Im losing hope..


Feb 13, 2021
I've been somewhat peating for a year now, now ill admit i don't go 100% but Ive drank a lot of milk and probably more OJ then ever, I've drank a lot of coffee, and its not working. I'm still fat as ****, I have a massive belly and it just never seems to go down. I feel like I need to either go keto or starve myself it seems thats the only way i can lose weight. Im poor and on EBT so im sure the stress of being in poverty is not helping my fat loss. I know I can't get any help from the doctors, they will just want me on SSRI. I know im missing out on so much because of being fat. I'm really sick of it and can't take it much longer. I feel like I'm going to be one of those people that has to practically starve myself and work out massively to ever lose weight, I have the worst bodytype known to man, I'm just so damn sick of this world. I take walks, lift dumbbells and still nothing significant. I curse this world and this creator. F you Mthr fkr. You sick SOB.
Don't curse the Creator! Just try the carnivore diet for a week or two [it's full of tasty creationz].

You will probably lose a lot of water weight and some amount of fat.

From that point you can SLOWLY add in some fruit and establish your carb tolerance. Losing weight will help you regain insulin sensitivity - and once you are insulin sensitive you can incorporate more carbs.
Apr 25, 2018
Losing all hope was freedom...


Nov 8, 2021
Peating caused me weight gain and depression. I went back to keto and my blood sugar is so much better. Everything is normalizing. I tried peating 2 years with many variations including skim milk, no ice cream… just would not work and never helped my thyroid. It was just a little low but normal range. I feel much more balanced on low carb. You could always try the soup GAPS approach. Chicken soup for a while. It works!
I do mostly carnivore and I sleep so much better.
lol, i quitted carnivore partially because of this forum, and health degenerated. Do you guys dont feel less energetic for exercises and physical work (like comparing when you are with higher carbs)? that was the main dowside of carnivore diet for me, the rest was almost everything good, sleep, mental health, 0 acne, constipation was very rare.


May 1, 2016
Try cutting out the fattening fructose (at least after a certain high amount, as per Tyw's blog and other's anecdotes), and going on a low fat diet, like most body builders do successfully and easily losing weight to the maximum extent, with prepared smaller frequent meals to get enough starch to importantly still intake adequate calories, not restricting calories, and getting sufficient protein and glucose to support metabolism, as is arguably the most essential point in Peating. For milk, cut the fat out by having absolutely skim milk as the insulin spike of the whey and lactose guarantees that's getting stored.

If it doesn't taste good, stop eating until it does!

I'm sure this will get results.


Sep 23, 2015
It actually is wrong. Obviously eating little to nothing will make you loose fat eventually but i highly doubt these individuals will remain healthy for very long on 500 calories a day and eating a little more will make them fat again quickly unless the diets or whatever else it was that helped caused a long lasting shift in their hormonal and microbiome makeup of the individual.

If the flexibility of the body is so far off that you need to starve to loose fat then something is wrong.

Missing out on what? Unless you are referring to a certain type of sport you are not realy more or less capable than a skinny/starved person.

Its not that you are carrying to much weight, you are just unhealthy, period. I am super skinny and i eat like a obese person and it sucks. Your weight/fat diposit is not the issue, feeling ***t inside the meat suit is. It matters how you feel as it's a direct feedback/response of how well you are.

It's the same missconception that people have of muscular/ripped people being "happy and healthy".

Absolutism in health/biology realy gets annyoing considering how wrong it is. I blame society and media for that sort of thinking tho.
There is absolutely nothing wrong in controlling your calorie intake, at least at the beginning of your journey. Most obese and even overweight people have unhealthy habits to begin with. They get used to unbelievably large portions anatomically and psychologically. The psychological aspect of it can take long time to overcome. I knew people who were on relatively strict Peat's eating style, but still were getting nowhere in terms of their weight. They were eating tons of ice-cream and large amount of whole milk. Pair it with sluggish thyroid from all that PUFA junk they been consuming for years and you will see the whole picture. Only when they stopped mindless eating and started counting calories things started to progress. Later, when most things are in order, you can try to let your body regulate intake with your appetite senses. Not at this stage.


It's more important to eat to improve hormones, than to eat to lose weight. Jay Feldman mentioned a study in his series on weight loss, that a man with optimally low cortisol, and optimally high androgens, will burn about .5 lb of body fat a day, and must maintain a high caloric diet to maintain his weight.


It may look like a few years stagnation as your body heals, and that's not bad.

Please, whatever you do, don't do freaking keto/fasting... the end game that is not mentioned in the gazillion testimonies, is that you ultimately have to stay on it to reap the benefits...
I gained all my fat back from both, within a week of stopping - that was after 1.5 years... and I did carnivore for a year. wasn't I supposed to be attaining super human levels of insulin sensitivity that whole time?? the Romans fasted and hunter-gatherers IF'd on a carnivore diet!!!??? Dr Berg and Dr Shawn Baker are skinny!!!!!

As a testimony to my point, I'd like to share my experiences of myself and my friend... I occasionally get asked to lead a week long class in an elementary school my friends run. it's probably the longest streak of pure bliss and joy I can experience. it's also the only time I've lost like a solid 5-10 lbs of fat that doesn't pop back on like water weight.
My friend is different than most - he's overweight, and one of the smartest people I know, yet, he has never gone looking for diets or exercise, and chooses to be happy with himself. 5 years ago, he asked his future father in law, "what do you think about keto? there's a million testimonies about it's benefit." the Father said "don't; it was once called the atkins diet, and has simply been revamped for a new generation of poor souls."
Well, the last 6 months, he's begun pruning things in his life that don't promote joy and peace. Basically, he just cut down on his web-building business by about 80%. to be clear, money was tight, now it's tighter, and he has to live tighter.
He has lost approximately 10 lbs in the last 6 months, living the most happy, peaceful life he's lived as an adult.

most people in this era, in the west, are isolated, with no hope or meaning... it makes sense we'd be cortisol dominant, and getting it off is nigh impossible.

funny you mention the Creator. He made one of the laws of nature in His Kingdom, that one must put peace, rest, and trust, over labor, earning, and worry :)


May 4, 2022
It's more important to eat to improve hormones, than to eat to lose weight. Jay Feldman mentioned a study in his series on weight loss, that a man with optimally low cortisol, and optimally high androgens, will burn about .5 lb of body fat a day, and must maintain a high caloric diet to maintain his weight.


It may look like a few years stagnation as your body heals, and that's not bad.

Please, whatever you do, don't do freaking keto/fasting... the end game that is not mentioned in the gazillion testimonies, is that you ultimately have to stay on it to reap the benefits...
I gained all my fat back from both, within a week of stopping - that was after 1.5 years... and I did carnivore for a year. wasn't I supposed to be attaining super human levels of insulin sensitivity that whole time?? the Romans fasted and hunter-gatherers IF'd on a carnivore diet!!!??? Dr Berg and Dr Shawn Baker are skinny!!!!!

As a testimony to my point, I'd like to share my experiences of myself and my friend... I occasionally get asked to lead a week long class in an elementary school my friends run. it's probably the longest streak of pure bliss and joy I can experience. it's also the only time I've lost like a solid 5-10 lbs of fat that doesn't pop back on like water weight.
My friend is different than most - he's overweight, and one of the smartest people I know, yet, he has never gone looking for diets or exercise, and chooses to be happy with himself. 5 years ago, he asked his future father in law, "what do you think about keto? there's a million testimonies about it's benefit." the Father said "don't; it was once called the atkins diet, and has simply been revamped for a new generation of poor souls."
Well, the last 6 months, he's begun pruning things in his life that don't promote joy and peace. Basically, he just cut down on his web-building business by about 80%. to be clear, money was tight, now it's tighter, and he has to live tighter.
He has lost approximately 10 lbs in the last 6 months, living the most happy, peaceful life he's lived as an adult.

most people in this era, in the west, are isolated, with no hope or meaning... it makes sense we'd be cortisol dominant, and getting it off is nigh impossible.

funny you mention the Creator. He made one of the laws of nature in His Kingdom, that one must put peace, rest, and trust, over labor, earning, and worry :)

I just like not having to worry about eating every two to three hours. Not having that hunger hanging over me means I can go on hikes and have long event filled days without wondering where my next fix is coming from.


I just like not having to worry about eating every two to three hours. Not having that hunger hanging over me means I can go on hikes and have long event filled days without wondering where my next fix is coming from.


Jun 7, 2016
@DaikonRadish Have you attempted very low fat, low methionine, cystine and trypophan diet with high carb?

I think it's a grey area where many people will have poor liver function and been in a reduced state oxidising fat then going through the process of getting the liver to store sugar and use it and function as well as getting the body to oxidise sugar for energy while having tissues full of pufa, it's a challenge to get through that, I'm not sure if anyone knows how long this takes.

It's not healthy to burn off fat, it's best to support the liver by giving it regular sugar so it can do its job and remove the stored pufa through the urine according to Ray.

Uncoupling is another thing to look into.

I wouldn't listen to anyone saying to go carnivore. Look how hard these carnivores have to try to stay some what lean.


Jun 28, 2020
Have you attempted very low fat, low methionine, cystine and tryptophan diet with high carb?
No I haven't, what would that look like? gelatin, juice and skim milk diet?
It's not healthy to burn off fat, it's best to support the liver by giving it regular sugar so it can do its job and remove the stored pufa through the urine according to Ray.
yes, but if ones liver is inflamed, how is sugar helping it? fructose and sugar causes me to be itchy, and then I want more sugar like pizza, mexican cokes, and i get a pain in my intestines when drinking Mexican coke. Sugar also gives me bad seborrheic dermatitis. My body is just done for, I also cannot get erections looking at women anymore. all i can try is a diet of skim milk, raw honey, beef liver.


Nov 5, 2021
some 1000 cal days getting in as much minerals as possible would be worthy of contemplation imo


May 10, 2022
No I haven't, what would that look like? gelatin, juice and skim milk diet?

yes, but if ones liver is inflamed, how is sugar helping it? fructose and sugar causes me to be itchy, and then I want more sugar like pizza, mexican cokes, and i get a pain in my intestines when drinking Mexican coke. Sugar also gives me bad seborrheic dermatitis. My body is just done for, I also cannot get erections looking at women anymore. all i can try is a diet of skim milk, raw honey, beef liver.
The dermatitis thing, I have a little tiny patch of what I guess is psoriasis and drinking kefir seemed to help it. Since you said u wanted to drink milk, try kefir.
If u want to get a boner then you'll have to get some sunshine and exercise :)
Aug 29, 2020
The Rocky Mountains
I've been somewhat peating for a year now, now ill admit i don't go 100% but Ive drank a lot of milk and probably more OJ then ever, I've drank a lot of coffee, and its not working. I'm still fat as ****, I have a massive belly and it just never seems to go down. I feel like I need to either go keto or starve myself it seems thats the only way i can lose weight. Im poor and on EBT so im sure the stress of being in poverty is not helping my fat loss. I know I can't get any help from the doctors, they will just want me on SSRI. I know im missing out on so much because of being fat. I'm really sick of it and can't take it much longer. I feel like I'm going to be one of those people that has to practically starve myself and work out massively to ever lose weight, I have the worst bodytype known to man, I'm just so damn sick of this world. I take walks, lift dumbbells and still nothing significant. I curse this world and this creator. F you Mthr fkr. You sick SOB.

There is always hope. Sixty minutes of walking every day. Five days a week of 300-500 caloric deficit and two days maintenance. Slowly add in some resistance training. It will take many months, but it works. Discipline and patience are paramount. You can and will do this. I have faith in you, brother.
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Jul 9, 2020
Couple things to keep in mind:

- There is—and never have been—a Ray Peat diet. Over the years of learning the bioenergetic way to living, I've come to realize that people who are "peating" tend to be very unhealthy. It's just not practical, but furthermore, he's never recommended it!

- Raising the metabolism and correcting thyroid does NOT mean you can forget about calories in calories out. Nobody can cheat this, ever. There's zero case reports of cheating this. You lose weight by reducing calories, doesn't matter if it's high protein, high carb, low carb, whatever.

The OJ is clearly not working for you, so don't worry about it. That idea came from a decade's old podcast on the herb doctor, where Peat said he drink a liter of OJ every day. Emphasis on he did. That was never suppose to be taken as a recommendation for everyone.

You might need to 86 the milk, too. Depends. Calcium is kinda important, but you can get it from other sources. My main advice to avoid these cringy liquid based diets. ESPECIALLY if it's not working! Find carbs you can digest.
Aug 29, 2020
The Rocky Mountains
Couple things to keep in mind:

- There is—and never have been—a Ray Peat diet. Over the years of learning the bioenergetic way to living, I've come to realize that people who are "peating" tend to be very unhealthy. It's just not practical, but furthermore, he's never recommended it!

- Raising the metabolism and correcting thyroid does NOT mean you can forget about calories in calories out. Nobody can cheat this, ever. There's zero case reports of cheating this. You lose weight by reducing calories, doesn't matter if it's high protein, high carb, low carb, whatever.

The OJ is clearly not working for you, so don't worry about it. That idea came from a decade's old podcast on the herb doctor, where Peat said he drink a liter of OJ every day. Emphasis on he did. That was never suppose to be taken as a recommendation for everyone.

You might need to 86 the milk, too. Depends. Calcium is kinda important, but you can get it from other sources. My main advice to avoid these cringy liquid based diets. ESPECIALLY if it's not working! Find carbs you can digest.

This is good. There is beauty in simplicity. I love this forum, but it tends to overanalyze and overcomplicate things at times.


Feb 22, 2022
Couple things to keep in mind:

- There is—and never have been—a Ray Peat diet. Over the years of learning the bioenergetic way to living, I've come to realize that people who are "peating" tend to be very unhealthy. It's just not practical, but furthermore, he's never recommended it!

- Raising the metabolism and correcting thyroid does NOT mean you can forget about calories in calories out. Nobody can cheat this, ever. There's zero case reports of cheating this. You lose weight by reducing calories, doesn't matter if it's high protein, high carb, low carb, whatever.

The OJ is clearly not working for you, so don't worry about it. That idea came from a decade's old podcast on the herb doctor, where Peat said he drink a liter of OJ every day. Emphasis on he did. That was never suppose to be taken as a recommendation for everyone.

You might need to 86 the milk, too. Depends. Calcium is kinda important, but you can get it from other sources. My main advice to avoid these cringy liquid based diets. ESPECIALLY if it's not working! Find carbs you can digest.
This is good. There is beauty in simplicity. I love this forum, but it tends to overanalyze and overcomplicate things at times.

@DaikonRadish Brother, do not lose hope!


Jun 7, 2016
No I haven't, what would that look like? gelatin, juice and skim milk diet?

yes, but if ones liver is inflamed, how is sugar helping it? fructose and sugar causes me to be itchy, and then I want more sugar like pizza, mexican cokes, and i get a pain in my intestines when drinking Mexican coke. Sugar also gives me bad seborrheic dermatitis. My body is just done for, I also cannot get erections looking at women anymore. all i can try is a diet of skim milk, raw honey, beef liver.tha
It could be fully starch based like potato's and rice, doesn't have to me no muscle meat, just small amounts balanced with geletin like ox tail soup. It's also the ratio with glycine which is important or the amount of calcium like in milk.

Many people do better on starch based when healing the liver because they don't have to eat as often while the liver isn't storing sugar to its full potent.

Have you tried the carrot salad for the bacteria? It's said that the bacteria has worked its way up into the small intestine searching for sugar due to low sugar or starch diet. Cycline and penicillin antibiotics in small short stints could help with bacteria. There are many ways to do things.

Ray has said to be careful mixing cane sugar and starch together because it can cause trouble with the gut bacteria.

If I was you, to start on libido, try aspirin.
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