Help With Erectile Dysfunction

May 26, 2016
I also enjoy looking at this stuff from an evolutionary lens, but the argument that ED is always the last health condition to manifest itself just isn't what we see in the field. You can find guys on paleo / crossfit forums complaining about ED issues despite sporting 6 packs, full heads of hair, and strong athletic performance. I'm not in the NoFap camp, but from my quick perusing of the site, there seems to be a lot of young guys claiming that their health is pretty good other than the ED issues.

Six-packs, full heads of hair and strong athletic performance aren't nearly as good of indicators of health as many want to believe.

They're correlates, yes, but how often do you see these kinds of men in their 50s or 60s dying of heart attacks, cancer, or other diseases despite being "healthy?" It's disturbingly common.

This is the powerful illusion of correlation not equating to causation: every time someone really is astoundingly healthy they'll look astoundingly healthy. But many who look astoundingly healthy are actually in dismal health; there are tons of false positives.

Again, we're just talking about ED in outwardly healthy, 20-30 year olds. In this demographic, the minor issue seems to be low peripheral blood flow. Improved erection strength is one of the most common improvements seen on Ray Peat inspired protocols. Danny Roddy and Matt Stone (and people on this forum) have reported suffering significant ED issues when they were at low body temperatures. Low body temperatures obviously don't cause ED in everyone, but it is a relatively easily addressed factor affecting a lot of people.

Luckily, since reproduction is so important to evolution, ED seems to correct itself relatively quickly on Ray Peat inspired protocols /temperature resets. While it may take months to see noticeable improvements in hair or skin, erection strength seems to improve within a few weeks of people getting their temps up and improving their metabolisms.

The Ray Peat world is full of people who have improved their erection strength. How many people have seriously regrown hair?

I think I see where you're coming from now. Though I believe Roddy does claim to have regrown hair, but I could be wrong on that.


Dec 28, 2016
Yea. Roddy definitely improved his hair quality and thickness. But I don't think it got to the point where he had real bald spots that he later regrew.


Jan 4, 2017
And it promotes relaxation by lowering stress hormones. And it induces pleasure and increases mood. Basically the opposite of what you're describing
So now prolactin lowers stress hormones? feel relaxed for few minutes because of high dopamine but then as dopamine dives down serotonin and prolactin take charge and one mechanism your body uses to fight these hormones is by skyrocketing Gaba and allopregnenolone for few minutes... And if you continue wasting testosterone masturbating regularly you will starting having libido issues
May 26, 2016
So now prolactin lowers stress hormones? feel relaxed for few minutes because of high dopamine but then as dopamine dives down serotonin and prolactin take charge and one mechanism your body uses to fight these hormones is by skyrocketing Gaba and allopregnenolone for few minutes... And if you continue wasting testosterone masturbating regularly you will starting having libido issues

This might be true for some people but it certainly hasn't been my experience.


Jan 4, 2017
Perhaps the negative effects are only true for those religious or otherwise troubled folks who masturbate and feel guilty/bad about It? Psychology and physiology are
Most people who brag about masturbation are single ones... Most married or in relationship people talk more about sex even if it is just one nightstand...
Masturbation is connected with anxiety... Like a drug masturbation grips you to your addictive behavior as solution to fight anxiety (sexual anxiety ... Fear ... Or boredom... Dead end life... Lack of socialization... Absence of sexual activity)


Jan 4, 2017
"An exchange of love?" Lol. Can we cut the bull****? If you're gonna say that then you should probably mention the exchange of herpes too.
You get herpes if you are careless and sleep with anyone and are more looking for sex than building a relationship that can be rewarding... In others words choose your partner wisely...

If you can't get love or affection from your relationship through sex as well there is something wrong with relationship...and both or one of the parts are looking just for sexual gratification
May 26, 2016
Most people who brag about masturbation are single ones... Most married or in relationship people talk more about sex even if it is just one nightstand...
Masturbation is connected with anxiety... Like a drug masturbation grips you to your addictive behavior as solution to fight anxiety (sexual anxiety ... Fear ... Or boredom... Dead end life... Lack of socialization... Absence of sexual activity)

I think the stronger a person's sex drive, the more likely they are to talk about either.

Lonely people usually seek out companionship and it has little to do with their sexuality.


Jan 4, 2017
Nah, most people who masturbate a lot probably just have high sex drives and vivid imaginations.
They don't have high sex drive they just have high levels of anxiety... Stress and anxiety can increase in short term your sex drive... And most of people that masturbate a lot uses great deal of porn and this is not epitome to vivid imagination

You can have vivid imagination feeling your partner through sex ...closing your eyes and using your senses from touch and intercourse and sensual talk to awake and sustain your desire(erections)


Jan 4, 2017
Let's not blame masturbation (and while we're at it, ice cream, marijuana, netflix, books, video games, art and music) for the fact that some people are lonely and/or feeling bad.
All these things you moderation are very enjoyable and worth wasting time and energy And are physiologically less damaging then masturbation

Marijuana i don't know so much about benefits ...and I don't advocate these things

Video games can be enjoyable in moderation but careful with blue light exposure from big screen they too can rise destroying Riboflavin in the retina and body


May 20, 2017
Sounds like progress! I'd continue to lay off the non-partner sexual stimulation and keep focusing on ways to improve my metabolism and temps. Continue eating lots of calories and carbs, lay off strenuous exercise, and stay physically warmer via wearing more clothes and spending some time in a sauna or jacuzzi if possible.

OK, so I should lay off the high-intensity training (strength and intervall runs) for testosterone boost?

I forgot to mention that I have also taken smal dose of DHEA, but I'm unsure of the delivery method. This is how I have used it for now:
Day 1: 6-7 mg DHEA (25 mg tablet split in four)
Day 2: same as above
Day 3: crushed 6-7 mg DHEA tablet mixed with ethanol, glycerol and body lotion applied to forearm skin
Day 4: DHEA spray (half spray dose) onto the forearm skin + 10-15 mg progesterone cream on scrotum the night before
Nature's Plus, DHEA Spray, Lipoceutical Delivery System, Natural Wild Berry, 2 fl oz (59.14 ml)

Is it enough to apply DHEA spray right onto skin? Should I mix it something? One spray is about 12,5 mg micronized DHEA.

Would it be enough to take progesterone to prevent estrogen or should I also take "anti-estrogen" herbs ?
May 26, 2016
They don't have high sex drive they just have high levels of anxiety... Stress and anxiety can increase in short term your sex drive... And most of people that masturbate a lot uses great deal of porn and this is not epitome to vivid imagination

You can have vivid imagination feeling your partner through sex ...closing your eyes and using your senses from touch and intercourse and sensual talk to awake and sustain your desire(erections)
All these things you moderation are very enjoyable and worth wasting time and energy And are physiologically less damaging then masturbation

Marijuana i don't know so much about benefits ...and I don't advocate these things

Video games can be enjoyable in moderation but careful with blue light exposure from big screen they too can rise destroying Riboflavin in the retina and body

You're missing the point. Moderation is not the key. Moderation is a "happy accident" of sorts. And aiming for moderation means almost surely denying one's unique needs to some extent.

What's best is what actually suits the individual; it's context dependent. It's never what religious, social, or scientific authorities say is "healthy or unhealthy for everyone."
Last edited:
Nov 16, 2012
Yea. Roddy definitely improved his hair quality and thickness. But I don't think it got to the point where he had real bald spots that he later regrew.

Roddy NEVER had pattern baldness and certainly has never posted a single picture that would prove that he had it. Be very wary of regrowth claims from anyone who doesn't put forward clear and unmistakeable progress pictures.
Nov 21, 2015
I've seen men recover from terrible lifelong depression after 6 months of abstaining from masturbation. I think some men especially are very stricken with it. Probably women too.

I think partner sex and partner cuddling raises oxytocin which endogenously is extremely valuable.

Masturbation does not do this to my knowledge.

Influence of a “Warm Touch” Support Enhancement Intervention... : Psychosomatic Medicine
Objective: To investigate whether a support intervention (warm touch enhancement) influences physiological stress systems that are linked to important health outcomes. Growing evidence points to a protective effect of social and emotional support on both morbidity and mortality.

Methods: In this study, 34 healthy married couples (n = 68), aged 20 to 39 years (mean = 25.2 years), were randomly assigned to a “behavior monitoring” control group or participated in a 4-week intervention study in which clinic levels of plasma oxytocin, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure, and salivary cortisol and alpha amylase were obtained pre and post intervention, at the same time salivary oxytocin was taken at home during weeks 1 and 4.

Results: Salivary oxytocin was enhanced both early and late in the intervention group and alpha amylase was reduced at post treatment in intervention group husbands and wives relative to controls. Husbands in the intervention group had significantly lower post treatment 24-hour systolic blood pressure than the control group.

Conclusion: Increasing warm touch among couples has a beneficial influence on multiple stress-sensitive systems.

this article is a review, not a study, but summarizes some possible benefits of oxytocin. IMHO it only applies to endogenously produced Oxytocin and is a powerful effect in my experience:
Drug use typically occurs within a social context, and social factors play an important role in the initiation, maintenance and recovery from addictions. There is now accumulating evidence of an interaction between the neural substrates of affiliative behavior and those of drug reward, with a role for brain oxytocin systems in modulating acute and long-term drug effects. Early research in this field indicated that exogenous oxytocin administration can prevent development of tolerance to ethanol and opiates, the induction of stereotyped, hyperactive behavior by stimulants, and the withdrawal symptoms associated with sudden abstinence from drugs and alcohol. Additionally, stimulation of endogenous oxytocin systems is a key neurochemical substrate underlying the prosocial and empathogenic effects of party drugs such as MDMA (Ecstasy) and GHB (Fantasy). Brain oxytocin systems exhibit profound neuroplasticity and undergo major neuroadaptations as a result of drug exposure. Many drugs, including cocaine, opiates, alcohol, cannabis, MDMA and GHB cause long-term changes in markers of oxytocin function and this may be linked to enduring deficits in social behavior that are commonly observed in laboratory animals repeatedly exposed to these drugs. Very recent preclinical studies have illustrated a remarkable ability of exogenously delivered oxytocin to inhibit stimulant and alcohol self-administration, to alter associated drug-induced changes in dopamine, glutamate and Fos expression in cortical and basal ganglia sites, and to prevent stress and priming-induced relapse to drug seeking. Oxytocin therefore has fascinating potential to reverse the corrosive effects of long-term drugs abuse on social behavior and to perhaps inoculate against future vulnerability to addictive disorders. The results of clinical studies examining intranasal oxytocin effects in humans with drug use disorders are eagerly awaited.

Oxytocin modulates meta-mood as a function of age and sex
Attending to and understanding one’s own feelings are components of meta-mood and constitute important socio-affective skills across the entire lifespan. Growing evidence suggests a modulatory role of the neuropeptide oxytocin on various socio-affective processes. Going beyond previous work that almost exclusively examined young men and perceptions of emotions in others, the current study investigated effects of intranasal oxytocin on meta-mood in young and older men and women. In a double-blind between-group design, participants were randomly assigned to self-administer either intranasal oxytocin or a placebo before responding to items from the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS) about attention to feelings and clarity of feelings. In contrast to older women, oxytocin relative to placebo increased attention to feelings in older men. Oxytocin relative to placebo enhanced meta-mood in young female participants but reduced it in older female participants. This pattern of findings supports an age- and sex-differential modulatory function of the neuropeptide oxytocin on meta-mood, possibly associated with neurobiological differences with age and sex.
May 26, 2016
Roddy NEVER had pattern baldness and certainly has never posted a single picture that would prove that he had it. Be very wary of regrowth claims from anyone who doesn't put forward clear and unmistakeable progress pictures.

Ah I see...i stand corrected then.


Dec 28, 2016
OK, so I should lay off the high-intensity training (strength and intervall runs) for testosterone boost?

I forgot to mention that I have also taken smal dose of DHEA, but I'm unsure of the delivery method. This is how I have used it for now:
Day 1: 6-7 mg DHEA (25 mg tablet split in four)
Day 2: same as above
Day 3: crushed 6-7 mg DHEA tablet mixed with ethanol, glycerol and body lotion applied to forearm skin
Day 4: DHEA spray (half spray dose) onto the forearm skin + 10-15 mg progesterone cream on scrotum the night before
Nature's Plus, DHEA Spray, Lipoceutical Delivery System, Natural Wild Berry, 2 fl oz (59.14 ml)

Is it enough to apply DHEA spray right onto skin? Should I mix it something? One spray is about 12,5 mg micronized DHEA.

Would it be enough to take progesterone to prevent estrogen or should I also take "anti-estrogen" herbs ?

Yes. Stop the high intensity training. It's more important that you rest your body than try to boost testosterone. You should still have decent erection strength with suboptimal testosterone levels. There are millions of men who never lifted a barbell or ran a sprint, but still managed to become fathers!

In terms of supplements, the only thing I use regularly is Idealab's Estroban to reduce estrogen.


Oct 15, 2016
Man if you are doing HIIT and low carb and not enough calories to lose weight I don't think we need to expand that much on how rubbing one out made you crash. I don't think you need supplements either.


May 20, 2017

What would be the reason behind feeling extremely relaxed in a good way after applying a drop of progesterone cream on scrotum (450 mg/ounce cream) ? This happended two days a row now and it really helps falling a sleep, especially now when I'm jet lagged.


May 20, 2017
The last months I have used coconut oil to rubb around my penis. I can't remember where I read it but I think I remembered that this could increase estrogen/decrease testosterone. True?
Nov 16, 2012
My morning libido started improving.

But, I still have low sensitivity and low desire in the afternoon (AFAIK Testosterone peaks in the morning and is lowest in the afternoon, while estradiol is highest in the afternoon).

How can I be an 'all-day' performer? Is there a way to smooth-out these hormonal peaks, or do I just need more T overall so that it becomes less of a problem?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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