Matt Stone Posted his face for the first time in over a decade


May 4, 2019
I think all health gurus harm some people because there is no advice that works for everyone. It is the individual's responsibility to make the final decision about what to put in his/her body and to carefully monitor his/her own progress. Matt Stone used to have a forum and there were some people who did speed up their metabolism and lose weight using his approach. There were others who just gained weight and their metabolism didn't improve. I have no doubt that Matt Stone had a theory that he believed in. When in the end the theory failed him and some other people he must have felt horrible.

I do think many health gurus take credit when someone gets better on their advice and blame the client when the advice doesn't work. That is the type of behavior that I really don't like. I'm not saying Matt Stone did that though.

Nicely said.

I tend to think that with any health advice or modality or theory there are roughly 1/3 people that improve, 1/3 that stay where they are, and 1/3 that get worse. Whether it's a vegan diet, carnivore, low vit A, "milk and oj", or whatever. Survivorship bias however makes it seem like there are only people that have amazing improvements - you rarely hear from the people that didn't get any results or got even worse. Which is why I think it's so valuable when people come back and report when something didn't work out long-term


Sep 11, 2015
I think Matt was actually anti-vax, even though he was pro-lockdown in 2020. There's an article about vaccines on his blog from a few years before Covid.


Dec 8, 2016


Dec 9, 2015
Alternative health expert for over a decade still promotes that vaccinations are panaceas in his latest videos...
He's definitely against the C19 vaccines now. At least as he explained in an email to readers on September 11 Titled "A Sincere Apology…"
(Not sure the best way to paste this here, since he included some profanity)

Hey 180 peeps!

Thanks for the enthusiasm on my new video.

Go check it out if you haven’t already and be sure to comment, subscribe, like it, and let it play to the end.

While I hate to be going all in on posting content to YouTube in the age of censorship for reasons we’ll discuss in exhausting depth in the coming weeks and months, I think it’s the right place for me at the moment.

Speaking of censorship, I wanted to go into more depth to discuss Covid-related matters and clear up some things from the last time I snuck out of my mom’s basement to post content online (2020). I think this is a better place to share that than YouTube, so here goes…

First and foremost, I want to reach out and publicly apologize for adding to the mass hysteria of 2020. Sorry guys!

But let’s discuss what I got right and what I got wrong, and hopefully set up some kind of useful framework for how we open-minded, skeptical-people-bordering-on-contrarians, can better navigate this bizarre new world we find ourselves in. We really are living in an active "infowar."

2020 Revisited

In early 2020 I felt compelled to put out a few videos sharing my thoughts on the emerging Covid situation. The vast majority of my social contacts stem from the peak 180D era, and the general sentiment was that Covid was nothing serious and just a big lie.

Meanwhile, my business partner in Italy’s social media feed was filled with daily posts of a friend’s parent or grandparent dying, constant sounds of sirens rushing around, and more. The obituary section in the local newspaper went from 1 page to 10. He lives in Codogno, Italy where Covid first broke out beyond China. His wife even personally knew and worked with the wife of Italy’s patient zero, a guy about my age who got severely ill and was hospitalized.

While Codogno was quickly locked down, the region just outside of the lockdown area was hit extremely hard. The small village of Nembro, Italy had 1.3% of its population wiped out in the month of March, 2020 alone.

Following this closely, you can imagine how utterly infuriated I was seeing a bunch of alternative health and bro science bloggers and fitness trainers in my social media feeds casually comparing this to the common seasonal flu.

Others higher up on the conspiratorial spectrum were spewing completely moronic things, saying there was no real virus at all, blaming the areas of outbreak on recently-constructed 5G towers, and even questioning the existence of viruses themselves (saying viruses can’t even be transmitted from one human to another).

Note, these are the same people now boasting about "getting everything right since the beginning," but I digress.

Others still, including people I had known closely back in my health nerd days, had gone full Q-Anon and were talking about underground tunnels built by liberal pedophiles to warehouse all those tasty prepubescents, and how Trump was gonna swoop in any day and rescue them.

Yeah, I couldn’t maintain complete science in that environment, lol.

So I made some rather alarmist videos warning people that Covid was quite serious and encouraging people to use extreme caution. I couldn’t help but lean to the opposite side with all that I was seeing and close accounts of just how serious things were in Italy in March. I also had several strikes against me personally being male, out-of-shape, and with a history of asthma. Oh, and no health insurance. There’s that too. I was legitimately worried.

Early covid strains were quite deadly to the elderly, and I knew that diseases of all kinds tend to become less deadly over time as they spread. Sick, dying people laying around in bed don’t spread germs as well as people who have a few sniffles and continue to live their lives normally. But I really underestimated how fast this could take effect in something spreading so quickly. By late 2021 and the arrival of Omicron (aka "The Sniffles Variant"), it really was comparable to the common seasonal flu.

To digress once more, it is quite comical to see the same crowd who called it as "no worse than the flu" or even completely made up in early 2020 go from boasting they were right about it not being very deadly in 2022 to now claiming it was the "greatest crime in human history" in 2023 now that anyone with two brain cells to rub together has realized that Covid DEFINITELY originated in the Wuhan Lab. Was it super serious or no big deal? Make up your minds, ****ers, haha.

Anyway, caution and abiding by stay-at-home orders in the spring of 2020 was probably smart. The lockdowns, which everyone now considers ineffective, WERE extremely effective. At least in the very short term. Covid deaths went from doubling every 4 days in the U.S. to declining steeply in a month flat. Sure, it’s not a viable long-term strategy, but it did allow a lot of people to catch Covid far later in a much less severe form. The highest death rates anywhere by far were urban places where it spread freely in the earlygoing without stay-at-home orders in place, so there’s that.

So anyway, I played it safe, did the social distancing and mask thing until Omicron, and, once I saw there was a super virulent non-deadly strain going around in December 2021, I excitedly called my mom to announce how happy I was that Covid as we knew it was finally going to come to an end. I caught something very Covid-like the first week of January, assumed it was Covid but didn’t see much point in going to get tested when I work from home anyway, and despite 10 days of fever, I turned out fine.

I Almost Called it Quits for Good

Sometime in late 2020 I believe, I sat down and wrote out a big email to send to you guys about how ashamed I was to be associated with the alternative health movement, and how I was definitely hanging it up forever and even taking down all my books and blog. But I couldn’t quite pull the trigger, and then something really interesting happened…

The infection rates in the U.K., where vaccination rate was far higher than the U.S., was 8 times higher than the U.S.! I couldn’t believe it. It was proof that the vaccines weren’t doing jack ***t to stop the spread of Covid. While the numbers did support the idea that they reduced the severity, they definitely weren’t keeping anyone from contracting it completely.

And it was exactly at this time that government officials REALLY started laying on the propaganda thick, saying the vaccines were extremely effective and discussing forcing people to take it via limiting access to public places, requiring it for employment, vaccine passports, etc. etc.

THIS reminded me of why I started 180D in the first place back in 2007 (health info has been hijacked and completely tainted by corporate profit motives), and I fell back in love with myself all over again, hahahaha.

Money corrupts everything, including and maybe even ESPECIALLY the "science" of human health, nutrition, and medicine. While sometimes right, it’s often complete bull****. And the real issue is that research isn’t even done very often to determine the cause and cure of any ailment. The "research" is really classic "R&D" product development–creating a super profitable drug, therapy, test, or procedure to alleviate health conditions. What it’s really alleviating is investor sadness, lol.

I don’t believe in diabolical supervillains as we’ll discuss in the future in depth as well. I think the ultra-wealthy who seem really "greedy" (that word makes me cringe), are really just being awesome at capitalism. Our economic system is a game, and they are the best players. Their biggest critics need a big dose of "don’t hate the player, hate the game."

I guess you could say I’m firmly a guy who blames the game, not the player, for bad behavior. Because no matter how many successful "players" you take out, another crop of top players will show up to take their place. That is what is most dangerous about our current global economic system. You can’t just replace the "bad people" with "good people" and it be all fixed.

I have a ton more to say about this, but I don’t want to write an entire book here.

NOT Effective

Simply put, the whole vaccine rollout was a complete joke from the beginning. It never worked very well, and the CDC now even states that those who have been vaccinated are more susceptible to infection.

NOT Safe

Even worse, now that we’re nearly to 2024 and total excess deaths above baseline are still significantly elevated in almost every highly vaccinated country where this data is gathered, it’s pretty safe to say the vaccines aren’t that "safe" either. Be sure to check out John Campbell on YouTube for more on this. He’s been the most amazing resource on Covid info the past 3 years. His recent video comparing the current high excess death rates to highly vaccinated vs. not highly vaccinated countries should give you pause about running out to get more boosters.

I declared from the beginning that it made no sense to take a vaccine that only offered short-term, limited immunity, unless you were of the very highest risk category for suffering from severe Covid symptoms or death. And I knew I would never sign up to take a vaccine if I was going to have to keep taking them again and again. I knew it would be like this, because that’s exactly how the flu vaccine "works" (note, it doesn’t really work–not enough to justify getting it once much less annually).

And with no meaningful data or testing about the long-term or even really the short-term risks? Yeah, **** that.

The sickest I’ve ever gotten in my life was from a vaccine. I underwent extensive medical testing to try to figure out what the hell was wrong with me. My pediatrician heard about my woes and literally laughed and said, "I’ve never heard of anything like that!" That was the beginning of the end for me and traditional medicine.

Of course, I developed a number of health problems after those vaccines in my teens that I reacted so poorly to, and I’ve always had to wonder if the vaccines had anything to do with the allergies, the asthma, the debilitating lower back pain. I’ll never know.

And that’s the thing about Covid vaccines and many medical therapies. You have some kind of health problem pop up later and forever have to wonder.

Speaking of "POP" and forever having to wonder, my dad suddenly developed a strange respiratory autoimmune disease in early 2022 and died on June 30 later that year. I’ll always have to wonder if it was the vaccine or one of the boosters that got him. We had many conversations about the vaccine as he was a 76-year old dude with a history of respiratory issues when the vaccine became available, so I agreed that getting it probably made the most sense while adamantly making my case for why I wasn’t going to get it. Now I have to live with that. It’s normal to randomly break out into a bout of punching furniture in a fit of rage while also sobbing every month or two, right?

People Went Nuts

Damn, so many people lost their minds! My ex-girlfriend literally got beaten in the back of the head and called a "****" over Christmas for not being vaccinated. Nice.

In Conclusion

Anyway, I’m rambling now. But everything that’s gone down has given us all a lot of mental "calories" to overfeed on. My brain is really fat now, and I’m ready to burn some mental calories again. :)

It’s been 17 years since I first started a blog and started sharing thoughts of mine online. I was naive and stupid and went on quite a journey, learning as much from you guys and the tens of thousands of comments we exchanged at 180D as you learned from me. I miss that.

And when I think about the next 17 years of my life, I feel confident that I am much wiser, more mature, and careful in my thinking now, and that we can go well beyond anything and everything that went down at 180D. Together we can once again build a lively sanctuary to exchange exciting thoughts and ideas freely once more… This time not just about our health, but EVERYTHING.

That’s all for today, but I’ll be picking up the video activity very soon. Stay tuned!


Dec 8, 2016
He's definitely against the C19 vaccines now. At least as he explained in an email to readers on September 11 Titled "A Sincere Apology…"
(Not sure the best way to paste this here, since he included some profanity)
Thx for this

What a shame

He is so misguided


May 30, 2018
Maybe stating the obvious but: High carb + high fat multiple times per day = rapid fat storage unless you are active all day long in most situations. The fat has to go somewhere and its not going to be metabolized much if there's a lot of carbs coming in too. I could see Eat for Heat style eating plus all day low intensity hiking being therapeutic for some people. There's lots of reports of thru-hikers eating very large amounts of refined carbs/fats while hiking all day for weeks and their health markers dramatically improving on all levels. But that's not a practical or appropriate lifestyle for almost anyone.

The low vitamin A, low fat diet of things like rice, beans, and lean beef/meat seems to get satisfactory results for a lot of people. I eat that way now mostly because I find it very satisfying and affordable. Effortlessly low body fat and high enough energy to exercise and hike. Low inflammatory starch, fiber, and lean meat seems to have have been the common diet for most of humans throughout all recorded history and back quite aways into prehistory. So its not surprising it works well for many people. It has improved all my health problems, but not completely on its own, while it hasn't made them worse or caused any new ones. I'm grateful to have a simple effective diet that at least creates a comfortable baseline for now and stop trying to reinvent the wheel.


Feb 18, 2018
Great to see he has a better grip on things, and it’s always good to see a human be able to self-reflect with honesty, humility, and humor.

Would have been nice to take some accountability for his ideas that weren’t correct, but doing so would put him back into putting on a health guru hat, which is obvious he doesn’t want to do, which is why I believe he shirked the whole topic.

it’s a brutal place to be a health guru. You’re scrutinized for every physical trait and if anything falls short you’re criticized and bashed. Good lord people here were throwing shade at Peat for dying at 86 years old, you can’t even die in peace.

At a certain point you gotta choose your own well-being over whatever anyone else expects of you


Feb 9, 2013
Wow I’m shocked at his appearance but not really. Used to follow him back in the day pre-Peat and I feel like he has a very all or nothing approach to health. Didn’t he go on an all milk diet at one point? He has a tendency to take things to extremes.

I still remember the last email I got from him was about the “Fukitol diet”. It was funny but he was basically suggesting most health problems were caused by under-eating. Hence telling people to **** it all.

I’m not sure if Caroline Dooner ripped off his idea, but she also made a lot of money off this concept. (Author of The **** It Diet.)

There was another blog at the time called dietfucked that was hilarious, and it was same type of thing. This was around 2010 ish? when alternative health bloggers were a new thing and I remember there was so much confusing info about what was healthy and what was not.

So I can understand the sentiment Matt had to just stop obsessing and eat what you want, but it obviously didn’t work out for him. It’s disappointing that he’s abandoned Ray’s work too.

Also can’t believe he seems to think Covid is real? he has a lot of learning to do still.
Mar 10, 2021
it’s a brutal place to be a health guru. You’re scrutinized for every physical trait and if anything falls short you’re criticized and bashed. Good lord people here were throwing shade at Peat for dying at 86 years old, you can’t even die in peace.
This, that you said was so great! 👏


Oct 11, 2016
He's definitely against the C19 vaccines now. At least as he explained in an email to readers on September 11 Titled "A Sincere Apology…"
(Not sure the best way to paste this here, since he included some profanity)
From 23H ago:
@ 13 minutes:
"you know something like measles could
cause you to dump 70 percent of your
liver stores of vitamin A
um and we vaccinate against that and
many other things and we don't get those
and we don't have those things clearing
out our livers"

The reason I think many people give each other so much benefit of the doubt rather than realizing so many others are dim witted and dumb - is because they are also dim witted and/or dumb.

And now we can put pudgy a face to this quote in his "apology" -
"...Others still, including people I had known closely back in my health nerd days, had gone full Q-Anon and were talking about underground tunnels built by liberal pedophiles to warehouse all those tasty prepubescents, and how Trump was gonna swoop in any day and rescue them.
Yeah, I couldn’t maintain complete science in that environment, lol..."

And I guess you really need an author for every group of deranged rationalizers:
"...Anyway, caution and abiding by stay-at-home orders in the spring of 2020 was probably smart. The lockdowns, which everyone now considers ineffective, WERE extremely effective..."

The fact that you were able to classify this as an apology, @dfspcc20, makes me wonder if you had even read it.


How many people can differentiate between a profession and an obsession? It seems difficult for many in this thread, even. But to be obsessed with health research + be unhealthy + get major things wrong and claim to know you did + and *still* put out health information with full confidence that one is right!? Continuing to promote his own ideas on YouTube, blogs, etc while all of these are true merely serves as a demonstration of serious character flaws.

it’s a brutal place to be a health guru. You’re scrutinized for every physical trait and if anything falls short you’re criticized and bashed.
What a shame to be critiqued in the area in which purports to be knowledgeable and skilled! Victims - they're all victims! /s
Last edited:


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Forum friends,
Please, please, please consider not giving Matt Stone the time of day or any YouTube views. He just basically came out and admitted he was completely wrong and lived for over a decade !!!without working!!! apparently off money he collected from spreading misinformation. He has a great personality no doubt that sucks people in but I seriously don’t think he knows anything special and could quite possibly lead a new crop of people astray. Perhaps his formal education/training is in marketing?!? All of us here are his equal when it comes to independent health researching imo. Think about it- he literally did nothing for a decade of his life and now he’s going to come back on the scene and do what? The same thing all over again. Forgive me for being frank but I care about this forum and the members here and I’d hate to see anyone take him seriously without me giving a sisterly or motherly warning.
I really can’t believe he had the nerve to speak on covid either and I’m certainly glad I didn’t know it at the time. It was absolutely infuriating for me to have to work the frontlines in something that diabolical and insane and meanwhile have to hear from people spouting off while hiding in fear who had no clue. I also didn’t watch the latest video nor will I watch or read anything else from him. I do wish him the best but I mostly wish he would get off the internet and stop trying to be an influencer. Rant over.
P.S. if you really want to know about the vitamin a stuff just go to the source Grant Genereux or read the thread here on the forum.


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
Thanks @Blossom for the warning. I have never heard of him before. I watched the video tarmander posted because it wasn't too long but I didn't understand why I should care he was back. I can continue to not care about him.


Jul 2, 2022
As @Peatful said - looks like mental issues. He seems to have serious thyroid and constipation issues causing him to not think clearly and resulting in verbal diarrhea without any touch with his intuition. He spent last 11 years watching netflix but now coming back as "he has a lot to share" ? Watched his latest video where he advises people what to eat and avoid orange juice due to vit A... ? Was curious about this character as I was not here in the early days but those 30 mins were a waste of time.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Dolomite, fantastic! I’m admittedly over people right now especially men (not of retirement age) who don’t even try to work. He seems to have a sense of entitlement that he can just waltz back on the scene and resurrect a following to support himself. I just simply have no respect for people who choose to do absolutely nothing and think that’s okay somehow.
Mar 10, 2021
As @Peatful said - looks like mental issues. He seems to have serious thyroid and constipation issues causing him to not think clearly and resulting in verbal diarrhea without any touch with his intuition. He spent last 11 years watching netflix but now coming back as "he has a lot to share" ? Watched his latest video where he advises people what to eat and avoid orange juice due to vit A... ? Was curious about this character as I was not here in the early days but those 30 mins were a waste of time.
You’d think he would have thoroughly documented losing 40 pounds, instead of just rattling off that he did.
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