Observations from using a continuous glucose monitor - Jessie Inchauspé


Feb 22, 2014
I think tricks like vinegar are largely worthless. You can eat your veggies first, then protein/fat, then starch. That is the essence of the Glucose Goddess's book. You don't need to buy it. There is nothing else in it of value, and even this is worthless because I don't eat veggies all the time, only at dinner.

Best: Wear a CGM for a few weeks and run your own experiments. It's not a series of little tricks that count. It's not expensive and will change your health for the better because you make your own discoveries.

For me, it's eliminating sugary drinks including juice and Coke, and relying more on starch and saturated fats that makes a big improvement in minimizing swings in blood sugar. Also eliminating large protein portions (e.g. a big steak).

I also have noticed fewer endotoxin symptoms since I've been doing this.

I am starting to think that endotoxin symptoms are a result of hypoglycemic episodes and that lowering harmful stress hormones by maintaining more even blood sugar
What are your starches, and how often do you eat them? I've been adding in daily starch, either soaked/cooked white rice, steel cut oats, skinned potatoes, or white masa in some form. Prior to this, I kept my carbs mostly in the form of fruits or simple sugar. I guess I've intuitively read RP as including these options in minimal amounts, not as part of daily staples. I haven't been doing this long enough to know how I feel re: blood sugar/spikes, etc. And the now-low vA groups are definitely leaning more toward the starchy carbs.


Feb 22, 2014
for reference, I wake up at 85 and when I eat something my spike may be around 155...then it falls to the 90s during the day. Eating more starch and saturated fat makes it fall more slowly...I think the result of the Randle Cycle.

Dr. Peat was saying on Timpone's March 2022 show Radio One that more saturated fat can prevent the ill effects from PUFA fats. He mentioned a study giving rats PUFA, and other rats PUFA and coconut oil, and the coconut oil protected their livers against the PUFAs.

I believe that a diet with 30% or so of saturated fat and lots of starch can limit endotoxins and stress hormones by protecting against PUFA free fatty acids.
You answered part of my question here- are you still consuming as many starches? How much fruit do you include on an average day? Veggies?


Feb 22, 2014
It’s how we are built. I think most of us dump PUFAS into our bloodstream when we run out of glycogen. Having saturated fat in starch gives us many hours of starch turning into glucose, and also the fat through the Randle effect slows down the utilization of the starch. It all gives you much more time in normal blood sugar in my experience so far.
Interesting observation. Do you still use CGM? Is this a good tool for anyone, or mostly for those who have a known issue? Can you share a good brand?
Nov 21, 2015
Interesting observation. Do you still use CGM? Is this a good tool for anyone, or mostly for those who have a known issue? Can you share a good brand?

It's good to use for 2 weeks. FreeLibre is good either the older one or the new one. Just use your phone and register under an assumed name, don't buy the receiver.
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