Low Toxin Diet My first flare up - 3 months in


Forum Supporter
May 20, 2013
As others have experienced, I'm just having my first reappearance of symptoms. I'm also at about the 3 month mark since starting Low A/Low Toxin, which seems like a common time frame where people experience something.

For me, this means sinus congestion and drainage (which is giving me a sore throat) and an explosion of cystic acne especially around my chin and mouth. Both have been annoyances I've lived with my whole life but was getting relief from on the Low A / Low Toxin plan.

Some that follow the TCM face mapping system (which has a lot of inconsistencies, so hard to put too much stock in it), note that breakouts on the chin area can be related to the reproductive organs and digestion. Interesting.

I'm also fully aware that this could be environmental - I live in the Southeast US and everything has been covered in yellow pollen recently, so there's the possibility of pollen as both a Vitamin A source and a source of natural testosterone. And with the weather getting nice, I've been out snorting it like fiend, stomping around botanical gardens and nurseries (azaleas!! yay!!)

Other than the pollen stuff, I've only made 2 changes in the last 3 weeks.
(1) Cut back on added salt (experiment).
(2) Last week after my doc appt, cut thyroid meds (T4/T3) down by about 25% based on last lab tests showing TSH going too low now.

So I could be adjusting to those changes, especially #2 but the sinus/acne actually started before dropping thyroid meds down.

On the flip side, I was running errands and sitting at a stoplight yesterday and despite the issues above, I realized that I just felt mentally really GOOD. I even said it out loud. "Wow, I feel so good."

I won't push any extra supplements or changes for now but will stay on course to see what happens next.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
On the flip side, I was running errands and sitting at a stoplight yesterday and despite the issues above, I realized that I just felt mentally really GOOD. I even said it out loud. "Wow, I feel so good."
That's beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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