28 year old, Lost my libido and nocturnal erections - PLEASE HELP


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Jun 19, 2023
@Fendi24 Hi

I would just like to share some perspective.
I am 35 now and it is so typical for people to start deteriorating once they come close to 30 and over.
I dont know how would I term this, but its a typical modern age burnout that you are getting into and its going to get worse.
I think there is not one specific thing that is your problem, but you understand we live in such an overburdened age. All the emfs, plastics and all sorts of thing your liver and your body needs to deal with. So much pressure.
You need to take a close look to your environment, what kind of people you are surrounded with. That can be pretty toxic. All the gaslighting and non care.

You need to cut back on toxins so that your body can breath again. When you start getting into 30's, your energy production declines naturally. You dont have enough energy for every body system to function at full capacity. Take a close look at your life what is burdening you to free up some energy to restore yourself.
I dont have much practical advice, sorry.
I whish you all the best.


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Apr 14, 2024
My reference range for total testosterone begins at 300 ng/dl and goes up to 850 ng/dl. Know one russian lab that has its reference range up to 1100 ng/dl.

Your converted values are ~450 ng/dl, so it’s low-ish.

LH could be higher too imo.

Hows your thyroid function? Do you eat a nutrient dense diet?
Yeah unfortunately on the low end with T but surely not so low that my libido and MW is affected this badly nonetheless I'll up my weight training / sprinting etc and hopefully see an improvement..
Any idea on what could be done to improve LH?

I have some numbers on thyroid from a previous blood test couple months back:
Free T4: 14.1 PMOL/L
TSH: 1.26 MIU/L

Not 100% sure what to make of these but Doc flagged no issue.
I try to keep my diet as nutrient dense as possible I eat a lot of meats / eggs, for carbs mostly potatoes and oats sometimes rice and a lot of fruits. Prob lacking a bit on vegetables though. Try to get plenty of healthy fats in also, salmon and evoo a lot sometimes bit of grassfed butter


Feb 3, 2020
There is a big difference between being in the „normal range“ and having „optimal levels“:

If I converted the values correctly then your free T4 is barely in range. (low-ish)

A friend of mine whose into natural bodybuilding with significant muscle mass and a good physique recently hit me up because he has zero libido. He received his hormone test results recently and his total T is in the 350s. And low-end of „the normal range“ free testosterone.

He said the only thing that made his libido a bit better was having a vacation. He then found out that his high-end cortisol levels were driving down his T due to his lifestyle of enjoying quite a bit caffeine, being a selfmade CEO, less than optimal amounts of sleep, training hard and maybe even staying too lean at times and not eating enough.


Feb 3, 2020
This got recently posted. (maybe you can ask something there)


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Apr 14, 2024
He said the only thing that made his libido a bit better was having a vacation. He then found out that his high-end cortisol levels were driving down his T due to his lifestyle of enjoying quite a bit caffeine, being a selfmade CEO, less than optimal amounts of sleep, training hard and maybe even staying too lean at times and not eating enough.
Thanks for sharing that man I'm hoping optimizing the thyroid will change something and help with T.

You reckon this could be largely caused by high cortisol levels? Could explain my sleep issue, waking up prematurely with an alertness that won't let me get back to sleep. I've been nothing but stressed since this libido drop, can't be helping


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Apr 14, 2024
Hi Guys,

I'm thinking my issue is a combination of desensitized dopamine receptors from porn use and T being on the lower end.
I need to upregulate my dopamine receptors and boost T.
I'm going to optimize the thyroid best I can to hopefully help the T levels along with training.

Any good recommendations of supplements best to start off with?
I've been reluctant to try anything and just give time but at this point I'm getting desperate.

Few I'm considering:
Catuaba Bark
Muira Puama
/ Brewers yeast
(could help D2 upreg. and sleep maybe?)

I feel like I'm brain damaged and suffering similar to pfs or pssd despite never taking those poisons. I really need to heal and I believe it's possible with a healthy approach. So confused at where to begin. Again I really appreciate any help and advise here all I want is my life back in order
Thanks Guys!


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Jun 19, 2023
Hi Guys,

I'm thinking my issue is a combination of desensitized dopamine receptors from porn use and T being on the lower end.
I need to upregulate my dopamine receptors and boost T.
I'm going to optimize the thyroid best I can to hopefully help the T levels along with training.

Any good recommendations of supplements best to start off with?
I've been reluctant to try anything and just give time but at this point I'm getting desperate.

Few I'm considering:
Catuaba Bark
Muira Puama
/ Brewers yeast
(could help D2 upreg. and sleep maybe?)

I feel like I'm brain damaged and suffering similar to pfs or pssd despite never taking those poisons. I really need to heal and I believe it's possible with a healthy approach. So confused at where to begin. Again I really appreciate any help and advise here all I want is my life back in order
Thanks Guys!
My friend, I know its difficult to understand this, I see you are very new here. You need to pull things out of your life, not add in.
Please describe your situation, where do you live, what do you do for living, are you satisfied with people around you?
Its most likely your body cannot keep up with all the the toxins coming in and then some of your body systems get downregulated and shut down.
Its most likely you dont need to medicate your self, but pull stuff out of your life...Its a mistake of modern age. Whenever you have so much complexities and so much levers to pull, most likely you need to change something from ground up.
Write about yourself


Sep 8, 2017
Hi Everyone,

I’m a 28 year old guy and I would seriously appreciate any advise on some serious issues I’m dealing with at the moment mainly very low libido and lack of morning wood / nocturnal erections.

I’ve never taken any 5ar inhibitors or antidepressants like Fin or SSRIs but feeling the similar symptoms of complete libido loss causing a constant coldness feeling in the glans of the penis.

I weight train and do cardio 4 -5 days a week and my diet is pretty clean. I avoid PUFAs, eat a lot of fruits and raw honey, beef, chicken, eggs, kefir and potatoes. I don’t smoke and very rarely drink alcohol.

This seemed to begin in late October 2023 just under 6 months ago and followed a big binge of porn watching which feels like it caused this crash. Prior to this I had no serious issues with sex (just some mild PE at times), and a very high libido and was watching porn and masturbating maybe 2 or 3 days a week when my girlfriend was not around. Day after this crash I got an erection with gf no problem but went soft after a couple mins so I immediately panicked and went full nofap and quit watching porn and masturbating altogether, just focusing on sex only.

Following this my libido dropped to nearly zero. I could still get erect for sex but with a much weaker erection and catastrophic full blow premature ejaculation like uncontrollable after one thrust. I know about the “nofap flatline” but to be still in this state after nearly 6 months is frustrating and I never had any serious porn induced erectile dysfunction issues like you see with guys who escalate to extreme content. For me it was mostly vanilla and not that frequent but I did edge a good bit.

Along with this I’ve also developed middle insomnia, a sleep pattern of waking prematurely usually after 4 – 5 hours sleep and not being able to fall back asleep after. It’s like my brain pulls me awake just before that transition to REM sleep in the later hours of the night where nocturnal erections usually occur.

This is causing me considerable stress / anxiety / depression which is definitely not helping the issue.

Got some basic blood tests done and GP and Urologist both said were normal and issue was all psychological.

I believe it may be a factor but not the direct cause of my issue. I’ve a great relationship with my girlfriend and performance anxiety with her is not the reason.

It feels like a dopamine / hormonal issue that I badly need to fix and I’m especially concerned about penile health due to lack of nocturnal erections, I try to get an erection at least once a day and try sex maybe twice a week to keep it healthy but some days I’m too stressed and miss out on it.

Any advise on what I should get checked in bloodwork would be greatly appreciated or anybody with info on successes from a similar situation would mean the world.

Appreciate it everyone!
Before the porn binge, weeks or even months before, do you remember taking any supplement, drug of any kind, going on a trip, sex with a different person? Anything out of the normal?
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