More Japanese Suicides In October, Than COVID-19 Deaths In Entire 2020


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I know Japan is not the best comparison to the West due to their unique cultural attitude/tolerance towards suicides, especially in regards to people perceived to be "dishonored" due to falling on hard luck. However, it is still a stark reminded of what the lockdowns lead to and I suspect we may see similar numbers in Western countries over the next 1-2 years when the economic toll of the lockdowns fully dawns upon the general population. I am surprised to see CNN report on such issues, but I guess even they cannot afford to ignore reality all the time.
In Japan, more people died from suicide last month than from Covid in all of 2020 - CNN
"...The first time, she was just 22 years old with a full-time job in publishing that didn't pay enough to cover her rent and grocery bills in Tokyo. "I was really poor," said Kobayashi, who spent three days unconscious in hospital after the incident. Now 43, Kobayashi has written books on her mental health struggles and has a steady job at an NGO. But the coronavirus is bringing back the stress she used to feel. "My salary was cut, and I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel," she said. "I constantly feel a sense of crisis that I might fall back into poverty." Experts have warned that the pandemic could lead to a mental health crisis. Mass unemployment, social isolation, and anxiety are taking their toll on people globally. In Japan, government statistics show suicide claimed more lives in October than Covid-19 has over the entire year to date. The monthly number of Japanese suicides rose to 2,153 in October, according to Japan's National Police Agency. As of Friday, Japan's total Covid-19 toll was 2,087, the health ministry said."

Btw, before people try to explain this with something specific to Japan - their suicide rate declined ~30% over the last decade. So, this is another strong sign that the shocking jump in suicide this year is lockdown-related.
Japan: number of suicides 2019 | Statista

@Drareg @tankasnowgod
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Jan 25, 2014
Wow. It is amazing to see CNN report it. More suicides in a single month than the so called "pandemic" caused (or has been associated with) for the entire year in one of the most populated countries in the world.

Something about this thread spurred me to search around mental health and lockdowns, and I was surprised to find this article published by the World Economic Forum back in April-

Lockdown is the world's biggest psychological experiment - and we will pay the price

Look at the main points-
  • With some 2.6 billion people around the world in some kind of lockdown, we are conducting arguably the largest psychological experiment ever;
  • This will result in a secondary epidemic of burnouts and stress-related absenteeism in the latter half of 2020;
  • Taking action now can mitigate the toxic effects of COVID-19 lockdowns.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Wow. It is amazing to see CNN report it. More suicides in a single month than the so called "pandemic" caused (or has been associated with) for the entire year in one of the most populated countries in the world.

Something about this thread spurred me to search around mental health and lockdowns, and I was surprised to find this article published by the World Economic Forum back in April-

Lockdown is the world's biggest psychological experiment - and we will pay the price

Look at the main points-
  • With some 2.6 billion people around the world in some kind of lockdown, we are conducting arguably the largest psychological experiment ever;
  • This will result in a secondary epidemic of burnouts and stress-related absenteeism in the latter half of 2020;
  • Taking action now can mitigate the toxic effects of COVID-19 lockdowns.

Yes, a great way to put it - we are subjects in the greatest psyops ever conducted. The one thing I disagree with them on is the peak of the "secondary epidemic" as a result of lockdowns. I don't think it will be latter half of 2020 but 1-2 years later. Most people in the general population in the developed countries have still not felt the full impact of the ongoing economic crash. There is also still a moratorium on evictions until end of 2020. Once that ends and the govt finds itself VERY short on tax revenue in 2021 due to those 60%+ small businesses closing for good in 2020 (and thus declaring net loss on their 2020 tax returns), then the mental breakdowns on a mass scale will start. Maybe that's exactly what the psyops people over at WEF wanted as a result anyways...


Nov 24, 2020
Maybe water in Japan lacks lithium. I've heard that lithium deficiency can cause bipolar, make it worse or increase chance of suicide in person with bipolar. I drink distilled water so I supplement lithium just in case.


Feb 18, 2016
I know Japan is not the best comparison to the West due to their unique cultural attitude/tolerance towards suicides, especially in regards to people perceived to be "dishonored" due to falling on hard luck. However, it is still a stark reminded of what the lockdowns lead to and I suspect we may see similar numbers in Western countries over the next 1-2 years when the economic toll of the lockdowns fully dawns upon the general population. I am surprised to see CNN report on such issues, but I guess even they cannot afford to ignore reality all the time.
In Japan, more people died from suicide last month than from Covid in all of 2020 - CNN
"...The first time, she was just 22 years old with a full-time job in publishing that didn't pay enough to cover her rent and grocery bills in Tokyo. "I was really poor," said Kobayashi, who spent three days unconscious in hospital after the incident. Now 43, Kobayashi has written books on her mental health struggles and has a steady job at an NGO. But the coronavirus is bringing back the stress she used to feel. "My salary was cut, and I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel," she said. "I constantly feel a sense of crisis that I might fall back into poverty." Experts have warned that the pandemic could lead to a mental health crisis. Mass unemployment, social isolation, and anxiety are taking their toll on people globally. In Japan, government statistics show suicide claimed more lives in October than Covid-19 has over the entire year to date. The monthly number of Japanese suicides rose to 2,153 in October, according to Japan's National Police Agency. As of Friday, Japan's total Covid-19 toll was 2,087, the health ministry said."

Btw, before people try to explain this with something specific to Japan - their suicide rate declined ~30% over the last decade. So, this is another strong sign that the shocking jump in suicide this year is lockdown-related.
Japan: number of suicides 2019 | Statista

@Drareg @tankasnowgod

I’m not surprised , I believe "woke" politics is driving more people to suicide also, the whole movement is driven by self loathing and the worlds media are entertaining it 24/7, feedback and control, information and meaning.
I’m not sure if a universal basic income would lower suicide rates or with time increase them once the finically free buzz wears off and familiarity with 350 a week depresses you, the jobs will be limited even if people want to build on this, we are basically developing the 21st century ghettos. ghettos always appear clean and modern at the start. Once the depression and misery kicks in big pharma will have a magic blockbuster pill for this en masse, they are building a big pharma cash machine, market making.

Every factual process is twisted to justify the continued self loathing of wokism.


Jun 30, 2018
Maybe water in Japan lacks lithium. I've heard that lithium deficiency can cause bipolar, make it worse or increase chance of suicide in person with bipolar. I drink distilled water so I supplement lithium just in case.

I've heard this too but how common exactly is lithium in nature in a way that people would consume it? I'm sure there are places where it's not that abundant but don't have the same problem. I'm certainly not denying it's effect though and have seen studies in populations that have it in water.


Jan 25, 2014
I’m not sure if a universal basic income would lower suicide rates or with time increase them once the finically free buzz wears off and familiarity with 350 a week depresses you, the jobs will be limited even if people want to build on this, we are basically developing the 21st century ghettos. ghettos always appear clean and modern at the start. Once the depression and misery kicks in big pharma will have a magic blockbuster pill for this en masse, they are building a big pharma cash machine, market making.

I think over time, it would increase it. I believe that one of the root problems with all of society is the debasement of currency. At it's core, money is really a substitute for work or creation. All living beings create. Humans seem to do this better and grander than other animals, but spiders still build webs, beavers build dams, birds build nests, bees make honey, and so on. A person might not think a Spider web is that useful...... but it's very useful to the spider! Just like an apartment complex is useful to humans, though not very useful to whales.

Something like a gold standard helped protect the value of money and of people's labor. It's certainly not perfect, as it can be subject to manipulation and inflation like other currencies, but it holds it's value better than paper promissory notes. UBI flat out could not work by giving people an ounce of silver every month. You'd run out real quick. But fiat currencies and promissory notes can be issued practically forever in virtually unlimited quantities.

Breaking the connection between value, labor, creation, and money was one of the root causes of what seems to be societal rot. UBI might do some good at the outset, returning a bit of that value to those it was stolen from, but certainly doesn't fix the break in the first place, and likely makes it worse over time. These days, a home builder doesn't get the most money in the transaction of selling a house........ the bank does! It's not based on build value anymore, but loan value. It's really messed up. The bank, which didn't lay one brick or draw a single line on a blueprint gets rewarded the most? That's a giant parasite. All sorts of financial instruments do these same sorts of things in other areas.


Jan 27, 2021
I know Japan is not the best comparison to the West due to their unique cultural attitude/tolerance towards suicides, especially in regards to people perceived to be "dishonored" due to falling on hard luck. However, it is still a stark reminded of what the lockdowns lead to and I suspect we may see similar numbers in Western countries over the next 1-2 years when the economic toll of the lockdowns fully dawns upon the general population. I am surprised to see CNN report on such issues, but I guess even they cannot afford to ignore reality all the time.
In Japan, more people died from suicide last month than from Covid in all of 2020 - CNN
"...The first time, she was just 22 years old with a full-time job in publishing that didn't pay enough to cover her rent and grocery bills in Tokyo. "I was really poor," said Kobayashi, who spent three days unconscious in hospital after the incident. Now 43, Kobayashi has written books on her mental health struggles and has a steady job at an NGO. But the coronavirus is bringing back the stress she used to feel. "My salary was cut, and I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel," she said. "I constantly feel a sense of crisis that I might fall back into poverty." Experts have warned that the pandemic could lead to a mental health crisis. Mass unemployment, social isolation, and anxiety are taking their toll on people globally. In Japan, government statistics show suicide claimed more lives in October than Covid-19 has over the entire year to date. The monthly number of Japanese suicides rose to 2,153 in October, according to Japan's National Police Agency. As of Friday, Japan's total Covid-19 toll was 2,087, the health ministry said."

Btw, before people try to explain this with something specific to Japan - their suicide rate declined ~30% over the last decade. So, this is another strong sign that the shocking jump in suicide this year is lockdown-related.
Japan: number of suicides 2019 | Statista

@Drareg @tankasnowgod
Broken link, you happen to have a different source?


Mar 13, 2021
Well japan and Asia generally, controlled the virus so much better than the rest of the world so it’s not that surprising.
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