I Have Both HPV Both 1 & 2, Is My Life Pretty Much Ruined?



Mar 18, 2017
Yeah I'm starting to be afraid it's something else. I'm getting flu like symptoms and burning/chills feeling in my penis, feet, hands ect almost like shingles. Nothing I've done in the past 4 days really helped. It sounds like herpes virus to me, but who knows...hopefully its almost run its course.. I'm afraid it could be clamidya, cyphilis or some real dangerous ***t now...I gotta stay positive tho

So let me ask, no matter what (even if I'm healthy and the virus is dormant if ib have unprotected sex at all It gets passed on everytime no matter what?? So I can never just have a care free hook up anymore?
I have to tell every girl, even if I'm healthy? I could understand telling a serious girlfriend, but every girl...it's gonna affect my life big time.

Also,will this outbreak/virus show up every single time I get sick no matter what from now on?? Like no more basic flu/cold, it's this painfull nightmare everytime?.....if these 2 questions are true then I really screwed up my life bigtime. My life will be severly impacted for the worst. All because of some casual sex smh ; (
Easier said than done but try and relax a bit..... The stress can do more harm. I don’t know your situation but I’d like to say that everything will be ok amigo

Thanks brother, I really appreciate it..Il try and be positive & hopefully it won't turn out so bad


Oct 21, 2018
HPV Can actually be cleared by the body entirely. Average is 2 years. HSV on the other hand cannot it hides in the nerve. The immune system cannot attack it. You most likely are talking about HSV


Mar 29, 2014
Yeah I'm starting to be afraid it's something else. ...
... he needs to test me in the future...
...hopefully its almost run its course now..
So you didn't get tested? Was there a reason why not? Where I am, if I turned up at dr with your sitch, I'd expect them to push tests.
Even if the symptoms abate, if it were me I'd want to know what it is. I believe that's easier while it's active.

So let me ask, no matter what (even if I'm healthy and the virus is dormant if I have unprotected sex at all It gets passed on everytime no matter what?? So I can never just have a care free hook up anymore?
I have to tell every girl, even if I'm healthy? I could understand telling a serious girlfriend, but every girl...it's gonna affect my life big time for worst.
You just got this issue yourself, you say things like your life is over, and now you are planning to take the same or greater risks for yourself and others again repeatedly, and you are asking if it's OK to be irresponsible?

You don't know what it is, so you don't know how likely it is to transmit. Test to find out, then learn about the specifics.

Casual encounters are always risky, for both parties. There are lots of physical reasons for taking care, quite apart from the emotional etc. Amongst them are:
  • protecting your own health
  • not spreading harm and distress to anyone, including strangers (anyone engaging in casual unprotected sex without regular testing can be carrying things they may not aware of).
  • if/when you are looking for a longer term relationship or partnership, being safe for a serious partner. I'm guessing you'd be disappointed in the future if your habits repelled someone you really wanted to be with long-term, or interfered with fertility, etc.
I hope your life is more than just casual irresponsible hookups. There are words for that.

That said, take care, speedy recovery.


Mar 29, 2014
PS. Silver in large amounts has down sides. I would be cautious. If you find out what the issue is, you may be able to target it with something suitable.


Dec 1, 2014
Get your **** tested dude.
If you have HSV-2 you have to tell people before you have sex, otherwise they could end up experiencing what you are now. Which as you know sucks. Wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Hopefully it isn't HSV-2.
But if it is life goes on, there's a lot other things to experience and enjoy in life. There's also a ***t load of good porn these days instead of casual sex with strangers.


Dec 20, 2018
I've been using colloidal silver 500ppm both oral and topical at max does

Dr. Peat seems to think colloidal silver is toxic:
Peat's Opinion On Colloidal Silver ?
"Colloidal silver and other colloidal minerals (from Dr. Ray Peat)
Metal ions are the form normally absorbed; the whole nonsense about colloidal metals is just a sales pitch. And toxic metals are toxic. Silver nitrate was popular for about 100 years, then mercurochrome, then merthiolate, and thimerosal. The organic compounds of some of these metals are the most toxic forms. All silver is very toxic, and the colloidal form wouldn't kill germs if it weren't very active chemically. It isn't as toxic as mercury, but few things are. It’s slightly less toxic than lead."


Mar 18, 2017
So you didn't get tested? Was there a reason why not? Where I am, if I turned up at dr with your sitch, I'd expect them to push tests.
Even if the symptoms abate, if it were me I'd want to know what it is. I believe that's easier while it's active.

You just got this issue yourself, you say things like your life is over, and now you are planning to take the same or greater risks for yourself and others again repeatedly, and you are asking if it's OK to be irresponsible?

You don't know what it is, so you don't know how likely it is to transmit. Test to find out, then learn about the specifics.

Casual encounters are always risky, for both parties. There are lots of physical reasons for taking care, quite apart from the emotional etc. Amongst them are:
  • protecting your own health
  • not spreading harm and distress to anyone, including strangers (anyone engaging in casual unprotected sex without regular testing can be carrying things they may not aware of).
  • if/when you are looking for a longer term relationship or partnership, being safe for a serious partner. I'm guessing you'd be disappointed in the future if your habits repelled someone you really wanted to be with long-term, or interfered with fertility, etc.
I hope your life is more than just casual irresponsible hookups. There are words for that.

That said, take care, speedy recovery.

I haven't got tested because I can't afford it right now, but hopefully soon I can.
My life enjoyment isn't based around chasing women and hookups. But I'm sure you understand if the situation arises once in a while it will kill the vibe if I tell a girl I'm hooking up with i have herpes. I don't think any girl would willing do anything with me if I told them straight up i have herpes lol...
If I was in a serious partnership then obviously I would tell her to keep her from getting it.

Thank your for the wishes/help!


Mar 18, 2017
Get your **** tested dude.
If you have HSV-2 you have to tell people before you have sex, otherwise they could end up experiencing what you are now. Which as you know sucks. Wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Hopefully it isn't HSV-2.
But if it is life goes on, there's a lot other things to experience and enjoy in life. There's also a ***t load of good porn these days instead of casual sex with strangers.

How many girls would do u think hypothetically r going to touch me nevermind hookup with me if I randomly tell them "oh btw I have herpes just thought u should know. Do u still want to hookup?".....lol exactly, 0..I would have to find a woman who had herpes aready...and having children would be out the window if both of us have it...

I've been watching alot of porno for 20 years man. I havent had a good sex life because of social anxiety & a speach impetament...so at 28 because I'm finally breaking out of my shell my sex life is over just like that? Because of some oral sex with a girl? Smh...that's hard to except man....
I'll see what happens though with the testing. Thanks for the help tho as always.


Dec 1, 2014
How many girls would do u think hypothetically r going to touch me nevermind hookup with me if I randomly tell them "oh btw I have herpes just thought u should know. Do u still want to hookup?".....lol exactly, 0..I would have to find a woman who had herpes aready...and having children would be out the window if both of us have it...

I've been watching alot of porno for 20 years man. I havent had a good sex life because of social anxiety & a speach impetament...so at 28 because I'm finally breaking out of my shell my sex life is over just like that? Because of some oral sex with a girl? Smh...that's hard to except man....
I'll see what happens though with the testing. Thanks for the help tho as always.
Yeah it sucks for hooking up but it is what it is. I would rather not have sex than spread herpes to an unknowing person.

Btw it is actually fairly safe to have kids with someone who has herpes as antibodies are passed to the child through the placenta preventing it from contracting it during pregnancy and labor.


Aug 3, 2018
How many girls would do u think hypothetically r going to touch me nevermind hookup with me if I randomly tell them "oh btw I have herpes just thought u should know. Do u still want to hookup?".....lol exactly, 0..I would have to find a woman who had herpes aready...and having children would be out the window if both of us have it...

I've been watching alot of porno for 20 years man. I havent had a good sex life because of social anxiety & a speach impetament...so at 28 because I'm finally breaking out of my shell my sex life is over just like that? Because of some oral sex with a girl? Smh...that's hard to except man....
I'll see what happens though with the testing. Thanks for the help tho as always.

Maybe it's time for you to grow up and realize there's more to life than getting sucked off by random hoes and watching porn all the time. That ***t should serve you as a lesson and instead your sole worry is that you can't be as reckless in the future again? Ridiculous.


Mar 18, 2017
Maybe it's time for you to grow up and realize there's more to life than getting sucked off by random hoes and watching porn all the time. That ***t should serve you as a lesson and instead your sole worry is that you can't be as reckless in the future again? Ridiculous.

Why/how are you making this judgement about me? Lol you guys arent understanding where im coming from apparently....I clearly stated that I'm not a sex obsessed whore monger or a pervert who watchs porn all day....I'm just saying that if the opportunity arises I don't want to be restricted and never have sexual fun (kissing & other sexual acts) ever again in my life. Since I'm really a late bloomer when it comes to this anyway, I don't want to be bitter and become celebate....
It does serve me a lesson, but come on man the average person can be active with multiple different partners in life and not get genital herpes. if so most of the population wouldnt be sexually active as it is...I just want to know if there's 100 percent chance of spreading it even if it's dormant through fluids or touch? And I can never even kiss a woman again without bringing it to her? That's rough ***t man....tough pill to swallow..
There must be a way to protect from spreading while dormant, so you don't have to live with this constant worry the rest of your life. I know they say taking daily valtrex (antiviral im taking currently) can cut chances of spreading by 60 percent. Probably not healthy for you tho :/.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
How many girls would do u think hypothetically r going to touch me nevermind hookup with me if I randomly tell them "oh btw I have herpes just thought u should know. Do u still want to hookup?".....lol exactly, 0..I would have to find a woman who had herpes aready...and having children would be out the window if both of us have it...

I've been watching alot of porno for 20 years man. I havent had a good sex life because of social anxiety & a speach impetament...so at 28 because I'm finally breaking out of my shell my sex life is over just like that? Because of some oral sex with a girl? Smh...that's hard to except man....
I'll see what happens though with the testing. Thanks for the help tho as always.
I work in maternal health and there are moms that are HSV2 positive who delivery babies vaginally with no problem. A mom can even have a home birth with HSV2 as long as she doesn’t have active lesion. Active lesions would necessitate a cesarean section and even then the baby would not get HSV2. HSV1 is pretty common. I had cold sores as a kid and my parents called them fever blisters. They both have them and I imagine that’s how I got them. I used to get breakouts every winter with the cold and stress but haven’t had one in 3 years since implementing ray peat principles. The most helpful thing for me has been avoiding high arginine foods and using progesterone.
Nov 21, 2015
once herpes goes dormant you don't spread it. I used to get a sore now and then in my mouth but haven't in many years. I'm sure the viruses are still there, but they are dormant.

Nothing to stress out about.


Nov 29, 2017
I had cold sores as a kid but disappeared as I got older as well.
Aug 3, 2016
Indeed sounds like it is HSV.
Sorry to hear about the situation. Hang in there buddy!

Here are some questions/thoughts.
-Why didn't you wear condom for oral sex?(many sex workers do condom only for any orifice).
-What sti/std research did you do before your sexual experience?
-Many porn companies require full std/sti blood testing every 2 weeks so they can work. IIRC HSV is one of the common ones.
You can contact the companies/actors/actresses/sex workers etc and ask about safety, health, viral, bacteria, any questions to them to get an idea.
Or google info and find interviews. You could try porn out. Though some porn genres people are battling more than just hsv.
Having no consequences after sex is one of porn's biggest myths/fantasies. Pleasure only.
Having to do blood testing every 2 weeks for some companies prove this. Having to be on birth control or other medications/recreational substances for the job.
-There are some hsv/sti dating sites IIRC.
-Get full std panel testing for future sex partner and yourself. Though I think if herpes is dormant it cannot come up as positive, not 100% sure on this.
-Naltrexone (low dose) is said to help. Along with good sleep, nutrition, hormone status.
-Some people who have done xxx for decades are still alive and look pretty good for their age.
-There are good quality sex toys on the market such as life size dolls which for the "feel" is pretty life like. Not common for men to use toy's in films, but more common for women to use toys (dildo's/vibrators seem to be most common) etc. Nothing wrong with toys.
Last edited:


Apr 30, 2015
you know, if you got this from oral(cold sores), it was probably HSV1 and this will be the only time you ever deal with it.

HSV1 does not transform into HSV2 by getting on your junk.

You can definitely get HSV1 on your junk but it is usually only a one time thing.


Mar 18, 2017
once herpes goes dormant you don't spread it. I used to get a sore now and then in my mouth but haven't in many years. I'm sure the viruses are still there, but they are dormant.

Nothing to stress out about.

Good to hear. But if that's only with hsv 1 that doesnt spread while dormant how about hsv 2 (which it looks like I have)?..also can you get HSV 2 in your mouth/orally? Since I did eat this girl out, idk if she had genital herpes or not.


Mar 18, 2017
you know, if you got this from oral(cold sores), it was probably HSV1 and this will be the only time you ever deal with it.

HSV1 does not transform into HSV2 by getting on your junk.

You can definitely get HSV1 on your junk but it is usually only a one time thing.

Hopefully that's my case then. But can you get HSV2 IN your mouth? Since I ate the girl out, idk if she had hsv2 or not
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