If one wouldn’t kill it, should one eat it?


Feb 9, 2022
Based on experimentation, I don't feel right without those, especially gelatin.
Have you tried homemade raw kefir made from raw milk from pastured rotationally grazed cows and living kefir grains?


Mar 4, 2022
west coast leafland
This is why there used to be a ritualistic context to slaughter. The animal was offered to a god before eating. The deliberateness and the gratefulness with which such ritual was performed gave us peace. The animal was fulfilling its role as our food and we were honoring it by eating it. There is nothing sacred to how meat is produced these days. This is to say that I would rather lovingly kill my own meat than buy the supermarket meat that died in fear.
this, the biggest disconnect in my life is meat eating from commercial slaughter. i know its wrong but do it anyways. i eat less now. some days i will only have eggs and dairy. i think eating meat is ok but the person eating it should have a closer connection to the process of it or at the very least know it wasn’t treated badly up until the killing. i saw local farmers abusing dairy cows so even drinking commercial milk comes with that problem too. i think meat should cost a lot more to ensure that the animal is treated with respect.


Apr 28, 2019
Sheep and cows don't eat meat. A wolf would kill you, as would most any meat-eating animal.
Very likely if they was able to get the idea, which they probably wont. Cows for example gobble down (fresh)dead rodents if they find them, they are just much better at hunting grass. But since they do have a fight instinct but their "hunting" instinct is connected to grazing, (they graze dead animals if they can find it) you would at least have to play very dead to make them have a taste. Pandas also eat meat they just dont hunt. So far as I know the only really vegetarian animal is rabbit but Im not gonna say that as an absolute


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I’ve been wanting to learn to hunt since the fall of 2020. I found a teenage girl who has hunted a lot with her dad (daughter of friends) willing to teach me but sadly haven’t had the time due to work. I think it would be useful to know the process from start to finish in case of need or at least have tried it once my life. I do know the family that raises and slaughters most of the meat I have eaten over the past 8 years. That’s about the best I’ve been able to do so far.


I’ve been wanting to learn to hunt since the fall of 2020. I found a teenage girl who has hunted a lot with her dad (daughter of friends) willing to teach me but sadly haven’t had the time due to work. I think it would be useful to know the process from start to finish in case of need or at least have tried it once my life. I do know the family that raises and slaughters most of the meat I have eaten over the past 8 years. That’s about the best I’ve been able to do so far.
Something to consider, is that you don’t need to know how to do everything, you just need to know how to do something valuable, that would help a survival situation. Like, if you’re a man, learning how to forge and hew timber or dig a well, is as valuable as hunting and butchering. If You’re a woman, learning to make clothes from hides is one of the most valuable skills for the community.

I’ve skinned and butchered a few animals with friends, and I’d say it was quite boring honestly… I can see the value of creating alcohol as a social lubricant and getting your mind off the boredom of the task with a bunch of guys dressing the animal all at once… almost ritualistically. I consider other survival skills more enjoyable


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Something to consider, is that you don’t need to know how to do everything, you just need to know how to do something valuable, that would help a survival situation. Like, if you’re a man, learning how to forge and hew timber or dig a well, is as valuable as hunting and butchering. If You’re a woman, learning to make clothes from hides is one of the most valuable skills for the community
Good point. Truth be told I’d rather make clothes than hunt/butcher an animal. It would also probably good for me to know how to preserve meat and other food if things went primitive.


…It would also probably good for me to know how to preserve meat and other food if things went primitive.
My grandpa tells how when it was time to butcher the hog, it was an all day family affair.

The dad and older sons were skinning/processing the meat and bones, and the women were rendering gelatin and fat, canning the end products, making sausage, cured cuts, etc. Of course, when the guys were done harvesting meat, they helped with the rest. I believe the guys usually did the cured meat stuff.

It was a sun up to sun down event for 10 kids and 2 parents.

View: https://youtu.be/SdKzWQOVET4


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
That’s really cool @Josiah Baldwin. I’ve read a little bit about it just from being into history. Thanks for the video.


Feb 9, 2022
Good point. Truth be told I’d rather make clothes than hunt/butcher an animal. It would also probably good for me to know how to preserve meat and other food if things went primitive.
Plan on things going primitive. Self sufficiency is the only way forward.


Apr 17, 2019
I’ve been thinking about this line of thought about if I could kill a cow, a pig, a chicken, a fish, a shrimp, an oyster. I’m not talking about is it wrong to kill animals or we shouldn’t eat them. I’m asking could you do it without feeling remorseful.

The more conscious an animal, the bigger the brain, the harder on the heart is to kill. To test it, how would you feel to kill an elephant or a mosquito? I’ve observed animals and realise they are more conscious than what we are made to believe.

I really hate those guys who go to Africa and kill elephants, biggest losers on Earth.

I couldn’t kill a cow, I would never forgive myself, It’s just how I am and I’ve been like this for 10 years since I first thought about it. I’ve eaten heaps of beef but I just bought it at the store so I can choose to be ignorant.

I’ve milked cows, no issues at all with it.

This all came up because I watch these pigeons who live in a hole in the wall of the building outside my work. They recently had a little pigeon and last summer the dad one flew into my work building each day for fun, he knows me. Last week he built a nest inside and some eggs were laid but two crows came and hurt the pigeon and stole the eggs, The pigeons left and never seen them again, I was thinking that kropotkin was wrong, everyone says crows are so smart but they are savages.
My dear, that is nature. Crows will be crows. Lions also will be lions. And hyenas , hyenas. I don’t know who we are to condemn nature.


Mar 6, 2022
What makes you think some of us do not kill animals directly and eat what we kill? Have you never heard of hunting and fishing? Animal husbandry mean anything to you?


Mar 6, 2022
Most of my friends raise goats, chickens and a few raise 1 steer as well for meat, milk, cheese, egg's!

I live inside a city of 3000 that likes to think it is a city of 3,000,000 so those are not options for me. Not every in New York is raising pigeons for the fun of it.

Yes I think that people not willing to hunt and kill their own meat should likely not eat meat of any kind. That said I do not think people should eat vegtables if they are not going grow them and harvest them either. That solves the population crisis! LOL

Seriously though if you had to replace all of the food calories people get from animals with plant based products the devastation to the ecology of the Earth would unbelievable. Only a real idiot that has not looked at the amount of land that would need to be mono-cropped to replace all of the animal based food from the land and the sea would even fathom the idea. If you think global warming, mining, oil drilling and such are bad for the Earth that level of agriculture would destroy the Earth almost over night!

Likewise let everyone that using electricity or fossil fuel go back to using wood, coal, peat, whale oil to light, heat and cook their food and everyone using a car go back to horse and ox cart to get around!


Feb 9, 2022
Yes I think that people not willing to hunt and kill their own meat should likely not eat meat of any kind. That said I do not think people should eat vegtables if they are not going grow them and harvest them either. That solves the population crisis! LOL

Likewise let everyone that using electricity or fossil fuel go back to using wood, coal, peat, whale oil to light, heat and cook their food and everyone using a car go back to horse and ox cart to get around!
Sounds good to me.
911 milky way ted kaczynski power grid blackout.jpg


Mar 6, 2022
LOL......It is great being able to laugh!

I would never live in any mega city.

I grew up in huge cities in fact until I went off to University I had never lived anyplace with less than 50K people! I attended a very small private University and my first semester was Summer I wanted to get a head start! All I could hear was crickets!

You could never get me to move back to a place like Detroit or LA! It is bad enough I live inside city limits with neighbors in a city of 3500 people! LOL
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