INCREDIBLE Jack Kruse Interview

Nov 26, 2013
I'd like to hear Gilbert Ling claim DHA displays quantum switching :ss that paper is garbage trash.


Jul 29, 2014
pboy said: perhaps I'm just protected for reasons brian mentioned, I do have a high intake of magnesium, good hormonal levels and use tobacco which is a strong calcium blocker and basically harmonizes the frequency of mind to a large extent. I still say though that even something like estrogenic people in your vicsinity and bad air quality are worse than EMF's. Theres something about nature also, perhaps the air, but also just the connection you get from being within a majestic harmony that is healing, and those probably are more important than EMF's...just feeling like you are more free and your reality not being in threat of pollution or disturbance is a big thing. I also forget that most people have been in an excited state their whole lives and have lost really an intimate ability to sense things, such as PUFA being annoying or a toxin (more just like gunk in your system), but also the fact it comes on fries or chips, the nutrients and them not knowing any better options the body probably sees a net benefit for survival and kind of gives it a pass cause it would rather survive than be stressed or depraved, even if the food is coming with toxins. What I say might seem airy fairy but its very real actually. If you pay attention, its very hard to be in an alpha brain wave state if you have any emotional, spiritual, or mental stress, and if you aren't in an alpha brain wave state its very hard to heal, have insights, realizations, relax, or feel living in a way that keeps your mind and conscience clean is paramount. If I had a choice though to live with EMF around me but good air quality and only people with a sweet vibe around, or have no EMF but low air quality and estrogenic kind of gross or irritating people around, id choose the first option without a doubt. I manage to easily stay in an alpha brain wave state which has to do with frequency and resonance, the very things EMF is said to disturb, even in the presence of its effect if its there isn't too powerful enough to make or break a persons reality alone. I guess it is fair to acknowledge a potential slight effect it might be having, its just like really really small and way in the back burner of important things to pay attention to or worry about considering the circumstances. Using cables is a better option if possible, but also to note, I think the potential goods in having the internet around are a net benefit so its important not to scare people into wanting to live totally like off the grid, but it all depends on what you use it for and are letting into your senses

I actually like this comment pboy, and I definitely appreciate the power of the mind.

But EMF dangers are real. Please be willing to look deeper into the subject.
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Feb 4, 2015
EMF's and other non-food things are important. The more of an urban setting you live in, the more exposure. The further you leave a city, the less. Most people live in cities though and are not willing to live in rural areas just to avoid EMF. It is a complicated subject.

koganmj said:
I will state that I do feel Ray's work, at least how it is being 'translated' on this forum (ie. high-carb, low-fat), is unlikely to be the "light at the end of the tunnel" for the average person. I'm seeing more and more reports across the web of former readers/members of this forum who ended up developing a restrictive eating disorder, which troubles me deeply.

Ah yes, the typical Fat Stone view, "if you're not eating pizza and cheeseburgers, you have an eating disorder."

Please provide links to these "former members" coming out as having an ED. I'd love to read them.

"which troubles me deeply..." Why do you care so much? And why do you actually believe everything someone writes on an internet forum?

koganmj said:
There may not be a Ray Peat diet, but there is definitely a Ray Peat Forum diet.
No there isn't. There are people here who eat very differently from each other.

koganmj said:
I think there is a lot of great information on this forum, and I myself learned s***loads in the year I spent studying here, but I encourage people to 'balance out' their reading of this forum with staying open-minded to Weston Price's findings in Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, the incredible results of Nicholas Gonzalez (sadly recently deceased) in treating cancer with individualized diets, former forum member Edward's blog, and probably Jack Kruse’s work which I will be devouring over the coming months.

This isn't a Weston Price forum. No one cares. If they want WAP they'll go find Sally Fatton. I get it, you're a pro-dietary fat person but I don't get why you feel the need to say it in the way you do because Peat is not anti-fat. He eats a bit of butter daily, and most people here are not anti-fat. If anything, I'm like the only person here who promotes very low fat. As the quote in my signature suggests, Peat is certainly not "eat as much SAFA as you want," but he's also not just strictly "high carb." But I think more of your problem comes from the pro-carb stuff, especially fructose, as when Wack Kruse says "don't eat watermelon because of the fructose."

koganmj said:
Anyway, I'm not really trying to stir up any trouble here, just thought I'd share this with those who are open-minded enough to consider that a gallon of skim milk a day, a quart or two of OJ, generous amounts of sugar, some liver, some gelatin, and thyroid, aspirin and vitamin supplementation is unlikely to be a panacea for most people. Hey, who knows, maybe a year from now I'll think Jack Kruse is an idiot (unlikely). The take home point, however, is never stop learning information from new and old sources alike.

I just don't care what Wack Kruse has to say on anything because I can't take someone serious who says this:

"Make sure breakfast is little to no carbs (less that 50 grams)
LOTS of protein (50-75 grams)
Overweight: limit carbs to 25 grams
Fit: less than 30 carbs"

"NO SNACKING! Snacking destroys timing and circadian clocks that work in unison with Leptin"

"Overweight, large appetite and craving carbs are signs you’re Leptin Resistant."

He also has 8 different "stores:" :lol:



Apr 24, 2015
Westside PUFAs said:
I just don't care what Wack Kruse has to say on anything because I can't take someone serious who says this:

"Make sure breakfast is little to no carbs (less that 50 grams)
LOTS of protein (50-75 grams)
Overweight: limit carbs to 25 grams
Fit: less than 30 carbs"

Try to live and perform in the sport with 30g of carbs you fat **** with double chin.. (Kruse) :rolling


Dec 16, 2014
Westside PUFAs said:
EMF's and other non-food things are important. The more of an urban setting you live in, the more exposure. The further you leave a city, the less. Most people live in cities though and are not willing to live in rural areas just to avoid EMF. It is a complicated subject.

koganmj said:
I will state that I do feel Ray's work, at least how it is being 'translated' on this forum (ie. high-carb, low-fat), is unlikely to be the "light at the end of the tunnel" for the average person. I'm seeing more and more reports across the web of former readers/members of this forum who ended up developing a restrictive eating disorder, which troubles me deeply.

Ah yes, the typical Fat Stone view, "if you're not eating pizza and cheeseburgers, you have an eating disorder."

Please provide links to these "former members" coming out as having an ED. I'd love to read them.

"which troubles me deeply..." Why do you care so much? And why do you actually believe everything someone writes on an internet forum?

koganmj said:
There may not be a Ray Peat diet, but there is definitely a Ray Peat Forum diet.
No there isn't. There are people here who eat very differently from each other.

koganmj said:
I think there is a lot of great information on this forum, and I myself learned s***loads in the year I spent studying here, but I encourage people to 'balance out' their reading of this forum with staying open-minded to Weston Price's findings in Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, the incredible results of Nicholas Gonzalez (sadly recently deceased) in treating cancer with individualized diets, former forum member Edward's blog, and probably Jack Kruse’s work which I will be devouring over the coming months.

This isn't a Weston Price forum. No one cares. If they want WAP they'll go find Sally Fatton. I get it, you're a pro-dietary fat person but I don't get why you feel the need to say it in the way you do because Peat is not anti-fat. He eats a bit of butter daily, and most people here are not anti-fat. If anything, I'm like the only person here who promotes very low fat. As the quote in my signature suggests, Peat is certainly not "eat as much SAFA as you want," but he's also not just strictly "high carb." But I think more of your problem comes from the pro-carb stuff, especially fructose, as when Wack Kruse says "don't eat watermelon because of the fructose."

koganmj said:
Anyway, I'm not really trying to stir up any trouble here, just thought I'd share this with those who are open-minded enough to consider that a gallon of skim milk a day, a quart or two of OJ, generous amounts of sugar, some liver, some gelatin, and thyroid, aspirin and vitamin supplementation is unlikely to be a panacea for most people. Hey, who knows, maybe a year from now I'll think Jack Kruse is an idiot (unlikely). The take home point, however, is never stop learning information from new and old sources alike.

I just don't care what Wack Kruse has to say on anything because I can't take someone serious who says this:

"Make sure breakfast is little to no carbs (less that 50 grams)
LOTS of protein (50-75 grams)
Overweight: limit carbs to 25 grams
Fit: less than 30 carbs"

"NO SNACKING! Snacking destroys timing and circadian clocks that work in unison with Leptin"

"Overweight, large appetite and craving carbs are signs you’re Leptin Resistant."

He also has 8 different "stores:" :lol:


Sometimes you cant help but love this idiot.
I'm on him on this one I'm afraid.


Dec 16, 2014
Westside PUFAs said:
EMF's and other non-food things are important. The more of an urban setting you live in, the more exposure. The further you leave a city, the less. Most people live in cities though and are not willing to live in rural areas just to avoid EMF. It is a complicated subject.

koganmj said:
I will state that I do feel Ray's work, at least how it is being 'translated' on this forum (ie. high-carb, low-fat), is unlikely to be the "light at the end of the tunnel" for the average person. I'm seeing more and more reports across the web of former readers/members of this forum who ended up developing a restrictive eating disorder, which troubles me deeply.

Ah yes, the typical Fat Stone view, "if you're not eating pizza and cheeseburgers, you have an eating disorder."

Please provide links to these "former members" coming out as having an ED. I'd love to read them.

"which troubles me deeply..." Why do you care so much? And why do you actually believe everything someone writes on an internet forum?

koganmj said:
There may not be a Ray Peat diet, but there is definitely a Ray Peat Forum diet.
No there isn't. There are people here who eat very differently from each other.

koganmj said:
I think there is a lot of great information on this forum, and I myself learned s***loads in the year I spent studying here, but I encourage people to 'balance out' their reading of this forum with staying open-minded to Weston Price's findings in Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, the incredible results of Nicholas Gonzalez (sadly recently deceased) in treating cancer with individualized diets, former forum member Edward's blog, and probably Jack Kruse’s work which I will be devouring over the coming months.

This isn't a Weston Price forum. No one cares. If they want WAP they'll go find Sally Fatton. I get it, you're a pro-dietary fat person but I don't get why you feel the need to say it in the way you do because Peat is not anti-fat. He eats a bit of butter daily, and most people here are not anti-fat. If anything, I'm like the only person here who promotes very low fat. As the quote in my signature suggests, Peat is certainly not "eat as much SAFA as you want," but he's also not just strictly "high carb." But I think more of your problem comes from the pro-carb stuff, especially fructose, as when Wack Kruse says "don't eat watermelon because of the fructose."

koganmj said:
Anyway, I'm not really trying to stir up any trouble here, just thought I'd share this with those who are open-minded enough to consider that a gallon of skim milk a day, a quart or two of OJ, generous amounts of sugar, some liver, some gelatin, and thyroid, aspirin and vitamin supplementation is unlikely to be a panacea for most people. Hey, who knows, maybe a year from now I'll think Jack Kruse is an idiot (unlikely). The take home point, however, is never stop learning information from new and old sources alike.

I just don't care what Wack Kruse has to say on anything because I can't take someone serious who says this:

"Make sure breakfast is little to no carbs (less that 50 grams)
LOTS of protein (50-75 grams)
Overweight: limit carbs to 25 grams
Fit: less than 30 carbs"

"NO SNACKING! Snacking destroys timing and circadian clocks that work in unison with Leptin"

"Overweight, large appetite and craving carbs are signs you’re Leptin Resistant."

He also has 8 different "stores:" :lol:


Sometimes you cant help but love this idiot.
I'm with him on this one I'm afraid.
Feb 4, 2015
XPlus said:
Sometimes you cant help but love this idiot.
I'm with him on this one I'm afraid.

Name calling/putting down is against forum rules. Somehow, the rules don't apply to people when they're broken towards me.
Nov 26, 2013
Westside PUFAs said:
XPlus said:
Sometimes you cant help but love this idiot.
I'm with him on this one I'm afraid.

Name calling/putting down is against forum rules. Somehow, the rules don't apply to people when they're broken towards me.

Weren't you referring to me as Much_Masturbation a while back? Of course the posts are gone :cool:
Feb 4, 2015
Yes, I apologize. But that wasn't really me, it was just my high serotonin at the time. I then got a punishment of a 2 week ban. XPlus should get at least a week ban because he's also called me a "toothless puff."


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Guys guys, please. :?

Westside has come a long ways and I actually look forward to what he has to say now. Not that I agree with everything, but he does his work and puts a lot of effort into his posts. He might slip up and regress a bit sometimes but his progress is quite impressive and I commend him on that. :hattip

And talking about Kruse the way some of you do, its pretty embarrassing. And you guys are the ones screaming keep it Peaty all the time. However, when I listen to Peat in radio interviews he is nothing like this. :oops:
Nov 26, 2013
Charlie, with all respect, silent bans do not exactly induce a climate of maturity :ss


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Such_Saturation said:
Charlie, with all respect, silent bans do not exactly induce a climate of maturity :ss
No where do I see it written that its common practice to announce bans, only from you, oh and your bud narouz. ;)


Jan 22, 2013
lets just consider the forum hiccups as a time we are all in time out and have paid our dues, now we all reset, no biggie


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
oooh i like reset. :D


Jan 22, 2013
lets just consider the forum hiccups as a time we are all in time out and have paid our dues, now we all reset, no biggie

and yea like wheaty P said, its very easy in this day and age to occasionally have higher estrogen or serotonin at times, so you gotta be understanding of people. I never take things personally unless I re read what I said and did realize it was unduely harsh and then I try to apologize asap. Or another approach is just don't post if you aren't in a good mood, lol. Ive gotten much better over the years obviously at not letting myself ever get into such a state, but admittedly its kinda hard to do and requires focus all day every day in what you do until it becomes a comfortable rythmn

though...besides island girl, it seems the girls are way better at this than us, lol, which is always a comforting thing to witness

on a related note, I read a study recently actually that shows how male rats (or mice) would produce high serotonin based on their 'rank', which of course the study saw as a good when Peat laughed and scoffed at survival of the fittest really being survival of the meanest and most aggressive, but female mice don't actually produce extra serotonin...if they take the males out, and even tho the females sorta seemed to form a hierarchy, they all still had the same, much lower, levels of serotonin. ITS NOT FAIIRIRR!!! but actually its amazing, and I'm glad

you can sorta see this play out amongst online forums or anything, when guys feel endowed or think they are more of a boss at things they'll tend to aggressively defend their position against the 'noobs' or 'lessers', you don't really see that amongst girls. Its kinds something as a guy you gotta train out of yourself. I have a feeling progesterone is what protects against this happening
Nov 26, 2013
Charlie said:
Such_Saturation said:
Charlie, with all respect, silent bans do not exactly induce a climate of maturity :ss
No where do I see it written that its common practice to announce bans, only from you, oh and your bud narouz. ;)

I've never seen another forum which list a banned user as "Registered User". This to me indicates more of a choice than a chance, especially since the topic is being avoided.
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Thats the way it was set up, I have no problem with the way its set up so I am gonna run with that.

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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