Matt Stone Posted his face for the first time in over a decade


Oct 11, 2016
You guys are savage lol.

Do you guys want people in your life to admit when they were wrong? I have every reason to dislike him, some of which were mentioned. But I like when people come out and admit they were wrong.

You don't have to keep watching him, I certainly won't. But pushing someone lower who places themselves low is distasteful.
Wow the men in here are even more sensitive than the women. This emotional behavior might seem like you're being symathetic or empathetic, but it is none of the sort. Clearly the genders have switched here and the women are having to be harder to make up for the lack of masculinity that is so widespread now.
This is very simple, in society if lack of responsibility and lying are not taboo, then they will become more common. You thinking something shouldn't be taboo so you can virtue signal as nicer than the rest of us isn't an argument.
Mar 10, 2021
This is quite un-Peat
Of course it isn’t. These are the things that manipulators do. Robert Green takes you into the mind of what power and money people do, narcissists. They are not recommendations, they are things that work on people, and power and business people are taught, to fulfill their agendas. When my husband died, the first book I read was an advice book for men on how to get women. Well those tactics aren’t going to work on me now. The quotes I posted above is what scammers think or are taught, which sound like Matt Stone to me.
Last edited:
Mar 10, 2021


Oct 11, 2016
This is quite un-Peat
It isn't a great quote, but the outer is a reflection of the inner. Peat spoke of more significant outer (appearance) changes than are accepted as even possible by the mainstream today - i.e. an adult man's height being changeable to some degree from using DHEA, as he claimed his did, if I recall correctly.
Mar 10, 2021
Wow the men in here are even more sensitive than the women. This emotional behavior might seem like you're being symathetic or empathetic, but it is none of the sort. Clearly the genders have switched here and the women are having to be harder to make up for the lack of masculinity that is so widespread now.
This is very simple, in society if lack of responsibility and lying are not taboo, then they will become more common. You thinking something shouldn't be taboo so you can virtue signal as nicer than the rest of us isn't an argument.
👏 very nicely said Waynish! Ted Bundy was said to be nice. Never judge a book by it’s cover seems to have been forgotten. The roles have switched between the sexes because women are tired of getting played and their hearts hurt. We would like to rely on a man to take charge and protect us, but most are too busy absorbed in their egos, while others are not standing up for anything, wanting to be liked. Women have learned that niceness is not a strong quality, and will get you liked, but not respected. If I had to chose I would rather have the latter for myself. As I always say, don’t mistake my kindness for stupidity. The world is a tough place and judging a person by their niceness can cost you your money, your reputation and even your life.


Dec 8, 2016
Here is where I explained the reason for the quotes I posted @Peatful
Thx Rinse

Thx Waynish

Talking about behaviors is meaningless for the most part

Most people have a broken relationship to THEMSELVES
which spills out more junk into an already sick society

Matt has daddy issues?
Who knows
But he is ill

Changing behavior usually doesn’t change a lot in cases like his

Of course
Healthy men
Healthy families
And healthy children are our only hope for a healthy future
That’s why the cabal emasculates men, pushes feminism and promiscuity
Of course
Sex changes for two year olds and up

Ted Bundy was said to be nice.
Look up what the word nice means
It’s origins

Even if Ted stopped his behavior
He was still sick

I don’t care enough to make anymore points on this

I was just stating Peat demonstrated none of those outward behaviors imo
Not magnetic
Or conspicuous



Oct 23, 2017
Oklahoma, USA
I havent read this entire thread yet, but Matt told us what happened. The web is a terrible place and people are ruthless. He looked good "back then" and was moving in a positive direction until the wolves started in on him. (Most don't understand you get healthy and THEN you can focus on your abs. For some just getting healthy is as far as we can go.) It was too much to deal with so he gave up and that seems to be when his health declined. He just stopped taking care of himself and everything went south afterward.
Mar 10, 2021
Thx Rinse

Thx Waynish

Talking about behaviors is meaningless for the most part

Most people have a broken relationship to THEMSELVES
which spills out more junk into an already sick society

Matt has daddy issues?
Who knows
But he is ill

Changing behavior usually doesn’t change a lot in cases like his

Of course
Healthy men
Healthy families
And healthy children are our only hope for a healthy future
That’s why the cabal emasculates men, pushes feminism and promiscuity
Of course
Sex changes for two year olds and up

Look up what the word nice means
It’s origins

Even if Ted stopped his behavior
He was still sick

I don’t care enough to make anymore points on this

I was just stating Peat demonstrated none of those outward behaviors imo
Not magnetic
Or conspicuous

All I was saying is to learn about the enemy and how they think. It is as important as knowing nutrition to stay healthy, mentally and physically.
Mar 10, 2021
I can appreciate when a person can admit when they are wrong, and I would trust him if he put a period after that sorry, but a sorry that took ten years, and came with a lot of money making intention after it means nothing to me. He should make things right somehow. I would love to hear him say, “since my misleading book is still out there I will donate all proceeds”. I don’t like words without actions, especially a sorry. Fool me once and your to blame, fool me twice and I’m to blame.
You missed a couple of good points then @S.Holmes
Mar 10, 2021
LOL, I googled that and it seems that "Buck Flogging" is a series of books about how to get rich without working by creating marketing hype and fake reviews around shady health information. Some literal quotes I saw from him when googling this: "sell your books to the average stupid person via social media", "It’s not that hard to get lots of gleaming [book] reviews if you do HALF of the simple things in this book", and "Why the term 'My **** disappears when I tie my shoes' could make you rich." He was running a scam on purpose, and is so proud and confident about it, he is also selling semi-self-satirical tips as some sort of con artist guru and he thinks its hilarious.

I was still sympathetic to him, but after seeing that, Blossom is 100% right. This guy was selling people what they want to hear "stuff yourself with junk food to lose weight" and laughing all the way to the bank, knowing it was complete BS.


Feb 13, 2021
Ray Peat never recommended white sugar as a first choice, He said all over the place that white sugar is ok when good quality fruit and honey is not available, to balance protein, not to just consume on it’s own in abundance. He used the rat/Coke study to demonstrate that sugar does not make a person fat, that the starches, fats and excess calories do. Your point is valid and is exactly why Ray Peat didn’t prefer white sugar, because it was void of nutrition.
Yeah, I was more commenting on some people actually saying drinking coke and a lot of white sugar is good. It isnt necessarily that bad, but by eating fruit, berries, honey, you consume hundreds of bioactives like vitamins, polyphenols, anti-microbial substances and enzymes
Mar 10, 2021
Yeah, I was more commenting on some people actually saying drinking coke and a lot of white sugar is good. It isnt necessarily that bad, but by eating fruit, berries, honey, you consume hundreds of bioactives like vitamins, polyphenols, anti-microbial substances and enzymes
Fruit, berries and honey are so much better than white sugar.


Wow this thread has really gone in all sorts of directions - very interesting.

I feel sorry for the guy because the world is so unforgiving of obesity. What strikes me as odd is how he emphaised watching Netflix. He said it a few times - I was even expecting him to say he was eating fudge. Who knows where this is going. I didn't follow him before so I don't have a lot to compare him to.


Dec 20, 2016
The early internet era was such a sh*t show in the health world. It still is but man for this guy to get that many followers.

Does anyone know how old he is now?


Apr 30, 2015
I can appreciate when a person can admit when they are wrong, and I would trust him if he put a period after that sorry, but a sorry that took ten years, and came with a lot of money making intention after it means nothing to me. He should make things right somehow. I would love to hear him say, “since my misleading book is still out there I will donate all proceeds”. I don’t like words without actions, especially a sorry. Fool me once and your to blame, fool me twice and I’m to blame.
Yeah I don't trust him for health advice or his political commentary, and I am not advocating trusting him.

My point is, in your life, if someone comes up and says "hey I was wrong, I made these mistakes..." Try saying "that isn't enough, you need to do more, you need to grovel, you need to go even lower." That person, and probably others, won't open themselves up again to you.

This video is a good first step in the direction of honesty. Healing takes time. Hopefully he finds Jesus. Now if the whole video was a sociopathic ploy to rope in his 300 YouTube subscribers even deeper. Well then, well played, Matt, guess you got me.
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