Oil Pulling - Side Effects


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Plus, I don't have twenty minutes to dedicate to swishing oil around my mouth and fighting the urge to swallow everyday (maybe I could try the once/week thing).
I do it only 10 mns, which was the traditional way in India, doing more is a modern version it seems...
I just spit when my mouth is too full with saliva!
I have noticed also that sometimes I have to spit sooner because I want to sneeze, (coconut oil and keyboard should not meet...) though I gargle and wash my mouth before. After the oil, I can spit again and blow my nose etc. It seems to me that it stimulates some sinus emptying in the throat.

I have started to eat a very little bit of clean oil just after, to keep some clean oil in my mouth, because it is soothing and my cleaning is a bit harsh, from caughing out, blowing etc. I feel I get more physical irritation from this than from the oil contact.


Sep 15, 2016
Do you do oil pulling with refined coconut oil @Queequeg? I've been trying with it, and it seemed that I didn't have so much side effects. But I have not try it enough times with both virgin and refined to conclude something. I actually swallow a little the last time I did (even with refined) and it indeed gave some sensation like dry throat. So I don't know...
But what this guy said, made me thinking though: the other day I bought 4 coconuts from a supermarket. I opened all 4: only 1 was not rancid. The other 3 taste really bad. I then noticed the mold on their shell and it made sense. So, I really wonder how some companies do VCO now... Refined may indeed be the best option if there is not a good quality VCO available. There is also the allergic factor.

Nevertheless, there are also stories from people doing it with other oils (sesame, sunflower, olive oil) and have similar reactions... I just don't know...
Thanks for the very helpful post. I have oil pulled with both VCO and refined. The mycotoxins in CO is new to me so will have to do some research on that. Thanks for pointing that out.


Jan 9, 2019
I get canker sores almost every time I OP. The first day is fine but the second or third day shtf and I get a sore throat and clusters of sores in the inner lip, cheek or tongue. I've tried this numerous times and stop in fear of inducing a massive sore that makes eating miserable.

I can't find a great explanation as to why this happens, people say it's detox, which makes some sense but another thing it could be is the same reason sodium lauryl sulfate causes canker sores, saponification. It may strip the protective layers from the skin and the sores may be a reaction to that stripping harshness on the skin. The sore throat? I'm not sure about that, it's very pesky and annoying though. Thinking about using a zinc lozenge.

A hole in my theory is that people OP all the time and don't have such a reaction, so is their barrier better? Did they just toughen through it? Did they not even connect the dots?

There may be something to the order in which it's done, brushing first or pulling first?

Anyway anyone with a clue?
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