Is There A Safe Way To Reverse Cavities?


Sep 26, 2020
Good dental health in general depends on overall health. Check your thyroid levels. Haidut mentioned that T3 levels correlate with tooth health in a podcast if I remember correctly.

Keep a high calcium to phosphorus ratio
Supplement with vitamin D, and vitamin K2 (MK4) try 10,000 to 20,000 mcg per day
Always swish your mouth with water after eating or drinking (especially important after sugar)

Vitamin K2 will remineralize your teeth, but if the cavity is too big, i'd just go to the dentist. Small cavities can be reversed.

Can you tell us what you have tried that hasn't worked?


Jun 25, 2017
I've heard mention of a (sweet) grape juice fast. Precede with an iodine/iodide rinse to sterilize mouth (should stay that way for at least a few days after a rinse). After, eat only sweet grapes. Don't even brush teeth (hence grapes needing to be sweet). Keep saliva flowing.

I've heard mention of vitamin K2. Eliminating refined sugars and grains, phytates, and processed/junk foods. 1 : 1 : 1 calcium:phosphorus:magnesium, sufficient PRAL score, meet all RDAs, and ~100 mcg vitamin K2 MK-7. 1 mg+ vitamin K2 MK-4 at least every 4 hours to keep serum replenished. Rinse with something for 20 minutes before bed (oil pulling, some remineralizing formula, etc). Sustained-release melatonin. Vitamin D3 in the AM. Keep saliva flowing.


Sep 18, 2016
Sorry for not writing my regime. I am oil pulling twice daily (coconut oil of course). Brushing after both times, one regular and one with the blotting method. I also have been supplementing pretty much all vitamins including Vitamin D and K2. Drink a lot of milk as well. Are there any safe way to treat it at the dentists? Have heard some scary things in the past from other people I think
Apr 22, 2019
The common answer is vitamins A, D, K2, but I believe jt's much more complicated than this.

While it's necessary to have these fat soluble vitamins on board to ensure proper calcium utilization, overall health has to be improving as well just as @MaxVerstappen mentioned, which can be measured by improvement in all things directly related to thyroid.

I've had many cavities, got three of them filled but stopped at the rest because the whole experience was just such a setback. Even years ago when I thought that teeth are like rocks that keep degrading I still knew enough to quit getting those stupid amalgam fillings because it was such an exhaustive experience that carried on for months. Turns out just about any filling material is dangerous as long as it's electrically conductive, much less if it poisons your brain like mercury.

So... Gut health. I've gone through periods of high tooth sensitivity to no tooth sensitivity within 8 hours depending on diet fluctuations and enema experiences. I mean literally there was a few times when I was on the toilet that tooth discomfort completely dissipated as if it just fell from the attic into the cemetery. Soft spots on problematic teeth hardened within hours and the gums felt much stronger too... The two go hand in hand, of course.

If candida is overgrown in the small intestine, similar species will appear in the mouth. Those species will steal complex sugar as food, spit out acid as a by-product, and then the calcium buffer on the enamel of the teeth gets worn down. Even if you clean your mouth thoroughly immediately after eating, tooth sensitivity will still persist if the small intestine is in a state of severe dysbiosis. Colon cleansing gives relief as it naturally pulls the contents of the intestine downward, but the cleansing of the small intestine is what (seems to me based on anecdote) allows teeth to remineralize.

Loren Lockman told a story somewhere about how he had several cavities disappear after his excessive fasting experiences. On the same token, I've heard people mention that they mysteriously had cavities shrink or disappear entirely in addition to fillings being pushed out of the teeth after fixing their diet, namely by restoring the gut with bone broth and whole-food vitamin C.

So my guess is that restoring gastrointestinal integrity will heal the mouth (the mouth is the first part of the anus from a biological perspective, after all)... And this can be done by cutting inflammatory garbage, fasting, and/or using collagen, vitamin C, and I suppose glutamine should have an honorable mention here.

Complex and processed sugars definitely cause tooth grief, but I've had very little issue with sub-acidic fruits such as grapes, apples, pears, etc.

Nowadays I have 2% tooth discomfort whenever I don't brush for 12 hours after eating complex or processed sugars. I've had at least two fillings pop out and multiple cavities have shrank and others ceased to progress after I fixed my problem of SIBO... Which was done by using castor oil, turpentine, milk, fruit, and a few simple water enemas as needed.

The point is that if your small intestine is clear, your mouth will repair.

Thanks to the Quax podcast, I've been brushing my teeth with bar soap made from a base of coconut, olive, or palm oil and it's so much better than fluoride paste or clay powder. Some details including that recommendation are listed on this page:


Sep 6, 2020
Thanks to the Quax podcast, I've been brushing my teeth with bar soap made from a base of coconut, olive, or palm oil and it's so much better than fluoride paste or clay powder. Some details including that recommendation are listed on this page:

@Twohandsondeck Can you tell us what bar soap you're using? Does it need a specific ingredient? I know for example that it shouldn't have glycerin in it, which rules out the bar soap I use in the shower. If something as simple as saponified coconut oil works, that would be great, but I'm not sure if it needs some other ingredient in particular.
Apr 22, 2019
Can you tell us what bar soap you're using? Does it need a specific ingredient? I know for example that it shouldn't have glycerin in it, which rules out the bar soap I use in the shower. If something as simple as saponified coconut oil works, that would be great, but I'm not sure if it needs some other ingredient in particular.

I wish I could give you more specifics on the quality of the soap, but I get it from a family friend who just sells locally here at a flea market. According to a handout I have from her, it only mentions the varied plant fats and essential oils that are added to the bar. Frankly I don't know much of anything about making soap, just enough to know that the less ingredients the better and that the biggest selling conventional products are made with toxic animal fat and teeming with estrogen in addition to who knows what else.

If you go down to your local health food store and can find a bar of something as minimally processed as is available... Even if it's 3x the price of a usual bar of soap, if you use it for your teeth, it'll last you 5x longer than any given tub of paste or clay. If everyone did it, the toothpaste industry would be out of business in 6 months.


Sep 6, 2020
I wish I could give you more specifics on the quality of the soap, but I get it from a family friend who just sells locally here at a flea market. According to a handout I have from her, it only mentions the varied plant fats and essential oils that are added to the bar. Frankly I don't know much of anything about making soap, just enough to know that the less ingredients the better and that the biggest selling conventional products are made with toxic animal fat and teeming with estrogen in addition to who knows what else.

If you go down to your local health food store and can find a bar of something as minimally processed as is available... Even if it's 3x the price of a usual bar of soap, if you use it for your teeth, it'll last you 5x longer than any given tub of paste or clay. If everyone did it, the toothpaste industry would be out of business in 6 months.

Thanks, some basic saponified fat, without glycerin, probably works then. One thing to note, I think some people have mentioned Ivory soap works well, and Ivory uses beef tallow, so animal fats probably work fine. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if animal fats were one of the primary ways for hunter gatherers to keep their mouths clean.


Sep 18, 2016
The common answer is vitamins A, D, K2, but I believe jt's much more complicated than this.

While it's necessary to have these fat soluble vitamins on board to ensure proper calcium utilization, overall health has to be improving as well just as @MaxVerstappen mentioned, which can be measured by improvement in all things directly related to thyroid.

I've had many cavities, got three of them filled but stopped at the rest because the whole experience was just such a setback. Even years ago when I thought that teeth are like rocks that keep degrading I still knew enough to quit getting those stupid amalgam fillings because it was such an exhaustive experience that carried on for months. Turns out just about any filling material is dangerous as long as it's electrically conductive, much less if it poisons your brain like mercury.

So... Gut health. I've gone through periods of high tooth sensitivity to no tooth sensitivity within 8 hours depending on diet fluctuations and enema experiences. I mean literally there was a few times when I was on the toilet that tooth discomfort completely dissipated as if it just fell from the attic into the cemetery. Soft spots on problematic teeth hardened within hours and the gums felt much stronger too... The two go hand in hand, of course.

If candida is overgrown in the small intestine, similar species will appear in the mouth. Those species will steal complex sugar as food, spit out acid as a by-product, and then the calcium buffer on the enamel of the teeth gets worn down. Even if you clean your mouth thoroughly immediately after eating, tooth sensitivity will still persist if the small intestine is in a state of severe dysbiosis. Colon cleansing gives relief as it naturally pulls the contents of the intestine downward, but the cleansing of the small intestine is what (seems to me based on anecdote) allows teeth to remineralize.

Loren Lockman told a story somewhere about how he had several cavities disappear after his excessive fasting experiences. On the same token, I've heard people mention that they mysteriously had cavities shrink or disappear entirely in addition to fillings being pushed out of the teeth after fixing their diet, namely by restoring the gut with bone broth and whole-food vitamin C.

So my guess is that restoring gastrointestinal integrity will heal the mouth (the mouth is the first part of the anus from a biological perspective, after all)... And this can be done by cutting inflammatory garbage, fasting, and/or using collagen, vitamin C, and I suppose glutamine should have an honorable mention here.

Complex and processed sugars definitely cause tooth grief, but I've had very little issue with sub-acidic fruits such as grapes, apples, pears, etc.

Nowadays I have 2% tooth discomfort whenever I don't brush for 12 hours after eating complex or processed sugars. I've had at least two fillings pop out and multiple cavities have shrank and others ceased to progress after I fixed my problem of SIBO... Which was done by using castor oil, turpentine, milk, fruit, and a few simple water enemas as needed.

The point is that if your small intestine is clear, your mouth will repair.

Thanks to the Quax podcast, I've been brushing my teeth with bar soap made from a base of coconut, olive, or palm oil and it's so much better than fluoride paste or clay powder. Some details including that recommendation are listed on this page:
Thanks, I am not sure about my bacterial overgroth, but I drink bone broth every night and I take several grams of Vitamin C daily. I was defficient in Vitamin D for a while, but my levels are good now.
Oct 8, 2016
Colorado, USA
The common answer is vitamins A, D, K2, but I believe jt's much more complicated than this.

While it's necessary to have these fat soluble vitamins on board to ensure proper calcium utilization, overall health has to be improving as well just as @MaxVerstappen mentioned, which can be measured by improvement in all things directly related to thyroid.

I've had many cavities, got three of them filled but stopped at the rest because the whole experience was just such a setback. Even years ago when I thought that teeth are like rocks that keep degrading I still knew enough to quit getting those stupid amalgam fillings because it was such an exhaustive experience that carried on for months. Turns out just about any filling material is dangerous as long as it's electrically conductive, much less if it poisons your brain like mercury.

So... Gut health. I've gone through periods of high tooth sensitivity to no tooth sensitivity within 8 hours depending on diet fluctuations and enema experiences. I mean literally there was a few times when I was on the toilet that tooth discomfort completely dissipated as if it just fell from the attic into the cemetery. Soft spots on problematic teeth hardened within hours and the gums felt much stronger too... The two go hand in hand, of course.

If candida is overgrown in the small intestine, similar species will appear in the mouth. Those species will steal complex sugar as food, spit out acid as a by-product, and then the calcium buffer on the enamel of the teeth gets worn down. Even if you clean your mouth thoroughly immediately after eating, tooth sensitivity will still persist if the small intestine is in a state of severe dysbiosis. Colon cleansing gives relief as it naturally pulls the contents of the intestine downward, but the cleansing of the small intestine is what (seems to me based on anecdote) allows teeth to remineralize.

Loren Lockman told a story somewhere about how he had several cavities disappear after his excessive fasting experiences. On the same token, I've heard people mention that they mysteriously had cavities shrink or disappear entirely in addition to fillings being pushed out of the teeth after fixing their diet, namely by restoring the gut with bone broth and whole-food vitamin C.

So my guess is that restoring gastrointestinal integrity will heal the mouth (the mouth is the first part of the anus from a biological perspective, after all)... And this can be done by cutting inflammatory garbage, fasting, and/or using collagen, vitamin C, and I suppose glutamine should have an honorable mention here.

Complex and processed sugars definitely cause tooth grief, but I've had very little issue with sub-acidic fruits such as grapes, apples, pears, etc.

Nowadays I have 2% tooth discomfort whenever I don't brush for 12 hours after eating complex or processed sugars. I've had at least two fillings pop out and multiple cavities have shrank and others ceased to progress after I fixed my problem of SIBO... Which was done by using castor oil, turpentine, milk, fruit, and a few simple water enemas as needed.

The point is that if your small intestine is clear, your mouth will repair.

Thanks to the Quax podcast, I've been brushing my teeth with bar soap made from a base of coconut, olive, or palm oil and it's so much better than fluoride paste or clay powder. Some details including that recommendation are listed on this page:

Great post. I will keep this in mind.


Sep 23, 2020
The common answer is vitamins A, D, K2, but I believe jt's much more complicated than this.

While it's necessary to have these fat soluble vitamins on board to ensure proper calcium utilization, overall health has to be improving as well just as @MaxVerstappen mentioned, which can be measured by improvement in all things directly related to thyroid.

I've had many cavities, got three of them filled but stopped at the rest because the whole experience was just such a setback. Even years ago when I thought that teeth are like rocks that keep degrading I still knew enough to quit getting those stupid amalgam fillings because it was such an exhaustive experience that carried on for months. Turns out just about any filling material is dangerous as long as it's electrically conductive, much less if it poisons your brain like mercury.

So... Gut health. I've gone through periods of high tooth sensitivity to no tooth sensitivity within 8 hours depending on diet fluctuations and enema experiences. I mean literally there was a few times when I was on the toilet that tooth discomfort completely dissipated as if it just fell from the attic into the cemetery. Soft spots on problematic teeth hardened within hours and the gums felt much stronger too... The two go hand in hand, of course.

If candida is overgrown in the small intestine, similar species will appear in the mouth. Those species will steal complex sugar as food, spit out acid as a by-product, and then the calcium buffer on the enamel of the teeth gets worn down. Even if you clean your mouth thoroughly immediately after eating, tooth sensitivity will still persist if the small intestine is in a state of severe dysbiosis. Colon cleansing gives relief as it naturally pulls the contents of the intestine downward, but the cleansing of the small intestine is what (seems to me based on anecdote) allows teeth to remineralize.

Loren Lockman told a story somewhere about how he had several cavities disappear after his excessive fasting experiences. On the same token, I've heard people mention that they mysteriously had cavities shrink or disappear entirely in addition to fillings being pushed out of the teeth after fixing their diet, namely by restoring the gut with bone broth and whole-food vitamin C.

So my guess is that restoring gastrointestinal integrity will heal the mouth (the mouth is the first part of the anus from a biological perspective, after all)... And this can be done by cutting inflammatory garbage, fasting, and/or using collagen, vitamin C, and I suppose glutamine should have an honorable mention here.

Complex and processed sugars definitely cause tooth grief, but I've had very little issue with sub-acidic fruits such as grapes, apples, pears, etc.

Nowadays I have 2% tooth discomfort whenever I don't brush for 12 hours after eating complex or processed sugars. I've had at least two fillings pop out and multiple cavities have shrank and others ceased to progress after I fixed my problem of SIBO... Which was done by using castor oil, turpentine, milk, fruit, and a few simple water enemas as needed.

The point is that if your small intestine is clear, your mouth will repair.

Thanks to the Quax podcast, I've been brushing my teeth with bar soap made from a base of coconut, olive, or palm oil and it's so much better than fluoride paste or clay powder. Some details including that recommendation are listed on this page:
Hey this is really interesting, I have enamel that had been declining due to poor gut health and SIBO all as result of trying carnivore diet for too long and damaged gut and thyroid, Adrenals and so am suffering insomnia etc too. So how did you use castor oil etc to clear up SIBO, Im new to forum and have just started Rays ProgestE and am on some of the products from idea labs. Im doing broths etc too.
Apr 22, 2019
Hey this is really interesting, I have enamel that had been declining due to poor gut health and SIBO all as result of trying carnivore diet for too long and damaged gut and thyroid, Adrenals and so am suffering insomnia etc too. So how did you use castor oil etc to clear up SIBO, Im new to forum and have just started Rays ProgestE and am on some of the products from idea labs. Im doing broths etc too.

Sure, yeah.

Antifungal herbs combined with strictly raw fruit and vegetable diets (for a short time, really shouldn't need to do this more than a month at the maximum) can serve to clean up a big portion of problematic critters. Black walnut hull and clove worked great for me. Wormwood, whole black walnuts, and raw pumpkin seeds also carry benefit for this.

For the remainder/deeper rooted fungal problems, a simple 1/4cup of castor oil mixed with 1 teaspoon of 100% pure gum spirits of turpentine taken in the morning will rattle your foundation. Great things will come out and you'll feel incredible the following day.

I mention these things here with a little more information:
The Most OVERLOOKED Peat Quote

Excessive bowel movements that come with intestinal cleansing are very depleting and stressful to the body. For this reason I would recommend catering to your adrenal glands afterward by using whole food vitamin C, magnesium, salt, etc. The adrenal glands need just about everything else that the body needs, but what I learned in my hardship is that the adrenal glands house 95% of the vitamin C of the body... And so vitamin C replenishment is crucial to reinstate the adrenals after these rounds of cleansing periods. Oranges and fruit juice just isn't enough. Don't bother with ascorbic acid, either. Acerola cherry and camu camu fruit pulp powder work great.

I addressed what I learned about adrenal fatigue and offered solutions in the second half of this post:
Don't Eat X, But Eat More Calories

The final kicker was milk fasting with a small bit of fruit in the middle of the day and some insoluble fiber. This should not be attempted until the bowel movements do not smell and when the tongue is clean. 3 bowel movements a day are a minimum when drinking a cup of milk every half hour in order to prevent an inflammatory response from milk protein clogging the system. This can be done with basic water enemas if a person is so motivated and able.

The "milch regimen" must be strict or else it can cause symptom relapse quickly... But it's the only thing that finally fixed my SIBO problem. [My vague hypothesis is that] there are some species that will die to herbs and be expelled... But there are other species which will shell-up and burrow deeper when they're attacked and starved for food. Milk fasting gives these guys an incentive to leave their shell where the immune system can finally help them to leave the canal. By saturating the intestines with lactose, the bacteria in the upper intestine which are supposed to be in the lower intestine will migrate back to the lower intestine. Also, lactose is a slow-digesting sugar which feeds colonic bacteria favorably to reestablish total gut health. There's much to be said about this part. It was a gift of God for me when I found this lengthy post courtesy of @Amazoniac detailing this protocol from the early 1900s:

"When A Turk's Bowels Move Less Than Three Times A Day, He Consults A Physician."


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Going for a light walk while chewing gum is a nice combination after a meal, both should improve digestion.

Chewing gum increases flow and base concentration of saliva, helps to remove stuck debris and clear plaque acids, and encourage remineralization. The gum can't contain regular sweeteners, here they used xylitol Trident:

- Effects of Salivary Bicarbonate Content and Film Velocity on pH Changes in an Artificial Plaque Containing Streptococcus oralis, After Exposure to Sucrose


- The bicarbonate concentration in human saliva does not exceed the plasma level under normal physiological conditions
- Acid Neutralizing Capacity of Human Saliva
- Factors affecting intra-oral pH - a review

Baking soda in water may be used, but sometimes it's not accessible and it won't stimulate digestion like chewing.

I doubt that this is alone suffices, but it can be one step on the right direction (wasn't intentional).

Thanks to the Quax podcast
Last edited:


Sep 23, 2020
Sure, yeah.

Antifungal herbs combined with strictly raw fruit and vegetable diets (for a short time, really shouldn't need to do this more than a month at the maximum) can serve to clean up a big portion of problematic critters. Black walnut hull and clove worked great for me. Wormwood, whole black walnuts, and raw pumpkin seeds also carry benefit for this.

For the remainder/deeper rooted fungal problems, a simple 1/4cup of castor oil mixed with 1 teaspoon of 100% pure gum spirits of turpentine taken in the morning will rattle your foundation. Great things will come out and you'll feel incredible the following day.

I mention these things here with a little more information:
The Most OVERLOOKED Peat Quote

Excessive bowel movements that come with intestinal cleansing are very depleting and stressful to the body. For this reason I would recommend catering to your adrenal glands afterward by using whole food vitamin C, magnesium, salt, etc. The adrenal glands need just about everything else that the body needs, but what I learned in my hardship is that the adrenal glands house 95% of the vitamin C of the body... And so vitamin C replenishment is crucial to reinstate the adrenals after these rounds of cleansing periods. Oranges and fruit juice just isn't enough. Don't bother with ascorbic acid, either. Acerola cherry and camu camu fruit pulp powder work great.

I addressed what I learned about adrenal fatigue and offered solutions in the second half of this post:
Don't Eat X, But Eat More Calories

The final kicker was milk fasting with a small bit of fruit in the middle of the day and some insoluble fiber. This should not be attempted until the bowel movements do not smell and when the tongue is clean. 3 bowel movements a day are a minimum when drinking a cup of milk every half hour in order to prevent an inflammatory response from milk protein clogging the system. This can be done with basic water enemas if a person is so motivated and able.

The "milch regimen" must be strict or else it can cause symptom relapse quickly... But it's the only thing that finally fixed my SIBO problem. [My vague hypothesis is that] there are some species that will die to herbs and be expelled... But there are other species which will shell-up and burrow deeper when they're attacked and starved for food. Milk fasting gives these guys an incentive to leave their shell where the immune system can finally help them to leave the canal. By saturating the intestines with lactose, the bacteria in the upper intestine which are supposed to be in the lower intestine will migrate back to the lower intestine. Also, lactose is a slow-digesting sugar which feeds colonic bacteria favorably to reestablish total gut health. There's much to be said about this part. It was a gift of God for me when I found this lengthy post courtesy of @Amazoniac detailing this protocol from the early 1900s:

"When A Turk's Bowels Move Less Than Three Times A Day, He Consults A Physician."
Wow thats a fantastic help, thanks so much, will do it. Yes I have a very overloaded liver due to being awake all night quite regularly and feel the inflammation some times and yes bowel motions have been smelly for a long while and Ive tried a few parasite cleanses and they really help but like your experience, they come back out!
Recently I did 3 liver flushes in a row and the first 2 I felt amazing for a week, slept so good each night then on the 3rd I totally crashed the next day and now I understand why. I depleted the magnesium and sodium plus vitC! Im totally blown away with how different I feel on the progestE, its like someones plugged me in and charged me up .. .before I felt like I had a flat battery!

Will this bring up thyroid too or are ppl taking some T3 or something when thyroid is so low?
Apr 22, 2019
Will this bring up thyroid too or are ppl taking some T3 or something when thyroid is so low?

In my opinion, NDT or prescription thyroid medication should be the last therapeutic option that most people should tamper with. I dabbled with NDT before finally correcting my gut with the milch regimen and it did provided little favor. There was a spontaneous, momentary remission of my problem of psoriasis but was quickly followed by a crash and even inflammatory symptoms when messing with the stuff again a couple weeks later.

In my view, the thyroid is certainly the centerpiece organ to acquiesce if there were such an organ that ought to take precedence, but directly stimulating it's action by taking T3, NDT, etc, will cause a higher metabolic demand from the entire body... Which, when a person already has a damaged metabolism... Is going to worsen their problems.

Thyroid medication definitely seems to be like icing on the cake but this forum often talks about it like it's the flour that the cake is made out of. Taking thyroid and then trying to supply extra nutrition when your body can't even process it fast enough in the first place without a metabolic stimulant is the equivalent of working from the front to the back instead of from the back to the front.

First of all if a person has gut dysbiosis, SIBO, parasites, fungal infestation, whatever... that needs to be dealt with. These are giant speedbumps for every step of metabolism... They trigger the immune system, steal nutrients, and cause chaos. Health will never be restored as long as these obstructions are hanging out. Some can be killed, some need to be fed and then expelled as mentioned before.

Then comes the adrenal glands. They are the first in last out of the body if there were such a thing. If they don't work, basically every corner of the body becomes stressed. Blood sugar regulation, stomach acid production, hormone regulation, neurotransmitter production, iron utilization, and liver glycogen storage capacity is in the dumpster if the adrenals are in rough shape. Vitamin C, salt, zinc, magnesium help this. B-vitamins and amino acids are also a great aid, hence so many people craving meat all the time because meat is basically an adrenal tonic. The adrenals need basically everything because they are basically always being used. Sad? Mad? EMF exposure? Car accident? Dehydrated? Fever? Adrenals are always reacting to these things.

Fixing the adrenals allows the liver to retain sugar again. The liver uses sugar to run it's enzymatic processes. Of course the liver is so complicated... Builds proteins, breaks proteins, makes hormones, detoxes hormones, stores sugar, handles fat, etc etc... At the very least we know that the liver needs to work in order for the thyroid to come back online.

Fixing the liver then allows the thyroid to regain ground... And the thyroid, similar to the adrenals, has a hand in all processes of the body because of how it regulates energy expenditure of all cells.

It's like... We acutely bomb our adrenals with stress of diet and lifestyle and then the thyroid adapts to chronic (repeatedly acute) bombings by slowing down the thyroid... But if we fix the organs that suffered in the order that they were traumatized, the thyroid has a great chance of coming back to health.

Do people need NDT to optimize their thyroid function after a lifetime of stupid stressors and ignorant decisions? Probably. Should they take it before addressing every other regulatory organ of the body? I don't think so.

And while I believe they are the primary triangle, it's not just about the adrenals, liver, and thyroid. There's much to be said about the kidneys, spleen, bladder, skin, etc. All have their respective nutrients that they need in order to come back to stability. Exogenous hormones are cool and fun and give immediate effect, but if we can't produce them as needed from our own body, then I'm of the opinion that this is something which should continually addressed until the structure stands on it's own without such exact interventions to an otherwise quantum phenomenon we're walking around as.

To answer your question... Fixing your gut will PROBABLY (99.9%) bring up your thyroid lol


Sep 23, 2020
In my opinion, NDT or prescription thyroid medication should be the last therapeutic option that most people should tamper with. I dabbled with NDT before finally correcting my gut with the milch regimen and it did provided little favor. There was a spontaneous, momentary remission of my problem of psoriasis but was quickly followed by a crash and even inflammatory symptoms when messing with the stuff again a couple weeks later.

In my view, the thyroid is certainly the centerpiece organ to acquiesce if there were such an organ that ought to take precedence, but directly stimulating it's action by taking T3, NDT, etc, will cause a higher metabolic demand from the entire body... Which, when a person already has a damaged metabolism... Is going to worsen their problems.

Thyroid medication definitely seems to be like icing on the cake but this forum often talks about it like it's the flour that the cake is made out of. Taking thyroid and then trying to supply extra nutrition when your body can't even process it fast enough in the first place without a metabolic stimulant is the equivalent of working from the front to the back instead of from the back to the front.

First of all if a person has gut dysbiosis, SIBO, parasites, fungal infestation, whatever... that needs to be dealt with. These are giant speedbumps for every step of metabolism... They trigger the immune system, steal nutrients, and cause chaos. Health will never be restored as long as these obstructions are hanging out. Some can be killed, some need to be fed and then expelled as mentioned before.

Then comes the adrenal glands. They are the first in last out of the body if there were such a thing. If they don't work, basically every corner of the body becomes stressed. Blood sugar regulation, stomach acid production, hormone regulation, neurotransmitter production, iron utilization, and liver glycogen storage capacity is in the dumpster if the adrenals are in rough shape. Vitamin C, salt, zinc, magnesium help this. B-vitamins and amino acids are also a great aid, hence so many people craving meat all the time because meat is basically an adrenal tonic. The adrenals need basically everything because they are basically always being used. Sad? Mad? EMF exposure? Car accident? Dehydrated? Fever? Adrenals are always reacting to these things.

Fixing the adrenals allows the liver to retain sugar again. The liver uses sugar to run it's enzymatic processes. Of course the liver is so complicated... Builds proteins, breaks proteins, makes hormones, detoxes hormones, stores sugar, handles fat, etc etc... At the very least we know that the liver needs to work in order for the thyroid to come back online.

Fixing the liver then allows the thyroid to regain ground... And the thyroid, similar to the adrenals, has a hand in all processes of the body because of how it regulates energy expenditure of all cells.

It's like... We acutely bomb our adrenals with stress of diet and lifestyle and then the thyroid adapts to chronic (repeatedly acute) bombings by slowing down the thyroid... But if we fix the organs that suffered in the order that they were traumatized, the thyroid has a great chance of coming back to health.

Do people need NDT to optimize their thyroid function after a lifetime of stupid stressors and ignorant decisions? Probably. Should they take it before addressing every other regulatory organ of the body? I don't think so.

And while I believe they are the primary triangle, it's not just about the adrenals, liver, and thyroid. There's much to be said about the kidneys, spleen, bladder, skin, etc. All have their respective nutrients that they need in order to come back to stability. Exogenous hormones are cool and fun and give immediate effect, but if we can't produce them as needed from our own body, then I'm of the opinion that this is something which should continually addressed until the structure stands on it's own without such exact interventions to an otherwise quantum phenomenon we're walking around as.

To answer your question... Fixing your gut will PROBABLY (99.9%) bring up your thyroid lol
Wow amazing helpful answer, thankyou and I totally get it, really appreciate the descriptive answer now it gives me a better much clearer plan of action. Yes you are right because I did MB for nearly 2 weeks and felt amazing but think it stimulated a low system and yes I got a crash! My liver is really overloaded and I can see my eyes are dull from the overload. Si yes I have the symptoms you describe, so will work on adrenals to come up. Suggestion on bringing up liver without doing full on flushing, that was too harsh on my system. I eat a very clean diet and follow the Peat regimes and just not able to do milk much due to gut so need high calcium from easier source but as my gut comes up I will be able too, I love milk. I guess I just need to do smaller amounts.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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