If Estrogen Is So Bad, Why Does It Immediately Help


Jan 29, 2021
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This is a great passage from John Lee's book John Lee who was very much influenced about progesterone by RAY PEAT
Thank you for your quote i feel a bit better in regard with my decision using vaginal estriol cream. So i fell quite relaxed using it and in addition the vitamin e+a in shea butter supository and adding 50-100mg oral micronized progesterone in the near future. I am planning to use these supps with lets say 1-2 weeks breaks in between.


Jul 8, 2014
You were right though, I wasn't clear and I sincerely appreciate your reply. Last year was a rough one with my husband taking the vax so I didn't start back on thyroid soon enough. The last several years have been like surviving a Tsunami so I'm grateful we made it through fairly unscathed. I guess high cholesterol in the big scheme of things isn't too bad. Hopefully my next labs will show similar improvement.

Oh, my pleasure. :) I completely empathize. The past several years have been rough indeed. I’m really glad you both made it through fairly unscathed. I imagine it must have been extra challenging working in the medical field so the fact that you managed any of it without thyroid supplementation is quite something. I think it’s a testament to all the effort you’ve invested in healing. :)


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Dear @Jennifer,
I truly believe that deep down we all have a strength and resilience that goes unappreciated until we are tested and challenged by life. It’s a beautiful thing to make it through such trials to the other side. That’s why my motto for living is “Never Give Up.”
I know from reading your story through out the years that you have it in you as well to not just survive but thrive.


Jul 8, 2014
Dear @Jennifer,
I truly believe that deep down we all have a strength and resilience that goes unappreciated until we are tested and challenged by life. It’s a beautiful thing to make it through such trials to the other side. That’s why my motto for living is “Never Give Up.”
I know from reading your story through out the years that you have it in you as well to not just survive but thrive.

Yes, absolutely. I firmly believe that our adversities reveal to us who we are and who we are not and I’m a thriver, not a settler of less than. I would never be satisfied with merely surviving, not when I know what is possible for us. This world would have us believing otherwise, but I’m convinced we are designed to thrive. :)


I recall Dr Jennifer Daniels discussing resolving uterine prolapsed with diet and exercise without adding hormones. I am posting the link to the interview for future readers of this thread. I heard the interview some time ago so I don’t have the timestamp for the question on uterine prolapsed.



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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
don’t deny that estrogen has helped you. Just as some would say fish oil helped them. But WHY.
I think I’ve possibly figured out the cause for my particular situation which makes perfect sense in hindsight. I have several signs and symptoms of hypopituitarism for many years explaining the thyroid and adrenal challenges as well. I also have a history of a benign pituitary tumor that can sometimes result in this situation. I need to go back and reread Peat’s thoughts on this before deciding how to proceed but since I’m doing okay right now by replacing multiple hormones primarily on my own I’m most likely not going to go the conventional medicine route.

I just wanted to update this thread with my new insight to answer the WHY which explains a lot about my difficult menopause despite my overall attention to lifestyle, metabolism ect.


Jan 29, 2021
I understand your struggle with your menopause as i have difficulties despite of watch my diet, and trying almost everything i read in Dr Peats book to overcome my postmenopausal symptoms.
I had total hysterctomy, bilateral oopherectomy over 3 years ago and no matter what i try i am still suffering with hot flashes and night sweats. Some remedy did help a little temporaly but than they came back again. My body thermostat is all over the place, and i do not beleive it is the lack of carbs/sugar because as soon as i go into an aircon shop from the warm outside temperature i start to sweat, my body is unable to cope with the sudden temp change. The summers with high humidity are the worst because i try to keep doing my 3 times/week 1 hour fast walking routine but i hate all the sweating. No natural remedies seems to help.
I do not know if my body regulates sugar properly i guess not because of night time wakings at least once but more often twice. I drink some oranges juice and eat something small then i go back to sleep.
I do take depinhydramine for my insomnia also because not sleeping is worst than taking medication to help.
I am normal weight, eating carrots to help eliminate estrogen, bloodtest shows low estrogen, very low progesteron, basically no testosterone . I understand these hormone levels because i do not have ovaries and i am postmenopausal so no hormones being produced.
I am self educating from a lot of Dr Peats books, and articles, interviews and also from pubmed but there are a lot of conflicting studies there.
I have Haidut's Stressnon /Pregnenolone/ and thinking of start using it but i do not understand how it could help as a prohormone if id do not have ovaries to produce sex hormones? I did try pregnenolone before in a capsule form which was usp pregnenolone from Swansons, i am not sure but it felt like giving me adrenaline surges.
I don't give up trying but it is soo difficult and when a woman reaches menopause / i entered natural menopause @51/


Apr 11, 2020
I think I crashed my estrogen with too much aspirin in the last week. (1-2 grams daily)

My joints increasingly ached like crazy, I felt zero emotions, crazily fatigued, just wanted to lay and do nothing, my libido got to nonexistent levels (I couldn’t even think about sex) and I just felt ***t.

It felt like the most dramatic ***t could happen and I wouldn’t have any emotional reaction to it.
My beloved grandpa just got diagnosed with even more aggressive cancer spreading and I didn’t even care about it or could. Crazy how hormones influence our thinking and perception.

Luckily stopping aspirin for 1 day and 100mg pregnenolon picked me up rapidly.
Yep, I can attest this effect from aspirin or vitamin E. You dont want to crash your estrogen levels as a male.
Mar 24, 2018
@blackface I believe that vitamin E is a strong androgen receptor antagonist
Mar 24, 2018
@Peatress It is important to understand which form we have available, here is some good information also relating to the function of androgen receptors (it seems to activate 5AR but it does not refer to an anti-estrogenic action as I often read here in the Forum) 🙄🤔. Maybe the study is not recent but it seems really well done.


@Peatress It is important to understand which form we have available, here is some good information also relating to the function of androgen receptors (it seems to activate 5AR but it does not refer to an anti-estrogenic action as I often read here in the Forum) 🙄🤔. Maybe the study is not recent but it seems really well done.
This article refers to Vitamin E succinate

This is the article where Dr. Peat talks about the anti-estrogen effects of vitamin E

Thank you. I will read later. It seems newer articles are directing us towards gene testing.


Jan 16, 2023
I am curious if any of the women deriving benefit from estrogen have tried pregnenelone in conjunction with thyroid, progesterone and possibly dhea before adding estrogen?
Yes. Nothing helped me more than transdermal bioidentical estradiol.

Progesterone would have helped me immensely if I had known about it 20 years before early menopause, when I was clearly estrogen dominant. After taking the pill for 25 yrs, Accutane for 1 yr, and Coumadin for 1 yr, my hormonal production was totally blocked (that is what Big Pharma is doing to us at least since the 1960's).

Preg and DHEA did nothing for me (my serum DHEA is actually much higher today than 7 yrs ago), T3+T4 helped only a tiny bit, but estradiol helped immensely.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Beatrix_, I agree. I really think it depends on a woman’s particular history. I’d never go around touting estrogen in general and never the types in birth control but topical bio identical really helped me tremendously since my pituitary and adrenals aren’t functioning normally/optimally. This all started close to 20 years ago and while Peat’s wisdom helped me tremendously I ended up needing a small amount due to prior Pharma poisoning unfortunately. I take full responsibility because I trusted the system at one point and willingly followed their recommendations. Now it’s up to me to take responsibility for my health, do my own research and make the best decisions possible based on my personal situation. Best wishes to you.


Jan 16, 2023
@Beatrix_, I agree. I really think it depends on a woman’s particular history. I’d never go around touting estrogen in general and never the types in birth control but topical bio identical really helped me tremendously since my pituitary and adrenals aren’t functioning normally/optimally. This all started close to 20 years ago and while Peat’s wisdom helped me tremendously I ended up needing a small amount due to prior Pharma poisoning unfortunately. I take full responsibility because I trusted the system at one point and willingly followed their recommendations. Now it’s up to me to take responsibility for my health, do my own research and make the best decisions possible based on my personal situation. Best wishes to you.
Wise words. My best wishes to you too!
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