine now. He is lying about one or the other or both.
Either lying - not unusual for him, or maybe he bought into the lie that natural resistance to the virus after recovery is inferior to vaxxes. As I don't think he's as ignorant as he appears, it's probably the former.


I assumed that Biden got a saline shot because if he got an adverse effect, that would destroy the covaxx industry.

Also, people would notice if his dementia went up a notch from the vaxx. :woot:


Aug 10, 2012
I think Trump was anti extended childhood vaccines when he first came into office. The reason I think this is that I heard him say, in an interview, something like this, "Have you ever seen a baby., a perfect baby, then he gets a vaccine, and everything changes..." Those are not the exact words.

I've thought it was his young son who was injured.


Mar 28, 2019
I think Trump was anti extended childhood vaccines when he first came into office. The reason I think this is that I heard him say, in an interview, something like this, "Have you ever seen a baby., a perfect baby, then he gets a vaccine, and everything changes..." Those are not the exact words.

I've thought it was his young son who was injured.

I love Trump and like to think I have a good read on him but I honestly cannot say I understand his vaccine stance. I lean towards he had good intentions with it (just like Malone likely did when he was originally working on the tech) and saw it as a way to get the economy moving asap but was fundamentally setup to fail. They will peg the vaxx sides on him in the mainstream when the time comes, not that anybody will buy it as the anger will be for those who mandated it. I've also heard since the start that a huge amount of the shots were placebos likely because of 'warpspeed' so who knows, very high level games being played all round.



Sep 9, 2019
I love Trump and like to think I have a good read on him but I honestly cannot say I understand his vaccine stance. I lean towards he had good intentions with it (just like Malone likely did when he was originally working on the tech) and saw it as a way to get the economy moving asap but was fundamentally setup to fail. They will peg the vaxx sides on him in the mainstream when the time comes, not that anybody will buy it as the anger will be for those who mandated it. I've also heard since the start that a huge amount of the shots were placebos likely because of 'warpspeed' so who knows, very high level games being played all round.
Young man, I count 11 instances of naive estimation in 125 words.

Donald Trump is an extremely entertaining showman. Personally I wish we had one in England for I love his work. Except that which diverts our time and attention from what matters.


Mar 28, 2019
Young man, I count 11 instances of naive estimation in 125 words.

Donald Trump is an extremely entertaining showman. Personally I wish we had one in England for I love his work. Except that which diverts our time and attention from what matters.

We had Boris who was a showman alright and had the acting ability to rival D-Day Lewis, tho I didn't find him very likeable being a Cabal stooge. The closest we have to Trump is Farage.


Aug 10, 2012
I love Trump and like to think I have a good read on him but I honestly cannot say I understand his vaccine stance. I lean towards he had good intentions with it (just like Malone likely did when he was originally working on the tech) and saw it as a way to get the economy moving asap but was fundamentally setup to fail. They will peg the vaxx sides on him in the mainstream when the time comes, not that anybody will buy it as the anger will be for those who mandated it. I've also heard since the start that a huge amount of the shots were placebos likely because of 'warpspeed' so who knows, very high level games being played all round.

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Thank you. I hadn't seen this tweet. I never kept up with Trump before he began to run for office. For example, I didn't know he was interviewed after 9-11 as I was in a different country and we don't ever watch tv.

He did say about the same words (like in the tweet) after he became president. It was so unusual to hear it from a President.
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