Magnesium Oil From the Ancient Zechstein Sea


Jul 22, 2012
loess said:
I am hypo, I feel a lot worse during the winter months when I don't get as much sun than I do in the spring and summer. No cramping. I did not mean to give the impression that I am high-dosing magnesium or spending all day scheming about how to get it in me :mrgreen: . Just wanted to list all of the different methods that I utilize. It varies a little but I would say I usually shoot for at least 900mg/day if I had to put a number on it? That is just a guesstimation though. Only motive I have is that I simply feel better and sleep better when I stay on top of it.

Yeah loess, I did draw that incorrect inference.
Still...900mg per day (just from supps) is a good amount.
Have you found it helps elevate temps/pulses?


Sep 22, 2013
Well, I definitely get higher temps and heart rate that linger for a while after a bath with magnesium chloride flakes + baking soda, but for all I know that may largely be a result of simply being mostly submerged in hot water for 20 minutes? Other than that, I don't get elevated temps and pulse as an immediate and direct result of either topical or oral magnesium supplementation. However, it is pretty apparent that as a component of the chain of various metabolic variables and pathways, it ultimately has a supportive effect on my temps and pulse. Conversely, if I don't replenish magnesium, it can be a major instigator of lower temps and feeling bad.

For instance, magnesium seems to be pretty key for me in the bowel frequency department. If I don't get enough, it often results in constipation > which leads to surges in bacteria in my upper GI tract, endotoxin, re-absorption of estrogen from bile, etc > which leads to anxiety/fatigue/insomnia/malaise > which sometimes leads to less of an appetite > which means I don't eat enough > which lowers my metabolism > thereby lowering temps. There are certainly some additional factors at play here but you get the idea.

I think I am probably also motivated to supplement mag because I feel good if I take in a good amount of calcium (primarily through milk and eggshell) and I want to be sure that it is reasonably balanced out with magnesium.

Steven e

Dec 21, 2014
I use the Swanson stuff too. It seems to be the same as ancient minerals brand, but cheaper last time I checked. I tried applying it topically, but I'm not a big fan. Mag. Chloride is extremely hygroscopic. It is used on dirt roads to attract moisture from the air in order to keep dust down and it does that on your skin too, which can feel not great if you like sweat to leave the surface of your skin. Now, I just use the saturated water orally, half mag chloride and half water by volume. I keep that in a dropper bottle and put it in my drinking water dispenser, squirt it in my OJ, put it in jello, milkshakes and so on. It's too expensive to put in the bath, but has to be one of the cheapest ways to take Magnesium orally. I have no idea how much I'm taking.


Jul 22, 2012
Steven e said:
I use the Swanson stuff too. It seems to be the same as ancient minerals brand, but cheaper last time I checked. I tried applying it topically, but I'm not a big fan. Mag. Chloride is extremely hygroscopic. It is used on dirt roads to attract moisture from the air in order to keep dust down and it does that on your skin too, which can feel not great if you like sweat to leave the surface of your skin. Now, I just use the saturated water orally, half mag chloride and half water by volume. I keep that in a dropper bottle and put it in my drinking water dispenser, squirt it in my OJ, put it in jello, milkshakes and so on. It's too expensive to put in the bath, but has to be one of the cheapest ways to take Magnesium orally. I have no idea how much I'm taking.

Steven e--
May I ask: why do you take that mag?
Are you hypothyroid?

What kind of results have you experienced?


Apr 19, 2020
Just buy the zechstein flakes yourself and add water to a bottle.

Save like 95% on costs
I do use the life flo mag oil, from iherb. It dried sticky, like post ocean swimming, so I do wash off after 20-25 min with a quick washcloth or shower. Usually I do a DMSO base under it as not only it helps penetrate, but it is helpful in its own right. (I dilute that pure dmso to about 80%). Yeah, oral is easier if you find the right choice. Many of the mag options give me a BM (bowel movement) when I don't expect it. (middle of the night?!!!).

The other cheap option is magnesium from farm supply for Bathtubs. :):) Super cheap here, like 25$ Aus dollar for 20kg.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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