Issues After Working Out, And Body Problems, Need Help



I barely do cardio but I enjoy doing light lifting and pushups until failure. After that i have problems sleeping and get very depressed and irritable and have issues catching my breath. I eat plenty of beef, milk, eggs and juice so its not a calorie or nutrition issue. Ive made a lot of topics about my health and have tried so many types of diets but nothing is improving. I can put on muscle easily but my stomach and chest water/fat seem to be there no matter what. Is my metabolism or cns damaged? Thyroid or adrenals? Cortisol issues?


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
I barely do cardio but I enjoy doing light lifting and pushups until failure. After that i have problems sleeping and get very depressed and irritable and have issues catching my breath. I eat plenty of beef, milk, eggs and juice so its not a calorie or nutrition issue. Ive made a lot of topics about my health and have tried so many types of diets but nothing is improving. I can put on muscle easily but my stomach and chest water/fat seem to be there no matter what. Is my metabolism or cns damaged? Thyroid or adrenals? Cortisol issues?
Have you had any bloods done?
Have you tried supplements in the past such as large doses vitamin B1, biotin and magnesium? It sounds as if your glucose oxidation isn't optimal. Any exertion leads to lactate wasting and low CO2.
Do you have digestive issues?


Yeah bloodwork has been normal, my testosterone goes anywhere from mid 200s to mid 500s, only bad thing is high ferritin but ive been giving blood. Ive tried all those supplements and nothing really changes, get stomach pain when i eat cane sugar and fruit but not juice, i cant handle caffeine. What can i do about fixing the glucose and co2 problem?


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Yeah bloodwork has been normal, my testosterone goes anywhere from mid 200s to mid 500s, only bad thing is high ferritin but ive been giving blood. Ive tried all those supplements and nothing really changes, get stomach pain when i eat cane sugar and fruit but not juice, i cant handle caffeine. What can i do about fixing the glucose and co2 problem?
High ferritin can be due to inflammation, low ceruloplasmin or just excess stores. I'd test ceruloplasmin and transferrin saturation just to know what's going on.
What bloods did you get and what were the numbers if you don't mind sharing.
Testosterone between 200-500 is still far from optimal and could point to low thyroid. If thyroid is low, that could explain the stubborn fat.


I tested at 350 ferritin at my highest and i have one h63d gene, transferrin was in the 20’s and now i should be in the low 100’s.. Forgot that my prolactin has been in the 12 to 20 range which is high and my tsh is 2 to 3 so yeah my thyroid might be messed up. So i have a thyroid and glucose and co2 problem?

What's The Cause Of Chest And Stomach Fat That Doesn't Leave?

this topic i made last year and received help from and theres a lot of lab results in post 12
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Oct 28, 2019
I'm hesitant to suggest this as I haven't had any bloods done yet (next week) but I have exactly the same issues and I have been getting great relief by supplementing zinc. It has improved my sleep and my breathing. I'm not supplementing anything else at the moment other than occasionally copper.

Dietary Zinc Acts as a Sleep Modulator
Dietary Zinc Acts as a Sleep Modulator

Zinc-rich oysters as well as zinc-yeast- and astaxanthin-enriched food improved sleep efficiency and sleep onset in a randomized controlled trial of healthy individuals.
Zinc-rich oysters as well as zinc-yeast- and astaxanthin-enriched food improved sleep efficiency and sleep onset in a randomized controlled trial o... - PubMed - NCBI

I had ignored zinc for a long time because I ate plenty of meat so I didn't see how I could need more zinc but it turns out the iron in red meat competes with zinc
Competitive interaction of iron and zinc in the diet: consequences for human nutrition. - PubMed - NCBI

And exercise depletes zinc which could explain why I would sleep particularly badly after a heavy gym day.
The Effect of Exercise and Heat on Mineral Metabolism and Requirements - Nutritional Needs in Hot Environments - NCBI Bookshelf

[Zinc is the most important trace element]. This one mentions how too much zinc supplementation can cause copper deficiency so you need to be careful. The richest source of copper is liver.
[Zinc is the most important trace element]. - PubMed - NCBI

Also, I can't find the studies for this right now but low body temp is associated with a higher lactate level and lactate is significantly higher in zinc deficient animals.


Thanks for the post, oh man thats crazy about the red meat, what zinc are you taking?


Oct 28, 2019
Thanks for the post, oh man thats crazy about the red meat, what zinc are you taking?
I haven't quite nailed that down yet. I've tried oxide, sulphate, bisglycinate, picolinate and gluconate. Gluconate doesn't seem to do anything and picolinate seems to deplete me more. The other 3 work for me, I haven't decided which I like the most yet. Sulphate gives a good libido boost but i'm not sure it is as good for my sleep.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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