I have big problems /few questions


Feb 13, 2021
If you have the time and you can help me, thank you.
At first, i m poor so any surgical intervention will not be on the list,i can afford just vitamins/steroids.
I have a bad bone structure/genetic.
I eat healthy, train for years but changes were in muscle, still narrow shoulders, head, skinny neck, small hands, etc.
Childish voice and shy.

The 3 nd photo is for the 5 and the 4nd for the 2 i talk about bite. When i jut and put the teeths straight i have a good face and side profile. When not round and small.
The Questions are.
Is there something i can take to grow my skeleton? I will try hgh and injecting testosteron.

Now, i have a overbite, decay tooth, and now i saw i have a big hole in my gums.
Here are the photos when i have overbite, my face is round, childish, feminine.
Please click on the first one to see the hole in gum
Here when i jut my jaw and put them straight i have a longer /more chiseled face.
Despite being so low bf.
I literally weigh like 62 kg and i look big for my weight because of my small bones.
I m about to be 19 and i m sure that s not how a normal 19 should be, not even sexual atracted to someone in real life.
I want to be facial masculine, do something for my teeths.
Idk if now at 18 i can do something anymore..
I also bite my cheeks in the last but you understand.
I 'm 5'8 62 kg and have this body, light like hell and i can t gain weight at 3400 kcal per day
I m already big at 62 kg for **** sake but big in photos in real life if i eat a little my face is going fat me being 12% bf because i don t have big bones in face.. I can t do my dream to be a boxer because i can t take punches other guys have 2 x my head size/jaw


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Feb 13, 2021
What cycle did you run?
Test enanthate, but i always had this body, test did nothing for me i had even loss of muscle can t can t afford to eat after buying
I was used test to see if if i have sexual atraction but no..


Feb 13, 2021
for the moment, the teeths are a big problem. overbite also.. i can t speak properly to maybe i have small space in mouth


May 30, 2018
Your head and skeleton don’t look abnormal to me. How tall are your parents? You may not grow a lot more but there’s nothing wrong with being 5’8”.

Just by the pictures it doesn’t look like your testosterone is low. You face also doesn’t look feminine or round to me. You just look your age

Orthodontics might be something worth saving up to pay for if your teeth are crowded.

Just my impression that your feelings of looking and feeling shy and feminine might be related to your social network and experiences. The people we surround ourselves or have been around and media we consume (including porn) can have a large impact on the way we see ourselves especially during teen years.
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Feb 13, 2021
Your head and skeleton don’t look abnormal to me. How tall are your parents? You may not grow a lot more but there’s nothing wrong with being 5’8”.

Just by the pictures it doesn’t look like your testosterone is low. You face also doesn’t look feminine or round to me. You just look your age

Orthodontics might be something worth saving up to pay for if your teeth are crowded.

Just my impression that your feelings or looking and feeling shy and feminine might be related to your social network and experiences. The people we surround ourselves or have been around and media we consume (including porn) can have a large impact on the way we see ourselves.
My father shorter.
But trust me, i never meet a guy with smaller wrists than mine.
Girls on average have my wrist size.
My bones are small, but i have frail parents so yeah..i look fragile and weak despite being muscular.. I dont have that manly rough look given by bones.
I want to do something about bones in width if i can t anymore in length.


May 30, 2018
My father shorter.
But trust me, i never meet a guy with smaller wrists than mine.
Girls on average have my wrist size.
My bones are small, but i have frail parents so yeah..i look fragile and weak despite being muscular.. I dont have that manly rough look given by bones.
I want to do something about bones in width if i can t anymore in length.
It might not be the best for boxing but a smaller frame isn’t a bad thing at all. It’s probably better for longevity. High calcium, vitamin D and thyroid if you need it will help maximize the rest of your growth. But being completely honest you look healthy for your age. Of course feeling healthy is equally important, so I would focus a lot on that. Find some outdoor hobbies with people that treat you with respect and are a good influence.


Feb 13, 2021
It might not be the best for boxing but a smaller frame isn’t a bad thing at all. It’s probably better for longevity. High calcium, vitamin D and thyroid if you need it will help maximize the rest of your growth. But being completely honest you look healthy for your age. Of course feeling healthy is equally important, so I would focus a lot on that.
Maybe, but i don t really care about living longer and unhappy with my body.
I really don t feel like a man when everyone around is bigger than me, despite me weightlifting for 3 years.
They natural bigger.
Girls like guys with bigger frame because they have chiseled big jawline.. A small bone structure is not what a man want to have and not what i want.. I hope for technology in future to change that
Boxing was my dream, but is not helping when top pro boxers all have big frame.. I give up on my dreams already


May 30, 2018
Maybe, but i don t really care about living longer and unhappy with my body.
I really don t feel like a man when everyone around is bigger than me, despite me weightlifting for 3 years.
They natural bigger.
Girls like guys with bigger frame because they have chiseled big jawline.. A small bone structure is not what a man want to have and not what i want.. I hope for technology in future to change that
Lol oh I remember taking myself and others this seriously at your age. It’s not worth it imo. There are lots of girls and people who will respect and like you if you are passionate about things you love and use it to help others. There’s always going to be haters and shallow people and they aren’t worth caring about.

Maybe boxing isn’t the only sport you’ll ever love. A smaller lighter frame is great for things like rock climbing.
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Oct 6, 2020
I can t do my dream to be a boxer because i can t take punches other guys have 2 x my head size/jaw

you want to take punches to the head/jaw?

... idk i think you look good man and i think there can be something done to increase weight. i cant say if it needs antibiotics or pro/prebiotics to alter the gut microbiome or if you would need to do a deworming protocoll. Maybe simply eating more may help in form of shakes.

For the voice you can actually work that one out too. What do you think voiceactors/singers do?
I could also see low bodyfat percentage troubling you and your hormones, not feeling attracted to someone is not normal imo.


Aug 5, 2015
Keep in mind you're going on 19. You will change over time. Make that change for the better by using some of the simple safe things people do here. Preferably from listening to Dr Peat, many times, because he keeps updates to his answers.
Quality foods. 1-2% Milk, Ripe fruit, juice OJ ect, High Calcium to Phosphate ratios. Vit D. Some K2. Gelatin is anti-stress. It's a process that takes time and you'll get better at it. Pining yourself and Training too hard is stressful and puts more demands on your nutrition. That can deplete your bones/teeth. High cortisol. Keep your gut moving (carrot) it clears estrogens and takes the burden off your organs. Stop pining yourself and eat better. Sunlight or a couple cheap incandescent bulbs helps. Snack & Sleep is important.
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Feb 13, 2021
Keep in mind you're going on 19. You will change over time. Make that change for the better by using some of the simple safe things people do here. Preferably from listening to Dr Peat, many times, because he keeps updates to his answers.
Quality foods. 1-2% Milk, Ripe fruit, juice OJ ect, High Calcium to Phosphate ratios. Vit D. Some K2. Gelatin is anti-stress. It's a process that takes time and you'll get better at it. Pining yourself and Training too hard is stressful and puts more demands on your nutrition. That can deplete your bones/teeth. High cortisol. Keep your gut moving (carrot) it clears estrogens and takes the burden off your organs. Stop pining yourself and eat better. Sunlight or a couple cheap incandescent bulbs helps. Snack & Sleep is important.


Feb 23, 2020
If you have the time and you can help me, thank you.
At first, i m poor so any surgical intervention will not be on the list,i can afford just vitamins/steroids.
I have a bad bone structure/genetic.
I eat healthy, train for years but changes were in muscle, still narrow shoulders, head, skinny neck, small hands, etc.
Childish voice and shy.

The 3 nd photo is for the 5 and the 4nd for the 2 i talk about bite. When i jut and put the teeths straight i have a good face and side profile. When not round and small.
The Questions are.
Is there something i can take to grow my skeleton? I will try hgh and injecting testosteron.

Now, i have a overbite, decay tooth, and now i saw i have a big hole in my gums.
Here are the photos when i have overbite, my face is round, childish, feminine.
Please click on the first one to see the hole in gum
Here when i jut my jaw and put them straight i have a longer /more chiseled face.
Despite being so low bf.
I literally weigh like 62 kg and i look big for my weight because of my small bones.
I m about to be 19 and i m sure that s not how a normal 19 should be, not even sexual atracted to someone in real life.
I want to be facial masculine, do something for my teeths.
Idk if now at 18 i can do something anymore..
I also bite my cheeks in the last but you understand.
I 'm 5'8 62 kg and have this body, light like hell and i can t gain weight at 3400 kcal per day
I m already big at 62 kg for **** sake but big in photos in real life if i eat a little my face is going fat me being 12% bf because i don t have big bones in face.. I can t do my dream to be a boxer because i can t take punches other guys have 2 x my head size/jaw
Hey, Sorry but I think your body is really better than the average. Sorry if It is something that you don't want to hear but you have a really good body, I'm sure that my body dolls are thinest than yours.
The only thing that can hurt you is your psychological stress about this.


Apr 14, 2013
You look healthy and fit to me. You definitely don't need testosterone supplements. Magnesium is great for a natural testosterone boost, so is boron (but be careful, I don't think it's an entirely safe supplement).

Regularly eating oysters and liver will be helpful for you too if you don't already. In my opinion, if you focus on nourishing your body, you will eventually feel proud of your physique.

I fixed my receding gums with this protocol...
At night before bed brush your teeth using a mixture of baking soda, a little salt, and food grade hydrogen peroxide. After brushing, try to keep a little of the mixture still on your teeth and then floss, then use a water pik along your gum line.
This will stop the recession but I don't think you can actually regrow gum tissue.


Oct 21, 2018
I am sure many people here will agree with me when i say this but the solution to most of your mentioned issues come down to three things.

1. Braces (ortho work. Save money)

2. Work on optimizing your brain health in a healthy way. Dopamine should be a focus, a lot of your issues seem to come from your minds negative outlook on yourself. Beleive me I can be highly shallow and I will critique you brutally. I dont see the issues with your body you mention at all. (Messing with steroid cycles at your age will only negatively hurt your mentality. This is coming from someone who messed with prohormones at 21 and was told it was a bad idea only to continue to be a fool and suffer through the ordeal personally) Also especially for you STOP watching porn. I doubt you will or can stop but prove me wrong and reap the benefits

3. Patience, Keep eating healthy. Keep hitting the gym your body has 4 more years to mature. Your bones will continue to widen and remodel. You want wider shoulders your muscles will pull on your clavicles overtime and slowy develop out.
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Jun 19, 2020
Ok, I had to post. As a woman, after reading your description I expected to see a gaunt, unattractive man in the photos. But you are actually quite attractive. Body, face, hair, everything. It really makes me realize how harshly we judge ourselves. It's crazy. I'm not saying you're "perfect" (no one is), but you might have some sort of body dysmorphia going on if you only see terrible things when you look at yourself, because that's not really the reality.
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