Have you heard of Bodystream - CO2 suit?


Mar 24, 2021
The price it outrageous for the same function of a large plastic bag. But it's good CO2 is gaining traction.


Forum Supporter
Feb 10, 2016
Haha, yes I think the gong is optional.

I don't think many have tried it as I am not sure it's available to order for consumers. I will look into it more and maybe order a suitable when it becomes available.


Mar 29, 2016
I believe Steve used to be a member here, and I bought a carbogen machine as well as a CO2 bath from him. I've used the carbogen machine once only, but it supplies me with CO2 that I was lacking in as my metabolism had shifted to glycolysis under those conditions of stress, and helped my body restore itself back to oxidative metabolism.

I also used the CO2 bath that time, but it didn't have any effect on me. I think it was because my sickness was acute, from a fungal infection that gave me high fever and cramps, and gave me jaundice. And the carbogen machine was more suitable therapy for that acute condition.

The CO2 bath works just like the Bodystream suit, but it was the version 1 of the Bodystream, but unlike that Bodystream, I had to lie down immobile. Steve showed me what a prototype of the Bodystream, and told me he was having it tested at Stanford. And that he would send me one. But I didn't take him seriously on that. As he has this folksy Midwestern demeanor to him that tells me he's rattling things off that he doesn't really mean.

I'm glad he's able to come out with that product, but because he's an entrepreneur cum inventor without much funding from venture capital or institutional investors, it takes long for his products to become polished the way we have gotten used to with most products.

But I hope that has changed.

The Bodystream in my opinion is suitable for people with chronic diseases such as arthritis. Because I don't have such chronic conditions, it was hard for me to appreciate not seeing myself transform from a chronic condition to a more balanced state.

Perhaps I can try again, as this time I have chronic bronchitis and that CO2 bath may help. Not that I'm not seeing great progress using a combination of red light, sound, and emf therapies that fall under the umbrella of energy medicine.


Forum Supporter
Feb 10, 2016
I believe Steve used to be a member here, and I bought a carbogen machine as well as a CO2 bath from him. I've used the carbogen machine once only, but it supplies me with CO2 that I was lacking in as my metabolism had shifted to glycolysis under those conditions of stress, and helped my body restore itself back to oxidative metabolism.

I also used the CO2 bath that time, but it didn't have any effect on me. I think it was because my sickness was acute, from a fungal infection that gave me high fever and cramps, and gave me jaundice. And the carbogen machine was more suitable therapy for that acute condition.

The CO2 bath works just like the Bodystream suit, but it was the version 1 of the Bodystream, but unlike that Bodystream, I had to lie down immobile. Steve showed me what a prototype of the Bodystream, and told me he was having it tested at Stanford. And that he would send me one. But I didn't take him seriously on that. As he has this folksy Midwestern demeanor to him that tells me he's rattling things off that he doesn't really mean.

I'm glad he's able to come out with that product, but because he's an entrepreneur cum inventor without much funding from venture capital or institutional investors, it takes long for his products to become polished the way we have gotten used to with most products.

But I hope that has changed.

The Bodystream in my opinion is suitable for people with chronic diseases such as arthritis. Because I don't have such chronic conditions, it was hard for me to appreciate not seeing myself transform from a chronic condition to a more balanced state.

Perhaps I can try again, as this time I have chronic bronchitis and that CO2 bath may help. Not that I'm not seeing great progress using a combination of red light, sound, and emf therapies that fall under the umbrella of energy medicine.
Thanks for the insight and sharing your story.


Mar 29, 2016
Thanks for the insight and sharing your story.

It took awhile for that website to load before I replied. Just another example of how Steve does things right but still is rough on the edges.

But there's a lot to unpack from reading what he put together in that site. Makes me want to use my CO2 bath again to help deal with my chronic bronchitis.

I want to also say that his products are top-notch. He saves no expense using good materials. Good builds as a result. They're definitely not mass produced and need good craftsmanship to put together. Like any other product, given more time, future versions will be better as more experience and hours and improvements are baked into them.

It's a lot of money though. He put those product I mentioned on sale and I got them. But even then, it still wasn't money I would part with except that I was going to use them on my mom. But as my mom passed away before I received them, I was the only one to benefit from using them.

I think I lucked out though. Even though the items were left unused for 3 or 4 years, since I had no immediate for them given my condition didn't warrant their use then. But they were there on standby, ready to be used when needed. And the time came about 2 years ago, as I mentioned. I self-cured myself from a fungal infection where I had to use non-pharma but herbal remedies (such as turpentine and artemisia annua extracts), and the access to carbogen was invaluable as part of the stack that got me out of a vicious cycle and back into metabolic sufficiency and health.

And now, I may have to add the CO2 as part of a stack again, to get my lungs back to health.


Mar 29, 2016
very interesting. care to elucidate?
As I used to have a very strong set of lungs, I was very sad to see my lungs deteriorate because of a misstep in using cinnamon bark oil orally. What would be very beneficial to me turned out to be very destructive when I don't follow instructions to a tee. And so, since February, I have been grappling with chronic bronchitis as well as neuromuscular issues that cause my heart to beat in a sub-normal pattern and my left leg muscles to land in a funny way when I walk, and my sense of balance to cause me to tilt sideways that would not have me pass a test for drunk driving. I would not pass a stress test for babies if one were given to me. Just trying to saw off a banana tree also exhaust me. And just walking, not even jogging, a few hundred meters, would get me exhausted.

Needless to say, I was desperate. And I was also impatient, even as I know healing would take time.

So, I began using an EMF zapper I bought last year which had settings for bronchitis and respiratory airways.

Since, I was impatient, I said why not add red light therapy. So I pulled out the infrared light I bought seven years ago for my mom, who died before it arrived, and I began to use it on myself.

Did I tell you I was impatient? Then I searched on Youtube for music that would help heal the lungs.

So, for the past few days, I've been using them. I've seen my ECG on my personal ECG device improve in terms of the way it prints out on screen. The QRS curve was very depressed, and it is less depressed now, though not back to where it used to be.

I also monitor my spO2 with the Heart Rate Analyzer app, a free app, on my Samsung S10, as well as on an O2Ring that displays data on my phone in terms on a time vs spO2 chart in increments of 1 minute intervals (not sure, it may be 4 minute but still more than good enough for me). There is ways to go before I could be back to baseline, which was what they used to be pre-cinnamon disaster).

All these together is a big hassle. So I'm holding off on using the CO2 bath, as that would be a major drag on my time.


Dec 24, 2023
As I used to have a very strong set of lungs, I was very sad to see my lungs deteriorate because of a misstep in using cinnamon bark oil orally. What would be very beneficial to me turned out to be very destructive when I don't follow instructions to a tee. And so, since February, I have been grappling with chronic bronchitis as well as neuromuscular issues that cause my heart to beat in a sub-normal pattern and my left leg muscles to land in a funny way when I walk, and my sense of balance to cause me to tilt sideways that would not have me pass a test for drunk driving. I would not pass a stress test for babies if one were given to me. Just trying to saw off a banana tree also exhaust me. And just walking, not even jogging, a few hundred meters, would get me exhausted.

Needless to say, I was desperate. And I was also impatient, even as I know healing would take time.

So, I began using an EMF zapper I bought last year which had settings for bronchitis and respiratory airways.

Since, I was impatient, I said why not add red light therapy. So I pulled out the infrared light I bought seven years ago for my mom, who died before it arrived, and I began to use it on myself.

Did I tell you I was impatient? Then I searched on Youtube for music that would help heal the lungs.

So, for the past few days, I've been using them. I've seen my ECG on my personal ECG device improve in terms of the way it prints out on screen. The QRS curve was very depressed, and it is less depressed now, though not back to where it used to be.

I also monitor my spO2 with the Heart Rate Analyzer app, a free app, on my Samsung S10, as well as on an O2Ring that displays data on my phone in terms on a time vs spO2 chart in increments of 1 minute intervals (not sure, it may be 4 minute but still more than good enough for me). There is ways to go before I could be back to baseline, which was what they used to be pre-cinnamon disaster).

All these together is a big hassle. So I'm holding off on using the CO2 bath, as that would be a major drag on my time.
Thanks for sharing all of the above and best wishes to you and your loved ones for the holiday season! Could you kindly provide an update on your experiences with the Carbogen machine please?


Mar 26, 2022
In the recent Mercola, (“The Underappreciated Role of Carbon Dioxide in Health” at around the 37:00 minute mark; came out on Dec 21, 2023) he expresses the idea that buying a regulator for a CO2 tank in order to give a CO2 and oxygen mix is actually better than jumping into a bag. I wonder if that’s true? Seems like it might be less expensive than filling a bag with CO2, just putting a mask on and breathing the mixture for a while.

The cheapest option is to just breathe into a paper bag but that’s kind of unappealing. I mean what if you had a cold, you’d be re-breathing your germs.


Dec 24, 2023
In the recent Mercola, (“The Underappreciated Role of Carbon Dioxide in Health” at around the 37:00 minute mark; came out on Dec 21, 2023) he expresses the idea that buying a regulator for a CO2 tank in order to give a CO2 and oxygen mix is actually better than jumping into a bag. I wonder if that’s true? Seems like it might be less expensive than filling a bag with CO2, just putting a mask on and breathing the mixture for a while.

The cheapest option is to just breathe into a paper bag but that’s kind of unappealing. I mean what if you had a cold, you’d be re-breathing your germs.
Great talk! Thanks for sharing. All spurred by the reposting of that talk with Bud and RP.


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Mar 1, 2024
It took awhile for that website to load before I replied. Just another example of how Steve does things right but still is rough on the edges.

But there's a lot to unpack from reading what he put together in that site. Makes me want to use my CO2 bath again to help deal with my chronic bronchitis.

I want to also say that his products are top-notch. He saves no expense using good materials. Good builds as a result. They're definitely not mass produced and need good craftsmanship to put together. Like any other product, given more time, future versions will be better as more experience and hours and improvements are baked into them.

It's a lot of money though. He put those product I mentioned on sale and I got them. But even then, it still wasn't money I would part with except that I was going to use them on my mom. But as my mom passed away before I received them, I was the only one to benefit from using them.

I think I lucked out though. Even though the items were left unused for 3 or 4 years, since I had no immediate for them given my condition didn't warrant their use then. But they were there on standby, ready to be used when needed. And the time came about 2 years ago, as I mentioned. I self-cured myself from a fungal infection where I had to use non-pharma but herbal remedies (such as turpentine and artemisia annua extracts), and the access to carbogen was invaluable as part of the stack that got me out of a vicious cycle and back into metabolic sufficiency and health.

And now, I may have to add the CO2 as part of a stack again, to get my lungs back to health.
Hi!!! I am a mother in florida with chronically low co2 levels. I am trying to reach out to steve to purchase the carbogen. Or find someone who has one I can buy or rent. How has it worked for you? I desperately need to try this therapy asap. Do you know if he still sells them? And do they work with carbon tanks in the US? thanks so much please let me know!!


Dec 24, 2023
Hi!!! I am a mother in florida with chronically low co2 levels. I am trying to reach out to steve to purchase the carbogen. Or find someone who has one I can buy or rent. How has it worked for you? I desperately need to try this therapy asap. Do you know if he still sells them? And do they work with carbon tanks in the US? thanks so much please let me know!!
Steve can be hard to track down. You can order a machine from his website and I know that machines have just become available. I ordered mine in December and will likely only receive it in the next week. I don't think Anders can supply machines just yet either.


Jun 6, 2016
Hi!!! I am a mother in florida with chronically low co2 levels. I am trying to reach out to steve to purchase the carbogen. Or find someone who has one I can buy or rent. How has it worked for you? I desperately need to try this therapy asap. Do you know if he still sells them? And do they work with carbon tanks in the US? thanks so much please let me know!!

You can build it yourself.

I built my own with a CO2 bottle + regulator + large plastic bag I jump into and close with a strap so the CO2 can't escape. Total cost for me was around $200. Half of that was the 10l CO2 bottle.

In the end you just need CO2 and something to put it in that surrounds your body but not your face, as breathing concentrated CO2 is obviously deadly.

Edit: Nevermind, you probably mean the carbogen breathing device.


Dec 24, 2023
You can build it yourself.

I built my own with a CO2 bottle + regulator + large plastic bag I jump into and close with a strap so the CO2 can't escape. Total cost for me was around $200. Half of that was the 10l CO2 bottle.

In the end you just need CO2 and something to put it in that surrounds your body but not your face, as breathing concentrated CO2 is obviously deadly.

Edit: Nevermind, you probably mean the carbogen breathing device.
Yes we do. But I'm still wry interested is skin absorption. Can you please share a link to the regulator as that's the only piece I don't fully understand?


Jun 6, 2016
Can you please share a link to the regulator as that's the only piece I don't fully understand?

Search for CO2 bottle regulator. It looks like this. There are many different versions. I bought a high quality one for around $50. It's made for CO2 bottles, and you obviously need it to to handle the CO2. You regulate the flow that comes out. I put a 10m plastics tube on the regulator, and on the end of the tube I put another mobile regulator, so I can fill it while lying in the plastic bag. The 10m tube also makes sure the CO2 warms up sufficiently.


Dr. R. Kovarik treated many women with gestational gestosis succesfully with CO2 baths.

It's ideal to take a hot shower before doing the bath, because it opens up the skin pores to the CO2.
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